Lullaby of Birdland - Andrea Motis Joan Chamorro Quintet & Scott Hamilton

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @williaminglis4754
    @williaminglis4754 Рік тому +49

    I have nursed my way through some depression by listening to this music for hours every day. This and Bossa nova are therapeutic and magnificent. 83yrs and counting

  • @chrisbowen9043
    @chrisbowen9043 10 місяців тому +17

    Piano preamble is luxurious. Then, Andrea and all fulfill this song more and more as it is being played. Just a phenomenal piece of music!

  • @ronkrate609
    @ronkrate609 10 місяців тому +15

    Glorious Bach fugue--inflected piano intro!

    • @GH-oi2jf
      @GH-oi2jf 6 місяців тому

      First done by Dick Hyman.

    • @bahaazahlan5460
      @bahaazahlan5460 4 місяці тому

      ​@@GH-oi2jfwhich song?

  • @vshagoyan
    @vshagoyan 4 роки тому +67

    The reverence the other musicians show during the piano solo, all eyes closed, unable to hide their grins, with complete attention to the music, is a testament to the composer, and more so to the God of music himself, JSB.

    • @frantiseksanchez8426
      @frantiseksanchez8426 4 роки тому +5

      This looks like "Music in the Castle of Heaven", from that brilliant Baroque piano intro of master Ignasi Terraza till the end of the piece. I agree that the musicians seem to listen to Terraza with almost religious attitude.Still in shock!

  • @TomTom-rh5gk
    @TomTom-rh5gk Рік тому +23

    The intro took my breath away. But I just discovered Andrea Motis and she a music goddess. She is one of the few singers who deserve an into like this.

  • @australianbloke3934
    @australianbloke3934 5 років тому +380

    I have lost count of the number of times I have listened to this. Not to take away from the performance as a whole but Ignasi Terraza's fugue style introduction is pure genius. Thank you.

  • @robertturpie1463
    @robertturpie1463 4 роки тому +28

    Please keep this jazz style alive. Your group is fantastic. It must not wither on the vine. It is jazz at it’s best.

  • @steveheywood9428
    @steveheywood9428 5 років тому +186

    Wow after 69 years on this earth, I’ve found a wonderful modern group with outstanding musicians, including Andrea Motis who excels in her dual role. Wow.
    Thank you for making my day.

    • @nicholasburque1066
      @nicholasburque1066 4 роки тому +11

      69 HAHA

    • @jsnle
      @jsnle 4 роки тому +3


    • @vista1417
      @vista1417 4 роки тому +4

      *YES very much unexpected & surprising isnt it ????*

    • @osocool1too
      @osocool1too 4 роки тому +3

      Nicholas Burque...that is my age.

    • @mickram23
      @mickram23 4 роки тому +7

      The encouraging thing is there are more of them out there. The problem these days is that the likes of UA-cam expose us to music we would never come across otherwise but it's spread so thinly that you probably never will.
      My only advise would be to click on any links to other music you get, you can always turn it off if you don't like it, but just maybe it could be the best thing you ever heard.

  • @ralfmulde7723
    @ralfmulde7723 6 років тому +1209

    The "Bach" intro is a real masterpiece by: "Ignasi Terraza (born 14 July 1962), is a Catalan jazz pianist. Blind from the age of 10, he currently leads his own jazz trio playing both standards and tunes composed by himself and the band members, Frenchmen Pierre Boussaguet on bass and Jean Pierre Derouard on drums. The trio has toured Spain, Portugal, France and Switzerland. Terraza was born in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. With a degree in Computer Engineering, after three years dividing his time between his profession and music, he decided to dedicate himself entirely to jazz in 1983" [Wiki]

    • @ejmg1000
      @ejmg1000 6 років тому +49

      Thank you for this important information about this excellent pianist.

    • @toprak3479
      @toprak3479 6 років тому +30

      I was going "This sounds super neo-classical. Bach specifically."
      I'm proud of myself for guessing correctly.

    • @lorenzschaetti8292
      @lorenzschaetti8292 6 років тому +9

      Amazing pianist!

