Amazing that you put this together so quickly! Jarrod reached out from RealSimGear, and he's getting the volume knob to adjust the actual radio volume in XPlane, so that'll work soon, allowing you to adjust individual radio volumes when flying on PilotEdge. The PE plugin is reading those volumes from the sim. See you next week!
Yeah it was a bit of a slog to get this one turned around so fast during everything else, but worth it - I hope a lot of people fly the Fisk arrival next week! (even if only virtually) More details are in the description, but here is the link for anyone that needs it:
17:52, since your left hand will be on the side stick (busy with flying and ATC; as mine is on the center stick in the DA40), I'd suggest NOT using your left hand for any panel things, like you're doing here for heading. Use your right hand for ALL panel operations... so there's a second HDG knob on the left side of the MFD (i.e. directly above the throttle quadrant)... always use that HDG knob (and in the same way, the ALT knob in the same area).
Steve, 4:40 I agree totally with getting the iPad out of the lap and up in the eyeline. IRL that's how I fly in my DA40. Excellent video... thx! BTW, I'm also a PilotEdge fan... and agree with Jason about treating a sim flight just like a real flight, engine start to engine cutoff.
I'm glad you're doing these videos of sim work from home, modeling what is possible for people to learn and engage with when they are away from the real airplane. Sims are wonderful training and teaching tools when you know how to use them effectively. And many people don't know that you can augment the systems with various hardware setups, linking Foreflight or Wing X with the setup, draw from Reality-XP to use realistic Garmin equipment within dynamic scenarios of your choosing, as well as a service like Pilot Edge to gain access to live ATC. These can be marvelous tools from which to learn and practice skills in between flights, though I feel that more people will take advantage when they see their favorite aviation channels model the benefits here.
I love the dichotomy between Jason and Steve's approaches. I take Jason's approach of trying hard to simulate as many practical aspects of real-world as is possible. I have some other pilot friends that tend to take Steve's "this is a sim" more relaxed approach. There are defensible points to each but I think that once a balance is found the sim can be a fantastic tool.
Great video as always! IFR training is on hold in the pandemic so I have been flying in x-plane and shooting different approaches to minimum in the LA area. (based out of KVNY in real life, so its great seeing you simming there). One great thing about flight sim is that i can make mistakes in IFR flight and see what goes wrong without risking anything. Its a great training tool for procedures.
Awesome concept! Really liked the interaction with ATC. It’s not always convenient. Jason’s advice about Aviate, Navigate, Communicate was spot on. Great video!
What an excellent video Steve! Love seeing you work through the world of online simulation and getting used to having to deal with the much higher task saturation than you will experience.
I love the CFI how he emphasises going through all the processes and checklist even during SIM. When I was using XF11 to practice for the Instrument Checkride, I made sure I had the airplane parked at the same area at the airport I flew in. I did every step, including before start checklist, start checklist, runup checklist, take off brief, everything. The issue I always hated about official sim with my CFI is that he would basically type a few things and then Im on thew run way and ready for take off. It took me out of the realism and took me out of flying. Getting into the mindset of flying includes all the workflows, otherwise, I never felt like I was actually flying and my maneuvering were terrible. I get it though, I'm paying a lot of money to be in the sim and running flows wasted money. I feel like I learned more practicing at home where I had the time to go through all my checklists then in the official sims at the flight school.
I was just watching your oshkosh video from 2016 yesterday, thinking about doing it in msfs 2020 would be fun. Especially with the new robust flight planning. Excited to see how the sim version of this event goes!
Such a cool setup & it's really going to help with the procedures and muscle memory for the ME IR... There was a definite 'buzz' when we were all testing the Oshkosh arrivals on PilotEdge over the last few months... I'm sure anyone who gets involved is going to love it. Such a shame we won't get to do the real thing this year but it's a close second & fingers crossed for Airventure '21! :)
Thanks for promoting the event. For me it came just in time to borrow me some suitable equipment as I'm not in sim/gaming at all. Already had a "super awesome" time together with friends the last night. So again thanks a lot for squeezing this video in and may be we "see" you tonight.
