2년전 거의 이 프로로 시작부터 봐 온 40대 직장인입니다. 늘 선생님께 배우고 배웁니다. 다른 영어프로도 보지만 저에게는 이 프로가 메인입니다. 보고 틈날때 또보고 지루해지면 다른프로 보다 또 여기로 오고~늘 감사합니다. 너무 잘 되고 계시지만 이렇게 좋은 분들이 이 세상에서 더 잘 되었으면 해요~처음 쓰는 감사의 댓글입니다. 자주 댓글 달아드리지 못해 죄송한 마음뿐입니다~~^♡
와,,,(감탄) 이번 영상 컨텐츠도 정말 대박이네요..항상 영어나 숙어들을 1:1로 해석하고 외울 생각만 했지 이렇게 상황, 문맥에 따라 다르게 표현되는걸 알 길이 사실 없었는데,, 진짜 쌤 너무 감사합니다,, 평생 공부하고 영상 볼테니 제발 평생!!! 자주 올려주시면 정말 감사드릴게요 감사합니다 항상 ❤️
40대후반인 제가 일년반 넘게 선생님 채널을 보고 영어를 공부(?)하고있습니다..분명 공부인데 왜 지루하지않고 항상 재밌죠? 그게 참 신기했는데 아마도 한국어의 미세한 표현의 차이를 이렇게 속시원하게 긁어주는 샘은 선생님 밖에 없기 때문인가봅니다..감사의 뜻으로 한달에 커피한잔이라도 드시라고 유료채널생기자마자 가입했는데 일년 넘게 못들어가고 있네요..저한테는 토들러도 버거워요..ㅎㅎ..건강하시고 새해 복많이 받으십시요~^^
There's a 떡볶이 place right next to my office. Since(아무래도, 너도 알듯이) they do a lot of (행위의 빈도. 행위로 만들어낸 양이 아니라 그 행위 자체를 많이 한다는) cooking and cleaning, they then to be pretty noisy, which is(덧붙이는 코멘트) perfectly(완벽하다 X , 충분히 제 역할을 하고 기능상에 문제가 없다, 문제가 될 부분은 없다) fair. It's a public building. -I do a lot of typing. sharing, thinking . -My car is old. But it's perfectly fine. The problem is, I made the(관사 중요) mistake of not sound-proofing the walls when I came here. -I accidentally did~ , I did ~ by mistake : 하려고 했는데 깜빡했다 -I made the (stupid) mistake of ~ : 하고나서 지금와서 보니 실수였더라는 것을 이제 인지함 I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that. : -외우기 좋은 문장. 왜 그럴 생각을 못했는지 모르겠다 Anyway, it has led me to go fully nocturnal -무엇 led me to ~ 무엇이 나를 이런 상태에 이르게 하다 -become nocturnal : 관찰자 입장에서 야행성 되는 것을 말할 때 -go nocturnal: 본인 선택으로 생활방식 야행성으로 선택해서 전환하는 것 -I've gone nocturnal because~~~ : ~ 를 탓하는 어감 -It has led me to go nocturnal: 자연스럽게 그렇게 하게 됐다. I come to work at night and leave in the morning. It's certainly not ideal but I managed to make it work. -certainly 물론 나도 충분히 인지한다. 확실히 그렇다 -make it work : 어려운 조건 속에서도 되게끔 하다 -managed to: 꼭 안간힘을 써서 하는 정도의 극단적인 표현 말고 평소에 자연스럽게 쓸 수 있음. ~했다. I guess I could always sound-proof the walls but I honestly don't know how long I'll be staying here -I guess I could always: 결정만 하면 ~하는 방법은 언제나 있겠지. So I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and how it goes. Meanwhile : 쉽게는 until then 으로도 쓸 수 있음. keep things the way they are: 이 자체로 표현 외우기. 지금 상태를 그대로 두고싶다. 유지하고싶다. 이대로 계속 하고싶다. see how it goes: 어떻게 되는지 보다
오늘도 유용한 표현 감사합니다! 한동안 영어공부를 게을리해서 자주 못 왔었는데 최근에 유튜브 시작하면서 영어자막을 달아보니 얼마나 제 영어실력이 부족한지 뼈져리게 느끼고 선생님 채널로 돌아왔습니다! 다시 열심히 공부할 것을 다짐하는 마음으로 댓글 남깁니다. 변함없이 양질의 컨텐츠 제공해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다🥰
감사합니다. 매우 유용한 표현들입니다. * since + clause : 원래 (clause)이기 때문에 * do(ing) a lot : 행위의 빈도를 강조. * perfectly : 충~~분히 ★ made the mistake of ~ : 현 시점에서 볼 때 실수였던 것을 인정/깨달을 때 사용. ★ * I don't know why it never(didn't) occurred to me ~ ( to v/ Ving / clause) ★ * Something led me to V : 무언가가 나를 V하게 했다. .... I Verb ~ because of ... * manage to V : 조정해서 되게하다 * make it work. : ~가 되게금 하다. ★ * I guess I could always V ★ keep things the way they are ★ see how it goes. * Meanwhile,, : 그 때까지는 / 그러는 동안에는 ( until ~)
1. 연습 - Let's see how it is going, if we keep things the way they are. - I made the mistake of not writing my partner's name on reservation. - It's perfectly fair, if it was a noise at day-time. - maybe smart phone make some of people nocturnal these days. - I made it work. but my mental condition was really awful. 2. 개인정리 - it's perfectly fair : 공평한(x), 타당한 -> 괜찮다, 어쩔 수 없다 - sound-proof - lease : 대여, lend, borrow - 아무래도 : because -> since - made the mistake of ~ing - it occurred to me : I came up with it - nocturnal : 야행성 - make it work : manage to keep it going - contract : 계약 - meanwhile : until then, 앞에서 말한 기간까지는 - keep things the way they are : don't touch, stay, keep going themselves - see how it goes
There is a 떡볶이 place right next to my office. It is quite noisy since they do lots of cooking and cleaning, which I can’t blame them. The problem is that I didn’t install sound-proof wall when I moved in! I can’t understand why I didn’t. Anyway, I became a night-owl now. I work at night and go back to my home in the morning. I can’t say it’s ideal but I made it work. There is always an option of installing sound-proff wall for sure but I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stay here. So, I think it’s better to decide when I move out. Until then, I will just see how it goes. 저는 처음에 한글을 보고 이렇게 영작을 하였는데, 이렇게 뭔가 문장을 구성할 수는 있는데 표현이 세련되지 못한? 그리고 딱 정확하지는 않은? 이 수준에서 어떻게 더 공부를 이어 나가야 할지 정말 고민입니다...제가 영작한 부분에서 어느 부분이 어색하게 들리는지 저 스스로 파악도 잘 못하겠구요..! 혹시 이런 정도의 수준에서 어떻게 공부해야 하는지 팁을 주실 수 있는 분 있으실까요?ㅠㅠ 우선 빨간모자쌤 강의 들으며 열심히 발전해보려고 노력하고 있습니다..! 항상 감사합니다!!!!
