CB Performance - 2332cc Engine on the Dyno (made 179hp)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rucarnuts13
    @rucarnuts13 5 років тому +14

    This completely blows my mind, especially when you remember it’s an air-cooled, naturally aspirated, flat-4, pushrod engine that was originally designed back in the 30’s.
    Phenomenal work!

  • @curtragsdale7098
    @curtragsdale7098 5 років тому +2

    I will just say that CB Performance and Pat Downs are the two best things that VW owners could ask for. Pat built this motor for me and it's only been in my 67 bug for a short time and it's an awesome piece of work. If you are looking to get the best that you can put into your VW, look to CB and Pat for the answers. Thanks again to the staff at CB.

    • @curtragsdale7098
      @curtragsdale7098 5 років тому

      Also a big thanks to A-1 for the great sound coming out of your exhaust

  • @marktucker1651
    @marktucker1651 5 років тому +2

    nice for daily driver,more power than most know what to do with.

  • @keithk8698
    @keithk8698 5 років тому +2

    Looks and sounds awesome!! Great job CB Performance 👍🏼🤙🏼

  • @josealbertomarroquin2994
    @josealbertomarroquin2994 5 років тому +2

    Amazing work Absolutely love it Way to go

  • @joshcosta423
    @joshcosta423 5 років тому +1

    Two things, that's a street engine thing of BEAUTY and that new A-1 exhaust sounds 🔥🔥🔥

  • @charlesmartin7347
    @charlesmartin7347 5 років тому +1

    I love this engine.
    One day maybe or the 1904 .

  • @hussianmohmmad4613
    @hussianmohmmad4613 4 роки тому +1

    Nice powerful engines 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @henrychristopher9131
    @henrychristopher9131 5 років тому

    I would like to see the Panchito 044 cnc 61cc chambers heads and eagle 2240 cam with 1.4 ratio rocker arms in a 2110cc (82x90.5) dyno.

  • @dilanma4251
    @dilanma4251 4 роки тому

    I am from srilanka i heard about you from kombilife good job good luck

  • @legendarios28
    @legendarios28 3 роки тому

    Donde puedo conseguir el efecto hall de distribuidor cb performance

  • @FixinBugsNStuff
    @FixinBugsNStuff 4 роки тому

    I buy a lot of your products. Good stuff!

  • @syncrosimon
    @syncrosimon 4 роки тому +1

    Thing of beauty😎😎🇬🇧🇬🇧

  • @69sound81
    @69sound81 3 роки тому

    Hey, a lot since this last video you guys posted. It would be great to see a 1914cc engine with 2 baby webbers and ro ket headers. Maybe I end up building my engine with you guys for a formula vee like project I have. It would also be nice if you guys post a build on a 6 cilinder air cooled boxer engine from porsche

  • @MattLundquistVW
    @MattLundquistVW 5 років тому

    Another awesome combo boy's.

  • @danjohnson6292
    @danjohnson6292 5 років тому +1

    Would this engine fit in a 65 vert or would i need to chop up the engine bay to fit it in?

  • @obiel3c
    @obiel3c 2 роки тому

    What is the price on a engine like that guy's 🤔

  • @RatoeiraVW
    @RatoeiraVW 5 років тому +3

    😍😍😍😍 VW 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @firstnamelastname-xi4jz
    @firstnamelastname-xi4jz 5 років тому

    Be really interesting to see this motor with your throttle body and black box hooked up on e85. I realize that these are probably customers engines and you’re not building them to just dyno

  • @Praytri0t
    @Praytri0t 4 роки тому

    what are the whp numbers compared to gross in a type one. losses?10 hp?

  • @MrLeandrei
    @MrLeandrei 4 роки тому

    Is it possible to order an already built machine?

  • @danielsoto2583
    @danielsoto2583 4 роки тому

    Que precio tiene el motor?

  • @henrychristopher9131
    @henrychristopher9131 5 років тому

    what rpm were the max hp and tq numbers? did it have the cnc chambers.

  • @VWLifeVW
    @VWLifeVW 5 років тому +1

    Can I has dis? I need dis

  • @vwsandvettes3253
    @vwsandvettes3253 5 років тому +4

    I love these videos, please keep 'em coming! Question: what is the rationale behind using the Panchitos (40x35.5 valves I think), the 2289 cam, 1.25 rockers, and the 1 5/8 exhaust on an engine this big vs. using say, Super Pro or Ultra Wedge Port heads with 45-46mm intakes and 37.5mm exhaust valves, something akin to an FK87 (cb 2289) cam, 1.4 rockers and 1 3/4 exhaust? Is it the owner's desire for longevity or low rpm street use? I see lots of "mild" 2332 vw engines, but only a few are really "turned up". Thank you!