Glad to see another FlightChops video, and to know that there's another geek out there who likes to build computers and components in flannel PJs, static be damned! :)
That’s awesome Steve! Looking forward to it. We suppose to fly ourselves to kosh last Saturday. Flight time about 7.5 hours. Total time about 10 hours. We fly from the Alberta Saskatchewan border.
Wow this set up is amazing !!!!!!!! Before having my PPL , i flew with flight sim with a group of friends . I did this for about 5 years . I had a blast and lerned alot , even helped me get out of a bad situation . Have with your simulator 😜👍🏼🇨🇦
The LCDs of the G1000 were slightly overexposed. I would close down the aperture on the Panasonic by maybe 1 stop. That would take care of exposure and would also help bring the more distant part of the panel into better focus (the left side). Then, you might consider putting a light to the right of the camera to help illuminate the buttons on the G1000. With that angle, it shouldn't reflect off the screens into the camera.
Right yes, that's essentially the plan. I need better exposure on the knobs and buttons - more light on the panel, might also see about dimming the screens - but at a glance I couldn't see a way.
That’s interesting that in Canada you expect explicit hold short instructions. Rarely ever hear that in the US. Instead, you call tower once you’re already holding short for the takeoff clearance
For sim use the ProFlight is great. If you want to fly real world piston you'd want an A20 - the ProFlight is mostly for turboprop and jet application in real world flying.
Haha that was great man, definitely need to work those sim skills up my man but you did great. I have like 2,000 X-Plane 11 hours and am ready to take on FS2020
Speaking of Oshkosh...and friend and I put the bug in the ears of EAA to investigate having (what they call) hand-crafting done for Wittman Field and the EAA grounds for the New MSFS2020. While Wittman looks good in the Sim...wouldn't it be nice if it were touched-up? And imagine populating the EAA grounds with a few warbirds...or whatever? A hand-crafted add-in for the sim could also add some of the local landmarks known to most EAA fly-in the Ripon Water tower...and the like. The hand-crafted airports already being offered by some vendors in the sim are quite visually stunning.
I know, right? I had the Beaver check out most of the way through rough cutting... Then all this "time sensitive" stuff came up related to AirVenture being cancelled, so I had to shift focus, but I'll get back to finishing the Alaska series in Aug / Sept :)
FYI, the plane in-sim comes with it's own checklist - both on PDF and display on screen. You need to remember differences between REAL G1000 and sim....big note: the sim does not have automatic transponder. Also, volume knobs work.
I wonder how much it would help focus to Sim in: 1. Flight boots / crew shoes 2. Formal uniform / attire 3. The belief if you crash the plane a. No one will rent to you again b. You may seriously injure others c. Crash may close airport/airspace d. You may lose everything you own e. You will hurt GA's public support f. Adolescents will copy as expected g. etc., etc.
hi cool video is if you can enter v speeds in the tape. i am using xp hot start 900 with g1000 and i'm struggling with that. you have good set up and great support i can't wait to see you transition to the real world DA✈
I wanted to join Pilot Edge, but in the EST timezone there is no morning service (?). If they ever open up in the east I'll join in a heartbeat. Toronto specifically, would be nice ;)
I really liked your video! just one question though, how did you manage to setup your bose aviation headset with your computer? I would love to know as I've been searching myself for ages how to do it! Thanks in advance!
Don't know if you're planning on capturing it, but it would be cool to see the view that the PilotEdge controllers are seeing on their computer next week.
Just to clarify- it's actual AirVenture controllers (provided by NATCA) volunteering with us for SimVenture. And yes, we will be live streaming a lot of it on our Twitch channel.
