Tekken 8 Clive Rosfield Trailer Reaction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @sorahearts3317
    @sorahearts3317 3 дні тому +2

    People don't understand how hard it is to get FF VII characters. Nintendo, friggin NINTENDO, barely got Cloud in Smash to the point everyone is here almost didn't happen for Ultimate.

  • @thedarkderp2520
    @thedarkderp2520 4 дні тому +1

    I think that Tifa will be saved till part 3 of remake is released so they can give her a full moveset since she'll get new abilities in that game

  • @23NinjaSniper
    @23NinjaSniper 3 дні тому +1

    Peopel saying why not Tifa because 16 wasn’t finished with content at the point of Harada and Square were in talks for months in advance.

  • @Rewwrs
    @Rewwrs 3 дні тому +1

    Its a good thing that it feels new. Its been the same shit for way too long.

  • @MarcosSSRN
    @MarcosSSRN 13 годин тому

    Clive is REALLY GOOD and a great Character.
    and like some people point to you, get the rights to get ANY FF VII character is HARD thats the reason you dont see a lot of collaborations in other games with FF VII characters.

    • @Ariiella
      @Ariiella  10 годин тому

      @@MarcosSSRN bro chill. As you said others already pointed it out. So why you gotta repeat it? I still think he is Noctis 2.0 and no one needed him but he‘s fun to play.

  • @jasoncosmic1996
    @jasoncosmic1996 4 дні тому +1

    Dang it...!
    My bet for Kasumi from Dead or Alive is in shambles...

    • @Ariiella
      @Ariiella  4 дні тому +1

      Uff, Kasumi would be a great choice. I would love that.

  • @Sold1er_Boy
    @Sold1er_Boy 4 дні тому +6

    Clive is way cooler than tifa that's why they brought him in the game. Tifa wouldn't have any interesting moves her powers are not a lot but Clive's powers are way too many, he has so many elements that he commands, fire, darkness,ice, lightning, light,wind, what does tifa has.

    • @Ariiella
      @Ariiella  4 дні тому +2

      I see! But everyone wanted Tifa though 😂 And Clive feels a lot like Noctis. So Tekken at this point just feels too repetitive. The character design is great though!

    • @Sold1er_Boy
      @Sold1er_Boy 4 дні тому +3

      @@Ariiella Yeah because Clive is the newest final fantasy character so people still are getting to know him tifa is older but if you play ff16 you will understand that he's one of the coolest and most powerful ff characters

    • @iatepacman745
      @iatepacman745 4 дні тому

      i think the thing with tifa is that new players wouldve expected her and tekken fans and be like meh, clive is unexpected and tekken fans didnt expect it so it makes sense to bring him in instead.