NEW GIFT - GSOR The Tank | ITM & TS-6 Supertest | World of Tanks News

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @chaotang9199
    @chaotang9199 23 години тому +116

    2025: Object The Tank
    2026: Projetto The Tank

    • @craggleshenanigans
      @craggleshenanigans 22 години тому +14

      2027: Tank the Tank (it's the Mark 1 with a special skin)

    • @gavinprime8154
      @gavinprime8154 21 годину тому +11

      2028: AMX the Tank
      2029: WZ the Tank

    • @novablau5356
      @novablau5356 21 годину тому +10

      2030 centurion the tank
      2031 udes the tank

    • @paradocs2474
      @paradocs2474 21 годину тому

      ​​@@gavinprime8154 2028 : Baguette the Tank

    • @khardian2823
      @khardian2823 19 годин тому +7

      2032: Super the Tank
      2033: Chieftain the Tank
      2034: GW the tank
      2035: The Tank E100

  • @wboyd33
    @wboyd33 23 години тому +24

    I get the feeling it's going to be called the "Gee I'm Sore Tank" from getting holed.

  • @TimoWoTB
    @TimoWoTB 19 годин тому +6

    It’s a GSOR 1008 Turret with spaced armour, and the hull of a Charlmagne. Also the TS-6 is basically the M Vll Yoh with a turret in the middle.

  • @Moerderhoschi
    @Moerderhoschi 23 години тому +12

    Patton the Prank 😆... you got me there. For me it looks like GSOR is the new Prank of this year. Never played gift Patton and maybe never will player gift GSOR with Concept 1B and KPZ50t in my garage^^

  • @MD-li5le
    @MD-li5le 22 години тому +4

    IMT is the tractor factory in Europe :D

  • @universalgamer8010
    @universalgamer8010 22 години тому +5

    I expect them to nerf the Gsor. There's no way they add a somewhat good/fun tank for free. That or it has god awful sub stats. It seems like a Cent that sacrifices speed for a slightly better gun, and maybe armor depending on how effective that armor on the turret is. If its pre buff Cent or post buff Cent values.
    Keep in mind even if it is slightly worse then the Cent 7/1 it will still be an amazingly fun tank.

    • @celebvoncelebrus4429
      @celebvoncelebrus4429 22 години тому

      let's see in 2 days. I doubt it will be similarly good as Cent 7/1, although I got the feeling Cent 7/1 was quietly nerfed ... or slowly dropped from grace by introducing better and better tanks. It's still good, but not amazing any more. Does it make any sense for WG to give us a decent or good tier9 tank? Dunno, but tier9 is IMHO the best balanced tier in the game and there are many great mediums, so it wouldn't cause any harm (and as it's not premium, just special, it won't earn as much credits as regular tier 8 premiums). That gun elevation will be painful AF in too many situations.

    • @sunbear1310
      @sunbear1310 12 годин тому

      Slightly better gun??
      Are you taking crazy pills? This gun is massively worse than the cent 7/1 gun.

  • @Razzoq
    @Razzoq 15 годин тому +1

    Today I saw new tanks again:
    - Object 765T (Tier 9 Heavy should it be)
    - ERAC 105 Pr (Tier 9 light tank from france, already existing on console)
    So we get this very soon too like it looks.

  • @lMrJackl
    @lMrJackl 23 години тому +1

    Good luck marking that kv5. It took me a long time.

  • @TheManiacNathan
    @TheManiacNathan 21 годину тому +2

    So it's a gsor 1008 turret and a charlemain hull but does not have mechanics that make either of them tanks, good

  • @hurdur9521
    @hurdur9521 22 години тому +11

    Oh, great. More fodder to farm at tier X xd
    But seriously, though. Inexperienced players who only ever played tier IV will again jump into tier IX and explode instantly. Not a great experience for them, or their teams.
    Patton the tank already proved this model of a "gift tank" to be flawed.

    • @Fightforever697
      @Fightforever697 22 години тому

      This is a big problems in WOT. But a avantage for me because they play like nuggets.