It's hard to get good exposure on everything - and I am able to capture the view with the PC, so I am not so worried about getting a video shout of the view
Steve, chances are you'll feel more comfortable with the headset on if you use the cord clothing clip. I notice that it's just hanging in mid-air. Clip it to your shirt.
I have the Microsoft Forcefeedback 2 joystick with throttle quadrant on the left.I have it on my lap as that is the only way (ergonomically) to feel really comfortable with it.I'm guessing not so much for a lefty......................
@@FlightChops That's very handy,I can only left hand for a few moments without drifting.I have essential tremor which makes it impossible to operate all those nice panel controls in flight,so I can't go live online without getting controllers in a tiz..............................
I bought a month of pilotedge just so I could do the air venture! Im gonna be flying all the way up from my home town in Phoenix in the sim too since I got nothing else to do lol
Pigo you won’t have any ATC coverage from PilotEdge if you’re coming from MA. They only cover the western half of the country. They only cover the ZSE, ZLC, ZLA, ZDV, and ZAB ARTCCs
@@FlightChops I absolutely love Rush! I remember first hearing them in like 76 or so, the 1st album. I was a fan from the first listen. I should share a picture of my drum kit, though I am a much better guitar player than drummer.
Im In Canada, I have a heart issue which keeps me on the ground. I’ve been watching you for a long time. Seeing this is really exciting. I so want to get hooked up. The cost is the scary part. How do I get into your drawing for the simulator I want to give it my best
Thanks - and yeah - glad you're finding ways to keep the passion alive. Due to the pandemic everything has been pushed - so it will likely be a while before I am done with this set up and ready to give it away - but stay tuned :)
How do you keep your TPR from sliding on the floor? I have mine on a wood as well and I've resisted the thought of screwing into the floor. Looking for a better solution.
Every year EAA hosts a massive fly-in and airshow called AirVenture. This year PilotEdge is hosting a simulated version so pilots can still partake in the excitement of flying to Oshkosh, WI for AirVenture. You can learn more about it here...
Pilot Edge did a lot of work to make this thing happen - you can join for free just to fly this event - and if you decide to cancel after, it won't cost you anything.
There's a first time for everything? I like to show that process - I will get there - also - I'm not sure if you are aware of what I'm up to currently... but I have not had time to make the G1000 / DA62 a focus... yet.
Will likely be a North American thing - But due to the way schedules have been shifted, it will be a while before I am done with the set up - stay tuned for details on the give away
Flight Chops .... Constructive criticism here. I enjoy your channel for many years and always look forward to your latest videos! I found this video a bit disappointing in some respect e.g. not bringing your checklists, not approaching the flight as you would in the real world. I am not commenting on any "finding your way around the G1000 set". This is what the training is for and there is so much positive to still take away from the video. I understand it was rushed out and I feel, in doing so, you've missed a beat. S!
Steve, I'm looking at this two years after the fact. I have a question for you that I'm wondering if you could answer. I'm most likely never going to be in a position to be PIC again, and I've been rebuilding my life after 'something' happened to me. So, I am going to be looking to upgrade my computer sometime in the next six months. I don't really play games, but MSFS is something I want. My intent is to get something like the Stay Level panel, the Real Sim G1000 system, and I want three monitors, one for in front and two for the sides, one for either side. Hence, my dilemna. Between the RealSim panels, the front monitor and the two side monitors, that's five connections. Most graphics cards only give you three DP and one HDMI What I'm thinking is one higher end card, something like a Radeon RX6800XT for the front and side monitors and then something like a RX6600XT for the RealSim displays. Do you, or your tech support people, know anything about using two different graphics cards for five or more displays for MSFS 2020?
Doesn't the DA62 have the stick between the legs? Why wouldn't you set your stick the same as the airplane. At first I thought maybe you were setup for a Cirrus but then you said you are training for a DA62.... and you spent all that money on a G1000 panel but didn't get a throttle?
