ContinentalUnited had a strap fall off its engine one takeoff before the Concord took off in Paris. No one noticed the strap, because they do not inspect the runway after every takeoff. The Concord tires threw up into the fuselage and punctured a fuel take. The pressure at takeoff is so low compared to supersonic flight. However; Concorde state the the costs to fly the jet were not making a profit. During the TSA investigation, they did say that fatigue cracks were found at the trailing edge of the wing, but stated it was not the cause of the crash or cancelation of the plane.
The reason Concorde crashed has nothing to do with it being a supersonic aircraft. Concorde had its fuel tanks ruptured by runway debris. The Russian TU-144 was a piece of flying garbage.
ContinentalUnited had a strap fall off its engine one takeoff before the Concord took off in Paris. No one noticed the strap, because they do not inspect the runway after every takeoff. The Concord tires threw up into the fuselage and punctured a fuel take. The pressure at takeoff is so low compared to supersonic flight. However; Concorde state the the costs to fly the jet were not making a profit. During the TSA investigation, they did say that fatigue cracks were found at the trailing edge of the wing, but stated it was not the cause of the crash or cancelation of the plane.
Who wrote this shit... Concorde crash was debris being on the runway and then bring kicked up by the wheels into the fuel tanks and engine.
The reason Concorde crashed has nothing to do with it being a supersonic aircraft. Concorde had its fuel tanks ruptured by runway debris. The Russian TU-144 was a piece of flying garbage.
How could people on the Concorde hear itself breaking the speed of sound when it would be behind the actual plane as it’s going faster then the sound