    • @pieroisnardi9066
      @pieroisnardi9066 6 років тому +6

      Qiuesto gruppo integra molto bene i giovani con gli anziani.ho ascoltato molto attentamente sia i brani sia gli esecutori.molto bello.mi piacerebbe anche qualche.pezzo "lento"eseguito con piano e chitarra elettrica alla maniera di George Shearing.Piero Isnardi

    • @gregoriovelasquez
      @gregoriovelasquez 5 років тому +3

      Do you know where to find the music sheet of it?

  • @AkilHenry
    @AkilHenry Рік тому +8

    That intro is genius!!

  • @MarkPatten
    @MarkPatten 5 років тому +79

    That piano intro is genius. Andrea is on the money so well for one so young. As for the Maestro who stays in the background on Bass... well, I just raise my glass and tip my hat. 'Nuf said...

  • @downhill240
    @downhill240 7 років тому +563

    Horn players who can sing have the advantage of breathing correctly and staying on tempo so well. this lady nails it every time!!

    • @jefflatten9321
      @jefflatten9321 6 років тому +58

      Andrea has an uncanny sense of timing, she knows just where to let it drift and then return. Beautiful.

    • @alanjackson4720
      @alanjackson4720 6 років тому +1

      downhill2400 c

    • @MrWildcountry
      @MrWildcountry 5 років тому +1


    • @noragarza8628
      @noragarza8628 5 років тому +7


    • @hind33r
      @hind33r 4 роки тому +9

      Ignasi is a awesome

  • @edsmusic1000
    @edsmusic1000 7 років тому +33

    What can I say about Andrea, her vocals as well as her trumpet playing are Just a work of art.

    • @perryparsons9960
      @perryparsons9960 7 років тому +5

      No doubt. I am amazed, at her coming in cold, in time, in tune and in tone, with several licks I can't play in the middle of the second set when I am at my best. Am just floored by such an incredible trumpeter and vocalist.
      That she is cute as a bug doesn't hurt either.

  • @joancarollo2651
    @joancarollo2651 4 місяці тому +3

    84 & loving it every day ♥️ My kind of music 🎼🎼

  • @Jacob99174
    @Jacob99174 2 роки тому +12

    I can’t stop staring at Andrea. She’s so beautiful, and her voice only makes her that much more beautiful!

  • @jimbrown1936
    @jimbrown1936 6 років тому +87

    Of all the great Sax players Scott Hamilton is right up there.

  • @hoangtran-gf3gd
    @hoangtran-gf3gd 6 років тому +18

    What a gem of a band! All members are top quality artists!

  • @deportomeirionnumero5159
    @deportomeirionnumero5159 4 роки тому +7

    j'était passé a coté ,simplement le bonheur,le piano qui laisse sans voix, le timing d'Andréa pour le démarrage ,dingue,le saxo , et les autres ,simplement heureux

  • @RalphDratman
    @RalphDratman 5 років тому +66

    What a thrill to hear this! Andrea's vocals on this wonderful tune are a jolt of hot coffee in the early morning. I can't stop listening.

  • @jaggarcia2600
    @jaggarcia2600 5 років тому +10

    Andrea's voice fills the soul... What an incredible talent! I close my eyes as I listen to enjoy every note....of her voice and trumpet playing.

  • @emorejekul
    @emorejekul 5 років тому +12

    I thank these musicians for giving me the sense of hope, and make me stop thinking about suicide. I love the voices of the girls that sing, I love the instrumentalists as well. I love their whole organization.

    • @RitaColacoNuminous
      @RitaColacoNuminous 5 років тому +4

      Wow, that's amazing, turning a music into power, hope and fuel to keep going... Hope you can heal with time.✌

  • @gordonadams5891
    @gordonadams5891 4 роки тому +7

    The opening solo is outstanding!

  • @juliogodoy-fj1mn
    @juliogodoy-fj1mn Рік тому +3

    Scott Hamilton's sound is so pure, it is fantastic. Andrea's trumpet is also marvelous.

