Champion Geeta Battle Theme (DPPt Soundfont Remix) - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @elnino4dlate
    @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +119

    I said also in Description; I partly changed the structure of the theme.
    Thanks for your understanding.

  • @Anchobeee1229
    @Anchobeee1229 Рік тому +39


  • @むにえる634
    @むにえる634 Рік тому +70


    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +12


    • @monaka_0184
      @monaka_0184 Рік тому +6


    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +7


  • @jedimobslayer2480
    @jedimobslayer2480 Рік тому +89

    Geeta’s theme is an underrated gem in the musical genius of SV, on par with penny or arven’s theme.

    • @jambon2730
      @jambon2730 11 місяців тому

      Penny's theme is definitely not underrated tho

    • @jedimobslayer2480
      @jedimobslayer2480 11 місяців тому +1

      @@jambon2730 by on par I meant in terms of quality not underratedness

    • @MIsenhour412
      @MIsenhour412 10 місяців тому

      Geeta *

    • @jedimobslayer2480
      @jedimobslayer2480 10 місяців тому

      @@MIsenhour412 i hate autocorrect

  • @ny150
    @ny150 Рік тому +16


  • @wuhhhhhhh
    @wuhhhhhhh Рік тому +123

    I love finding these underrated music channels

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +16

      I love being found like this.
      I can continue my activity thanks to some people like you who value me. Thank you!!

    • @wuhhhhhhh
      @wuhhhhhhh Рік тому +7

      @@elnino4dlate yeeeee you’re a Diamond in the rough, i saw that song you composed when you were 11 and i was kind of blown away by your talent even at such a young age,, last, no pressure to follow through with it if you don’t want, but if i could make a request- the paldean trainer battle theme in the DPPT soundfont would be super interesting, there aren’t many remixes of that theme yet unfortunately

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +5

      I'm now happier than ever...
      I promise to keep entertaining you.
      and OK, I accepted your request😉

    • @ToxicPea
      @ToxicPea Рік тому +1

      @@elnino4dlate remember your OG fans well, and use their support to let you carry on soing what you love 🫡

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +1

      Alright, I bear it in mind, will never forget the joys I'm given now...

  • @GalaxyYuroPlayz
    @GalaxyYuroPlayz Рік тому +164

    0:12 almost sounds Identical to Lance/Red's theme from HGSS. But you know, This sounds really awesome and amazing on the DPPt Version, it definitely hits hard and it it's really great to hear.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +39

      Yessss, as if you knew the reason I went as far as to change the theme to stress the part. The phrase makes me feel what's all about Pokémon.

    • @adri_does_sillystuff
      @adri_does_sillystuff Рік тому +22

      Pretty sure It is. Those Beats are literally the Pokemon main theme. You can hear them in Lance/Reds Battle, Title screen, Kanto gym leader, Kanto Wild Battle, etc

    • @JeanKP14
      @JeanKP14 Рік тому +10

      @@elnino4dlate I think this is intentionally in the composition. When I played SV, I got very excited hearing the reference to Lance/Red's theme, as it's one of my favourites. Thank you for making that even more obvious :D

    • @chaiseshinn3066
      @chaiseshinn3066 Рік тому +7

      Her theme has parts of at least one theme from every generation in it

    • @charlos0000
      @charlos0000 Рік тому +4

      Oh man I sure love those leitmotifs

  • @spokenanime2991
    @spokenanime2991 Рік тому +84

    This remix is harder than Geeta’s entire team and I love that. Well done, this honestly sounds amazing on this soundfont keep up the great remixes!

  • @ZeGreatGallade
    @ZeGreatGallade Рік тому +198

    Just found you through recommended. I commend you on how good your understanding of the gen 4 soundfont is. It sounds very accurate to a lot of the rhythms and instrumentation that the game uses! Keep up the great work!

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +12

      Thank you!!! Really glad!!
      I'll make a lot of efforts so as not to disappoint you.

    • @kingzerko
      @kingzerko Рік тому +1


  • @F-4E_ANM_Kurnass
    @F-4E_ANM_Kurnass Рік тому +6


  • @KH-cw8zn
    @KH-cw8zn Рік тому +8


  • @kimetsu_kids
    @kimetsu_kids Рік тому +8


  • @Glory2Snowstar
    @Glory2Snowstar Рік тому +15

    Dude, I came here from the Sada/Turo theme and the authenticity here is nothing short of incredible. I could legit hear this from my DS, AND it sounds incredible, too!
    I’d like to imagine this is in some alternate universe where Geeta was a DS champ and she was actually really hard, almost Cynthia-tier.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +1

      I'm happy you like it!
      Thank you for 2 comments

  • @DragonLover-sc7ui
    @DragonLover-sc7ui Рік тому +22

    This sounds so much better than the original, there is so much more intensity to the bass and melody. And I'm glad you cut out the beginning ambience from the intro. Good work!

