Restoring my Royal Enfield Bullet 500 - Part 10

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +2

    Any body who rebuilds a bike crankshaft on up really loves that bike.

  • @jimt165
    @jimt165 11 місяців тому +2

    Have been loving the whole series. Thanks! Jimbo.

  • @larrywade9041
    @larrywade9041 Рік тому +2

    I agree with you; the bike looks great! Can't wait for the next video & starting the bike up. Have a beautiful day!! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Illinois, USA

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      Thanks! It really looks good. I still have to set the ignition timing, so that and a couple of small things need to be knocked out and then I can finally start it.

  • @geoffm5888
    @geoffm5888 Рік тому +2

    Looking good MadRat!
    That front brake cable should go in the hole of the narcelle on the right, then exit on the left behind the top of the fork tube before looping down to the brake. Once you’ve got it in place you’ll see it makes more sense.
    Could bind up the way it is now.
    And I wouldn’t expect your jetting kit to be on the mark out of the box. Whatever jets you have will be a guide only and you can expect to be making a change or two. It’s a great feeling when you get it sorted right.
    Looking forward to the next video.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      Yes, the brake cable was more of an “if it ain’t broke” kind of thing. I have seen others like this. And the jet kit is definitely just a start. You get close to a baseline and go from there. Thanks for the comment 👍

  • @Mr-84
    @Mr-84 Рік тому +2

    It sure looks very nice indeed. I’d be checking that front brake cable routing as I’ve ever seen one like that up against the tank , normally up the left side into the cassette out the hole to the leaver. Can’t wait see it back on the road clocking up the miles.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      I’ve actually seen the cable like this before, so I didn’t question it. If it’s technically wrong, it’s still a clean run to the brake, so I figure if it ain’t broke 😂

    • @Mr-84
      @Mr-84 Рік тому +1

      fair enough , I just hope when it’s off the centre stand that cable doesn’t rub that fuel tank , it’s a really nice tank in a nice colour.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      @@Mr-84 I’ll definitely keep an eye on it

  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +2

    I love my Fairbanks Morse magneto. Who needs an electrical system? HAHA😂😂😂

  • @ShubhoBose
    @ShubhoBose Рік тому +2

    As someone who's never repaired any car or motorcycle ever, great to hear describe what your'e doing. Hopefully it starts.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for watching and it’s very rewarding. I highly recommend it

  • @WOLFIE-96B-UK
    @WOLFIE-96B-UK Рік тому +3

    Gotta say, you've done a fantastic job! She's looking great! Enjoyed the journey with you.

  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +1

    I needed a chain guard for my BSA C-15 250 1959. I found one and the dealer was so glad to sell it he sold it to me at the old price. It was covered in dust like it sat there forever.

  • @mlisunep
    @mlisunep Рік тому +2

    Love what your doing buddy. Let’s ride together after you complete the restoration. It be an honor. I’m ride a Int650.

  • @mebeasensei
    @mebeasensei Рік тому +1

    I love the look of the new shorter muffler. Looks excellent.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      Thanks and it really turned out well. The muffler and S&B filter make a real difference. Can’t wait to get it started

  • @silverback3926
    @silverback3926 Рік тому +2

    Super excited to hear it run!!!!

  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +1

    I would put crash bars on the bike. Protects the bike from damage from a simple tip over. Very worthwhile.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  9 місяців тому

      They’re important for sure, but I just don’t like the look of

    • @frankmarkovcijr5459
      @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline For a vintage kind of motorcycle crash bars, the old fashioned ones fit the period look of the bike. The guy who won a new RE 650 dropped the bike at speed and the one side of the bike looked like someone took a power grinder to the whole side of the bike.😭

  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому +1

    I replaced the front brake cable on my URAL side car outfit in like 30 seconds simple is good.

  • @archond8922
    @archond8922 Рік тому +2

    looks good love it.

  • @benrobertson7855
    @benrobertson7855 Рік тому +2

    Yay your back….thanks from nz. Always good. Am about to fit a new carb on my 1999 seeing how the cable fits is extremely helpful.might get rid of my filters and fit something like yours,mine goes into the square box and then on to the triangle box which holds a big round filter,the rubber connectors were a total pain to fit new ones,so a filter that goes straight on the carb seems very simple…

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      Haha yes and sorry for the delays. I’ll be starting it up soon!

    • @benrobertson7855
      @benrobertson7855 Рік тому +2 you think I need to rejet my carb if I put a filter off eBay on it like yours?