  • @gosiaruthner872
    @gosiaruthner872 Місяць тому

    Genial 😅 Vokal i muzycy!!! 🌷🌹🌺 Dziękuję ❤

  • @anastasiagulai5782
    @anastasiagulai5782 2 роки тому +5

    I’m so in love with this performance omg

  • @donaldespeut2042
    @donaldespeut2042 9 днів тому

    Just the best of all. A gift from the Gods.

  • @jetaud555
    @jetaud555 5 років тому +7

    Andrea comes in with the song so well.

  • @FranzJoseph_III
    @FranzJoseph_III 5 років тому +13

    Best intro to a prayer - and this performance! Bach and Jazz are holy!

  • @johntatum8088
    @johntatum8088 3 роки тому +4

    Lullaby of Birdland and Bach at the classy.
    Then, the real jazz stuff...very cool..nice mix.

  • @arvh1952
    @arvh1952 9 років тому +170

    What a fantastic intro ... absolutely brilliant piano... love how he introduces the mood to the song. The best part of the song... almost.. till andrea and the rest of the band belts it out...

    • @immanuellasker4273
      @immanuellasker4273 7 років тому +19

      he improvises a fugue bach style. this pianist is really brilliant

    • @DanieleMeleMusic
      @DanieleMeleMusic 7 років тому +2

      I've made the piano transcription of the intro played by Ignasi Terraza in this song. You can buy it just sending an email here:

    • @kieunkim5563
      @kieunkim5563 7 років тому +1

      What's the name of the pianist here?

    • @immanuellasker4273
      @immanuellasker4273 7 років тому +3

      +Kieun Kim Ignasi Terraza

    • @fusion-music
      @fusion-music 7 років тому

      Yes, very classical. Clever lad.

  • @landocycle
    @landocycle Рік тому +4

    Man, Scott’s Melodie’s always get me. Every note has intention and meaning - no frills!

  • @dancalmusic
    @dancalmusic 5 років тому +10

    I've always had great esteem for Ignasi Terraza. Great sense of rhythm, very nice sense o melodic lines during the improvisations, strong knowledge of harmony. Beautiful

  • @williamlrobinson6293
    @williamlrobinson6293 8 років тому +76

    This is a great rendition of this jazz tune. I first heard this tune played by George Shearing at Birdland NYC in the 1940s.

    • @KirbySweg
      @KirbySweg 5 років тому

      @ I'm so sad I wasn't born in time to experience the London House, I wish I could have at least seen Erroll Garner there, he's my favorite artist.

    • @KirbySweg
      @KirbySweg 5 років тому

      James Fox do you still attend jazz clubs in the Chicago area? If so would you recommend any

    • @mickeyray3793
      @mickeyray3793 2 роки тому +1

      At the two-minute mark, was she scatting on purpose, or did she forget the words? Either way, it was just great! Beautiful light-hearted horn playing, and sophisticated breezy singing.

  • @curious1curious
    @curious1curious 4 роки тому +6

    All are fantastic...and Esteve Pi is always right there keeping things together on the drums. He's terrific!!!

  • @joseluisrosalesreynaga3039
    @joseluisrosalesreynaga3039 6 років тому +40

    La introducción que ejecuta el maestro Ignasi Terraza es cautivadora, eleva la pieza a otro nivel.

  • @robertquay4451
    @robertquay4451 2 роки тому +5

    Superb, just superb and the piano intro is extraordinary!

  • @nickg2431
    @nickg2431 4 роки тому +3

    I would love someone to sing so sweetly like that to me every morning !!! The trumpet lines are also sweetness personified!!

  • @jackschneiberg5644
    @jackschneiberg5644 4 роки тому +6

    What a classical intro( pun intended). This whole arrangement is to me what jazz is all about. What vocal talent! !!

  • @HughOKelly
    @HughOKelly 7 років тому +9

    What a fantastic original talent this man has on piano. Brilliant....

  • @Gruntol5
    @Gruntol5 5 років тому +3

    So rewarding to see beautiful young ladies play jazz - and so rare.