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +5

      "More than the original" is the best compliment for me, really glad.

  • @NKEI_0613
    @NKEI_0613 Рік тому +2


  • @famaki8072
    @famaki8072 Рік тому +34

    What the hell. This is so GOOD ! I think i might prefer this to the original since you handled the soundfont just right. I am glad there is people like you that appreciate the beauty of the DPPT music style, i felt recently that there wasn't much people especially for Legends Arceus (can't even find a origin dialga and palkia DPPT soundfont). On that note, i heard that Geeta looks similar to a Sinnoh Frontier Brain.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +8

      Really happy to see your comment.
      It is not too much to say that DPPt is more popular than any other gens, but there are few gen4 soundfont handlars, I aiso realized.(mostly BW2, gen3 or 8-bit )
      I've just started this activity(since Dec 28), so I need to arrange "hot" music of SV so as to efficiently make myself known; however, after a while, I'll probably remix some themes of 1-8
      Stay tuned...!!

  • @ゴーサーフ
    @ゴーサーフ Рік тому +12


  • @Reginald_Ritmo
    @Reginald_Ritmo Рік тому +35

    This is really great!

  • @Lit_owo
    @Lit_owo Рік тому +9

    THIS GOES SO HARRDDDD im so happy that i found your channel

  • @simonlapeyr8614
    @simonlapeyr8614 10 місяців тому +1

    HELLO FROM FRANCE 🇲🇫 i love your remix song

  • @bobosmith101
    @bobosmith101 Рік тому +44

    Oh man, you really nailed that bass/backing track at the start. The use of instruments you hear in the Galactic themes was really solid, too. I think the weaker parts tend to involve some other instruments, like the...strings( or horns?) at 1:00-1:10.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +6

      In fact, I don't especially consider what instrument I use. I just use the one that sounds comfortable to me at the moment. I'm sorry that I can't answer from a technological point of view...

    • @vegekuhoshino273
      @vegekuhoshino273 Рік тому

      Esas cuerdas que dices son punteos de guitarra española

  • @LTheHammer451
    @LTheHammer451 Рік тому +16

    This is great, it has its own unique feel from the original and I love it, keep up the good work

  • @rumblingrose49
    @rumblingrose49 Рік тому +11

    WHOA. I originally thought Geeta's theme (and battle, frankly) were underwhelming. But your remix is showing me how this was really supposed to sound - this would have been a perfect D/P/PT battle theme. You truly have a mastery over the Gen 4 soundfont and arrangement/composition style. Subscribing now to hear more greatness!

  • @Silliest_GOOse05
    @Silliest_GOOse05 Рік тому +4

    I’m glad I came across this in my recommended

  • @跳陸
    @跳陸 Рік тому +3


  • @lymytbreak21
    @lymytbreak21 Рік тому +7

    Hey, I just want you to know I have listened to this over 20 times and I love it, you are doing an amazing job. Please please please never stop doing this.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      Of course😊
      Thank you for telling such a nice thing.

  • @jenniphillips239
    @jenniphillips239 Рік тому +6

    This theme sounds so much better now. Thank you.

  • @welshandogism
    @welshandogism Рік тому +8

    If i were you, i wouldnt go into battle with 5 pokemon and three of them fainted haha! But this is amazing!

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +4

      Thank you!! Dawn in my thumbnails is always leaving 3/5 fainted haha

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 3 місяці тому

      Unlike Cynthia, with Geeta you could get away with that and still triumph easily

    • @welshandogism
      @welshandogism 3 місяці тому

      @@BJGvideos late

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 3 місяці тому

      @@welshandogism And? There's no expiration date on comments.

    • @welshandogism
      @welshandogism 3 місяці тому

      @@BJGvideos ok

  • @doripa
    @doripa Рік тому +6


    @YOMOGIMOTHI Рік тому +4


  • @Cygator_
    @Cygator_ Рік тому +5

    I just got this in my recommended and oh my GOD this is absolutely AMAZING!

  • @zoruadark2259
    @zoruadark2259 Рік тому +8

    Hella underrated channel

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +3

      I'll never stop till you feel that
      I'm duly rated.

  • @HinoteFiery
    @HinoteFiery Рік тому +5

    Ahhh this theme is such a banger in this sound font‼️‼️ I love it sm keep it up! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @SashatheKing7
    @SashatheKing7 11 місяців тому +2

    First one of these where I find it generally better than the original which is impressive.

  • @Alexs23743
    @Alexs23743 9 місяців тому +2

    lol @ the thought of Geeta being in the same region as the REAL La Primera and her Garchomp.