The set up is a work in progress - I am waiting for a couple throttles to test - neither of which is available yet. As for the stick between the legs -when the platform desk clap thing is available that will probably allow for that - but for now, this is the best I could do with a drum throne to the side
@@FlightChops What sim software ? Where is your Sim setup ? ... i'm in London Ont and use Prepar3d and am self taught sim pilot ... never flown any plane. But in an emergency i'm pretty confident i could land anything with a long enough runway.
Honestly, I love love love this channel and all your videos, but your seemingly wonton disregard for preparation for this flight is not setting a great example for impressionable young student pilots. Jason is your friend so he hesitated to go too hard on you, but most CFI’s would not be okay with that. Make sure to be cognizant of the influence and reach that you have. Great video otherwise!
Fair enough - but I tried really hard to set this up as me racing to get ready to be a part of the SimVenture event. And working out production logistics more than anything else - I didn't have time to prepare - this video was me capturing and sharing the process of preparing. And let's be honest, this wasn't framed as a training flight so much as it was talking about the concept of using this gear for future training flights... But you make a good point, I'll address how important it is to show up prepared for training in future videos where we are actually using the gear for training
Amazing that you put this together so quickly! Jarrod reached out from RealSimGear, and he's getting the volume knob to adjust the actual radio volume in XPlane, so that'll work soon, allowing you to adjust individual radio volumes when flying on PilotEdge. The PE plugin is reading those volumes from the sim. See you next week!
Yeah it was a bit of a slog to get this one turned around so fast during everything else, but worth it - I hope a lot of people fly the Fisk arrival next week! (even if only virtually)
More details are in the description, but here is the link for anyone that needs it:
17:52, since your left hand will be on the side stick (busy with flying and ATC; as mine is on the center stick in the DA40), I'd suggest NOT using your left hand for any panel things, like you're doing here for heading. Use your right hand for ALL panel operations... so there's a second HDG knob on the left side of the MFD (i.e. directly above the throttle quadrant)... always use that HDG knob (and in the same way, the ALT knob in the same area).
Insights appreciated.
Great stuff....looking forward to reliving the OSH arrival stress, via Sim-Venture.
Steve, 4:40 I agree totally with getting the iPad out of the lap and up in the eyeline. IRL that's how I fly in my DA40. Excellent video... thx! BTW, I'm also a PilotEdge fan... and agree with Jason about treating a sim flight just like a real flight, engine start to engine cutoff.
I'm glad you're doing these videos of sim work from home, modeling what is possible for people to learn and engage with when they are away from the real airplane. Sims are wonderful training and teaching tools when you know how to use them effectively. And many people don't know that you can augment the systems with various hardware setups, linking Foreflight or Wing X with the setup, draw from Reality-XP to use realistic Garmin equipment within dynamic scenarios of your choosing, as well as a service like Pilot Edge to gain access to live ATC. These can be marvelous tools from which to learn and practice skills in between flights, though I feel that more people will take advantage when they see their favorite aviation channels model the benefits here.
I love the dichotomy between Jason and Steve's approaches. I take Jason's approach of trying hard to simulate as many practical aspects of real-world as is possible. I have some other pilot friends that tend to take Steve's "this is a sim" more relaxed approach. There are defensible points to each but I think that once a balance is found the sim can be a fantastic tool.
Great video as always! IFR training is on hold in the pandemic so I have been flying in x-plane and shooting different approaches to minimum in the LA area. (based out of KVNY in real life, so its great seeing you simming there). One great thing about flight sim is that i can make mistakes in IFR flight and see what goes wrong without risking anything. Its a great training tool for procedures.
Awesome concept! Really liked the interaction with ATC. It’s not always convenient. Jason’s advice about Aviate, Navigate, Communicate was spot on. Great video!
What an excellent video Steve! Love seeing you work through the world of online simulation and getting used to having to deal with the much higher task saturation than you will experience.