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      @@benrobertson7855 I’m glad my videos are helping. The new S&B filter is a lot easier to deal with than the stock box setup and has much better airflow. The cables are easy, including the carb. If you get a higher flow filter like the one I have, you will need to rejet the carb. It’s very easy and I’ll show how I did it in the next video.

    • @benrobertson7855
      @benrobertson7855 Рік тому +1

      Great thanks so much!

  • @leaveittobaker
    @leaveittobaker Рік тому +1

    It looks beautiful. I can't wait to hear it and see it out on Mulholland.

  • @leondown6869
    @leondown6869 Рік тому +1

    The throttle cable end is not threaded like clutch cable. There is usually a simple shouldered collar/nipple that seats in hanble bar unit. More important the clutch cable muzt be mounted so the ball end of nipple engages on "hook" with the "skirt" outside the hook. I have same model way over here in Australia. Lots of "fun".

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      Thanks for the tips. I actually already changed the clutch cable so the ball is in front and the flat end (skirt) is behind with the hook in the middle. I knew that was right, but figured I could just compensate the length difference by cable adjustment. A friend pointed out exactly what you did and I changed it. The throttle unit is definitely missing something. I’m not happy with the current setup and will do a permanent fix, but it’s working for now. I’m kind of glad for the petcock delay as little things like this can be addressed. It’ll be ready to go this weekend! Greetings from the west coast of the US

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      I just put out a short in your honor 😂

    • @leondown6869
      @leondown6869 Рік тому +1

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline Happy if you can learn from my mistakes...I have a number I can share.

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      @@leondown6869 That makes two of us

  • @christopherwilliams9328
    @christopherwilliams9328 Рік тому +2

    I need help with my 2007, I'm getting clutch slip bad. I replaced the clutch with the improved clutch kit from Hitchcock and a new basket as well adjusted the clutch and it worked perfect. I took it for a short ride and now it's back, so much that the engine isn't even turning over at all when kickstarting. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      I’d have to see it so I’m only guessing here. If a new clutch is slipping that easily, I’m guessing it’s the push rod that pushes the pressure plate out when you engage the clutch. Some of these from Hitchcock’s don’t properly seat into the outer pressure plate (wrong shape for the indented end), so there isn’t enough pressure on the clutch plates. Put your hand on the outer pressure plate and see if it can rock a little, which means the push rod isn’t seating into the end of the pressure plate and it’s not flush against the other plates. If that’s not it, make sure the rod assembly is correct. Some have a ball bearing between the outer push rod and internal one (these things can vary year to year, though). If you find that it’s the push rod not seating properly in the pressure plate, find the cheaper Indian one on Hitchcock’s over the “better” English one as it should properly fit.

    • @christopherwilliams9328
      @christopherwilliams9328 Рік тому +1

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline I have a new hub center and push rod kit ordered as well, I'm wondering if the hub center needs replacing as it was run dry by previous owner. But will be checking that as well. Thanks for the help

    • @christopherwilliams9328
      @christopherwilliams9328 Рік тому +1

      It's a 2007 bullet 500es with 424 miles sat in a shop basically on display for most of its life

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      @@christopherwilliams9328 Sitting indefinitely is the worst. And these are temperamental bikes and do suffer from bad maintenance and care. Hopefully the parts you ordered work 👍

    • @christopherwilliams9328
      @christopherwilliams9328 Рік тому +2

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline I agree, will keep you updated for sure, many thanks. May end up reaching out again...may I ask where you're in Atlanta, GA

  • @ProSimex84
    @ProSimex84 Рік тому +1

    That wasn't the crankcase vent you blocked off was it?

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому

      No, the only thing I blocked off was the vent from the carburetor flange, which was already blocked at the hose end

    • @ProSimex84
      @ProSimex84 Рік тому +2

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline why in God's name would a single cylinder motor have a vent on the carb flange? It's not like it's got to sync with anything else!

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  Рік тому +1

      @@ProSimex84 It’s environmental nonsense

  • @OldeThunderCC
    @OldeThunderCC 8 місяців тому +1

    Where did you get the starter cap? Thanks buddy!!

    • @Cyclingwithgasoline
      @Cyclingwithgasoline  8 місяців тому +1

      I found it on Hitchcock’s site. Perfect fit

    • @OldeThunderCC
      @OldeThunderCC 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Cyclingwithgasoline thanks again!

  • @frankmarkovcijr5459
    @frankmarkovcijr5459 9 місяців тому

    A bike is never done.😂