• @MaddieFishblob
    @MaddieFishblob 3 місяці тому +94

    It’s also about what you personally consider “life” or leasure.
    My mom and some other family members get _legitimately angry_ when I’m reluctant to hang out with friends, but it’s not because I’m antisocial or hate people! I’d just rather workout, read, or do something I find fun over wasting a day struggling in traffic only to blow my money on an unhealthy restaurant and spend hours being bored in a shopping mall 😤
    Yea it’s nice to _live_ but different ppl enjoy different things! My family thinks “I’m not living” but they don’t understand that I genuinely don’t enjoy sacrificing my free time partying/attending dumb events. As Ruff has said before, work can be more fun and fulfilling than most ppl realize and I agree 100%

    • @iznuu17
      @iznuu17 3 місяці тому +5

      I agree 100% bcz I've experienced this myself, and even it can feel "much more" better than partying, wasting time and doing what doesn't serves you except unnecessary pleasure and dopamine spike

    • @voluptua
      @voluptua 3 місяці тому

      Wow finally I found someone who has the exact same family thing going on as I do.
      I would like to just work without getting interrupted by someone but that isnt possible because I learn more when I "go out with friends" or when "I watch that soccer game with people". Everybody needs the chance to do what they think is best for themselves. For some, it is going out with friends, for me and a few people, it is working.
      Take action

    • @user-ws7im6ff5h
      @user-ws7im6ff5h 3 місяці тому

      Same here bro

    • @user-ws7im6ff5h
      @user-ws7im6ff5h 3 місяці тому

      Same here bro

    • @insanegunsain00
      @insanegunsain00 3 місяці тому +1

      Thats so true, i thought there is nobody with a mindset-like-me mindset around here,glad to stumble across this channel.

  • @cryslin2.066
    @cryslin2.066 3 місяці тому +98

    The timing of this video is unbelievably good wtfff

  • @kaizenyasou6963
    @kaizenyasou6963 3 місяці тому +23

    2 mins and 40 seconds into the video and I already started seeing what I can change .
    Such a helpful advices .
    May Allah guide you.

  • @My_Honest_Reaction_1
    @My_Honest_Reaction_1 3 місяці тому +41

    What I understood from this video
    1. Think on a larger scale don’t work for 5 days to rest for 2
    work for 5 months to rest for 2 months
    2. Be extreme and you will get extreme results either give it your all and be better than all or die trying.

  • @mmeshoto
    @mmeshoto 3 місяці тому +14

    This is why I’m procrastinating and always thinking about my work.

  • @alaynssssssss5201
    @alaynssssssss5201 3 місяці тому +23

    THESE ARE JUST MY THOUGHTS AND NOTES, THEY ARE NOT MEANT FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF - however, if this provides someone with food for thought then they are more than welcome to read
    honestly, i prefer when people argue in the comments, because for me counter arguments and explanations help me understand the validity of the argument
    personally i have questions about this (and im sure i could think of more) - just because this is not something that can be put to trial for me, because of the context of my situation
    1. say you have school; you cant afford to let your grades suffer but you want to focus on a side project, how can you do that?
    2. in a side project, usually different components need to be done simultaneously (eg. researching, learning, applying - for a broad view)
    3. how does consistency apply to this? how does one stay on track with habits?
    4. what if you are required to do something - like earn enough money to put food on the table - that cannot simply be abandoned while you work a side project
    5. is it not better to work say 90 mins on a project every day, so the growth is slow but steady?
    6. what if the project is something that you cannot just 'take off', instead have to do a little bit every day
    7. what about the fact that sometimes taking a break from a project actually helps you do more in less time - such as studying (where quality is better than quantity)
    8. wouldnt working for 6 hours straight decrease the quality of work? from what i know interleaving is a work method that has been proven to improve effectiveness
    9. what if you dont have the ability to work on simply one thing, because other important projects also depend on you?
    10. does this mean you cram for exams
    after rereading these; i think most of these come down to two things
    - what if you have more than one thing
    - is this method really the most efficient
    also what if you are working on a few different things that will ultimately intertwine only in the future; but both need to be built simultaneously: like say you want to start a business that uses your skills in engineering
    you may have to focus on
    1. learning about engineering; probably requiring a degree
    2. learning about basic skills of running a business, and building a brand
    3. learning about finances
    4. building a platform online
    then when it takes off; you will still want to keep learning, but you will also want to apply all these things
    the more i write, the more it seems like the simpler the project, the easier it is to zero in on it for a few months and then relax. but the more complex a project is, the harder it is to focus on simply one singular aspect of it for a long time
    i think this form of working does require a certain degree of privilege and flexibility; i don't think lots of people have that level. i dont know how helpful this is to people that have that; eg. we have weekly tests, so if im to fosuc simply on youtube, then those grade would plummet; nd more importantly, i know some of the stuff that im learnning specifically in math and physiscs will have an impact on my future so i must keep up with them.
    these are my thoughts opinions and questions; idk why i chose to write them here but oh well

