the implicit ruby stuff like being in a class then saying some variable and ruby knowing if it is undefined to look at it as if it is an instance variable or a instance property and try that is so weird to me and breaks my brain...
Michael Hartl, you lost a bet that you made, and now you owe me $100. Pay up. You know my PayPal address. Shall I go into more detail about what the bet was, and why you lost?
Didn’t fully get the Sinatra parts, but joy kept lasting in me all the way through his talk. Amazing Heartl, amazing Ruby.
Didn’t know it was that straightforward to write your own gem!
Great talk Michael, I started with your tutorials many years ago and loved it!
Great talk with an engaging and likeable speaker!
Amazing, simple talk! Great speaker, well done
Mindblown Talk. Thank you very much, Michael, you are a great speaker!
Great talk, I like it a lot, keep the good work pleease.
Great author. I learned Rails from his book.
Hey it's the tau guy!
Loved it! I'd buy him a beer!
Should have been a few more applauses about the point he redefined the FLIPPIN string data type and then used in in 3 seconds.
the implicit ruby stuff like being in a class then saying some variable and ruby knowing if it is undefined to look at it as if it is an instance variable or a instance property and try that is so weird to me and breaks my brain...
Very cool!
Michael Hartl, you lost a bet that you made, and now you owe me $100. Pay up. You know my PayPal address. Shall I go into more detail about what the bet was, and why you lost?