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 3 місяці тому

      Pasio made it happen

  • @pknerdchimera
    @pknerdchimera Рік тому +5

    Browsed through your stuff recently and honestly Big Fan, great work! Can't wait to see what else you'll do

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +3

      I'll keep making efforts not to disappoint you, to promise a forever entertainment.

  • @phaxx3853
    @phaxx3853 Рік тому +5

    This deserve more likes..... because this is so underrated and beautiful

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      Thanks! expect the future of this video and this channel!

  • @cyber_baudelaire9962
    @cyber_baudelaire9962 Рік тому +5

    That's a really great remix! You are very talented !

  • @boiledpizza6502
    @boiledpizza6502 Рік тому +3

    This is amazing!! 👏👏

  • @Xencel
    @Xencel Рік тому +5

    First listen from a recommendation you used a sound I rarely hear at 0:35 that got me hype to type lol thanks

  • @Redsakas
    @Redsakas Рік тому +4


  • @Lemuel928
    @Lemuel928 Рік тому +6

    Dawn will accept this as a worthy challenge in Pasio Region.

  • @W.Gaster
    @W.Gaster Рік тому +6

    Really incredible, new sub

  • @tpgdalton
    @tpgdalton Рік тому +8

    Nice! I really like this

  • @cyberkyogre
    @cyberkyogre Рік тому +6

    Really cool. You earned a sub!

  • @bo7522
    @bo7522 Рік тому +3


  • @StarguyLOL
    @StarguyLOL Рік тому +6

    I like this a lot.

  • @amg4455
    @amg4455 Рік тому +13


    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +4


  • @Zoro4rk
    @Zoro4rk Рік тому +9

    This came out perfect!! 😄 would love to hear the Ace Academy Tournament Theme! 😁😁😁

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +5

      I've already accepted many requests (which is happy) , so I want you to wait for a while, regards.

  • @user-eipamu
    @user-eipamu Рік тому +2


  • @黒金-w3o
    @黒金-w3o Рік тому +4


  • @SolarCetitan
    @SolarCetitan Рік тому +6

    this is amazing! Honestly way better than the original

  • @mr.saturn8989
    @mr.saturn8989 Рік тому +2

    This sounds like it would also work as a frontier brain theme.
    Great remix though!

  • @MiguelMartinez-mt2dm
    @MiguelMartinez-mt2dm Рік тому +4

    This so amazing

    @NMPOME Рік тому +9


  • @dragavion1875
    @dragavion1875 Рік тому +5

    How do a bunch of champeon references combine to make a mid champion.

  • @タカマン-c8v
    @タカマン-c8v Рік тому +2


  • @axell6051
    @axell6051 Рік тому +6


    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +4


    • @axell6051
      @axell6051 Рік тому +2

      @@elnino4dlate ご丁寧な返信ありがとうございます!!

  • @taribluejay324
    @taribluejay324 Рік тому +2

    Reminds me of Sinnoh battle frontier it sounds great 👍👍👍👍

  • @矢野直人-m2u
    @矢野直人-m2u Рік тому +3


  • @thebigguy270
    @thebigguy270 Рік тому +1

    Part of me wishes this was Lance's theme in HGSS, he needs his own music badly.

  • @eliartstuff9112
    @eliartstuff9112 Рік тому +7

    With all honesty I have to say this didn’t think Geeta was bad I think she was an alright Champion but could’ve had a few switches

  • @J0S1T067
    @J0S1T067 Рік тому +12

    Good work, keep it up. By the way, do you have plans to bring more gen 9 music in gen 4 soundfont? If so, I would like to listen to Sada&Turo's theme in gen 4 soundfont.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +7

      I've just planned to remix their theme,
      but definitely no other themes in gen 9 are more difficult than Sada&Turo's...
      it'll take me a lot so as for the music to sound good even with the old soundfont of DPPt...
      In short, give me some time, wait for me, please.

  • @polishedrelish
    @polishedrelish Рік тому +1

    Really nice

  • @pinoloconlegambe2088
    @pinoloconlegambe2088 Рік тому +1


  • @dewaagung
    @dewaagung Рік тому +7

    I love this version better than the original one.

  • @rosso_cali7110
    @rosso_cali7110 Рік тому +5

    This is so sick, can you do the 'Ace academy tourment' and 'Paradise protection protocol' too? :)

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +2

      Well I have too many requests but the former would be possible, I add it to one of my plans.

  • @shiba4378
    @shiba4378 Рік тому +3


  • @eljaidraigon6332
    @eljaidraigon6332 Рік тому +6

    You have 19 y/o and You did these?!?!?!
    Game Freak needs to know your existance

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      I've had a big dream of becoming Pokémon Music Composer since my childhood, so your comment makes me very very very happy.