Amazingly realistic. I love the ForeFlight integration. Great video Steve, thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it
I love the CFI how he emphasises going through all the processes and checklist even during SIM. When I was using XF11 to practice for the Instrument Checkride, I made sure I had the airplane parked at the same area at the airport I flew in. I did every step, including before start checklist, start checklist, runup checklist, take off brief, everything.
The issue I always hated about official sim with my CFI is that he would basically type a few things and then Im on thew run way and ready for take off. It took me out of the realism and took me out of flying. Getting into the mindset of flying includes all the workflows, otherwise, I never felt like I was actually flying and my maneuvering were terrible. I get it though, I'm paying a lot of money to be in the sim and running flows wasted money.
I feel like I learned more practicing at home where I had the time to go through all my checklists then in the official sims at the flight school.
I was just watching your oshkosh video from 2016 yesterday, thinking about doing it in msfs 2020 would be fun. Especially with the new robust flight planning. Excited to see how the sim version of this event goes!
Such a cool setup & it's really going to help with the procedures and muscle memory for the ME IR... There was a definite 'buzz' when we were all testing the Oshkosh arrivals on PilotEdge over the last few months... I'm sure anyone who gets involved is going to love it. Such a shame we won't get to do the real thing this year but it's a close second & fingers crossed for Airventure '21! :)
Simulation and with ATC included? The simulator we've always wanted. That was awesome, Steve!
ATC as long as you pretend to be flying in the western U.S.
Bill R Actually, our SimVenture event is at Oshkosh, Wisconsin!
Well, what do you know! That was me in N3558U getting a call from ATC just as you entered 16R!
Thanks for promoting the event. For me it came just in time to borrow me some suitable equipment as I'm not in sim/gaming at all. Already had a "super awesome" time together with friends the last night. So again thanks a lot for squeezing this video in and may be we "see" you tonight.
Glad to see another FlightChops video, and to know that there's another geek out there who likes to build computers and components in flannel PJs, static be damned! :)
That’s awesome Steve! Looking forward to it. We suppose to fly ourselves to kosh last Saturday. Flight time about 7.5 hours. Total time about 10 hours. We fly from the Alberta Saskatchewan border.
You should look for a product named Track IR. It basically track your head movement and it makes the SIM so much more realistic
Yeah - I'm considering that...
I learned the G1000 on a redbird FMX. Also flight simulator X in the Barron had a G1000. This was much cheaper.
Thx for the video Chops!!!!
Wow this set up is amazing !!!!!!!! Before having my PPL , i flew with flight sim with a group of friends . I did this for about 5 years . I had a blast and lerned alot , even helped me get out of a bad situation . Have with your simulator 😜👍🏼🇨🇦
The LCDs of the G1000 were slightly overexposed. I would close down the aperture on the Panasonic by maybe 1 stop. That would take care of exposure and would also help bring the more distant part of the panel into better focus (the left side). Then, you might consider putting a light to the right of the camera to help illuminate the buttons on the G1000. With that angle, it shouldn't reflect off the screens into the camera.
Right yes, that's essentially the plan. I need better exposure on the knobs and buttons - more light on the panel, might also see about dimming the screens - but at a glance I couldn't see a way.
I love how my favourite hobby comes to life with real world pilots in these crazy times.
He's on an Intergalatic cruise in his office? Wowza!
Oh, I have hundreds of hours in the G1000 and I always grab the nav course knob and not the baro knob.
IRAMightyPirate yuuup. It’s gonna happen. Not something to worry over.
Been following since the channel started and I'm finally first
That is amazing simulator and it is great how you can make it as real as possible!!! I am so excited to see the airventure episode
That’s interesting that in Canada you expect explicit hold short instructions. Rarely ever hear that in the US. Instead, you call tower once you’re already holding short for the takeoff clearance
Awesome Steve! Wishing I'd built a sim ages ago...def curious about the Proflight - torn between A20 and that...