    • @firstnamelastname-xi4jz
      @firstnamelastname-xi4jz 5 років тому +3

      Ted Pulliam when you can afford to build the biggest motor it doesn’t have to be “turned up” depending on what your needs and wants are. Remember there is no replacement for displacement, a mild 2332 would last longer than a wild 1915 making around the same power. So the answer is having power while being reliable. Drivability also comes to mind with the smaller valves

  • @erichill5208
    @erichill5208 5 років тому

    Very nice but what’s the point of a dyno video without the spects of the engine out put

    • @CBperformance
      @CBperformance  5 років тому

      All available information is in the description

  • @ceanmave
    @ceanmave 4 роки тому

    what is the cost of that engine ???

  • @Matiaslantelli
    @Matiaslantelli 5 років тому

    Would it fit in my 58 bug?

  • @smacdiesel
    @smacdiesel 4 роки тому

    I want to buy it.

  • @kenrisser1946
    @kenrisser1946 2 роки тому

    Who built this engine

  • @Motor-City-Mike
    @Motor-City-Mike 5 років тому

    I'm a little surprised - I was expecting right about 200hp.
    there's plenty of airflow potential here and at 2.3 liters there's enough displacement to support it.
    I'm going to guess this build was softened up somewhat for an everyday driver - we used to pull 180-185hp at 1840cc for hill climb buggies.

    • @carholic-sz3qv
      @carholic-sz3qv 5 років тому

      MIKE MOTORCITY OG yes for the engine to last longer they have to tune down the output

    • @Motor-City-Mike
      @Motor-City-Mike 5 років тому

      Makes sense.
      Pretty much like I said.

  • @humbertoturbodantasdefatim6150
    @humbertoturbodantasdefatim6150 5 років тому

    Show 👍

  • @masgordo
    @masgordo 5 років тому +1

    I bet they’re not cheap...

    • @herbienbrian2
      @herbienbrian2 5 років тому +2

      I remember when you could get nice built long blocks for $600. The VW aftermarket is way overpriced for boomers with too much money.

    • @Paulinthewyld
      @Paulinthewyld 5 років тому +1

      Budget for $9500 + gauges, trans mounts, fuel pump, lines, fittings, oil cooler, oil lines, fittings..... etc,etc.....if you don’t have $12-$13k keep saving... $15k+ if you want a tranny that will bring full smile mode...

  • @cjgarage9822
    @cjgarage9822 4 роки тому

    How do I get one of these engines?

    • @ahmaddarwish1486
      @ahmaddarwish1486 4 роки тому +1

      you buy it for a fuck ton of money or you build it (still expensive)

    • @hussianmohmmad4613
      @hussianmohmmad4613 4 роки тому

      Yes always lot of money 💰 to make as this engines

  • @TheOneshot78
    @TheOneshot78 5 років тому

    I think my pants are wet..

  • @herbienbrian2
    @herbienbrian2 5 років тому +4

    That's kinda mild for a 2332cc.
    Why are all these Honda kids making 1000hp and air-cooled VW's are still making the same power they were 20 years ago, yet it costs more then it did to build my e36? Air-cooled VW's are a rich boomers hobby now, not the inexpensive hot rod they used to be.

    • @joshcosta423
      @joshcosta423 5 років тому +1

      Go listen to Let's Talk Dubs podcast interview with Pat Downs and other engine builders. They talk about about why they don't make 1000 HP with a stock Air Cooled VW type one engine case. Also listen to the two episodes with Scott Kelly. Do some research for yourself before making unjustified comments.

    • @rucarnuts13
      @rucarnuts13 5 років тому +3

      Keep in mind that it’s a naturally-aspirated, air-cooled, flat-4, pushrod, street engine that was originally designed back in the 30’s.
      Yes we have insane 4-cylinders abound in this modern day and age, but you’ve got to admit that, for what it is, it’s pretty astonishing that they can get that much power - and have it be reliable - from an engine whose design predates the invention of synthetic rubber tires.

    • @herbienbrian2
      @herbienbrian2 5 років тому +1

      @@rucarnuts13 Well it still costs to damn much. Air-cooled VW's are a rich mans hobby now, with the aftermarket monopolized by cheap garbage Chinese parts and niche companies who charge an arm and a leg for barely acceptable forged shit. There are massive amounts of inexpensive well made parts for my e36 from a wide variety of companies. I tried getting into the aftermarket VW parts business, it's a ruthless Monopoly because of companies like these.

    • @joshcosta423
      @joshcosta423 5 років тому +2

      @@herbienbrian2 and to think this company is still a mom and pop shop that has supposedly "monopolized" the industry in your eyes.

    • @herbienbrian2
      @herbienbrian2 5 років тому +1

      @@joshcosta423 CB is so far removed from a mom and pop shop. They make gobs of cash off these cheap motors.