먼저 정말 돈주고도 들을수없는 훌륭한 강의 감사드려요. 이번 과제에도 등장한 미래진행형 용법에 대한 강의부탁드려요..I'll be making the decision at the end of the contract.... I don't know how long I'll be staying vs. I will make the decision & how long I will stay (특히 단순미래 vs 미래진행형: 뉘앙스와 의미의 차이를 딱 꼬집어 주셔요 !!)
처음에 한글만 보고 따로 영작을 해보고, 선생님 답안과 비교해보니 제가 놓친 부분이 어딘지 확연히 들어오네요! 정말 많이 도움 되는 것 같습니다 :) 항상 좋은 강의 제공해주셔서 감사해요. 그리고 기록용으로 미흡한 처음 영작 문장 적어보았습니다. [처음에 영작한 답안] Right next to my office there is a 떡볶이집. v In many times, they clean and cook so it's quite noisy, but I can't blame them, As it's an public sth? The problem is, when I get into that office, I forgot to do some soundproof works. I don't know why I couldn't come up with it. Anyway, I became 야행성(night awakener?) - I go to work at night and get off from the work in the morning. It's not ideal but I made it a routine though. It's true that I can do some soundproof work on it, but as I don't know how long I'll be staying here, it'll be decided later when 임대계약(rent contract?) will be about to end. Till then, I'll keep it same and keep an eye on this.
짧은 내용이지만, 진짜 충실하고 가려운데만 긁어 주는 강의 같습니다. 감사합니다. 한 가지 질문은 아무리 읽어봐도 "public building"은 느낌이 정부에서 대여하거나, 공공 용도로 사용되어 'normal commercial building'느낌이 안 나거든요. 이 점이 궁금하네요.
i have this husband. he is doing a lot of playing computer game every weekend. which is kind of bothering me, but it is perfectly fair. because i do know how little time he has for his own free time on weekdays. the problem is that i made the stupid mistake of allowing him to do whatever he wants when he doesnt go to work at the begining of our marital life. i dont know why i did it. maybe i wanted to be expressing how sorry i am for him working hard for our family. anyway, it has led him to go fully nocturnal every weekend. so, i am worried about his well-being and i feel like he is stolen by the computer. i guess i could talk him out of it, but i think it is better to let him get it all out of his system. until then, i think i am just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes. i hope he comes around.
- a place right next to my office - they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. - The problem is, - I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that. - it has lead me to go fully nocturnal - I've managed to make it work. - I guess I could always - I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. - I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes.
좋은 영상 감사합니다~ 선생님!! 오늘도 파이팅! 최근에 회사 방침이 바뀌어서, 한 주에 이틀 정도는 재택 근무를 할 수 있게 되서 너무 좋아. 일 할때는 몰랐던건데, 점심 쯤 부터 옆에 공사를 해서 엄청 시끄러워서 집중을 못하겠더라구 이어폰을 끼고 일해도 소용없다니까. 그래서 일단 당분간은 점심 먹을겸 나갔다가 카페에서 일하고 돌아오려고. 공사는 어차피 진행된지 꽤 됬으니, 이제와서 할말도 없고. Since my company policy on working hours has been changed recently, I can work remotely from my place two days a week. It's really good. But there is a problem. I didn't know when I worked at my company. There is under construction right next to my apartment. Working with my earphones doesn't work at all. That starts in the afternoon. While they're working, I'm not able to concentrate on my work. That's unbelievably noisy. So, meanwhile, I'm gonna have lunch outside and go to the cafe on my way then work there. It's been a while since the construction started. Anyway, it's fair, right? They just do what they do. 예전의 우리 팀은 맡은 업무를 수행하는데 큰 문제가 없었어요. 그런데 팀의 멤버가 일부 나가고 나서, 일을 제대로 따라가기가 너무 힘드네요. 어떻게든 일을 맞출려고 노력은 하는데, 그게 막 쉽지는 않네요. 문제점을 찾고 좋은 해결 방법이 나오기를 바랄 뿐 입니다. Our team used to manage to meet the schedule on time without any problems. But these days, it's kind of getting hard to catch up with the schedule since a few team members left. We've been trying to make it work though, we've been still keeping behind the schedule. I just hope some good solutions are popping up for this problem as soon as possible. One of the solutions might be hiring new members. 어렸을 때 노래 부르는걸 진짜 좋아했거든요? 소심했던 성격이라 밖에서는 노래를 부르지 않았는데, 집에서는 게임하면서 노래를 계속 불렀었어요. 그런데 어느날 노래를 신나게 부르다가 거실로 나갔는데, 현관문이 열려있던거에요. 그 때부터 엄청난 창피함이 몰려오더라구요. 지금까지 이 일을 기억하는걸 보면 얼마나 어린시절의 제가 충격적 이었는지 아시겠죠? ㅋㅋ 언젠가는 방음이 되는 저만의 방을 가지고 신나게 노래를 불렀으면 좋겠습니다. When I was young, I really love singing. I was so introverted, so I didn't sing outside or around my friends. I used to sing a lot when I was playing a computer game in my room. Some day, as I remember, I sang very loudly in my room, and a couple of hours later, I walked away to my living room. And I saw that the doors are open. My mom may've opened the door when she left. I was shocked and SO embarrassed. People might've heard my singing, right? Each building was really close to each other. You might know how I was shocked from from that I remember this story very clearly. One day, I wanna sing as loud as I want in my own soundproofed room.