For sim use the ProFlight is great. If you want to fly real world piston you'd want an A20 - the ProFlight is mostly for turboprop and jet application in real world flying.
@@FlightChops End goal is turbo/or jet...but A20 it is for now....
“I was gonna head for 70 or 80kts and fly” haha same
Haha that was great man, definitely need to work those sim skills up my man but you did great. I have like 2,000 X-Plane 11 hours and am ready to take on FS2020
Real good video Steve!
Speaking of Oshkosh...and friend and I put the bug in the ears of EAA to investigate having (what they call) hand-crafting done for Wittman Field and the EAA grounds for the New MSFS2020. While Wittman looks good in the Sim...wouldn't it be nice if it were touched-up? And imagine populating the EAA grounds with a few warbirds...or whatever? A hand-crafted add-in for the sim could also add some of the local landmarks known to most EAA fly-in the Ripon Water tower...and the like. The hand-crafted airports already being offered by some vendors in the sim are quite visually stunning.
Flight Chops finally made sense to me when i saw the Ludwig throne
Thanks for the reminder! I almost forgot
I am seriously considering becoming a pilot. These videos are great to see what types of things i need to consider. Keep up the great work.
Go for it!
When's the next Alaska episode coming ? Can't wait to see some DHC-2 action
I know, right? I had the Beaver check out most of the way through rough cutting... Then all this "time sensitive" stuff came up related to AirVenture being cancelled, so I had to shift focus, but I'll get back to finishing the Alaska series in Aug / Sept :)
Wasn't aware you went to Garmin (in Salem I assume). Next time you're in the area, I'd love to take you for a flight around the Willamette Valley.
Appreciate the offer. It's hard to keep track here though - if you email, I can file it - flightchops at gmail dot com
Love your work! These videos are great!
This was pretty awesome dude 🤘
Glad you liked it!!
Using the drum throne!! I want to participate in the fly in too! Just started with Pilot Edge! Go flightChops Go!
FYI, the plane in-sim comes with it's own checklist - both on PDF and display on screen. You need to remember differences between REAL G1000 and sim....big note: the sim does not have automatic transponder. Also, volume knobs work.
Thanks regarding the check lists in sim. I think I do want to have physical and / or get them into ForeFlight to match my real workflow.
I wonder how much it would help focus to Sim in:
1. Flight boots / crew shoes
2. Formal uniform / attire
3. The belief if you crash the plane
a. No one will rent to you again
b. You may seriously injure others
c. Crash may close airport/airspace
d. You may lose everything you own
e. You will hurt GA's public support
f. Adolescents will copy as expected
g. etc., etc.
hi cool video is if you can enter v speeds in the tape.
i am using xp hot start 900 with g1000 and i'm struggling with that.
you have good set up and great support i can't wait to see you transition to the real world DA✈
Thanks! And yeah - I can't wait for the real world multi IFR flying to start either :)
@@FlightChops hi
really cool you responded to me can't wait to see the in-depth stuff on the g1000
I wanted to join Pilot Edge, but in the EST timezone there is no morning service (?). If they ever open up in the east I'll join in a heartbeat. Toronto specifically, would be nice ;)
Flying around California is pretty cool though. I don't think they have plans to open up the east any time soon...
I really liked your video!
just one question though, how did you manage to setup your bose aviation headset with your computer? I would love to know as I've been searching myself for ages how to do it!
Thanks in advance!
It was honestly too easy - the Flight Sound X adapter is USB, and it was just plug and play.
Don't know if you're planning on capturing it, but it would be cool to see the view that the PilotEdge controllers are seeing on their computer next week.
For sure yes - I am hoping to work it out to get that angle
Just to clarify- it's actual AirVenture controllers (provided by NATCA) volunteering with us for SimVenture. And yes, we will be live streaming a lot of it on our Twitch channel.
What about using an overhead cam instead of the side view one? Head cam like in real plane? That way you get the simgear and FF in shot + windscreen.