  • @rockyjackson48
    @rockyjackson48 4 роки тому +5

    My first time hearing this song and this rendition. Absolutlely gorgeous

  • @giannibonanno5692
    @giannibonanno5692 4 роки тому +4

    The piano intro makes this performance fantastic

  • @fredericsuffet253
    @fredericsuffet253 9 років тому +354

    Just wonderful. Re a prior comment: notice how intently the others in the band listen to Terraza's intro--they dig it, for sure. (The audience gets it, too.) Playing a chorus or two of a tune in classical style has a long tradition in jazz, sort of the mirror of "jazzin' the classics." When jazz gets so solemn that it can't indulge in a bit of good-humored crossover, it'll be dead. And here it's done brilliantly, with wit and musical invention.

    • @LouisRodrigues
      @LouisRodrigues  9 років тому +27

      Mr. Suffet
      Wow :) What a wonderful comment. It just made my day :) Thank you :)
      Not only do you have a great ear but superb taste :)

    • @fredericsuffet253
      @fredericsuffet253 9 років тому +6

      +Louis Rodrigues Thank you, Mr. Rodrigues, very kind of you to say.

    • @malonerowan
      @malonerowan 8 років тому +7

      +Frederic Suffet YES!!

    • @reflexojustin
      @reflexojustin 8 років тому +12

      Musical invention - reminds me of bach two part invention for keyboard - amazing talent to be able to improv that and then slowly merge into jazz style - wonderfull

    • @williamreader6180
      @williamreader6180 8 років тому +6

      Right ...Bach! I was trying to place the music ...then saw your post.

  • @eleonoravalente1742
    @eleonoravalente1742 Рік тому

    Now, I'm in Paris and this song is magic here❤

  • @Orionek549
    @Orionek549 2 роки тому +7

    Such an epic music. Every part is a pure perfection. I feel like each particle of my body is getting goozebumps. Tottaly love it. Cheers to every fan!

    • @1947August
      @1947August 9 місяців тому

      Ich weiss nicht so genau, was du mit "episch" meinst. Jedenfalls das Trompetensolo ist nicht episch.

  • @redtoenails2909
    @redtoenails2909 5 років тому +3

    What a gifted child. Beauty and a trumpet player and can sing the classic songs, beautifully sang this version...

  • @ChannelMaster720
    @ChannelMaster720 5 років тому +3


    @RIDEMID 2 роки тому +2

    Amazingly beautiful s performance with a lineup of unbelievable talent. Andreas voice is magnificent

  • @ganlanwang9286
    @ganlanwang9286 Рік тому +3

    I love Ignasi Terraza. Cant imagine he cant see things.A great pianist!

  • @CouraTheExplora
    @CouraTheExplora Рік тому +1

    still listening to this years later. that intro is absolutely beautiful.

  • @gordonphillipsacademy
    @gordonphillipsacademy 4 роки тому +5

    Holy Smokes, this is insane. Pure musical ecstasy.

  • @PamelaSFerro
    @PamelaSFerro 6 років тому +4

    Andrea is one of the most diversified artists. Fantastic voice, fantastic trumpet.

  • @BenBopALula
    @BenBopALula 7 років тому +25

    Andrea Motis : Trompette, chant, saxo... tout au top ! Magnifique ! Il serait gentil de laisser un peu de talent aux autres !

    @ROYDEFRANCE 3 роки тому +1

    This is best version of Lullaby of Birdland, ever. I listen to it at least once a week, and it makes me happy seven days ahead.

  • @djeric1000
    @djeric1000 5 років тому +6

    Andrea fait depuis quelque temps son entrée dans la cour des grands du Jazz, Je l'ai vue live ce dimanche en Belgique et sa présence et musicalité m'ont fait pleurer d'émotion . et pourtant je suis moi même bassiste de jazz ...

    • @loris27
      @loris27 5 років тому +1

      J'ai loupé ça... C'était où ?

    • @djeric1000
      @djeric1000 5 років тому +2

      Loris Antrilli j.étais invité par le guitariste du big band de Boom pour faire les photos.... au centre culturel d’Aartselaar près d’Anvers ou elles était guest star pour le deuxième set..... et en plus de sa prestation j’ai rarement vu un ou une soliste (et chanteuse) si attentif et réceptif au jeu des autres musiciens .... la classe !