This last few weeks, my husband does a lot of working and so forth. He tends to turn a blind eye to household chores, which is fairly fine by me. I would do like he does if I were in his shoes. I thought it could be more understanding but I can't. My problem is that I made a mistake of overestimating my tolerance. I lost my shit when he was binge watching TV while I was preparing dinner for us and his friends he invited. In the end, we found the way we can manage to make it work. He said He will do much more around the house after the busy season. I am going to hold his word and see how he will be changed.
난 캐나다 대학 6년 기러기 3년 했는데 lease contract 도 오늘 알았따 .. since 도 오늘 알았따 ... ㅜㅜ 알고 있는 단어인데 사용하지 않았던 것들 ... go 와 become 의 미묘한 차이도 ... 내영어는 너무나 공격적이였어 ... ㅠㅠ 그래서 친구가 없었나 ...;;;;
와~ 이건 뭐 그냥 통째로 외우지 않고는 못 배길 수준의 순도 100의 고콸러티 강의네요. 멤버쉽 퀴즈강의타고 들어왔는데 시간은 없는데 못 본 강의는 너무 많고 요즘 너무 자주 올려주시고.ㅜ.ㅜ 공부량에 치여 제 수준에 맞는 거 고르는 것도 참 어렵네요. 쌤이 제공해주신 영어 광맥을 매일 조금씩 캐고 있는 광부로서 항상 감탄합니다.🙏
I wish, during the test, all the memories that I studied occur me so that I do the test well. Keeping everyday exercise routine regularly, it occurs to person not to forget the jobs he has to do each day.
There’s a tteokbokki restaurant near my office, which is pretty loud for cooking and cleaning, but I can’t blame on it. Cuz it’s the public facility. But the problem is, that I made a mistake of not constructing any noise-proof system on my office wall. I don’t know why I couldn’t think of it. Anyway, for that I became a total night people - I work at night and go home at morning. Not so ideal, but I made it a routine to keep up with. Of course there’s always some solutions to build the noise-proof system on the wall, I’ll just keep it this way and see how’s it gonna go until the rental contract runs out because I’m not sure how long I will be here in this office.
I guess I could always go to the gym for personal training. I guess I could always broaden my relationships. I want you to keep this office as it is; otherwise, my boss might bother you. Would you keep this screen the way it looks now? Sometimes, it's better to leave things as they are. All we need to do is see how it goes.
비컴...?이라고 말하고 찝찝하게 영상보는데 선생님이 딱 찝어주셨네요 lead me to do something never occurred to me! by the way, being nocturnal is really not my thing. for me, doing night study or work is just never as productive and efficient as the morning. because I usually leave home around 7am and get off work at 2pm-ish. after work, I found myself just goofing around on my bed with my phone. so decided to wake up at least one hour earlier so that i could focus on my study. and until now, I've developed the morning routine which I think has led me to be such a morning person.
There is Emily's cooking studio right next to mine and since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning , they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It is a public building.
Oh my god, There's a construction going on right next to my apartment and since they do a lot of drilling, grinding, and even shouting, they tend to be crazy noisy, which is not perfectly fair! They often violate noise regulation and start working from 6 a.m! The real problem is, I made the mistake of extending my lease contract without considering this situation. I don't know why it never occurred to me to check surrounding environment whether there is any on-going construction around my apartment. Anyway, it has led to me to be a fully morning person - I go to bed at 10 p. m and wake up at 5 a.m. It is certainly ideal but it's not my voluntary decision. I have no choice but to get up early and do something instead of getting stressed out with that annoying noise in my bed. I guess I could always sound proof the walls and windows but I honestly don't know how much it will cost. I think that's a decision that I'll be making if this is my apartment, which is not in real world. Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes. Oh, you know what our apartment manager said to me when I complained about this issue? She said, 'Everybody suffers now! You are not the only one!' I was like, okay... 'if everybody suffers, does it mean I have to be quiet? make myself silent?' While the new building makes all the noise, she asks me to be dumb... what a sad world.
There is a church right next my place, since they do a lot of meeting and assembly(?), they tend to be pretty annoying, I mean people can see me through windows, I can't keep my privacy when they meet, which is perfectly fair. The church owns the building as a sort of service. The problem is I made the mistake of not installing the window blinds when I came here. I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that. Anyway, it has led me to go to wear clothes casually, some times dress up :), rather than wear only underwear. It is certainly not ideal but I've manage to do that. I guess I could always install the blinds but I honestly like to keep this way, I guess this became a sort of ritual ceremony of mine, kind of separating home mode to working mode. I'm actually a freelancer, working at home. So I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes. 영작해봤는데 상황에 맞추려니 너무 어렵네요..ㅠ 좋은강의 항상 감사합니다 :)
빨간모자선생님 새해 복 많이 받으세요! 작년 말부터 나태해졌었는데 며칠 전부터 깔짝깔짝 하고 있어요. 작년 한 해 선생님 강의로 영어공부 잘 했습니다. 너무 감사드리고 올해도 잘 부탁 드립니다^^ 그나저나 제 최애 음식이 떡볶이 인데...그 가게 어떤 브랜드인지 궁금하네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
There is a 떡볶이 place right next to my office and since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning, they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It's a public building. The problem is, I made the mistake of not sound-proofing the walls when I came here. *I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that* Anyway it has lead me to go fully nocturnal- I come to work at night and leave in the morning. It's certainly not ideal but * I've managed to make it work.* I guess I could always sound proof the walls but I honestly don't know how long I'll be staying here so I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. Meanwhile, *I think I'm just going to keep things the way and see how it goes.*
I guess I could always ~ 표현에 제한적 상황이 들어가는 when과 함께 써도 괜찮나요? I guess I could always do his work instead of him when he doesn't get here 그가 안왔을때는 그 대신에 그의 일을 늘 할 수 있어요 이런식으로요
There is a 떡볶이 restaurant right next tk my office. So it's quite noisy because they need to cook and clean all the time but I can't blame them. It's a public place. The problem is that I didnt make soundproof work when moving here. I dont know why I didnt think about it. Anyway so I became a night wool. I work at night and get off in the morning. It's not ideal but I can maintain it. There is a way for soundproof conatruction, but I dont know how long I can stay there. So I think I will decide it when the contract is expire. Until then I just see how it is going.