    • @eljaidraigon6332
      @eljaidraigon6332 Рік тому +3

      @@elnino4dlate If Toby Fox started from making Eathbound shitpost and got where he is now,I dont get the point of you not getting something near

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      I've just started my first online activity from Dec 28, 2022, so I feel by my UA-cam status of the present that I'm well appreciated, but of course I will never stop; I'm determined that someday I'll accomplish something more remarkable than Toby!! keep endeavoring.

    • @ibisskb
      @ibisskb Рік тому +1

      ​@@elnino4dlate I wish you luck in that endeavor! It'd be certainly awesome to see this comment age like wine with you as one of the lead composers. Daydreaming is free, after all!

    • @eljaidraigon6332
      @eljaidraigon6332 Рік тому +2

      @@elnino4dlate About the theme ,Ight say this theme would have fitted perfectly for cynthia

  • @Toon.Hamstreak_658
    @Toon.Hamstreak_658 Рік тому +10

    Brings back *Terrifying* flashbacks of a _"'Champion'"_ using a Toxic Spikes setter as HER FINAL POKÉMON.
    But good job on this mix.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому +2

      she was a bit silly at that point haha
      Thank you for praising me!

  • @DeathChamber-h2f
    @DeathChamber-h2f 16 днів тому

    It's good.
    But it's missing the intro with that orchestral hit and beepboop and stuff- that's like my favorite thing about her theme 😅

  • @Fikrisirnight
    @Fikrisirnight Рік тому +1

    Sound like Coromon title music

  • @タカマン-c8v
    @タカマン-c8v Рік тому

    0:03 テテテテじゃなくてテーテーテテテテーってsv通りに伸ばしてたらもっと完成度高かったダイパにも寄せれるし

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому


  • @たき-s7u
    @たき-s7u Рік тому +2


  • @gem2140
    @gem2140 Рік тому +1

    Seriously, why does this kind of feel slightly evil???

  • @dylanjacob4143
    @dylanjacob4143 Рік тому


  • @cxyyoutube5270
    @cxyyoutube5270 5 місяців тому

    What program did you use to recreate the music?

  • @s0apadopa
    @s0apadopa Рік тому +1

    i would like to tell a small story, my old music teacher once told me that the notes on Musecore that are olive, or red are invalid.
    i would like to extend my deepest fuck you to them, as this is cooler than that.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      Olive means the note is too high or low for amateurs to play.
      Red means the note that no one can play.
      but something like these is not affairs in electronic sounds such as DPPt soundfont. You can do anything you like!

  • @mcintoshprod4126
    @mcintoshprod4126 Рік тому

    Makes this song sound a lot more "Pokemon-ey" if you know what I mean.

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      Pokémon-like, you mean?
      if so I appreciate it, thx for a comment.

  • @pokegod70419
    @pokegod70419 19 днів тому

    i wanna hear an actual band try and play this (and probably get cooked)

  • @tlst94
    @tlst94 11 місяців тому +1

    Geeta looks like Dahlia of Sinnoh's Battle Frontier. Are they both related? They look Indian.

    • @BJGvideos
      @BJGvideos 3 місяці тому

      Geeta is probably Indian but I feel like Dahlia is central American

  • @MarioPikachu626
    @MarioPikachu626 Рік тому +3

    A perfect marriage of highly detastable elements. A theme of a very hated champion and the soundfont of a pair of games are considered the very worst.
    IMO, DPBDSP isn't really that bad, and Geeta is highly underrated.

  • @maude7420
    @maude7420 Рік тому

    Geeta but she's in a good game

  • @漁夫ラレタル
    @漁夫ラレタル Рік тому


  • @lunaleokito_
    @lunaleokito_ Рік тому +2

    " top champion " ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

  • @dakes3429
    @dakes3429 Рік тому +4

    Im so sad... this theme is so hype, but the battle is... Meh tiers. The Elite four is a better difficulties... sad for the league champion T_T

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      She has to be weaker than Nemona...
      Unfortunate circumstances.

  • @Altmaass
    @Altmaass Рік тому +1

    Se escucha un poco rara, si hubiera sido compuesta para esta cuarta generación de seguro la descartan y esas cosas

  • @MoWang628
    @MoWang628 Рік тому +4


  • @KiyoTheDmonKing
    @KiyoTheDmonKing Рік тому +1


  • @nialvessal
    @nialvessal Рік тому

    It's such a shame Geeta is such a boring character, 'cause her theme slaps

  • @pawadox4958
    @pawadox4958 11 місяців тому +1

    Great theme! Worst team setup.

  • @X-3181
    @X-3181 Рік тому +4

    This is better than the original, I don't like the original and I will never like it xd

    • @elnino4dlate
      @elnino4dlate  Рік тому

      I'll try to make better the songs that you don't like so much.