3DJoes Cribs: Nomad HQ



  • @azeemkhan9901
    @azeemkhan9901 Рік тому +2

    The best ARAH collection I have ever seen

  • @stephenjohnson3287
    @stephenjohnson3287 5 років тому +10

    Most impressive GI JOE collection I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing.. YO JOE

  • @cyberfrank-bx2nv
    @cyberfrank-bx2nv 6 років тому +30

    wow... this is more than a collection, it s a museum!

  • @RobimusPrime
    @RobimusPrime Рік тому +1

    So you are the one that clean out the physical stores and online shopping. Wander why I can’t find a few more figures. Thanks a lot.

  • @rodsouth9610
    @rodsouth9610 10 місяців тому +1

    Excellent grouping of sets together. Everything flows together so well!!

    @KEEPINGitREAL213 6 років тому +17


  • @codyneuburg1825
    @codyneuburg1825 2 роки тому +1

    Very Very nice ,and Very nice is half the battle, amazing

  • @malaikamebane7161
    @malaikamebane7161 8 місяців тому +1

    Awesome, detailed, and a beautiful collection.

  • @ruwelbalbin1534
    @ruwelbalbin1534 3 роки тому +4

    Army building? That's DEFINITELY an understatement! I'm both awed and impressed with your collection. More power!🤓👍

  • @ArkangelMichaelMARS
    @ArkangelMichaelMARS 5 років тому +2

    Super awesome collection...and you're right;my mind is officially blown..Wet-Suit was one of my faves too..alot of accessories..

  • @bianconero25live
    @bianconero25live 4 роки тому +4

    This is overwhelming!! Totally an amazing collection!!
    I misseed my GI JOE toy collection. My mother at early 90s give away all of our action figures and vehicles!!
    Ill try to get back my Joe collection thru ebay and amazon hopefully.
    Those bust and detailed statues are freaking awesome!!
    Thank for sharing this amazing passion. Yo Joe!!

  • @kenlagunzad
    @kenlagunzad 4 роки тому +6

    This is a jaw dropping collection. I am still flabbergasted. Hope you can make a video again of each section slowly so we can digest each part. Its truly amazing.

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому +1

      I wish I could spend more time doing stuff like this. The one night we spent shooting and the couple nights of editing is all I can give it.... enjoy!

  • @masterhoarder9118
    @masterhoarder9118 6 років тому +7

    Very nice collection you got!! Looks like you've also collect the junks that's after the 1980s. I strictly collect 80s Joes. I can't get into the new junk Joes. If they were made like the original 80s like with metal rivets and same foot hole size, then I would've bought them. But Hasblow's monkeys changed them all.

  • @BeardedG.i.JoeAdmiral71
    @BeardedG.i.JoeAdmiral71 Рік тому +1

    Wow what an amazing collection.!!!!!!

  • @fadyguirguis8622
    @fadyguirguis8622 4 роки тому +5

    Amazing Collection. I don't collect any GI Joe figures, this was still awesome for me to watch. I love the time you took to organize your collection, it is very clean and is spaced out well. I love the army building too.

  • @brendanhaley3668
    @brendanhaley3668 3 роки тому +3

    Just found this, now I know why Im working hard to find some stuff 🤣🤣🤣 that is an amazing collection! I remember some of GI Joe in Australia in the 80s but never really see anything around vintage stores now 😞

  • @Mr.Cassou
    @Mr.Cassou 4 роки тому +2

    G.i.joe heaven! I Would live all day in his museum!!!

  • @agnesszabo5347
    @agnesszabo5347 5 років тому +5

    Unparalleled…. Greetings from Hungary.

  • @comicbookbuff4400
    @comicbookbuff4400 5 років тому +4

    This is the biggest collection of Joes I have ever seen unreal

  • @bazookasquirrel7104
    @bazookasquirrel7104 3 роки тому +2

    Wow I feel lucky just having 1 or 2 of each figure and vehicle. This collection is insane! Love it!

