the last dude was like " ah there is no spider on my hand lol unjust me sing with me" as he walked away he relized tht there was a spider on his hand and totally freaked
Then you commented that the last dude was like " ah there is no spider on my hand lol unjust me sing with me" as he walked away he relized tht there was a spider on his hand and totally freaked
Holy shit fucking dying over here omg hahaha, this is one of the most hilarious pranks. That last guy, omg hahahah "You're playing with me" then he ends up running away like a little girl flailing his arm.
I am a spider lover (and i am a girl ;P) but even i must say: You little devil you XD. That was so mean and so funny (for all of us) to watch XD. That is a nice trick. How did you do that??
Well a few months ago i was afraid of spiders as well and even disgusted by some of them, but since i started to learn more about spiders, i started to love them. And now, jumping spiders are one of my most favorite animals :3. You really should check out some jumping spider photos or videos they are wonderful and so cute. And besides without spiders we wouldn't have had enough food because the insects would eat all plants on this planet within months, so we can't life without our eight legged friends ;). Take your time and take a closer look at them and you will see what i mean, they are wonderful creatures ;) (And sorry for my bad english^^)
All spiders are poisonous, but only a small bunch of them can be very dangerous for us humans. Only a few spiders are able to penetrate our skin with their fangs. ;). The only spider i don't really like is the brazilian wandering spider. The most dangerous spider on earth brr. This is a little eight legged monster...but the rest is okay :3.
spiders are pretty damn cute I got a pet tarantula myself it's not like they want to hurt us. hell I let mine sleep in my bed with me every couple nights
To me, I like snakes, I can see them, centipedes, I am not going to even fucking be near THAT either but spiders you can't see them and they feel awful
Yea he's one of the good pranksters!!! All clean no disrespect, and harmless pranks... Really enjoy he's stuff.. Seems like Cool cool .... Dude .. keep it up Brotha!!!!!
I'm not kidding when I say this, but this is for sure the funniest video I have seen on your channel, so far. I couldn't stop laughing!! Make more spider videos like this pleaseeeee!!!
holy shit one of the best pranks i have yet to see! it would be cool at the end of the video to maybe show people's reactions when you reveeal that its a prank. their reactions are great.
Wow... lots of helpful, cool people.
And Rahat just pranks the crap out of them.
Southern hospitality I guess..since this vid is shot somewhere in texas :>
hayderimran7 Nah this was shot at Ohio State University.
octoberbreeze Yep, I can confirm this. I recognize a lot of the buildings.
This was 2013. So by now nobody is helpful to Rahat anymore I think lol
lol, the last dude is golden
I go to his middle school :D
weird cause this looks like a college and he doesn't look like he's in middle school.
Sonario7 Maybe..It looks like he's Asian.. So he looks young..
Han Solo all like "stop playing* *see spider* AGG *THROES HAND*
333 likes ;o
the last dudes reaction is priceless
•Triple D• TM Dragon Right LMFAO
Lol okay, am skipping to the end
@@darkcrystal658 all the other reactions were good too, impatient af
This is seriously one of the greatest pranks on UA-cam in my opinion.
Yeah only the no driver and skeleton driver compare. And the cut in half magician.
I can bet on this after 7 years too
still holds up after 8 years
rahat is the best pranskter on youtube.
Not prankster, magician
he *WAS* the best.
yes you are 100% correct
+Sha Adhikari He is really Good.
+ISankalp Kumar totally man
that reaction time of that last guy.. would have been bitten 4 times already :D
It would have already layed eggs in him and sucked all his blood out!
***** And can give birth to human-spider hybrids..
***** Then the military would have to drop a nuke on all the spider babies to protect the rest or humanity.
You mean on all the humans, to protect the cute little spider babies >: /
u were doin good, too, sir ;)
The last one tried hard to act like a boss
vivek patil no he wasn't. He just thought Rahat was kidding him :P
vivek patil OMG I WAS DYING😂
No he was not.
@@Dheal yes he was lol😀😀
He didn’t know it was there!
See? these are pranks. No one is mad and all are laughing. Haha, not to those who almost kill their victim just to do a viral prank.
Can I get an example of someone who isn't like this?
(Not saying to counteract, just curiosity... and finding out why you say this)
Thanks, Tony.