    • @loris27
      @loris27 5 років тому +3

      @@djeric1000 on voit vraiment que c'est une perle dans sa manière de jouer comme dans son attitude. Cest cool que tu aies pu apprécier ce concert

  • @luciacoli2836
    @luciacoli2836 8 років тому

    Brava,brava,brava !!!!!!!! E bravi tutti voi !!! Grazie, per queste meraviglie che ci regalate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Avete tutta la mia stima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @barboror
    @barboror 5 років тому +4

    Andrea is fabulous takes my breath away, They all are superb, Love those octaves being playing on the guitar. make my hair stand up , truly great everyone.

  • @vietvet
    @vietvet 4 роки тому +2

    I am a dyed in the wool fan of Andrea. Great Jazz vocals, trumpet and sax also is amazing with improvs far beyond her tender years. I love her.

  • @hank1519
    @hank1519 5 років тому +6

    Aside from her immense musical talents, her stage presence is awesome!

  • @14.1guy2
    @14.1guy2 4 роки тому +2

    So much talent on that stage!

  • @bilbonec
    @bilbonec 5 років тому +3

    Chaque jour, j'ai besoin de ma session de Lullaby of Birdland pour démarrer une bonne journée de boulot.
    Merci Ignasi, merci Andrea.

  • @ssnoc
    @ssnoc 3 роки тому +1

    Ahhhhh .... spot-on perfect 👌

  • @ericalbert6954
    @ericalbert6954 5 років тому +3

    Ma gni fi que !!!!!
    Mille merci

  • @dcortes0
    @dcortes0 5 років тому +6

    Un ángel cantando. Andrea tiene un talento y una clase fuera de serie. Gracias por existir.

  • @creativejazzpianistrobertr2172
    @creativejazzpianistrobertr2172 5 років тому

    So--Great!!! What Band!! Joan Chamorro!! Beautiful Music and Group

  • @kavic1234
    @kavic1234 6 років тому +8

    Th;e intro is amazing and Andrea nailed it.

  • @douglasstarr11
    @douglasstarr11 8 років тому +4

    I like this very much. Bravo Joan et al

  • @jacqueskruidenier6092
    @jacqueskruidenier6092 7 років тому +5

    Jazz of a high level. Proficiat !!

  • @ejmg1000
    @ejmg1000 5 років тому +8

    One of the most inspired solos of Andrea. A delight ...

  • @Cybi0
    @Cybi0 4 роки тому +11

    Ignasi Terraza : a blind man ... who makes us see the Light !

  • @brianruskin9241
    @brianruskin9241 3 місяці тому

    Pure magic!!!
    What a wonderful band!!!

  • @StumpkillerCP
    @StumpkillerCP 8 років тому +59

    Bravo! The Well Tempered Lullaby transitions into a solid rendition of the classic. Outstanding version.

    • @DanieleMeleMusic
      @DanieleMeleMusic 7 років тому

      Hi StumpkillerCP.. I've made a transcription of the piano intro, you can buy it at a low price just sending an email here:

  • @robertquay7188
    @robertquay7188 4 місяці тому

    Scott's music I have known for years, the others not at all until I am just discovering it here. This is great stuff deserving of a wider audience.

  • @victorporetz7358
    @victorporetz7358 3 роки тому +4

    Ignassi is one of the best jazz pianists on the planet in my humble opinion.

  • @gillesdegrandpre4803
    @gillesdegrandpre4803 4 роки тому +2

    this is a walk in the park for Scott. makes it look so easy to be great.

  • @jimadkins6185
    @jimadkins6185 5 років тому +4

    The very best vocal and band, The piano player world class and a blind man as well

  • @joancarollo2651
    @joancarollo2651 4 місяці тому

    Joan Chamorro & his students are wonderful 🎼Listen every day

  • @jean-louisdevred3185
    @jean-louisdevred3185 3 роки тому +3

    C'est magnifique, le thème est superbe, et je note cette extraordinaire intro d'Ignazi Terraza: seul Bud était capable de faire ça! quelle réussite! Merci!