  • @edgarmaldonado5384
    @edgarmaldonado5384 5 років тому +4

    The sideshow figs/sculptures are freaking cool. Great collection

  • @dean4125
    @dean4125 6 років тому +11

    this is a really cool collection. but I never was able to get into the modern figures. My collection if displayed like this would only be vintage. I regret selling all of my figures but I think Im gonna start again with only cobra army builders. because I enjoy the cobra figures like crimson guard and cobra soldier the most. I even got a tattoo on my arm years ago of the cobra symbol.

  • @impossiblepie
    @impossiblepie 4 роки тому +2

    Just finished the video, I'm speechless, incredible collection, it was a joy seeing it! YO JOE!!!!!!

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому +1

      I'm greatful to Nomad for sharing! It's a mind boggling collection for sure, especially considering the depth and breath of international variants.

    • @impossiblepie
      @impossiblepie 4 роки тому +3

      @@3djoes what is great is his knowledge of every figure , anyone can buy things but when you know what it is you're talking about makes you a true fan.

  • @aktale
    @aktale 4 роки тому +2

    The Best collection I have ever seen. Really jealous

  • @keetmadu1054
    @keetmadu1054 5 років тому +9

    This collection is a dream for Gi-Joe fans like myself. Very nice.

  • @igotgame1621
    @igotgame1621 5 років тому +9

    Gi joe were the best to play with cause how they move , when they are fist fighting they move in they way if you were in a real fight unlike let's say he man or tmnt . Amazing collection WoW

  • @previnlubom8094
    @previnlubom8094 5 років тому +2

    Collection is mind blowing

  • @_pulyx
    @_pulyx 4 роки тому +2

    Admiration, but also profound envy.

  • @joelambert3753
    @joelambert3753 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome collection and thank you for sharing!

  • @Gothiczartan
    @Gothiczartan 5 років тому +4

    They need to make a proper live action GI Joe movie and series with the 80s nostalgia for this guy.

  • @magnificentmarc707
    @magnificentmarc707 2 роки тому +2

    Amazing Collection 👍🏾💯

  • @willieleefrancis8091
    @willieleefrancis8091 6 років тому +6

    A very awesome and jaw-dropping Joe collection and everything else!!! I collect Transformers, Star Wars, and G.I. Joe too.

  • @metnemm
    @metnemm 3 роки тому +3

    This is really amazing! Only bad thing about this is that we who are small collectors can't get some figures because you have army of it. But generally respect! Cheers!

    • @damnedmp
      @damnedmp 3 роки тому

      I understand your emotional feelings, but you'd be incorrect here when it comes to supply and demand. Most of the current prices and availability are due to a manufactured sense of rarity by sellers rather than actual scarcity. Most figures in the 80s were produced in the upper hundreds of thousands (usually 800,000+) - many over 1 million. At it's most, even a collection of this size counts for 1/100th of one percent of what is out there. You would need 8,000-10,000 collections like this to eat up every figure.

  • @longlivejah4608
    @longlivejah4608 3 роки тому +1

    OMG that black and grey ninja in the thumbnail G.i was my favorite one growing up!

  • @mrsoulivue
    @mrsoulivue 4 роки тому +2

    Great collection! Keep collecting.

  • @brentrichardsbaseballcards
    @brentrichardsbaseballcards 6 років тому +11

    Unbelievably awesome

  • @julianbryantjb
    @julianbryantjb 3 роки тому +4

    When you think you pride having a platoon of gi Joe's, this guy has a legion, good lord. Plus the motor pool to transport them.

  • @y.t.928
    @y.t.928 6 років тому +6

    Absolutely amazing collection! I am a Wetsuit fan as well. So many high points. Those titanium vehicles are awesome!

  • @AshleyWilbanks
    @AshleyWilbanks 2 роки тому +1

    Best collection I have seen on UA-cam to date!

  • @scoobysnacks3740
    @scoobysnacks3740 5 років тому +2

    That's a very nice collection👍🏾👍🏾
    I'm so jealous

  • @Kazzildo
    @Kazzildo 2 роки тому +4

    At first I'm like "Why does he have so much repeated figures/vehicles?" And then he's like "So, this is variant A, B and C..." And then I'm like "Oh, okay then..."

