مناقشة مواضيع حساسة

  • Опубліковано 19 лис 2024


  • @aichazahid3631
    @aichazahid3631 Рік тому +16

    i like it when you include girls in the conversation, merci merouane 💗

  • @salima0
    @salima0 Рік тому +29

    شي حد هنا اثر عليه كتاب the selfish gene 😅 كينين شيحوايج كيتبدلو في العلم= الدراسات كيتبدلو. يقدر شيحد يدير دراسه غالطه وقول بانو كاي جين ديال الدكاء، والناس لي منحازين لهاد الفكره غيتافقو معاه بلا يقين، (شحال من مقالات فمجلات معروفه دارو فيهم ابحاث غالطة). اه الجينات كتلعب وحد الدور صغيييير جدا، في حين المحيط هو الي كيخلي اي شخص اكون دكي ولا مكلخ كيما كان. وهذشي اي شخص بسيط يقدر إلاحضو. المشكيل الى آمن الشخص بفكره الجينات عندها علاقه بالذكاء مغيدير والو فحياتو.

    • @Artemis_1123
      @Artemis_1123 Рік тому

      Well....firstly: The Selfish Gene explains the process of evolution using genes as its basic unit so nothing to do with what I was talking about 🙂
      Secondly: Your comment shows exactly why I said at the beginning of the discussion that science is a reliable guide to what we ought to believe...When you try to reason your way with mere intuition you blindly trust your mind...I have trust issues 😅 so I don't trust my mind and I only trust science because it doesn't trust itself. The pursuit of knowledge in science is grounded in systematic observations and experimentation And it is the only way to provide some immunity to the sway that our naive intuitive understanding holds over our reasoning. I think of science as reliable, and I think of "reliable" in a more changeable way than we do colloquially (reliable: predicts reasonably well within the domain I can see). In other words, the human condition requires an enormous amount of uncertainty and science is just the best way to minimize it.
      Thirdly: The brain is complex, no one study of the brain is definitive, and it takes time for the truth to emerge from a sturdy edifice of knowledge, built over many years from a solid body of literature. I have carefully synthesized and analyzed what I see as the truth in that body of literature and from that, I came to conclude that the vast majority of variability in intelligence/G factor is due to genes, rather than environmental factors (and as I said in the VC genes are not deterministic, they are probabilistic: genes provide only a potential) and that there are neurological markers of intelligence. While anatomically it is difficult to distinguish between brains from high and low IQ people, there are observable differences in brain functioning and connectivity related to IQ, such as the thickness of the corpus callosum, the density and organization of white matter tracts in the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain, the brain efficiency (studied through glucose metabolic rate)...
      "What nature does not give Salamanca won't lend " Why is it useful to acknowledge that;
      1-Since intelligence is rooted in genetics, and thus subject to limited control, it is wrong for society to avoid protecting individuals from the consequences of their cognitive weaknesses.
      2- In considering changes to the educational system we will consider the real limits IQ exerts on the ability of some individuals to achieve.
      3- Rather than wasting your life on a losing battle with nature with the "if you work hard you can be anything" mentality you will work really really really hard on knowing yourself, finding who you are at your best, and being that.
      And finally, we are not created equal, everyone one of us is a unique creature, “by no chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as it is, ever be put together a second time” and strength lies in differences, not in similarities..Having a diverse pool of perspectives is far more important than having a high-IQ society.
      Anyways, it's really hard to summarize my chain of reasoning concerning this topic so I’d like to have another opportunity to discuss it in greater depth.

    • @Zlonos
      @Zlonos Рік тому

      @@Artemis_1123 Ana 100% sure bli l'Intelligence is strongly influenced by the environment. Factors related to family and parenting environment, education and availability of learning resources..
      nti m impactya bhadok li kay golo bli chi wahdin 3ndhom les genes hssn man la5rin et les genes kay hadedo kolchi mais had tafkir wrong hit ga3 les êtres humains présents sont des Homo sapiens les genes ma kat l3ab ta dawr hit kolchi y9dar ytzawj bkolchi 🤣🤣
      Ana kan tfaham nass li kay fakro bhalk hit bssbab mauvaise education o ktrat lwlad bla trabya fba3d dawl kay ban bli 3andhom chi genes kay khlihom mkal5in Mais NO had nass 5asshom ra ytwa3aw o ytrabaw mtaf9 m3ak fdik “it is wrong for society to avoid protecting individuals from the consequences of their cognitive weaknesses” but hadchi radi yji bl’éducation machi ngolo lihom les genes 3andkom na9ssin lol.
      Chofi lmap dyal « Liste des pays par taux de natalité » ra tfahmi bli dawla li kat wlad bzf, makt9drch t3alam les générations li jayin katkon 3dha IQ habt. Marouane galik dakchi li kayn.