  • @eugeniomirisola9384
    @eugeniomirisola9384 5 років тому +1

    Fantastic! Brilliant! Awesome!

  • @Willyalpiano
    @Willyalpiano 8 років тому +5

    In love with Terraza's intro...

  • @Fabsurf101
    @Fabsurf101 4 роки тому +2

    It added so much to the intrigue with this fabulous Bach's intro this already beautiful tune. Absolutely Superb!

  • @nelsonherreragutierrez4662
    @nelsonherreragutierrez4662 5 років тому +4

    El pianista, increíble.Me quedo sin palabras.

  • @bernied9415
    @bernied9415 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for the GREAT arrangement ! Love it !

  • @edsmusic1000
    @edsmusic1000 7 років тому +4

    A wonderful rendition by the Master himself, Mr. Chamorro and all the gang. I just can't say enough about the piano player, Joan, Scott Hamilton and their fabulous drummer. What a crew, I Just don't know what else to say. Excellence!

    • @DanieleMeleMusic
      @DanieleMeleMusic 7 років тому

      Hi Edward, I've made a piano transcription of the intro played by Ignasi Terraza in this song.
      You can buy it just sending an email here:

    • @danyrobot97
      @danyrobot97 7 років тому

      Yes sir, I need it!!

  • @ВладимирГоликов-н6у
    @ВладимирГоликов-н6у 4 місяці тому +2

    Слушаю очень часто, любимые музыканты!

  • @maxwickens461
    @maxwickens461 4 роки тому +7

    I love Bach and I love jazz so what more could I want in a piano intro , the whole band is wonderful thank you so much for cheering me up when there isn’t much to be cheerful about 😎😎😎😎

  • @fionnanomahony8283
    @fionnanomahony8283 5 років тому +1

    New favourite version of one of my favourite songs

  • @mjcouceiro
    @mjcouceiro 8 років тому +7

    Joan Chamorro got very impressed with the piano introduction! eheheheheheh!!! It was beautiful.

  • @Modestointeres14
    @Modestointeres14 6 років тому +1

    Sacre bleu, en écoutant votre musique... vous vous me faire aimer la vie!!

  • @SWAviatorII
    @SWAviatorII 8 років тому +37

    Extraordinary! No other words necessary.

  • @philippekaisin1344
    @philippekaisin1344 7 років тому

    FABULEUX!L'entrée du pianiste,Bach Jazz,même combat!Et que dire de la trompette,magnifique!Andréa tu est sublime!Ph.Kaisin.

  • @josemariabalandin8687
    @josemariabalandin8687 3 роки тому +3

    Tremenda intro que nos lleva del barroco al jazz. Gracias a todos por vuestra música. Como músico y sobre todo como oyente...Gracias y que viva la Música

  • @alessandrocatena9354
    @alessandrocatena9354 Рік тому

    Dio benedica questi grandi artisti.Essi ci regalano pace e gioia in questo mondo così pieno di affanni...

  • @OMR1954
    @OMR1954 5 років тому +4

    Love Scott Hamilton. I have him seeing him many, many ears ago in Amsterdam.

  • @ЛиляЕсаян
    @ЛиляЕсаян 11 місяців тому

    Every musician in the group is beyond genius, but I wonder how they find each other! What magic they do performing this!❤

  • @donguiddodilozzo1906
    @donguiddodilozzo1906 5 років тому +5

    Bravo ! Brilliant intro !

  • @manleyhall5368
    @manleyhall5368 Рік тому +1

    This is just a great jazz ensemble!!!!

  • @juanfeh66
    @juanfeh66 5 років тому +7

    Amazing intro. Maestro.

  • @stephenpwilson1930
    @stephenpwilson1930 4 роки тому

    I've watched this video so many times I've lost. I just love it so much. Thank you all.

  • @goletarecordcompany3443
    @goletarecordcompany3443 5 років тому +13

    Angelic sounds. Absolutely Beautiful. Justice done to George Shearing. This Whole Band is Top Ranking! I, am a big Fan. Well done. Thank You.