    @MadSUPANOVA 6 років тому +3

    Love that his collections out cases and or on display. Organization is awesome. He should have a set war battle scene :) all I wanted back then was the rattler. Now I'm into the real military modern detail models.

  • @destini5799
    @destini5799 6 років тому +3

    I subbed when i came across your collection. Great video thanks for sharing.

  • @vadertronstoychest
    @vadertronstoychest 3 роки тому +2

    that is awesome collection

  • @cobra-emperor6starwars665
    @cobra-emperor6starwars665 6 років тому +5

    The vintage GI Joe style of figure is GI Joe anything else is the end of GI Joe, but awesome collection

  • @DBUP-l8h
    @DBUP-l8h 6 років тому +4

    I hope to have a display like this one day. I hate having everything stored away in bins.

  • @NodDisciple1
    @NodDisciple1 5 років тому +4

    38:31 Of the various versions of Keel-Haul, which one had a uniform that most closely resembles that of an actual USN Officer IRL?

    • @damnedmp
      @damnedmp 11 місяців тому

      None of them.

  • @greentokyo
    @greentokyo 3 роки тому +1

    Amazing collection!!

  • @sentientbean1
    @sentientbean1 6 років тому +10

    I'm not up on prices, but this would be 50-100k of figs? Great collection.

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  6 років тому +2

      Pete I think that’s a very plausible estimate, especially considering the rarity of many of them.

    • @cobra-emperor6starwars665
      @cobra-emperor6starwars665 6 років тому +1

      @@3djoes your collection is worth way more because if you have $50 figures (at 1000 figures)then is $50,000 so if you have 5000 figures you have well over what that guy estimated and lowest rate is $20 for cheaper ones, :) and some are $100 and under so the range of prices for completed figures run $30 and up, so how many action figures do you have, I only have 600 and over 1000 star wars, but I am building up my GI Joe's now :)

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  6 років тому +1

      Invader6 DarklordCobra66 just to be clear, this isn’t my collection. It belongs to “Nomad” from Joe Declassified. But yeah, it’s got to have an astronomical value.

  • @giannistoysdios7152
    @giannistoysdios7152 6 років тому +2

    Simply amazing!!!!

  • @bengrogan3620
    @bengrogan3620 4 роки тому +2

    Can you imagine get a couple of six-year-old kids in there with no supervision.

  • @jimdavis6519
    @jimdavis6519 4 роки тому +2

    God I hope his house never catches fire, that would worry me

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому

      Agreed! All we can do is insure our collections adequately. Many of these items are irreplaceable, but at least he could get his money out.

  • @akirahojo2
    @akirahojo2 Рік тому

    Some teasing us, we want to buy some of these!!

  • @christoph54
    @christoph54 3 роки тому

    Good lord. Why so many. I don’t know if this guy is nuts or a legend lol. It’s incredible

  • @ArianaChica
    @ArianaChica 4 роки тому +1

    I hope he makes a video showing each Gi Joe model with the corresponding weapons because I want to match some 1990s figures and their weapons
    Thanks 😊

  • @ms.D35TR0
    @ms.D35TR0 4 роки тому +2

    How's the dust problem lately? I can't imagine how he cleans all that :)

  • @Paulinhox88
    @Paulinhox88 4 місяці тому

    Great video. Can’t believe your man has 40+ night vipers and I don’t even have 2 complete 😭

  • @phoenixrichardson1261
    @phoenixrichardson1261 3 роки тому

    I would love an update to this
    I can only assume his collection has grown either way great video thanks for sharing
    Yo Joe💪🏻

    • @damnedmp
      @damnedmp 3 роки тому +1

      It has definitely grown. Maybe we can shoot an update video?

  • @Dario-fh7hg
    @Dario-fh7hg 6 років тому +2

    41:28 Torpedo V1 used in the 1983 commercial! 🤑

  • @Tobysgmc
    @Tobysgmc 3 роки тому

    You technically could display your GI Joe profile cards on a monitor or TV mpeg randomly going through your collection from either top to bottom GI Joe to cobra or your favorite

  • @jackflores4703
    @jackflores4703 4 роки тому +1

    Was that bludgeon? From transformers i seen with the cobra. Collection

    • @paulgraham4567
      @paulgraham4567 4 роки тому

      Arcee and Rodimus as well @ 8:10

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 3 роки тому

      Correct. It was available with a SDCC set.