It's hard to get good exposure on everything - and I am able to capture the view with the PC, so I am not so worried about getting a video shout of the view
Steve, chances are you'll feel more comfortable with the headset on if you use the cord clothing clip. I notice that it's just hanging in mid-air. Clip it to your shirt.
Thanks - yeah - I cringed noticing that in the footage - I was moving fast that day dealing with a lot of technical issues, and missed that detail. :)
I have the Microsoft Forcefeedback 2 joystick with throttle quadrant on the left.I have it on my lap as that is the only way (ergonomically) to feel really comfortable with it.I'm guessing not so much for a lefty......................
I'm not a lefty actually - I fly stick / yoke left or right depending on what I am flying. But for this, it is stick left hand.
@@FlightChops That's very handy,I can only left hand for a few moments without drifting.I have essential tremor which makes it impossible to operate all those nice panel controls in flight,so I can't go live online without getting controllers in a tiz..............................
I bought a month of pilotedge just so I could do the air venture! Im gonna be flying all the way up from my home town in Phoenix in the sim too since I got nothing else to do lol
That's a great idea!
Same! I might fly all the way from my home airport in MA. Although I might switch between pilotedge and vatsim depending on atc coverage
Pigo you won’t have any ATC coverage from PilotEdge if you’re coming from MA. They only cover the western half of the country. They only cover the ZSE, ZLC, ZLA, ZDV, and ZAB ARTCCs
We need a video of you playing the drums!
One day... one day :P
@@FlightChops Will that be VLOG 2112?
Extra points for the Rush reference :).
Took me forever, but I learned to play YYZ fairly well (some of the fills still throw me though)
@@FlightChops I absolutely love Rush! I remember first hearing them in like 76 or so, the 1st album. I was a fan from the first listen. I should share a picture of my drum kit, though I am a much better guitar player than drummer.
I've got FSX and my V35B Bonanza ready
Sim is coming along nice!
Im In Canada, I have a heart issue which keeps me on the ground. I’ve been watching you for a long time. Seeing this is really exciting. I so want to get hooked up. The cost is the scary part. How do I get into your drawing for the simulator I want to give it my best
Thanks - and yeah - glad you're finding ways to keep the passion alive. Due to the pandemic everything has been pushed - so it will likely be a while before I am done with this set up and ready to give it away - but stay tuned :)
Can I get a parts list for your set up?
Wish they would have waited for MSFS 2020!
This had been planned for a while, and we could always do it again.
Is it confirmed that the RealSimGear G1000 can't control the radio volume or just a missing button assignment?
I have confirmed that it can control volume - I just don't have it set up right, and/or it is not supported in the particular aircraft I was flying.
@@FlightChops thanks for the reply, good to know.
How do you keep your TPR from sliding on the floor? I have mine on a wood as well and I've resisted the thought of screwing into the floor. Looking for a better solution.
It actually works out that where I want it, the base is against the wall.
Love this vid keep it up
Appreciate it
hello steve,u said u were using a da62 on the sim but training in 42 in real life,just so u know on xplane store their is a da42 that u can purchase
I tried that - the current only DA42 is for XP10 and apparently has bugs in XP11 - so I just settled on the DA62 as it was close enough
@@FlightChops ah ok
COOL... SMASHED the like button too...................wish I could smash it twice.
All that tech and you couldn't download a da-62 checklist?
This is pretty cool.
0:13 didn't quite get the simventure thing can anyone gimme more info about it??
Every year EAA hosts a massive fly-in and airshow called AirVenture. This year PilotEdge is hosting a simulated version so pilots can still partake in the excitement of flying to Oshkosh, WI for AirVenture.
You can learn more about it here...
Product placement for Banana Boat sunscreen.
Is simventure only through pilot edge? Or is it happening on Vatsim as well?
Pilot Edge did a lot of work to make this thing happen - you can join for free just to fly this event - and if you decide to cancel after, it won't cost you anything.