    • @sethstuffanimates8419
      @sethstuffanimates8419 3 місяці тому +1

      great points though !
      really hope he responds

    • @alaynssssssss5201
      @alaynssssssss5201 3 місяці тому +4

      @@TheCh.e.o that’s definitely another point, thank you. From what I understood with the examples he was giving, is that you should focus on one project alone and make that grow (referring to the diagram with the arrows). My thought process was that focusing on just one arrow may note be very effective or efficient because of the way our minds work - but I understand what you mean by giving up on leisure and focusing on your goals.
      However, I did some additional research on the effectiveness of working like that and I came across something known as work life integration that answered many of my doubts. The main issue that arises with this method of working (for me personally) is that unfortunately I cannot control when I hit upon a new idea or something - and nor do I want to control it. If I get the urge to write an essay, then I wouldn’t like to not do that.
      Another thing that applies to me specifically is that I use my goals to give me direction, or an aim, not necessarily a final result simply because I love doing the work that I do. So there is no clear path for me with no tangible end - as this allows me to see new opportunities. But at the same time I have non negotiable that I simply cannot forego. For me it is a process not a result, and the process is constantly changing due to my changing circumstances and needs.
      A third thing is that, with these goals that don’t have a clear ending, how can they be abandoned for a few months - maybe that works for UA-cam, but what else?
      Anyways, I am looking at this concept of work life balance as a whole, not specifically this video.

    • @syfx1485
      @syfx1485 3 місяці тому +6

      I really like it when someone shares their entire thought process like this. It helps everyone else, and I think outputting while you're thinking also helps to keep your mind organized and not get lost, so it's a win-win!