  • @j.rivera6402
    @j.rivera6402 3 роки тому

    Would love to see this in person!!!

  • @coltonstoytime3768
    @coltonstoytime3768 3 роки тому

    Oh my!!! dddddaaaaaadddd we need some work on or collection!

  • @silentstryker1590
    @silentstryker1590 5 років тому +2

    I would have wrecked that room as a kid!

  • @Nemisthe
    @Nemisthe 3 роки тому +1

    Exquisite! 🤘💯

  • @mshinasherman7914
    @mshinasherman7914 Рік тому

    Tomaz and zamot variants??? Suit and tie versions. And Hawaii out fit versions??

  • @legiox3719
    @legiox3719 5 років тому +1

    Night force boomer is not cheap. Just got one off ebay complete for $500. Great collection.

    @H0TWHEELS 5 років тому +1

    I thought I had a lot of Joe's. Wow😯😀

  • @JayTube4You
    @JayTube4You 4 роки тому

    Would you ever consider adding more Cobras and Joes to your collection? Or know someone else that is as serious with collecting as you are? I have more 'Bad Guy' (Cobras) than Joes. I was more favorable towards the Vipers and B.A.T.s, and Crimson Guard. Looking at parting ways with them all. The Lego Joes are cool!

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 3 роки тому

      Always interested in adding more.

  • @Dario-fh7hg
    @Dario-fh7hg 6 років тому +3

    curiosity, how much is torpedo v1 paint master worth? Never seen before! It's amazing!

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  6 років тому +1

      Dario I agree! Those kinds of artifacts are literally priceless. They never come up for sale, and when they do it’s usually brokered behind closed doors.

  • @brianmather4048
    @brianmather4048 5 років тому +1

    Nomad you collect Sigma 6 , tho I didn't see commander Claw? ( or was it Barron? ) You collect Go Bots what's your feelings on Rock Lords ? I may still have my Nugget M.O.C. ¿ What did you do w/ the Robo Shark's from Eels 2.0? If I had three or more I'd have made a slim Aqua Diorama ..

  • @kushviper
    @kushviper 4 роки тому +1

    Those Skittle Vipers tho...

  • @DianeBurnley-g3f
    @DianeBurnley-g3f 8 місяців тому +1



    I started with the Night and Alley viper. Due to the comic when scarlet was running with an unconscious snake eyes and she had these guys and baroness after them. Then the Iron Grenadiers with Destro. I just wish they didn’t go crazy with those bizarre colors like pink and orange. They could have all been black red and gold.

  • @Worship777
    @Worship777 4 роки тому +1

    Yo Joe!!!

  • @mikeledger2614
    @mikeledger2614 4 роки тому +1

    Perfect video

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому

      Thanks! I wish I would've had my lighter Ronin S steadicam, or my Ready Rig backpack when I shot this. The Ronin M got HEAVY and I was sweating like crazy! :-P

  • @cljerjr31
    @cljerjr31 5 років тому +1

    impressive !

  • @jmsberetta
    @jmsberetta 6 років тому +3

    Cool video

  • @1973Warmachine
    @1973Warmachine 6 років тому

    Amazing collection. Information overload for a novice. Joe declassified was referenced. Where can that be viewed?

  • @impossiblepie
    @impossiblepie 4 роки тому

    Is it correct to say any paint variants is due to the factories just running out of paint? Also what gi joe toys are you missing? Probably not much. Great collection !

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 4 роки тому +1

      If you are talking about Funskool (India), then that is a popular (but unproven theory). In the US, we find that variations tend to coincide with packaging changes - so while they may not be intentional, they do not to appear random.

    • @impossiblepie
      @impossiblepie 4 роки тому

      @@nomad6702 ok thanks for the info. So when the packaging changes they paint color most likely does as well?