    • @veselindimov307
      @veselindimov307 20 годин тому +3

      People who play in tier 4 don't care about their performance. They just want to drive around, shoot some tanks and have fun. So if they get the chance to do this in tier 9, wonderful! And experienced players, 3rd-markers, etc. will have a lot to farm, if they play patiently. So it's a win-win for everyone.

  • @ziedsaid1056
    @ziedsaid1056 23 години тому +2

    merry Christmas Dez

  • @AbsSolut
    @AbsSolut 23 години тому +2

    GG - Merry Christmas

  • @christophersmith9816
    @christophersmith9816 22 години тому +7

    Looks interesting. Better than Patton. Would like to see armor model. Its medium so not expecting a lot. But its free...

  • @7errafirma
    @7errafirma 20 годин тому +1

    The developers are now basically considering that everyone will use the turbo equipment in 99% of the tanks, so, they design all of the new tanks slow, which is a very stupid idea. You are basically forced to use a turbo, it's not an option for you, then the tank moves at normal speed, there is basically a penalty for all tanks now, you only have 2 equipment slots. Another obvious example is Nergal, it is one of the slowest tier 8 tanks in the game. They also considered that people will use hardening on it and they made it also the least healthy tank with the lowest hit points of any tier 8 heavy on par with emil and bisonte and a few others. In order Nergal to be what it would have been without these bad ideas, you are required to use turbo and hardnng, it just means it's a tank with a huge penalty: In reality, you only have a single equipment slot. And there is the rammer pressure due to low alpha and mediocre dpm. You cannot get creative with your equipment choices or pick them best for your game style...

  • @piaskonator2535
    @piaskonator2535 23 години тому +38

    this tank seems better than toro xd

    • @supershid464
      @supershid464 22 години тому +2

      toro is faster actually

    • @Fightforever697
      @Fightforever697 22 години тому +3

      You cannot compare the both tank.

    • @matapros69
      @matapros69 21 годину тому +3

      In armor? Maybe, but the all other stats... Centurion 7/1 its better (and also toro its better)

    • @tooomaaaz3403
      @tooomaaaz3403 21 годину тому

      We need soft stats on gun handling and mobility and exact armor model before conclude.

    • @BirTek-93
      @BirTek-93 20 годин тому +4

      Toro is actually fine.

  • @sempertalis1230
    @sempertalis1230 19 годин тому

    Patton the tank set the mark, GSOR the Tank comes probably with a 3 shot ammo rack or self combustible armor
    And if you sell it you loose $1 Million credits

  • @joaoguilherme9034
    @joaoguilherme9034 14 годин тому +1

    Hello everyone, next years holiday tank will be the DZT-190 it has 279 hull, chieftain t95 turret, double jg pz e100 guns, its not gonna be a free tank, the cost will be 1 million gold, it will be the last tank we will release in wot, screw you all. - Sergey Smatov.

  • @bigearl3867
    @bigearl3867 21 годину тому

    I like the stats on the TS-6. I can deal with it being slow.

  • @ChadKenova
    @ChadKenova 10 годин тому

    Im mean i think the turret might have decent armor with the angle it has and using its 11 degrees of gun depression.

  • @bouloshijazin5129
    @bouloshijazin5129 20 годин тому +1

    I am sure it's a pinata, so you become the game WG is selling

  • @marty2129
    @marty2129 21 годину тому

    Hull from Charlemagne/STT's Chieftain predecessor and screens/layered armor in front of turret cheeks... I wonder how trolly it will be against HESH, HE and especially HEAT...

  • @ryanhicks5371
    @ryanhicks5371 23 години тому

    Someone left on this faster than their dad clicked on them.

  • @alejandrozapataq
    @alejandrozapataq 21 годину тому

    looks like friday is a perfect day to play trashbarn or deathstar

  • @JayFochs1337
    @JayFochs1337 10 годин тому

    8:48 American t103?

  • @philkoth2198
    @philkoth2198 18 годин тому

    GSOR tank looks like single-shot Cobra. I would say T8 American medium (IMT?) looks most interesting...