    • @carrotized
      @carrotized 2 місяці тому +3

      I think you would benefit a lot from watching Ruff's video on finding your purpose, he talks about the theory of constraints there and I think it would have some practical application to a lot of your questions. the main idea of that theory is that you work on the thing that constrains you from making progress until it no longer constrains you.
      1. in that case you will have to deal with them both and yeah that will definitely limit how broad of a worklife balance you can have; there's obv no way you can focus on your side project for 6 months while completely ditching school, but on a smaller scale I think it might be possible (ex. first three weeks of the month get all your school work done, last week you get to work on your side project, and also using summers/holidays to work on your side project). then again I also know people absolutely swamped with school and they really can't set aside time for other things they want to do, and in that situation school constrains your ability to work on the project so your only option is to focus on school until you reach a point where you can put more focus into your side project (an idea covered in Ruff's video on finding your purpose). if you're super serious about your side project and don't really value school, there's also plenty of entrepreneurs who don't attend university or drop out of it so they can pursue what they find meaningful (like mr. zuckerburg)
      2. I think in this video Ruff talks more about the big picture focus. in his example of growing his YT channel he said he set aside 12 months of his life to reach 100k subscribers. growing a YT channel has multiple components like video-making, editing, community building, but there's no way Ruff built his channel by shifting his worklife balance and focus to doing 4 months of only video making, 4 months of only editing, and 4 months of community building. he had to work on them all simultaneously, yes, but it was the big picture/goal of reaching 100k subs that he focused on for 12 months. it's different from focusing on studies vs. building an ad campaign for your business, because the two are completely different big pictures (graduating vs. building your business), so in that scenario your focus is split. in Ruff's case, he had to work on the video making and community building and stuff simultaneously, but they were all related to his main focus
      3. I don't know how to answer this question
      4. that's similar to dealing with school, and unfortunately yeah that's a big responsibility that can't be ignored, so once again your only option is to focus on financial security until you don't have to worry about not being able to provide for your family, and then you can focus on your side project (again, theory of constraints mentioned in Ruff's purpose video)
      5. projects can definitely be developed this way, yes, but Ruff talks about getting it all done in one go when he talks about momentum and the rolling a basketball analogy. if you only get the ball rolling 90 minutes a day and then have it stop, it will have no momentum to carry on to help you make progress the next day, versus if you just kept the ball rolling and you keep building momentum toward your goal. it's kind of like the chart of time & energy with the circle and arrows that Ruff showed in his video. maybe you can imagine the arrows as basketballs; if you spread your time and energy across trying to get all of them rolling, you won't be able to spare enough time and energy to get any of them far (like the quote Ruff mentioned by Samuel Owens, "going nowhere... slowly.") real life physics might disagree with Ruff's basketball analogy but hopefully you still get what I mean lol
      Person A: "Take steps toward who you want to be."
      Person B: "But how large should my step be?"
      Person A: "How big of a step can you take?"
      ^^ this just basically says to do the most you can if it's a project that you can only work on for a little each day (Ruff also indirectly mentions it in the video by saying "I work until I can't work anymore and then I go rest"). then again, what projects are like that?
      7. I don't think he means slave away consecutively for every hour you're alive that's not eating or sleeping, more so to have the goal in mind during the time you're awake instead of going "ok I worked on this for an hour today I'm gonna drop it and focus on other things now" or "I'm gonna work on this for 8 hours straight today." basically, rather than working 14 hours in a row on a certain thing, you're just THINKING about that certain thing for 14 hours in a row. you take breaks within those 14 hours, but you know that you are going to go back to working on that certain thing after the break is over. in this video Ruff talks about extrapolating that idea across a much broader scale, where you are not working on a project nonstop around the clock for 6 months, but you are focused on only that project for 6 months.
      8. same concept at my reply to question #7
      9. I don't know how to prioritize important projects, but the theory of constraints may help; it more or less asks you, "which important project has the most significance and urgency in your life?"
      10. no lol it means the exam you would have crammed for is an exam you already studied for half a month in advance and all the knowledge is solidified in your head, so you're partying after you study until the exam comes up, and since you studied so well you breeze through the exam even though you didn't study the day prior, because you worked hard to study it in the weeks before. kind of like Ruff's example in the video when he says he can quit working on youtube for a month and still have his youtube channel run because he already pre recorded the next month's worth of videos
      for the stuff about ultimately intertwining in the future, maybe you can treat them as mini-projects that lead into each other; obv you can only interleave them to some extent until you spread yourself thin and don't make progress in anything. also, for interleaving, I would argue that it's not a principle that applies to productivity. interleaving works in studying because when you study Subject 1 and switch to Subject 2, you forget some info from Subject 1 which forces you to engage in active recall when you go back to it. that's great for studying. the problem is, in productivity and long term projects, "forgetting info from Subject 1" in studying is equivalent to "not making any progress in Project 1" in productivity. we don't want to "forget" our projects by interleaving our projects, because then that just means we get spread thin and can't make significant progress in one thing. (hopefully that made sense)
      as for this kind of lifestyle only being available to those with certain flexibility and privilege, it goes back to Ruff's video on finding purpose where he mentions the theory of constraints; you attain flexibility and opportunity to live this lifestyle by lifting the things that constrain or don't allow you to live it. keep in mind that Ruff is still a student in university even though he's running this YT channel, and his Ruff Club in Skool
      take this with a grain of salt, I'm no guru of self improvement, I have the knowledge but not quite the wisdom or application, I'm just another self-improvement person as you are
      hope this helps :))

  • @Wookie_pookie_ffs
    @Wookie_pookie_ffs 3 місяці тому +19

    Balance is important
    If you work for hours and hours without any breaks you'll get exhausted of the journey to reach your goal.
    Most people views break as doing unhealthy shit like partying, alcohol, intercourse etc etc but It's more about giving yourself enough rest to get back on your feet.
    Its like if you keep running for miles and miles without stopping you'll eventually pass out, but if you run for awhile, take a small break then go back to running then it'll be beneficial and fun.

  • @haunted7937
    @haunted7937 3 місяці тому +8

    This made me realize I’ve been doing this during my last year of high school and early college program. It got me an $1,000 scholarship so it works. Though, right after all my classes ended, I felt zero motivation to do anything for around 3 weeks. So it’s good to have something planned for the beginning of your rest period.