Bro the things your talking about were they almost kill them is not pranks there social experiments
How to get away with a prank: call it social experiment!
please do this again!
Hi I found you
The ending lmfao!!!!! ahahahhahahah
the last dude was like " ah there is no spider on my hand lol unjust me sing with me" as he walked away he relized tht there was a spider on his hand and totally freaked
....we watched it
+Slimey Kj lol
Then you commented that the last dude was like " ah there is no spider on my hand lol unjust me sing with me" as he walked away he relized tht there was a spider on his hand and totally freaked
we know, we were there through the magic of video.
That last dudes reaction was priceless!!!
What I love the most about this video is not only the prank, but the acts of kindness by random strangers. Makes me feel twice as better. c:
The one's who offer help get pranked, sad lmfaoo..
IKR lol
Addie Yah They don't know it's a prank...!!!
Addie Yah they're never helping any one else ever again
Seriously loved this prank! The reactions were just priceless. I love have Rhat is always original! Such a good prank video! Nice job!!
OH PLEASE do more of this one it's so good!
That last one!
it's on your hand!.. It's on your hand!.. Whatever you can't scare me. Dude it's on your hand!. Looks at hand and screams like a girl...lmao!
HAHA the last dude was like "naww i know what you're trying to do" meanwhile the fake spider was on him.
Dude I just laughed so hard!! My stomach is hurting and I can’t stop. I remember watching this! Miss this time. Great video brother!
I don't know why but i just can see the fact that there's a lot of helpful people there...that's so cool man!
It’s so awesome seeing people be so helpful to you
The last one killed me asf... im crying...
+Conze the last one killed me as fuck
that makes no sense
+Conze rest in rip
"Spider on Hand Prank 2" please. PLEASE.
I know, right? There has to be some extra footage he's hiding from us!
I love your prank videos so diverse with a lot different ideas and they're all pretty much funny
3:14 the last dude got me rolling😂😂 and he was tryna play it off cool too
This prank works better on girls than on guys.
But the guys start jumping it's really funny
You calling us a scarty car? Hey! We're not just a pretty face
Kitty Cake You probably regret this comment so I am here to remind you
Kitty Cake You like anime therefore everything you ever say in life will always be wrong
1:30 "Want me to tie your shoe?"
Yeah, I think she wanted to get down for other stuff... Lol.
John Lojo lol but I don't know about that ❓❓❓???
Holy sh*t
Last one is the best
The Last one was Epic!! Good Job Rahat!!
omg Rahat you are one of the best UA-camrs alive
This is comedy gold
This was funny!!! Spiders are truly fascinating creatures...
1:30 i wish a pretty girl walked up to me and offered to tie my shoe
3:31 "Ha Ha nice try I know it's a pran- OHHH GOD!!!!!"
Please make part 2! This is one of the best pranks here on UA-cam..
That last dude was the funniest
The asian dude at the end lol
The asian dude tho haha
2:30 i'm crying of laughter right now because of what that girl said 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nice representing the OVAL!
Holy shit fucking dying over here omg hahaha, this is one of the most hilarious pranks.
That last guy, omg hahahah "You're playing with me" then he ends up running away like a little girl flailing his arm.
Last one was like..Yeah spiders..whatever! Oh shit its in my hand!
And once again, LOVE THE SUBTITLES! You're amazing, man!!!
Gotta do that again 😂😂😂😂
I loved the last dude your messing with me haha
The funny thing is that you don't actually need a spider to do a spider prank)))
Dude i love how your paranks are real smart and have magic buts in them. Its also cool how you talk us through them at the start. GREAT JOB KEEP IT UP
The last dude got me laughing so hard
Dat guy at the end doe.
Genius so funny im really scared of spiders too
Best pranks EVER !! Need longer clips !! Please Rahat ♥
2:30 best moment
3:35 he used the wrong your😂😂
I am a spider lover (and i am a girl ;P) but even i must say: You little devil you XD. That was so mean and so funny (for all of us) to watch XD. That is a nice trick. How did you do that??