  • @steffNn
    @steffNn 11 годин тому

    Wargaming has to do something about the B4 position on Live Oaks....none of the heavies can go city if the other team takes B4...

  • @heavNz
    @heavNz 20 годин тому

    If only the spaced armor deletes any and all heats , then it would actually be epic

  • @Sovereign465
    @Sovereign465 11 годин тому

    I really wish they would stop flooding the higher tiers with tanks that inexperienced players can play and just add more maps and fix the MM

  • @ivankis1879
    @ivankis1879 21 годину тому

    TS-6 looks a bit like ST-l when you look at the turret

  • @matepancel8300
    @matepancel8300 21 годину тому

    Eyy, PapaDez, title is wrong, ITM - IMT, otherwise nice news episode as always! ;)

  • @j_p_hu3454
    @j_p_hu3454 17 годин тому

    Ts6 tracks look like a yoh tank. What do you think?

  • @NightRuners24
    @NightRuners24 16 годин тому

    @DezGamez it has the Charlemagne hull.

  • @bikebudha01
    @bikebudha01 14 годин тому

    TS-6... I would like to put ALL THE TURBO on it, and try and play it like a medium...

  • @matejsinko6523
    @matejsinko6523 23 години тому +1

    IMT is old ex +jugoslavian tractor factory so i hope it will be better than jugoslavian tractors

  • @Bmuelr
    @Bmuelr 16 годин тому

    TS-6 looks like an American AMX M4 51

  • @GRyder261
    @GRyder261 22 години тому

    Is this a singleshot cobra?

  • @defiantraven7915
    @defiantraven7915 20 годин тому

    Is the GSOR med a bond earning tank?

  • @fire23wong
    @fire23wong 21 годину тому

    Looks like it is the GSRO1008 turret plus space armour. If nothing else changed the gun will be very easy to pen

    • @classicmac8986
      @classicmac8986 20 годин тому

      the t8 gsor is one of the WORST t8 premiums, now its at t9 so it will be another t7.5 at t9 like patton the Tonk lol

    • @fire23wong
      @fire23wong 20 годин тому +1

      @ are you referring to the GSOR1010 (MT) or GSOR1008(TD)? I don’t think the gsor1008 is a bad premium

  • @KingRat71
    @KingRat71 18 годин тому

    I still think they should have made a Christmas camo for the FELICE…… and call the camo the NAVIDAD…… then when mounted it would be the FELICE NAVIDAD

  • @ExeNoun
    @ExeNoun 22 години тому

    Stats quite good for a free tier 9 premium medium tank, although exchange survivability for firepower, at least it's way more worth compared to patton the tank.

    • @Taudlitz
      @Taudlitz 22 години тому

      its not premium :-D where did you get that idea? :-D

    • @ExeNoun
      @ExeNoun 22 години тому

      @Taudlitz just my assumption it's a premium, since i didn't read all of the info properly just focused on the stats

    • @ironicloud
      @ironicloud 22 години тому

      @@ExeNoun It will be a special tank. A special tank has 50% more of xp earning but no increase of silver than a standard tier 9 tank

    • @ExeNoun
      @ExeNoun 22 години тому

      @@ironicloud alright then thanks

  • @Gentle_Ghost_Hunter
    @Gentle_Ghost_Hunter 22 години тому

    GSOR seems to be slightly better than Patton, just because it has at least some spicy Hesh rounds that can be used. but it will have horribly low requirements for three mark just like Patton so i may try to actually mark both next year (I'm not a marker and starting easy seems like a decent idea)

    • @veselindimov307
      @veselindimov307 20 годин тому +1

      The requirements for Patton are 2.1k-2.2k. So it's like doing 5-6 shots per game. I have 5 games in it and I'm at 25% marks 😂

    • @user-sg9ql8nk1u
      @user-sg9ql8nk1u 19 годин тому +1

      it actually seem alot better imo,atleast u got a usable gun this time and not having sloppy ass accuracy

  • @aimforace2368
    @aimforace2368 20 годин тому

    Soon we be getting “BZ the tank”

  • @fouzaialaa7962
    @fouzaialaa7962 13 годин тому

    why does everything have 10 gun depression now ? i thought the S.conq was god like for its gun depression but now everything has 10 + degrees

  • @pratikshah7306
    @pratikshah7306 21 годину тому +1

    Does it earn premium credits?

