Mod-01 Lec-01 General Introduction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @aknandakumaran5936
    @aknandakumaran5936 7 років тому +33

    See our new book: OrdinaryDifferentialEquations: Principles and Applications by A.K.Nandakumaran, P. S. Datti, Raju K. George,
    Cambridge Publishers (2017)

    • @devashish890
      @devashish890 7 років тому

      Thanks Sir , Bahut acchi kitaab h , mazza aa gaya :)

    • @ndmaphy
      @ndmaphy 3 роки тому

      @@devashish890 please tell , how can i get

    • @RahulDas-hi8ws
      @RahulDas-hi8ws 3 роки тому

      Sir where can I get it from?

    • @funfactory463
      @funfactory463 Рік тому

      Excellent book. Must read for every maths masters student and teacher also.

  • @peter_castle
    @peter_castle 9 років тому +30

    Thank you very much from Argentina, you are doing a great Job with your channel. I salute you!

    • @gustavobagu7156
      @gustavobagu7156 8 років тому +2

      I am also thanking from Argentina!

    • @aknandakumaran5936
      @aknandakumaran5936 7 років тому +11

      see our new book on ode by the same speakers

    • @aknandakumaran5936
      @aknandakumaran5936 7 років тому +3

      see our new book on ode by the same speakers

    • @ndmaphy
      @ndmaphy 3 роки тому

      @@aknandakumaran5936 please tell the name of book

    • @aknandakumaran5936
      @aknandakumaran5936 3 роки тому +1

      singh partial differential equations: classical theory with modern touch, cambridge 2020

  • @muthumeena1010
    @muthumeena1010 4 роки тому +12

    The one lecture series I watched without skipping... Literally became a fan of your way of teaching and accent sir... 😊

  • @alute5532
    @alute5532 2 роки тому

    If have more than 1 unknown variable you have system of equations
    If have more 1 independent variable
    T s etc.. Its partial differential equation
    Won't do that
    26:00 IVP initial value
    Stability theorem
    Poincare bendexon thm

  • @abnishkumarverma2136
    @abnishkumarverma2136 4 роки тому +8

    Lecture starts from 5:00

  • @akhileshroopan7793
    @akhileshroopan7793 4 роки тому +4

    sir i have a huge feeling that you are a malayali:)
    i just came to check out the course and your class kept me there for the entire lecture.Immense thanks for taking part in uploading exellent contents like these.Love the way you explaining the subject Thanks again.

  • @nullpointerparty
    @nullpointerparty 7 років тому +36

    IISc's intro song is best compared to all IIT's

  • @akankshasingh4050
    @akankshasingh4050 11 місяців тому

    hello Sir. so good to see you here. I have recommended your channel to all my known students to follow. These lectures are osum.

  • @akshaysanjayshinde2253
    @akshaysanjayshinde2253 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you sir and all who involved with this session😊

  • @gundavinodkumar
    @gundavinodkumar Рік тому +1

    sir i have a doubt, at the time 34:00 to 35: 00 slot, u have written y1(t) prime =y2(t), how?
    i am thinking that, y1(t) prime =y(t) prime,

  • @manishakatiyar7816
    @manishakatiyar7816 7 років тому +5

    love the accent.

  • @rajshivekar
    @rajshivekar 3 роки тому +2

    Can this playlist be regarded as an Introductory course to the topic?

  • @bhabanism
    @bhabanism 6 років тому +2

    Please provide link to prerequisite courses in video description

  • @ujjwalprasad3575
    @ujjwalprasad3575 3 роки тому +2

    Can bsc student alson learn this

  • @aniket9274
    @aniket9274 3 роки тому +2

    Is this course for PG students

  • @akshaysharma8843
    @akshaysharma8843 7 років тому +2

    which texts should be studied to understand the interplay of D.E with other disciplines of maths

  • @mathbloger8844
    @mathbloger8844 6 років тому +3

    Thank's sir,

  • @RahulDas-hi8ws
    @RahulDas-hi8ws 3 роки тому

    Sir please recommend some books for this course?

  • @manishgunjan5646
    @manishgunjan5646 4 роки тому +2

    Are these lectures sufficient for csir net and gate exams ODE TOPICS in mathematics? Please tell me

  • @madhusripatra8370
    @madhusripatra8370 2 роки тому

    Is this useful for NET?

  • @manishakatiyar7816
    @manishakatiyar7816 7 років тому +2


  • @abaundwal
    @abaundwal 4 роки тому +5

    Decent style of teaching, but the horrible audio quality ruins the entire video. Disappointing from IISC Bangalore.

  • @Ransiwal
    @Ransiwal 9 років тому +1

    sir which book we prefer for this course

    • @ronyk6284
      @ronyk6284 9 років тому +1

      author- NP bali

    • @papaikoley7429
      @papaikoley7429 8 років тому

      differential equations by shepley L Ross

    • @nikhiljain2637
      @nikhiljain2637 8 років тому


    • @aknandakumaran5936
      @aknandakumaran5936 7 років тому +6

      see our new book on ode by the same speakers

    • @yerawizardaiden
      @yerawizardaiden 4 роки тому +1

      @@aknandakumaran5936 Wow, you are the speaker and author? Love your book professor, we have been using it as the preferred text for our course on differential equations, and it is a delight to navigate through.

  • @Vineetthakur_0
    @Vineetthakur_0 4 місяці тому


  • @yashdand7885
    @yashdand7885 4 роки тому +1

    No doubt explanation is good but in iisc its lecturers duty to provide students syllabus notes along with explanation, student need not ask teaching assistants for notes or doubts or ask seniors for notes,in my degree college in Hyderabad lecturers explain topics as well as give notes so we need not waste money on buying publications,useless staff not providing notes for msc.

    • @funfactory463
      @funfactory463 Рік тому +4

      You cannot makes notes it means you are useless not the teacher.