There is a 떡볶이 place right next tk my office. Since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning, they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It's a public place. The problem is I made stupid mistake of not sound proofing the walls when I came here. I dont know why It never occurred to me to do that. Anyway so I became a night wool/ it has lead me to go fully nocturnal. I work at night and get off in the morning. It's certainly not ideal but I've manages to make it work. I guess I could always soundproof the walls but I dont know how long I will be staying here can stay there. So I think I will decide it when the contract is expire. Until then I think Im just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes.
자막 오류 :
lead 의 과거형은 led
→ "It has led me to ..."
댓글은 못보고 왜 lead지 한참 찾아 봤네요^^반복해서 외울때까지 말하는 중이예요~늘 감사합니다🤗
선생님, 언제나 감사히 잘 보고 있습니다. 중간에 I guess I could always sound proof the walls 에서 sound proof가 띄워쓰기가 된 것 같아요. 동사인 soundproof로 말씀하신 것 아닌가요?
빨간모자님은 밤에 촬영하시지만 저같은 직장인은 아침출근길에 보네요 ㅎㅎ 넘나 유용해요..!!!
@John ppp
늘 감사합니다
2년전 거의 이 프로로 시작부터 봐 온 40대 직장인입니다. 늘 선생님께 배우고 배웁니다. 다른 영어프로도 보지만 저에게는 이 프로가 메인입니다. 보고 틈날때 또보고 지루해지면 다른프로 보다 또 여기로 오고~늘 감사합니다. 너무 잘 되고 계시지만 이렇게 좋은 분들이 이 세상에서 더 잘 되었으면 해요~처음 쓰는 감사의 댓글입니다. 자주 댓글 달아드리지 못해 죄송한 마음뿐입니다~~^♡
선생님의 강점은 1. 영어를 잘한다. 2. 영어를 잘 가르친다. 3. 한국어를 정말 잘한다. 입니다!!! 이 세가지를 모두 갖추기가 쉽지않아요^^
그냥 단순히 유용한 표현을 알려주시는게 아니라 그 미묘한 어감의 차이까지 설명해주시니까 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠㅠ
@@PPATJi ㅊ이 잘 퍼대장졷래찾 생각이 들
영어계의 현자다 ㄹㅇ 압도적 그자체ㅠㅜㅠㅠㅜ
따봉을 하나밖에 못 눌르는게 아쉬울 만큼의 명강의~!..
Your channel is even more helpful for Korean learners.
Keep your these great teaching methods up.
와,,,(감탄) 이번 영상 컨텐츠도 정말 대박이네요..항상 영어나 숙어들을 1:1로 해석하고 외울 생각만 했지 이렇게 상황, 문맥에 따라 다르게 표현되는걸 알 길이 사실 없었는데,, 진짜 쌤 너무 감사합니다,, 평생 공부하고 영상 볼테니 제발 평생!!! 자주 올려주시면 정말 감사드릴게요 감사합니다 항상 ❤️
우연히 발견한.. 제가 찾던 영어 공부 채널입니다. 몇 년 동안 유툽 많이 돌아다녔는데 왜 이제야 발견했는지ㅠㅠ 제가 가장 좋은 건 쌤의 정말 깨끗한 영어발음입니다. 그냥 귀에 쏙쏙 들어가 박히는 느낌마저ㅋㅋ 부디 오늘 배운 것 잊지 않게 열심히 해보렵니다
40대후반인 제가 일년반 넘게 선생님 채널을 보고 영어를 공부(?)하고있습니다..분명 공부인데 왜 지루하지않고 항상 재밌죠? 그게 참 신기했는데 아마도 한국어의 미세한 표현의 차이를 이렇게 속시원하게 긁어주는 샘은 선생님 밖에 없기 때문인가봅니다..감사의 뜻으로 한달에 커피한잔이라도 드시라고 유료채널생기자마자 가입했는데 일년 넘게 못들어가고 있네요..저한테는 토들러도 버거워요..ㅎㅎ..건강하시고 새해 복많이 받으십시요~^^
There's a 떡볶이 place right next to my office.
Since(아무래도, 너도 알듯이) they do a lot of (행위의 빈도. 행위로 만들어낸 양이 아니라 그 행위 자체를 많이 한다는) cooking and cleaning, they then to be pretty noisy, which is(덧붙이는 코멘트) perfectly(완벽하다 X , 충분히 제 역할을 하고 기능상에 문제가 없다, 문제가 될 부분은 없다) fair. It's a public building.
-I do a lot of typing. sharing, thinking .
-My car is old. But it's perfectly fine.
The problem is, I made the(관사 중요) mistake of not sound-proofing the walls when I came here.
-I accidentally did~ , I did ~ by mistake : 하려고 했는데 깜빡했다
-I made the (stupid) mistake of ~ : 하고나서 지금와서 보니 실수였더라는 것을 이제 인지함
I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that.
: -외우기 좋은 문장. 왜 그럴 생각을 못했는지 모르겠다
Anyway, it has led me to go fully nocturnal
-무엇 led me to ~ 무엇이 나를 이런 상태에 이르게 하다
-become nocturnal : 관찰자 입장에서 야행성 되는 것을 말할 때
-go nocturnal: 본인 선택으로 생활방식 야행성으로 선택해서 전환하는 것
-I've gone nocturnal because~~~ : ~ 를 탓하는 어감
-It has led me to go nocturnal: 자연스럽게 그렇게 하게 됐다.
I come to work at night and leave in the morning.
It's certainly not ideal but I managed to make it work.
-certainly 물론 나도 충분히 인지한다. 확실히 그렇다
-make it work : 어려운 조건 속에서도 되게끔 하다
-managed to: 꼭 안간힘을 써서 하는 정도의 극단적인 표현 말고 평소에 자연스럽게 쓸 수 있음. ~했다.