    • @LVArturs
      @LVArturs 21 годину тому

      This is the most important question. Even if it's the worst tank in the game, I still might play it if there's credits.

    • @_DamnatioMemoriae_
      @_DamnatioMemoriae_ 20 годин тому


    • @veselindimov307
      @veselindimov307 20 годин тому +1

      No, it will be a reward tank (like Patton the Tank, Concept 1B, Char Futur 4, etc.)

  • @tl1758
    @tl1758 17 годин тому

    How many premium tanks does this game need? WG should spend his resources on maps, balance, MM etc...

  • @hpk4917
    @hpk4917 10 годин тому

    Oh Mama, What a Tank . . .reload 12,3????

  • @sathanh6533
    @sathanh6533 23 години тому

    Gsor the son of Cobra :))

  • @FramedFreddy
    @FramedFreddy 22 години тому +2

    Is it just me who think that Statham looks pretty bored? 😅

    • @universalgamer8010
      @universalgamer8010 22 години тому

      He probably doesn't even know what World of tanks is.

  • @mr.niceguy9394
    @mr.niceguy9394 19 годин тому +1

    I hope Gsor the tank sucks, i loved marking Patton the tank and considerated it a mini challenge. 😂

  • @xZilverUitje
    @xZilverUitje 21 годину тому

    Whoo more free damage to farm!

  • @theneocubed.2633
    @theneocubed.2633 21 годину тому

    gsor the tank better have more than just spaced armor slapped on the turret or else this is o ly gonna have a good gun and not much else

  • @Ale_X
    @Ale_X 21 годину тому

    GSOR will be interesting as a premium medium for all who don't afford a premium tank.

  • @Bardiel72
    @Bardiel72 14 годин тому

    Patton the tank, Gsor the tank... next year Lorr the tank?? Type the tank?? 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣

  • @ez8574
    @ez8574 15 годин тому

    Next year we will get pz the tank

  • @Arkangel88Mr
    @Arkangel88Mr 10 годин тому

    Crap…..why Gsor? Couldn’t it have been another tank, like Chieftain…the Tank. Already predicted it will need gold to do anything.

  • @fkxfkx
    @fkxfkx 15 годин тому

    Don't i already have this?

  • @BlackStar1994
    @BlackStar1994 21 годину тому

    Remember : Patton The Trash

  • @patokonkoly3669
    @patokonkoly3669 22 години тому

    This tank is a lot better compared to the patton

  • @namegoeshereorhere5020
    @namegoeshereorhere5020 23 години тому +1

    Great, another tank for all the bots to pollute the MM with and do zero damage per game. You'd think they'd learn fro their mistakes.

    • @sarki4816
      @sarki4816 22 години тому


    • @sarki4816
      @sarki4816 22 години тому

      Free damage farm for us also though 😂

  • @shirkhan3818
    @shirkhan3818 14 годин тому

    Again that long aimtime on a Medium :((

  • @njc964
    @njc964 21 годину тому +4

    Ah great. Another tank for anyone to receive. Even players with 100 games can play this. Clogging up the higher-tier matchmaker with total muppets. Super news

  • @mindofmakaronik6567
    @mindofmakaronik6567 23 години тому

    I like pancakes

  • @bikedoc4145
    @bikedoc4145 21 годину тому +1

    So I think WG is trying to make our 2 min games last longer by putting real slow tanks in the game. It will take 2 min just to reach the enemy in that GSOR

  • @zanaton1989
    @zanaton1989 18 годин тому

    Dead game abandoned accounts are used by bots apart from that many cheat by using double monitor in one they have the injector and in the other they record the stream

  • @JeffBulahan-f5z
    @JeffBulahan-f5z 18 годин тому

    2.5 sec aim time 😢😢

  • @woo4919
    @woo4919 22 години тому

    둘다 주는 거임????

  • @Burboss
    @Burboss 17 годин тому

    another free garage slot...