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 4 роки тому +1

      @@impossiblepie There is a correlation, but not causation. The current hypothesis is that variations were caused by a deliberate change; ie. a change in factory (China/Hong Kong or China/Indonesia), a re-issue (mail-aways), thin thumbs to thicker thumbs. Essentially, each variation was likely a separate "run" - at some point in between, the process was shut down, whether for minutes or years.

    • @impossiblepie
      @impossiblepie 4 роки тому +1

      @@nomad6702 great info, thanks!

  • @willd2075
    @willd2075 4 роки тому +1

    Damn dude has 5 terror drones. That's just not fair. 😭

  • @nickbruno1363
    @nickbruno1363 3 роки тому

    didnt see a All Dark brown blue hat wild bill

    @MadSUPANOVA 6 років тому +1

    His glass case with cobra commander sitting on snake crown chair with crimson red guard..I HAD TO PAUSE. AAAHHHH. hahaha wow

    @H0TWHEELS 5 років тому +4

    Wow none of them are missing there crotches lol. Very nice collection 😍

  • @pasadenapauly
    @pasadenapauly 5 років тому +1

    where is he getting these acrylic stands with pillars to hold the planes?

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  5 років тому

      Paul Pownall flightpose.com I’ve bought several of them. Just wish they had larger/longer sizes!

    @H0TWHEELS 4 роки тому +1

    Its beautiful 😍 Wow

  • @NemesisEnforcerYT
    @NemesisEnforcerYT 4 роки тому +1

    Carson I have your graded spirit and freedom I think.

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому

      Oh yeah?! The ones I sold back in 2013?

    • @NemesisEnforcerYT
      @NemesisEnforcerYT 4 роки тому

      @@3djoes ya thats around the time I started collecting.

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому

      @@NemesisEnforcerYT Well, the good news for you is that they've gone up in value quite a bit since then!
      Luckily, I was able to replace my 1982-1986 losses from 2013 with some MOCs last fall!

  • @ventadegaragetv3789
    @ventadegaragetv3789 4 роки тому +2

    omg thaaanks

  • @Toybountyhunter1974
    @Toybountyhunter1974 5 років тому +1

    Remember when Allen Grant in Jurassic Park first sees the Brachiosaurus? That was the way my face looked this whole damn video.

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  5 років тому

      Toy Bounty Hunter hahah, nice!

  • @jonnyross6796
    @jonnyross6796 4 роки тому +1

    No cobra' la figures?

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 3 роки тому

      They are there - just not captured in the video.

  • @paulgraham4567
    @paulgraham4567 4 роки тому +1

    Arcee and Rodimus from only human?

    • @nomad6702
      @nomad6702 3 роки тому

      Correct. Collector Club exclusives.

  • @2mw88
    @2mw88 5 років тому +1

    Where is Nemesis Enforcer ???

  • @keithmanning2466
    @keithmanning2466 3 роки тому +1

    How do you keep the dust off of them

    • @damnedmp
      @damnedmp 3 роки тому

      The room has its own AC unit, and I keep the door closed. Also, I dust a shelf every time I rearrange it.

  • @sudacagamer
    @sudacagamer 4 роки тому +1

    15:17 mmm, let me think real hard for a reason ... could It be ... MONEY!?

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  4 роки тому

      You know, you're RIGHT!

  • @jediknight73
    @jediknight73 3 роки тому +1


  • @adamjely
    @adamjely 6 років тому

    Well done!

    @1CDCAVDOC 6 років тому +1

    Museum worthy. Is it true you were one of the handful of "super collectors" that Aire Devon split her collection up to?

    • @3djoes
      @3djoes  6 років тому

      1CDCAVDOC I personally picked upmost of her mail order vehicles through Chris Neal at JoeCon!

  • @valdirmedeirosjr
    @valdirmedeirosjr Рік тому

    Brazilian here!!

  • @pogohellfire4377
    @pogohellfire4377 Рік тому

    Insane awesome , i only have 275 pieces in my collection 😂😢

  • @aktale
    @aktale 2 роки тому

    What a lucky man