I guess I could always sound-proof the walls but I honestly don't know how long I'll be staying here
-I guess I could always: 결정만 하면 ~하는 방법은 언제나 있겠지.
So I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract.
Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and how it goes.
Meanwhile : 쉽게는 until then 으로도 쓸 수 있음.
keep things the way they are: 이 자체로 표현 외우기. 지금 상태를 그대로 두고싶다. 유지하고싶다. 이대로 계속 하고싶다.
see how it goes: 어떻게 되는지 보다
정리 감사드려요 누적효과님 ^^
와우 정리의 신이시네요~~ 제가 캐치하지 못한 부분까지도 세세하게 정리해주셔서 감사합니다^^
정리 감사합니다!^^최고!
오늘도 유용한 표현 감사합니다! 한동안 영어공부를 게을리해서 자주 못 왔었는데 최근에 유튜브 시작하면서 영어자막을 달아보니 얼마나 제 영어실력이 부족한지 뼈져리게 느끼고 선생님 채널로 돌아왔습니다! 다시 열심히 공부할 것을 다짐하는 마음으로 댓글 남깁니다. 변함없이 양질의 컨텐츠 제공해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다🥰
perfectly 라는 부사의 활용 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저만 흥미로운 걸 수도 있지만~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 웃음포인트네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
초보들이 하는 문장과 비교해서 어떻게 어감이 다른지 설명해주시는 부분이 정말 좋네요.
항상 제가 아는 문장은 뭐가 다른지 궁금했었거든요.
이번 강의 문장은 정말 버릴 것이 없는 것 같습니다.
좋은 강의 감사합니다.
졸릴 때 라이브 아카데미 보면 잠이 확 깨요. 너무 잘 가르쳐주셔서 소오름...
You're "perfectly" bilingual, I'm so amazed...
전 캐나다 사는데 항상 유용하게 잘 보고 있어요. 실생활에서 쓰기에 좋고 가려웠던 부분을 긁어주시는 기분이에요. 감사합니다❣️
오늘도 좋은 표현들 정말 감사드립니다
문제는 제 머리속에 다 들어가지를 못해요
복습 또 복습해서 어떻게든 외워야겠지요
"물론 저만흥미로운걸수도 있지만" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ생각지도못했던 빵 터짐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저도 흥미로워 볼게옄ㅋㅋ
저도 흥미롭게 보았습니다 ㅋㅋ
흥미로웠던 일인 여기 추가요~~ㅎㅎ
저도 흥미...추가요...ㅎㅎ
3:19 아무래도 since
3:51 . 5:24 perfectly
6:41 . -7:56
8:18 *
9:34 . 10:13 비교 11:24 . manage to
12:05 . 12:44 .
13:08 * 13:58 *
선생님 감사합니다
오늘도 행복하고 좋은날 되세요
이렇게 설명 잘 해주시는 분은 -매번 느끼는 거지먄 - 처음입니다! 감사합니다. ♥️
이번 영상에서도 원어민적으로 표현하는 많은 표현을 배울 수 있어서 너무 좋았습니다. 감사합니다 ;)
먼저 작문해보고 쌤 영상 보면,,, 제가 20년동안 뭔 영어를 배운건지 회의감이 몰려옵네닷ㅠㅠㅠ 늘 많이 배우고 열공하고 있습니닷!!!
쌤의 찰진발음 떡볶이를 들으니 왠지 쌀떡일거같아요ㅎㅎㅎ
감사합니다 💕
감사합니다. 매우 유용한 표현들입니다.
* since + clause : 원래 (clause)이기 때문에
* do(ing) a lot : 행위의 빈도를 강조.
* perfectly : 충~~분히
★ made the mistake of ~ : 현 시점에서 볼 때 실수였던 것을 인정/깨달을 때 사용.
★ * I don't know why it never(didn't) occurred to me ~ ( to v/ Ving / clause)
★ * Something led me to V : 무언가가 나를 V하게 했다. .... I Verb ~ because of ...
* manage to V : 조정해서 되게하다
* make it work. : ~가 되게금 하다.
★ * I guess I could always V
★ keep things the way they are
★ see how it goes.
* Meanwhile,, : 그 때까지는 / 그러는 동안에는 ( until ~)
1. 연습
- Let's see how it is going, if we keep things the way they are.
- I made the mistake of not writing my partner's name on reservation.
- It's perfectly fair, if it was a noise at day-time.
- maybe smart phone make some of people nocturnal these days.
- I made it work. but my mental condition was really awful.
2. 개인정리
- it's perfectly fair : 공평한(x), 타당한 -> 괜찮다, 어쩔 수 없다
- sound-proof
- lease : 대여, lend, borrow
- 아무래도 : because -> since
- made the mistake of ~ing
- it occurred to me : I came up with it
- nocturnal : 야행성
- make it work : manage to keep it going
- contract : 계약
- meanwhile : until then, 앞에서 말한 기간까지는
- keep things the way they are : don't touch, stay, keep going themselves
- see how it goes
There is a 떡볶이 place right next to my office. It is quite noisy since they do lots of cooking and cleaning, which I can’t blame them. The problem is that I didn’t install sound-proof wall when I moved in! I can’t understand why I didn’t. Anyway, I became a night-owl now. I work at night and go back to my home in the morning. I can’t say it’s ideal but I made it work. There is always an option of installing sound-proff wall for sure but I’m not sure how long I’m gonna stay here. So, I think it’s better to decide when I move out. Until then, I will just see how it goes.
저는 처음에 한글을 보고 이렇게 영작을 하였는데, 이렇게 뭔가 문장을 구성할 수는 있는데 표현이 세련되지 못한? 그리고 딱 정확하지는 않은? 이 수준에서 어떻게 더 공부를 이어 나가야 할지 정말 고민입니다...제가 영작한 부분에서 어느 부분이 어색하게 들리는지 저 스스로 파악도 잘 못하겠구요..! 혹시 이런 정도의 수준에서 어떻게 공부해야 하는지 팁을 주실 수 있는 분 있으실까요?ㅠㅠ 우선 빨간모자쌤 강의 들으며 열심히 발전해보려고 노력하고 있습니다..! 항상 감사합니다!!!!
