can't help but think if these car companies had focused on delivering fuel efficient cars istead of gas hogs, they wouldn't be forced into electrification.
can it match the pickups that many are making from $8K and up? i prefer the small pu's of the 60s thru 80s. now they are all huge giant unwanted gas hogs. return to the past. honda price it right and you will win. dont care for ev's or hybrids, but, 3cyl could do what the cvcc did in the 70s.....54 mpg.
When is this available, how much does it cost and how can you purchase it today
can't help but think if these car companies had focused on delivering fuel efficient cars istead of gas hogs, they wouldn't be forced into electrification.
Like he ^ said!
can it match the pickups that many are making from $8K and up? i prefer the small pu's of the 60s thru 80s. now they are all huge giant unwanted gas hogs. return to the past. honda price it right and you will win. dont care for ev's or hybrids, but, 3cyl could do what the cvcc did in the 70s.....54 mpg.