Excellente entrevue. Il n'est sans doute pas inutile de mentionner que l'intervieweur est Fernand Seguin, un grand homme de culture qui, dans son émission «Le Sel de la semaine» à la télévision de Radio-Canada a rencontré de nombreuses personnalités, parmi lesquelles Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Jack Kerouac, Jean Rostand, Joséphine Baker, et tellement d'autres. Malheureusement, ces entrevues ne sont qu'occasionnellement accessibles. Merci donc d'avoir mis celle-ci en ligne.
Cette femme dégage une séduction naturelle exceptionnelle. Sa vie est une quête d'amour total, absolu qui l'a conduite à se donner corps et âme, parfois, à des hommes qui ne la méritaient pas. J'en veux pour exemples, Henry Miller et son père. Le premier, s'il a favorisé en elle l'éclosion de sa créativité et la liberté du corps, a beaucoup profité de son argent, le second, don Juan obsédé par le sexe, lui a offert une relation incestueuse passionnelle certes, mais assez ignoble. J'apprécie beaucoup Anaïs Nin.
Freedom comes from within, she says. Thinking so, Anais avoided being manipulated, she did not believe in ideologies. Though being anti establishment. So, it's truth she was kind of a rebel in many ways, and she was right in being so. She fighted against puritanism, she was an activist against the war who was psychoanalised and later helped Otto Rank once she was in New York. Her Diaries are a literary monument, but they are also a monument to life. This woman was part of a highbrows circle where she related with Henry Miller and psychoanalyst Otto Rank, among other famous intellectuals. Her life has been a passionatong one, and she went through troubled times. She lived in a small ship in the river, while in Paris, and then in NY, because of the WWII. She was the daughter of a pianist, but nothing would have foretold the great writress she would become. I can't praise enough her work, inspite having read only four volumes of her memories. The three first already showed the kind of person she was. She wrote some novels also, but it's in her Diaries where we find her and her adventure of life. She influenced a lot of people with her work and life. She was clever and a positive spirit, and we can see it through everything she had to experience. Her books influenced a lot my way of thinking and would have liked her to influence also my way of being. It's not easy to find women as deep and smart as Anais Nin, wish there were many. Her Diaries had to be a bit "summarised" and still it remains thousands and thousands of pages. Though the ones I know have only read the four first volumes, which means until she is already living in New York. Maybe the rest isn't as interesting as this first part of her work, can't tell. Don't miss this great Diaries. They always count as Literary Masterpieces.💎 ❤️🆗👍🤗
Excellente entrevue. Il n'est sans doute pas inutile de mentionner que l'intervieweur est Fernand Seguin, un grand homme de culture qui, dans son émission «Le Sel de la semaine» à la télévision de Radio-Canada a rencontré de nombreuses personnalités, parmi lesquelles Henry Miller, Lawrence Durrell, Jack Kerouac, Jean Rostand, Joséphine Baker, et tellement d'autres. Malheureusement, ces entrevues ne sont qu'occasionnellement accessibles. Merci donc d'avoir mis celle-ci en ligne.
J'ai commencée lire ses lettres écrites à Henry Miller et je peux dire que j'adorais cette femme immédiatement pour sa passion et sensibilité.
Cette femme dégage une séduction naturelle exceptionnelle. Sa vie est une quête d'amour total, absolu qui l'a conduite à se donner corps et âme, parfois, à des hommes qui ne la méritaient pas. J'en veux pour exemples, Henry Miller et son père. Le premier, s'il a favorisé en elle l'éclosion de sa créativité et la liberté du corps, a beaucoup profité de son argent, le second, don Juan obsédé par le sexe, lui a offert une relation incestueuse passionnelle certes, mais assez ignoble.
J'apprécie beaucoup Anaïs Nin.
Freedom comes from within, she says. Thinking so, Anais avoided being manipulated, she did not believe in ideologies. Though being anti establishment. So, it's truth she was kind of a rebel in many ways, and she was right in being so. She fighted against puritanism, she was an activist against the war who was psychoanalised and later helped Otto Rank once she was in New York. Her Diaries are a literary monument, but they are also a monument to life. This woman was part of a highbrows circle where she related with Henry Miller and psychoanalyst Otto Rank, among other famous intellectuals. Her life has been a passionatong one, and she went through troubled times. She lived in a small ship in the river, while in Paris, and then in NY, because of the WWII. She was the daughter of a pianist, but nothing would have foretold the great writress she would become. I can't praise enough her work, inspite having read only four volumes of her memories. The three first already showed the kind of person she was. She wrote some novels also, but it's in her Diaries where we find her and her adventure of life. She influenced a lot of people with her work and life. She was clever and a positive spirit, and we can see it through everything she had to experience. Her books influenced a lot my way of thinking and would have liked her to influence also my way of being. It's not easy to find women as deep and smart as Anais Nin, wish there were many. Her Diaries had to be a bit "summarised" and still it remains thousands and thousands of pages. Though the ones I know have only read the four first volumes, which means until she is already living in New York. Maybe the rest isn't as interesting as this first part of her work, can't tell. Don't miss this great Diaries. They always count as Literary Masterpieces.💎 ❤️🆗👍🤗
une femme extraordinaire.......;les dernières pages de son journal résonnent encore en moi...
thank you for posting this
Such a gem of a woman.