똑똑이 선생님. 정말 똑똑하세요. 선생님은 영어 가르치는 재능을 타고 나셨네요. 아무리 해도 안되는 건 안되는 건데 물론 많은 고민과 노력이 있겠지만 정말 훌륭하세요. ^^
오늘 예시 문장 처음부터 끝까지 다 좋아서 통째로 다 외워야갰습니다ㅜㅜㅜㅜ좋은 강의 감사해요!
수업은 꾸준히 듣고 있지만 댓글은 처음 남깁니다. 매번 우리말 실력에 감탄합니다! 책도 많이 읽으시고 사색도 많이 하시겠죠? 올 한해도 잘 부탁드립니다! 늘 감사해요♡
이 분 책 읽는거 안 좋아하세요...
그럼 타고난 천재!
11:35 manage to 는 겨우 해내다 라고 외워서, 항상 그 정도는 아닌데.. 써도 되나 걱정스러웠는데 한 시름? 놓았습니다. 자세한 설명 감사합니다!
선생님을 만난건 정말 저의 큰 복입니다. 언젠가 갚아드릴 기회가 꼭 있었음 좋겠어요.
이런거 너무 좋아요! 일상 생활의 자연스런 표현! 길이, 난이도 너무 딱 제 스탈♡
선생님 설명 진짜 최고에요! 머리에 쏙쏙 잘 이해되고 여러번 들으면서 외워볼 수 있도록 설명 해주셔서 도움이 많이 되요~ 최고! 👍👍
먼저 정말 돈주고도 들을수없는 훌륭한 강의 감사드려요. 이번 과제에도 등장한 미래진행형 용법에 대한 강의부탁드려요..I'll be making the decision at the end of the contract.... I don't know how long I'll be staying vs. I will make the decision & how long I will stay (특히 단순미래 vs 미래진행형: 뉘앙스와 의미의 차이를 딱 꼬집어 주셔요 !!)
👍🏻👍🏻오늘도 좋은 수업 감사합니다!
이제 책생에 앉아 공부시작하네요. 늘 감사드립니다 조만간 구독자 백만 찍고, 건물을 사셨으면 좋겠어요. 이상을 현실로!!!
감탄스럽습니다..언제나 따라갈까요. 열심히 달려봅니당
진짜 공부에 도움이 되는 영상인것 같아요 ^^ 좋은 표현들을 너무 잘 설명해서 이해하기 쉬운것 같아요
선생님 너무좋아요 진짜 이런공부 원했는데ㅠㅠ 딱해주시는....완전짱
유용한 표현이 정말 많네요. 예문을 달달 외워야겠어요. 감사합니다.
2주 정도 정신 없이 바빠서 영어공부를 못했는데 오랜만에 선생님 목소리 들으니 너무 좋습니다 !
항상 가려운데 긁어주시는 선생님 쵝오!!
영어를 잘하기위해선 언어의 명확한 이해가 필요하다는걸 깨우쳐주신분
처음에 한글만 보고 따로 영작을 해보고, 선생님 답안과 비교해보니 제가 놓친 부분이 어딘지 확연히 들어오네요! 정말 많이 도움 되는 것 같습니다 :) 항상 좋은 강의 제공해주셔서 감사해요. 그리고 기록용으로 미흡한 처음 영작 문장 적어보았습니다.
[처음에 영작한 답안]
Right next to my office there is a 떡볶이집.
v In many times, they clean and cook so it's quite noisy, but I can't blame them, As it's an public sth?
The problem is, when I get into that office, I forgot to do some soundproof works.
I don't know why I couldn't come up with it.
Anyway, I became 야행성(night awakener?) - I go to work at night and get off from the work in the morning.
It's not ideal but I made it a routine though.
It's true that I can do some soundproof work on it, but as I don't know how long I'll be staying here, it'll be decided later when 임대계약(rent contract?) will be about to end.
Till then, I'll keep it same and keep an eye on this.
이렇게 영작하고 설명해주니깐 넘 좋고 내 실력은 확인할수 있어서 효과적인것 같아요~~~
넘넘 좋은 영상감사합니디♡♡운전하면서 따라해요❤ 남친보다 자주보는 빨간모자아저씨❤😂
진짜 최고야 ... 오늘도 감사히 잘 배우겠습니다
짧은 내용이지만, 진짜 충실하고 가려운데만 긁어 주는 강의 같습니다. 감사합니다. 한 가지 질문은 아무리 읽어봐도 "public building"은 느낌이 정부에서 대여하거나, 공공 용도로 사용되어 'normal commercial building'느낌이 안 나거든요. 이 점이 궁금하네요.
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
i have this husband. he is doing a lot of playing computer game every weekend. which is kind of bothering me, but it is perfectly fair. because i do know how little time he has for his own free time on weekdays.
the problem is that i made the stupid mistake of allowing him to do whatever he wants when he doesnt go to work at the begining of our marital life. i dont know why i did it. maybe i wanted to be expressing how sorry i am for him working hard for our family. anyway, it has led him to go fully nocturnal every weekend. so, i am worried about his well-being and i feel like he is stolen by the computer. i guess i could talk him out of it, but i think it is better to let him get it all out of his system. until then, i think i am just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes. i hope he comes around.
늘 감사해요~~👍👍👍
- a place right next to my office
- they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair.
- The problem is,
- I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that.
- it has lead me to go fully nocturnal
- I've managed to make it work.
- I guess I could always
- I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract.
- I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes.
좋은 영상 감사합니다~ 선생님!! 오늘도 파이팅!
최근에 회사 방침이 바뀌어서, 한 주에 이틀 정도는 재택 근무를 할 수 있게 되서 너무 좋아.
일 할때는 몰랐던건데, 점심 쯤 부터 옆에 공사를 해서 엄청 시끄러워서 집중을 못하겠더라구
이어폰을 끼고 일해도 소용없다니까. 그래서 일단 당분간은 점심 먹을겸 나갔다가 카페에서
일하고 돌아오려고. 공사는 어차피 진행된지 꽤 됬으니, 이제와서 할말도 없고.
