JDS Trailer 2024

  • Опубліковано 9 чер 2024
  • Holzbrück. An idyllic little town surrounded by water and forests, almost untouched by the wars, conflicts and dangers of the world. Here the settlers can take a deep breath before they once again face the merciless hordes of enemies on the summer campaign. But this time something else is calling the inhabitants of Mitraspera to the Convent of the Elements: a prophecy, uttered by the magical continent itself, is to be fulfilled here. All the more important that everyone comes together to celebrate the elements!
    18.06. - 22.06.2025 - BdP Bundeszentrum Immenhausen, Kesselhaken 23, 34376 Immenhausen, Germany
    Holzbrück. Ein idyllisches Städtchen umgeben von Wasser und Wäldern, das beinahe unberührt bleibt von den Kriegen, Konflikten und Gefahren der Welt. Hier können die Siedler einmal durchatmen, ehe sie sich auf dem Sommerfeldzug wieder den unbarmherzigen Gegnerscharen stellen. Doch noch etwas ruft diesmal die Bewohner Mitrasperas zum Konvent der Elemente: Eine Prophezeiung, ausgesprochen vom magischen Kontinent selbst, soll hier ihre Erfüllung finden. Umso wichtiger, dass alle zusammenkommen, um die Elemente zu feiern!
    18.06. - 22.06.2025 - BdP Bundeszentrum Immenhausen, Kesselhaken 23, 34376 Immenhausen, Germany


  • @alicemursteinlesbefaen666
    @alicemursteinlesbefaen666 Місяць тому +4

    i'm just now getting into larp, but this seems like the type of event i love. not focused on large battles, and with a real sense of just living in this world. i really want to go to conquest sometime the next few years too, but this seems a little bit more up my alley

    • @RicktheGrumpyGnome
      @RicktheGrumpyGnome Місяць тому

      I was at JdS this year and can definitely recommend the experience. However, I would add that there is a lot more to ConQuest than just the fighting. The Tross (or town of camp followers) allows you to immerse yourself away from the battlefield if you wish and there is plenty to do other than fighting in the various camps… although the main plot revolves around the fighting.

  • @RicktheGrumpyGnome
    @RicktheGrumpyGnome Місяць тому

    Thank you to everyone involved with JdS 2024, the players, non-player characters, referees and organizers for making a great event!