Well a few months ago i was afraid of spiders as well and even disgusted by some of them, but since i started to learn more about spiders, i started to love them. And now, jumping spiders are one of my most favorite animals :3. You really should check out some jumping spider photos or videos they are wonderful and so cute. And besides without spiders we wouldn't have had enough food because the insects would eat all plants on this planet within months, so we can't life without our eight legged friends ;). Take your time and take a closer look at them and you will see what i mean, they are wonderful creatures ;) (And sorry for my bad english^^)
All spiders are poisonous, but only a small bunch of them can be very dangerous for us humans. Only a few spiders are able to penetrate our skin with their fangs. ;). The only spider i don't really like is the brazilian wandering spider. The most dangerous spider on earth brr. This is a little eight legged monster...but the rest is okay :3.
Oh.... oh my...
spiders are pretty damn cute I got a pet tarantula myself it's not like they want to hurt us. hell I let mine sleep in my bed with me every couple nights
I WISH EVERYONE IN THE WORLD COULD BE SHOWN THIS. It'll sound weird but I really want to hear that collective laughter.
you should also include the reactions of people when they find out that it is a prank
Greetings,I'm from 2020
Omg that last one hahaha
01:23 I LOVE that reaction/scream.
Is it just me or are these women extremely tall in the US ?
+Freddy Krueger not really.
depends what state u live in
It depends on ur height bro !
Omg dude I died Bhai
Aaaand, none of those people will ever offer to help a random stranger again! Also, how do none of these people recognize Rahat?!
dude I love your vids , I love how you do pranks , no one gets harmed or mad at you , keep up the great work :]
that the end was really slow pick up xD
Holy fuck that is so freaking evil :D hahahahaha
no good deed goes unpunished...
That's not true it's just a prank
True. thanks for helping me see the brighter side of things. :)
I remember watching this 10 years ago and it’s still just as funny
Is it that difficult to tell and understand the differences between YOU're and YOUR, OMFG
what's you problem man ? your serious ?
***** you're*
Matt Rhodes LMAO
Username Wow your a total failure. you kidding?
Your right
Jeana from prankvsprank/bfvsgf would cry... Again
Yea Jeana probably would :)
Females always scream and the Men always say "Oh Shit" lol
I love this so much. TV has nothing on this...I literally laughed out loud and UA-cam really hardly does that to me anymore, let alone the Internet.
If you ever did something like this to me i would scream and then proceed to punch you xD I HATE spiders
People are too afraid of spiders. They are not snakes or giant centipedes.
They're posionous.
and disgusting looking.
karen30ful That I will not argue with. :)
To me, I like snakes, I can see them, centipedes, I am not going to even fucking be near THAT either
but spiders
you can't see them
and they feel awful
+DragonPlays. You should watch a couple documentary videos by NatGeoWild about giant centipedes. You will either not be as afraid or even more afraid.
how did they not feel it?
when he handed them the stuff their hands touched and they thought it was just his hand
lol pretty darn funny to me. lol
thsi is probly the only prank channel i like. Its innocent fun.
the last one tho
Bro!! U r my favorite youtuber
We wanna see this prank again!
Oh my god this is seriously the funniest prank i have ever seen on the internet. I was laughing so hard the whole time.
I can't get enough of these videos!
Too funny not to share! This is hilarious, guys! (Last guy is just LOL)
This was toooooo good i wish the video was longer😂👍👌
Jesus dude this was brilliant do another one of these.
Bro u are killin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was laughing for 1/2 hrs
Yea he's one of the good pranksters!!! All clean no disrespect, and harmless pranks... Really enjoy he's stuff.. Seems like Cool cool .... Dude .. keep it up Brotha!!!!!
I love how people are being helpful in this vid
Dude best prank ever! Please do this one more
What makes me smile is the amount of people who stopped to help
I'm not kidding when I say this, but this is for sure the funniest video I have seen on your channel, so far. I couldn't stop laughing!! Make more spider videos like this pleaseeeee!!!
I actually wanna see him do this prank again! xDD It's so amazing!!!
Amazing! Great job Rahat!!
one of the best pranks so far lol
this was the best one in a while
That was the best prank I have ever seen. Expertly done.
That epic reaction after realizing the spider is actually on his hand 😂😂😂
I pray for those of you get pranked by Rahat to be always healthy and wealthy, this prank is so good.
holy shit one of the best pranks i have yet to see! it would be cool at the end of the video to maybe show people's reactions when you reveeal that its a prank. their reactions are great.
I will watch a video every time you post and I will like all of them if you do another spider on hand prank.LMAO 😂