Since my company policy on working hours has been changed recently, I can work remotely from my place two days a week.
It's really good. But there is a problem. I didn't know when I worked at my company. There is under construction right next to my apartment.
Working with my earphones doesn't work at all. That starts in the afternoon. While they're working, I'm not able to concentrate on my work.
That's unbelievably noisy. So, meanwhile, I'm gonna have lunch outside and go to the cafe on my way then work there.
It's been a while since the construction started. Anyway, it's fair, right? They just do what they do.
예전의 우리 팀은 맡은 업무를 수행하는데 큰 문제가 없었어요. 그런데 팀의 멤버가 일부 나가고 나서,
일을 제대로 따라가기가 너무 힘드네요. 어떻게든 일을 맞출려고 노력은 하는데, 그게 막 쉽지는 않네요.
문제점을 찾고 좋은 해결 방법이 나오기를 바랄 뿐 입니다.
Our team used to manage to meet the schedule on time without any problems.
But these days, it's kind of getting hard to catch up with the schedule since a few team members left.
We've been trying to make it work though, we've been still keeping behind the schedule.
I just hope some good solutions are popping up for this problem as soon as possible.
One of the solutions might be hiring new members.
어렸을 때 노래 부르는걸 진짜 좋아했거든요? 소심했던 성격이라 밖에서는 노래를 부르지 않았는데,
집에서는 게임하면서 노래를 계속 불렀었어요. 그런데 어느날 노래를 신나게 부르다가 거실로 나갔는데,
현관문이 열려있던거에요. 그 때부터 엄청난 창피함이 몰려오더라구요. 지금까지 이 일을 기억하는걸 보면
얼마나 어린시절의 제가 충격적 이었는지 아시겠죠? ㅋㅋ 언젠가는 방음이 되는 저만의 방을 가지고
신나게 노래를 불렀으면 좋겠습니다.
When I was young, I really love singing. I was so introverted, so I didn't sing outside or around my friends.
I used to sing a lot when I was playing a computer game in my room.
Some day, as I remember, I sang very loudly in my room, and a couple of hours later, I walked away to my living room.
And I saw that the doors are open. My mom may've opened the door when she left. I was shocked and SO embarrassed.
People might've heard my singing, right? Each building was really close to each other.
You might know how I was shocked from from that I remember this story very clearly.
One day, I wanna sing as loud as I want in my own soundproofed room.
Perfectly 를 그런 뜻으로도 사용할 수 있다는걸 처음 알았어요ㅋㅋ 유용하게 쓸게용
This last few weeks, my husband does a lot of working and so forth. He tends to turn a blind eye to household chores, which is fairly fine by me. I would do like he does if I were in his shoes. I thought it could be more understanding but I can't. My problem is that I made a mistake of overestimating my tolerance. I lost my shit when he was binge watching TV while I was preparing dinner for us and his friends he invited. In the end, we found the way we can manage to make it work. He said He will do much more around the house after the busy season. I am going to hold his word and see how he will be changed.
좋은 강의 감사합니다🎉😊
난 캐나다 대학 6년 기러기 3년 했는데 lease contract 도 오늘 알았따 .. since 도 오늘 알았따 ... ㅜㅜ 알고 있는 단어인데 사용하지 않았던 것들 ... go 와 become 의 미묘한 차이도 ... 내영어는 너무나 공격적이였어 ... ㅠㅠ 그래서 친구가 없었나 ...;;;;
와~ 이건 뭐 그냥 통째로 외우지 않고는 못 배길 수준의 순도 100의 고콸러티 강의네요. 멤버쉽 퀴즈강의타고 들어왔는데 시간은 없는데 못 본 강의는 너무 많고 요즘 너무 자주 올려주시고.ㅜ.ㅜ 공부량에 치여 제 수준에 맞는 거 고르는 것도 참 어렵네요. 쌤이 제공해주신 영어 광맥을 매일 조금씩 캐고 있는 광부로서 항상 감탄합니다.🙏
선생님 강의 감사드립니다. 항상 잘 보고 있어요~!
내일 외국인친구 만나는데 오늘 배운 거 꼭 써보는걸로...!❤️
가장 배울게 많은 강좌인것 같습니다 센세 👍 👍
오늘도 아침일찍! 감사합니다~^^
전 올해 계획중 하나가 얼리버드 앤 모닝퍼슨인대요..제 이야기도 한번 생각해봐야겠요. 샘 숙면하세요~~
너무 좋은 강의 감사드립니다!
이번 영상도 너무 너무 좋아요😭 노트에 영작하고 교정하면서 들었습니다☺️
I wish, during the test, all the memories that I studied occur me so that I do the test well.
Keeping everyday exercise routine regularly, it occurs to person not to forget the jobs he has to do each day.
I'll be staying, I'll be making 시제를 못써먹었네요. 다음 영작 할때는 시제를 더 고민하면서 써야겠어요.
Oh, good point! When can I use such 미래 진행형? What is the impact of it?
다음에는 좀더 나은 환경에 있는 사무실에서 일 하셨으면 좋겠어요. 오늘은 퇴근하고 영어 공부 합니다. 고맙습니다.
감사합니다 선생님❤
이 컨텐츠 배울것도 많고 재밌네요
최고최고최고 ㅡ 이세상 최고
진짜 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠ 감사해요
There’s a tteokbokki restaurant near my office, which is pretty loud for cooking and cleaning, but I can’t blame on it. Cuz it’s the public facility.
But the problem is, that I made a mistake of not constructing any noise-proof system on my office wall.
I don’t know why I couldn’t think of it.
Anyway, for that I became a total night people - I work at night and go home at morning. Not so ideal, but I made it a routine to keep up with. Of course there’s always some solutions to build the noise-proof system on the wall, I’ll just keep it this way and see how’s it gonna go until the rental contract runs out because I’m not sure how long I will be here in this office.
I guess I could always go to the gym for personal training.
I guess I could always broaden my relationships.
I want you to keep this office as it is; otherwise, my boss might bother you.
Would you keep this screen the way it looks now?
Sometimes, it's better to leave things as they are.