What aircraft is that and where did you get that?
Thrustmaster gear and lots of Logitec are out of stock. I suspect it's because so many people setting up for MS2020.
C'mon flightchops! As they said you have to step up your game, especially when you are not familiarised with the G1000 or DA62
There's a first time for everything? I like to show that process - I will get there - also - I'm not sure if you are aware of what I'm up to currently... but I have not had time to make the G1000 / DA62 a focus... yet.
Upto how far can you giveaway? Is it limited to Canada?
Will likely be a North American thing - But due to the way schedules have been shifted, it will be a while before I am done with the set up - stay tuned for details on the give away
@@FlightChops Am in Kenya. Too far. Too bad😫😫😫😂
Why don’t y’all try shared co pilot
What happened to the Sim-Venture video?
It’s in the editing pile - I just had some time sensitive stuff bump it
FlightChops Fantastic, looking forward to seeing how that Garmin desk panel functioned. Thanks Steve!
Flight Chops .... Constructive criticism here. I enjoy your channel for many years and always look forward to your latest videos!
I found this video a bit disappointing in some respect e.g. not bringing your checklists, not approaching the flight as you would in the real world.
I am not commenting on any "finding your way around the G1000 set". This is what the training is for and there is so much positive to still take away from the video.
I understand it was rushed out and I feel, in doing so, you've missed a beat.
Well hope you gonna play msfs 2020
Steve, I'm looking at this two years after the fact. I have a question for you that I'm wondering if you could answer. I'm most likely never going to be in a position to be PIC again, and I've been rebuilding my life after 'something' happened to me.
So, I am going to be looking to upgrade my computer sometime in the next six months. I don't really play games, but MSFS is something I want. My intent is to get something like the Stay Level panel, the Real Sim G1000 system, and I want three monitors, one for in front and two for the sides, one for either side. Hence, my dilemna. Between the RealSim panels, the front monitor and the two side monitors, that's five connections. Most graphics cards only give you three DP and one HDMI What I'm thinking is one higher end card, something like a Radeon RX6800XT for the front and side monitors and then something like a RX6600XT for the RealSim displays.
Do you, or your tech support people, know anything about using two different graphics cards for five or more displays for MSFS 2020?
Ok - I'll ask Dave or Thad about this - and my other friend Matt actually is a bit of a sim expert
- One of them can probably answer this.
@@FlightChops awesome! Thank you Steve. Safe flights!
Pilots are not treating Covid 19 seriously according to the cdc.
Hope to win the give away
Doesn't the DA62 have the stick between the legs? Why wouldn't you set your stick the same as the airplane. At first I thought maybe you were setup for a Cirrus but then you said you are training for a DA62.... and you spent all that money on a G1000 panel but didn't get a throttle?
The set up is a work in progress - I am waiting for a couple throttles to test - neither of which is available yet.
As for the stick between the legs -when the platform desk clap thing is available that will probably allow for that - but for now, this is the best I could do with a drum throne to the side
@@FlightChops What sim software ? Where is your Sim setup ? ... i'm in London Ont and use Prepar3d and am self taught sim pilot ... never flown any plane. But in an emergency i'm pretty confident i could land anything with a long enough runway.
Honestly, I love love love this channel and all your videos, but your seemingly wonton disregard for preparation for this flight is not setting a great example for impressionable young student pilots. Jason is your friend so he hesitated to go too hard on you, but most CFI’s would not be okay with that. Make sure to be cognizant of the influence and reach that you have. Great video otherwise!
Fair enough - but I tried really hard to set this up as me racing to get ready to be a part of the SimVenture event. And working out production logistics more than anything else - I didn't have time to prepare - this video was me capturing and sharing the process of preparing. And let's be honest, this wasn't framed as a training flight so much as it was talking about the concept of using this gear for future training flights... But you make a good point, I'll address how important it is to show up prepared for training in future videos where we are actually using the gear for training