    • @ashjagger9466
      @ashjagger9466 Рік тому

      We still can disregard it because some people would have a biais, there is still great value there in my opinion

    @TAFRANNT Рік тому +3

    الإنسان كجميع الكائنات الحية على هذه الأرض يولد على الفطرة و الغريزة الطبيعية!جميع الحيوانات تحترم الطبيعة و تعيش في تجمعات تخضع لنظام غريزي واضح بين المسؤوليات و الواجبات!الإنسان بطبيعته نفس الشيء يعيش في تجمعات تخضع لنظام غريزي و هو الذي ينظم العلاقات بين الأب و الأم و الإخوان و يحدد المسؤوليات و الواجبات إتجاه باقي أفراد العائلة و المجتمع لكن كل هذا غير كافي لحياة متوازنة في مجتمع إنساني متنوع و هنا يأتي دور الدين الذي يمنح الإنسان و المجتمع توازنا روحيا و ماديا و مسارا واضحا للحياة!لكن هذا لا يمنع الإنسان أن يفكر او يبحث عن تجارب مختلفة و غريبة عن طبيعته و هنا يأتي دور شخصية الإنسان و تأثير التربية و الدين و توازنه في قراراته!لكن الحياة علمتنا أن الإنسان عندما ينحرف عن الفطرة و الغريزة الطبيعية دائما تكون النتائج عكسية و خارجة عن السيطرة!بالنسبة لمصطلح لكبيدة في الدارجة المغربية فهو مأخوذ من الأمازيغية حيث مصطلح تاسا الكبد هو عنوان للمحبة في الثقافة الشعبية المغربية! تحياتي الأخ مروان

  • @safyaht978
    @safyaht978 Рік тому +2

    I like how you consider consent is more important than everything else!

  • @katatd9629
    @katatd9629 Рік тому +2

    actually, menopause usually hapens between the age of 45 and 55, and it lasts for several years, so basically these older women you juged better suited for leadership roles can actually be experiencing harsher symptoms than younger women in their period.
    In general, neither men nor women's suitability for leadership roles should be judged based on gender. gender is totally irrelevant in such cases.
    but we do have patterns when it comes to decision making, women tend to be more risk-aware than men, men are extreme in their decisions.

  • @Hermes25
    @Hermes25 Рік тому +11

    This was an incredible conversation ✨

  • @katatd9629
    @katatd9629 Рік тому +1

    IQ test measures the reasoning ability of a person. problem-solving is not only about cognitive skills but also about what we call "emotional intelligence", which can be measured by EQ tests.
    IQ test scores depend on how much your brain is stimulated. In general, if you take the test in a period of your life when you are doing research for example .. your brain is highly stimulated, and you compare it with your IQ results, from let's say a previous period, when you had average stimulation then the score will be different but not too much. in contrast, people leading different lives will have different IQ scores ( of course, genetics also influence the intelligence of a person). the test is universal, and anyone can take it independently of their cultural and educational background
    Another point I want to add is that having a high IQ scores does not mean you will necessarily be successful in life, again, reasoning abilities are not all that's needed. One should also consider how people with the highest IQ are the biggest procrastinators and laziest people, because they are aware that they need less effort to make things done, and this is like ..a curse..

  • @madamezozi
    @madamezozi Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed listening to you guys while driving 🤩

  • @katatd9629
    @katatd9629 Рік тому +2

    I strongly desagree with the idea you all agreed on, which is: sexual fantasies, desires and fetishes influence our personalities, I think it's the opposite. our sexuality, like many of our personality aspects, is mostly shaped during the childhood, and it get's conditionned by our individual experiences, like for example: having sexual thoughts while looking at feet can lead someone to develop a feet fetish over time.
    I also do not agree with the idea that someone's personality can not change "in bed", the military pilot example is not an outlier. and I think that a lot of people tend to have opposite roles in real life vs in sexual life. assuming they are free to express that.

  • @kayzay2476
    @kayzay2476 Рік тому +2

    Illness ˈɪɫnəs اييلنيس for the girl that raps while argumenting
    Ps : Just kidding don't start attacking

  • @Aphrodite66697
    @Aphrodite66697 Рік тому

    Respect Marouane

  • @l___Neo___l
    @l___Neo___l Рік тому +2

    best video howa hada , with those lovely people ♥️♥️

  • @redaelaasimi7887
    @redaelaasimi7887 Рік тому +1

    Had stream m9wed fih khra dehk we knowledge

  • @imane3291
    @imane3291 Рік тому +3

    I want insta of the girl who talk about genetics

  • @YAS.SIR69
    @YAS.SIR69 8 місяців тому +1

    5:33 ✔️✔️

  • @abderrahmanefaiz2684
    @abderrahmanefaiz2684 Рік тому +7

    3ndi wa7d lblan khrb9ni, db ila kan lmochkila dial zoophilia hoa consent, 3lach killing an animal for eating it is normal even though there is no consent. Both eating an animal and zoophilia are to fulfill a human desire with no consent x)

    • @wonder5486
      @wonder5486 Рік тому

      Killing is for a human needs not desire this is the difference i think

  • @pinkthing249
    @pinkthing249 Рік тому +1

    Great conversation overall! Keep it up💕

  • @tzoomartist
    @tzoomartist Рік тому +6

    She is a rapper hh 💯

  • @heyimcheez
    @heyimcheez Рік тому +2

    البنات حلفو تا يرجعو يهدرو في الموضوع تاع الجنس ويتناقشو فيه🤨الاولاد كانو بداو مواضيع أخرى ولكن البنات رجعوه وركزو عليه😳آ مالكم 😜😜😜😜