All we need to do is see how it goes.
비컴...?이라고 말하고 찝찝하게 영상보는데 선생님이 딱 찝어주셨네요 lead me to do something never occurred to me!
by the way, being nocturnal is really not my thing. for me, doing night study or work is just never as productive and efficient as the morning. because I usually leave home around 7am and get off work at 2pm-ish. after work, I found myself just goofing around on my bed with my phone. so decided to wake up at least one hour earlier so that i could focus on my study. and until now, I've developed the morning routine which I think has led me to be such a morning person.
There is Emily's cooking studio right next to mine and since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning , they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It is a public building.
곧 100만이 될 채널!
감사해요!!! 덕분에 공부가 쉽고 즐겁네요
계속 강의 올려주세요ㅜㅜ 계속 볼게요ㅜㅜㅜ
좋은 지문과 설명 감사드립니다.
선생님 똑부러지는 설명 완전 감사해요!
좋은 강의 감사합니다.
아주 재미있게 잘 배우고 있어요. 감사합니다♡
늘 감사히 잘 보고 배우고 있습니다.이 부분이 잘 이해가 안 되어서,,"I guess I could always sound proof the walls but ~~" 에서 동사가 어느것인지?혹은 없써도 되는지???
오와 신세계🥰감사합니다~:) 왜여태 시청해보지 않았을까싶네요!😌
좋아요 열번누르고싶네옹~~~
항상 감사합니다
Oh my god, There's a construction going on right next to my apartment and since they do a lot of drilling, grinding, and even shouting, they tend to be crazy noisy, which is not perfectly fair! They often violate noise regulation and start working from 6 a.m! The real problem is, I made the mistake of extending my lease contract without considering this situation. I don't know why it never occurred to me to check surrounding environment whether there is any on-going construction around my apartment. Anyway, it has led to me to be a fully morning person - I go to bed at 10 p. m and wake up at 5 a.m. It is certainly ideal but it's not my voluntary decision. I have no choice but to get up early and do something instead of getting stressed out with that annoying noise in my bed. I guess I could always sound proof the walls and windows but I honestly don't know how much it will cost. I think that's a decision that I'll be making if this is my apartment, which is not in real world. Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes. Oh, you know what our apartment manager said to me when I complained about this issue? She said, 'Everybody suffers now! You are not the only one!' I was like, okay... 'if everybody suffers, does it mean I have to be quiet? make myself silent?' While the new building makes all the noise, she asks me to be dumb... what a sad world.
제가요, 영어공부 하려고 그냥 막 지어내면서 영작하는데, 많은 분들이 위로해주시더라고요. 고마운데, 거짓 이야기라는 걸 알려드려야 할 것 같아서요;
14:13 Listen again
샘 감사합니다💘
There is a church right next my place, since they do a lot of meeting and assembly(?), they tend to be pretty annoying, I mean people can see me through windows, I can't keep my privacy when they meet, which is perfectly fair. The church owns the building as a sort of service. The problem is I made the mistake of not installing the window blinds when I came here. I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that. Anyway, it has led me to go to wear clothes casually, some times dress up :), rather than wear only underwear. It is certainly not ideal but I've manage to do that. I guess I could always install the blinds but I honestly like to keep this way, I guess this became a sort of ritual ceremony of mine, kind of separating home mode to working mode. I'm actually a freelancer, working at home. So I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. Meanwhile, I think I'm just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes.
영작해봤는데 상황에 맞추려니 너무 어렵네요..ㅠ 좋은강의 항상 감사합니다 :)
빨간모자선생님 새해 복 많이 받으세요! 작년 말부터 나태해졌었는데 며칠 전부터 깔짝깔짝 하고 있어요. 작년 한 해 선생님 강의로 영어공부 잘 했습니다. 너무 감사드리고 올해도 잘 부탁 드립니다^^ 그나저나 제 최애 음식이 떡볶이 인데...그 가게 어떤 브랜드인지 궁금하네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
There is a 떡볶이 place right next to my office and since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning, they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It's a public building. The problem is, I made the mistake of not sound-proofing the walls when I came here. *I don't know why it never occurred to me to do that* Anyway it has lead me to go fully nocturnal- I come to work at night and leave in the morning. It's certainly not ideal but * I've managed to make it work.* I guess I could always sound proof the walls but I honestly don't know how long I'll be staying here so I think that's a decision that I'll be making at the end of my lease contract. Meanwhile, *I think I'm just going to keep things the way and see how it goes.*
Good morning!! 선생님. 그런 이유가 있으셔서 아침 일찍 영상을 올리시네요.공부하는 학생들한테는 좋은 습관이 될수도 있지 않을까요? 일찍 일어나는 새가 얻는게 많다고 하던데...
I guess I could always ~
표현에 제한적 상황이 들어가는 when과 함께 써도 괜찮나요?
I guess I could always do his work instead of him when he doesn't get here
그가 안왔을때는 그 대신에 그의 일을 늘 할 수 있어요
누가 물어봤는지 참 잘했어요~저는 쌤이 원래 야행성인줄 알았죠 ㅋㅋ
There is a 떡볶이 restaurant right next tk my office. So it's quite noisy because they need to cook and clean all the time but I can't blame them. It's a public place. The problem is that I didnt make soundproof work when moving here. I dont know why I didnt think about it. Anyway so I became a night wool. I work at night and get off in the morning. It's not ideal but I can maintain it. There is a way for soundproof conatruction, but I dont know how long I can stay there. So I think I will decide it when the contract is expire. Until then I just see how it is going.
There is a 떡볶이 place right next tk my office. Since they do a lot of cooking and cleaning, they tend to be pretty noisy, which is perfectly fair. It's a public place. The problem is I made stupid mistake of not sound proofing the walls when I came here. I dont know why It never occurred to me to do that. Anyway so I became a night wool/ it has lead me to go fully nocturnal. I work at night and get off in the morning. It's certainly not ideal but I've manages to make it work. I guess I could always soundproof the walls but I dont know how long I will be staying here can stay there. So I think I will decide it when the contract is expire. Until then I think Im just going to keep things the way they are and see how it goes.