  • @ryanhicks5371
    @ryanhicks5371 23 години тому

    Someone left on this faster than their dad clicking them.

  • @martinsvilums7542
    @martinsvilums7542 15 годин тому

    ts 6 looks intresting but thos both mediums are total garbo

  • @joshuatolbert287
    @joshuatolbert287 17 годин тому

    Face reveal Dez plz

  • @albertwesker4266
    @albertwesker4266 22 години тому +2

    Weaker version of centurion 7/1 ... nothing special

    • @kubka4
      @kubka4 22 години тому

      At least it should be usable, unlike Patton the Prank 😅

    • @albertwesker4266
      @albertwesker4266 22 години тому

      @@kubka4 yea, point taken

  • @scottmorse1798
    @scottmorse1798 18 годин тому

    Ah yes, wot holiday ops event tank is here! As an 80% arty player it my favorite time of year smearing poo all over your holiday cheer! Merry Christmas!

  • @gregh8720
    @gregh8720 10 годин тому

    rather a new map than another free dog$hit tank. It's most likely only free cos its so $hit they can't fix it enough to sell it. and its British so it can't be good.

  • @4everyoung546
    @4everyoung546 18 годин тому

    Nice more idiots in tier 9

  • @ildottoredelrione3376
    @ildottoredelrione3376 22 години тому

    Uhmmmm ...

  • @karutonko3430
    @karutonko3430 22 години тому

    105mm on HE that's crazy just like the CENT 7/1 and CENT AX

    • @kubka4
      @kubka4 22 години тому +1

      But unless you're short on credits there's no reason to actually use the HE since the HESH prem round has same damage with 210 pen

  • @strippedlist
    @strippedlist 19 годин тому

    Please do a video about this cheating in WG and no punishment, 3 games i died behind rock....and another thing, i won 7 games in a row, every time exceeded the score of mark of excellence and score going down....why???? it has no logic!!!!

  • @hybridwolf66
    @hybridwolf66 19 годин тому

    TBH, I am not impressed by any of them. GSOR will sit in the garage un-crewed and I would not pay for the other 2. Mediocre at best.

  • @Derguz
    @Derguz 21 годину тому

    Going by the stats it looks like another turd tank.. And the IMT isn't looking much better.. Just another american turd medium.. And looking at the TS-6 tank it just looks incredibly boring - not a turd tho... but boring.

  • @АлександрХ-ю7ш
    @АлександрХ-ю7ш 23 години тому

    Вам и не снились танки что у нас на Lesta .Ваши просто некудышные и скучные .

    • @antalpoti
      @antalpoti 20 годин тому

      Go play on Lesta servers then and stop polluting our air.

    • @АлександрХ-ю7ш
      @АлександрХ-ю7ш 20 годин тому

      @antalpoti Что за чушь? Воздух какой-то большей чуши я не слышал

    • @_DamnatioMemoriae_
      @_DamnatioMemoriae_ 20 годин тому

      @@antalpoti Lesta It's becoming more and more like Fortnite than World of Tanks.

    • @Les_Grossman.
      @Les_Grossman. 19 годин тому

      Тебе сколько лет наверно 9-10 к чему ты вообще этот высер написал? сам на лесте сейчас но смешней чуши что ты написал еще не читал 🤣🤣забыл добавить если тебе не 9-10 тогда у меня плохая новость для тебя ты durachkom вырос

  • @Stanislav_Osovskyi
    @Stanislav_Osovskyi 23 години тому +2

    wot express is moore faster 😏😏😏.no like

  • @angrygerman3229
    @angrygerman3229 17 годин тому thx

  • @ieatbatteries_2615
    @ieatbatteries_2615 23 години тому


  • @vonn4017
    @vonn4017 18 годин тому

    at the very least you need to have ground out a tank to that tier an earned the right to play at a high level. you know what happens when you put a tier 3 player in a tier 9 match,? you cripple the team with the scrub player. i for one am tired of lopsided battles where you are running to get damage. or your evaporates in 2 mins. this game is going down the toilet faster than turd