  • @gene8470
    @gene8470 Рік тому +1

    Kan khasni nkon fhad stream

  • @amineaarab645
    @amineaarab645 Рік тому +11

    Rap god : 30:16 ♥️ agree 💯

  • @Frijmkv
    @Frijmkv Рік тому

    I enjoyed the conversation Keep it up

  • @issameelbasri2306
    @issameelbasri2306 Рік тому +1

    M9wed malcolm in the middle hhh

  • @souhasiham155
    @souhasiham155 Рік тому

    I reaaally enjoyed the conversation .

  • @dark-snow6335
    @dark-snow6335 Рік тому +4

    Khetna meakum brujula khessha tweele Kat raapi

  • @chenseei.951
    @chenseei.951 Рік тому +2

    غير من ديك لي عطيها ليك شي خالق ، that's it عرف بلي لمجمع فيه مغالطات فكرية مغربية

  • @elhoucine_ML
    @elhoucine_ML Рік тому +1

    Zwina had lmawadi3 hsasa

  • @aichazahid3631
    @aichazahid3631 Рік тому

    guys wach merouane w drari li m3ah sont des athées ? merci

  • @pinkthing249
    @pinkthing249 Рік тому +1

    1:32:57 comrades unite✊❤

  • @aelabassi
    @aelabassi Рік тому +1

    The gene girl is on fire hahahaha. Morrocan Andew Huberman 😂

    • @khaoula2200
      @khaoula2200 11 місяців тому

      @aelabassi97 ikr?? You can tell she consumes a looot of huberman lab lol

  • @fakeface493
    @fakeface493 Рік тому

    great cnv we need more

  • @benaguidachraf6782
    @benaguidachraf6782 Рік тому

    At what time you start the stream ??

  • @IsmailA831
    @IsmailA831 Рік тому +1

    🤨Woo nice conversation

  • @katatd9629
    @katatd9629 Рік тому

    consent can be obtained by manipulation, especially with kids. I don't think that consent is enough in any case.

  • @minhara5023
    @minhara5023 6 місяців тому

    نتفرج وأنا نتاج زواج اولاد خالات 🙂

  • @ashjagger9466
    @ashjagger9466 Рік тому +2

    I would love to discuss with the "gene girl" , may I ask for her ig/discord...?

  • @Houda4100
    @Houda4100 Рік тому +1

    و يييه كان واعر مالكوم هههه

  • @myownaccount8561
    @myownaccount8561 Рік тому +3

    500word / s

  • @MOULyrics
    @MOULyrics Рік тому

    31:38 🤣🤣

  • @nassimmaya473
    @nassimmaya473 Рік тому +1


  • @joujoulili2851
    @joujoulili2851 Рік тому

    ويلي ويلي🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @stonedcat2004
    @stonedcat2004 Рік тому +2

    L3iba li 9elto ela zoophilia
    For me it’s not good because you’re hurting the animal like that so whatever science say’s it’s not okay

    • @marouane53Too
      @marouane53Too  Рік тому +32

      of course it's not okay mr Cat.
      Don't worry, you are safe.

    • @MazzixG
      @MazzixG Рік тому

      @@marouane53Too hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahha

    • @imliljake
      @imliljake Рік тому +1

      @@marouane53Too haha

    • @ilidilahoucine317
      @ilidilahoucine317 Рік тому

      ​@@marouane53Too hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • @issam2901
      @issam2901 Рік тому


  • @starsmix1695
    @starsmix1695 Рік тому


  • @aliabouamine1095
    @aliabouamine1095 Рік тому

    but deryyya dart lrebi ty
    ara She talk fast like a fly

  • @madebyimad
    @madebyimad Рік тому

    ash smit dik Khrna streamer li mzwja

  • @brahimbouhtit5551
    @brahimbouhtit5551 Рік тому +1

    تصور كون كرونا قتلات وحد العدد كبير تالناس وخلات خير الخوت اقدر يولي جواز المحارم حلال

    • @callmehaj908
      @callmehaj908 Рік тому +1

      It all started with it m3a habil o 9abil o okhwaatathom lajina nchufo 3la hsab din

    • @fawzimawzi644
      @fawzimawzi644 Рік тому

      @@callmehaj908 tawa7ed ma3arf kif bda lkharl9 mn ghir Lah sobhanaho wata3ala

    • @khaoula2200
      @khaoula2200 11 місяців тому

      That would make a perfect circle lol

  • @rainmusic1067
    @rainmusic1067 Рік тому +4

    db marouan mol7id wla muslim mutafati7 ? HHHHH

  • @elhoucine_ML
    @elhoucine_ML Рік тому


    @MOUSALI_MOHAMED Рік тому +1


  • @goodtry1005
    @goodtry1005 9 місяців тому