  • @weixian.tan.99
    @weixian.tan.99 2 місяці тому +7

    "Living life in seasons" Bars bro

  • @HuangLin-bm1oo
    @HuangLin-bm1oo 2 місяці тому +2

    I don't see why I have to be a workaholic for 3 months and have 1 month of break when I can take a break every day, feel rested, and be motivated for the next day. Personally, I think the time taken to rest will be about the same amount of hours for both methods (without being mathematical), but the latter allows you to be at your optimum state. Doing something this extreme will only wear you out. Working for the future you is good, but taking care of the present you is also important to keep the sprint going. If Ruff is always on about studying 1-2 hours a day to get quality productivity, then this video kind of counteracts with that, ie., work smart, rather than work hard.
    On another note, I think everybody has their own work-life balance that works only for them

    • @cheeseoreos493
      @cheeseoreos493 2 місяці тому

      I completely agree with you, these were my thoughts watching this video

  • @HeyItsEzli
    @HeyItsEzli 3 місяці тому +5

    Another amazing banger from Ruff. Much love from Canada

  • @Sindhzzzzzz
    @Sindhzzzzzz 3 місяці тому +3

    i am a jee aspirant getting inspired from him !! now i ll definitely work continuously for 18 months and crack it finally. he is inspiring me to the greatest extent! i wanna be guilt-free and successful . thank you so much !!

  • @chimpleryt
    @chimpleryt 2 місяці тому +3

    video starts at 0:00

  • @StoneyBalogna26
    @StoneyBalogna26 3 місяці тому +3

    I feel like the problem with this is that it would be difficult to maintain friendships, making the time off less fulfilling because you don't have people close to you that you can spend it with.

  • @jl1d_5
    @jl1d_5 3 місяці тому +1

    Your perspective amazes me, one thing good about filtering the words of other people, yours always change my perspective in life.

  • @anaghpandey13
    @anaghpandey13 3 місяці тому +10

    Hey Ruff. I have a suggestion for you. I have been watching you for an year now and your laid back style is what separates you from others. But these days your videos are becoming rather repetitive and even the script feels like repeating the same things. While I do understand self help genre revolves around a few topics only, I think it can be greatly delved into by doing actually high quality research and putting in higher duration videos with more value. A perfect example is your video regarding direction and purpose. While it had a single overarching theme, it still had several layers in the video which made it stand out rather than just paraphrasing the same thing in the whole video. And on a sidenote you should get the old glasses back too lmao. You have great potential but just posting tons of content won't help. And I am sure nobody knows that better than you. Hope this comment finds you.

    • @mauna-gray
      @mauna-gray Місяць тому

      I do agree so much with what you said. I have been watching ruff since he had 120 subscribers and recently it feels like that.

  • @swetasampatparimita7563
    @swetasampatparimita7563 3 місяці тому +3

    Sometimes I watch his videos before assignments, I don't know how but it helps me focus. Maybe it's the inspiring words or the thoughts he puts into my mind.

  • @PriyaSingh-z6q
    @PriyaSingh-z6q 2 місяці тому +1

    I was not liking his recent videos until this banger came.

  • @Inmasolitude0u0
    @Inmasolitude0u0 2 місяці тому +1

    Success is a repeated routine that's full of the tasks that will get you to were you wanna get

  • @_ppc0rn
    @_ppc0rn 2 місяці тому

    I had a mental disruption recently and it took a hell lot of my willpower to make it out of that rut, and now ruff you just boosted me up even more!! Thanks! I'm for sure trying it out cuz rn this is basically the most reasonable thing that's making sense to me

  • @upwiz6337
    @upwiz6337 Місяць тому

    Coming back to this video, I planned my summer around this. It’s two weeks until it’s ended but the results are there. I came into the summer with the goals of playing a lot of volleyball and working. After a few weeks of working 25 hour weeks and not improving much at volleyball, then I saw this video and Asked for 50+ hour weeks working 6 days a week. I hit my financial goal much earlier and quit my job, these last three weeks I have dedicated myself fully to volleyball and have gotten as much progress as I would normally get in about 4-5 months

  • @ItsMeRuff
    @ItsMeRuff 3 місяці тому +10

    I also just launched a free community recently if you're interested. We're one of the fastest growing communities on the whole website so lets GEDDIT:

    • @gabrielchaparro2136
      @gabrielchaparro2136 2 місяці тому +1

      How can I send you some edits of you we Made? @ItsMeRuff

    • @Itsmenotruff
      @Itsmenotruff 2 місяці тому

      ​@@gabrielchaparro2136just keep the link in the comments section

    • @Itsmenotruff
      @Itsmenotruff 2 місяці тому

      ​@@gabrielchaparro2136i did it worked

    • @Itsmenotruff
      @Itsmenotruff 2 місяці тому

      post the link in the comments section

  • @fare1181
    @fare1181 2 місяці тому +2

    I disagree with you, but value your opinion. I had the same opinion like you. The opinion school wants us to have. Work for 8-9 months and then have the summer for rest. On my first year of uni, I started working hard, quit all my bad habits and entered the zone. Every day I would study, eat and sleep. But, would you know, after 4 months I was completely exhausted and couldn't study for 6 months at all. I ruined my tempo and progress. Had I studied less, worked out and rested like a normal person, I would not have had burnout. But in the end, I just think balance is a personal preference and works for some better then others.

  • @kookyooniee
    @kookyooniee 3 місяці тому


  • @taiyosaul689
    @taiyosaul689 3 місяці тому +1

    Now I know exactly what to do because I’ve been losing the momentum and driving to achieve my goal and finish it

  • @soooahh
    @soooahh 3 місяці тому +4

    first off, the fvcking timing-
    i posted a comment earlier today on your community post about how I was struggling with all this bs and tadaa your video! ik you have planned it out like usual,, but timing is something you can't plan. thanks! you a lifesaver, ruff.
    ps. mwahh

  • @lin_win7777
    @lin_win7777 2 місяці тому

    Okay, I really like how controversial it is. You definitely gave good thoughts about the work-life balance. And the way you look at it is actually pretty decent. Thank you for the video 😁

  • @OlexTheGreat
    @OlexTheGreat 3 місяці тому +1

    Ruff looking like a Sith Lord in the thumbnail tho

  • @jessicatiarany5864
    @jessicatiarany5864 3 місяці тому

    Another top video of yours! Thanks, Ruff! I wonder to know, how to have that moment, when you brave and confident to take action to start youtube channel? I want to start as a content creator too, but sometimes I'm too afraid about what social think, or im often judge my self earlier after seeing other's content much better. Thankyou and all the best for you, Ruff😇🙏

  • @mfgrock786
    @mfgrock786 3 місяці тому

    I haven't really watched you're recent videos because they just seem unrelated but this one is pretty great video and I liked you're opinion quite alot

  • @bal.leeart
    @bal.leeart 3 місяці тому +1

    "People will judge you"
    Me: I don't talk to people.
    Perfect solution for me XD.

  • @Omega.Animations
    @Omega.Animations 3 місяці тому

    I am really waiting for you to make a video on perfectionism.
    Its a really important topic cos i know with disciple and perfectionism, you go no where

  • @devphex5883
    @devphex5883 3 місяці тому

    yooo night time upload 🔥

  • @BeeDaWorker
    @BeeDaWorker 3 місяці тому

    Idk if you've read my comment in team ruff but like I said, I'll just listen to whatever you have to say
    Just keep doing what you're doing because I didnt even think of this option when it came to "balance"

  • @kookyooniee
    @kookyooniee 3 місяці тому


  • @salertine
    @salertine 2 місяці тому

    agree with this a lot but i jsut gotta get better at building the momentum

  • @hitsukis
    @hitsukis 3 місяці тому

    another banger, ur my goat ruff.

  • @ishaniiisinghhh
    @ishaniiisinghhh 3 місяці тому

    I personally think a lot of this holds true specifically for creators and innovators - people who spend hours and hours on thinking. Which is also why corporate doesn't work for us

    @TED.WANTS.TO.LEARN. 3 місяці тому +1

    ruff ruff would u consider making podcasts?

  • @tomoki-1
    @tomoki-1 3 місяці тому

    I read essentialism about a year ago, changed the way I did a lot of things, maybe time to read it again!

  • @laxmanpondey
    @laxmanpondey 3 місяці тому


  • @_LINO_kid
    @_LINO_kid 2 місяці тому +1

    I love watching a Asian explain math

  • @LebronJames-f9b
    @LebronJames-f9b 3 місяці тому

    Well said Ruff. I doesn’t even matter what other people think. Are they living the life you want? No.

  • @ab-cg8xd
    @ab-cg8xd 3 місяці тому

    bro ur very mature, ty for this video

  • @_lilyofthevalley_
    @_lilyofthevalley_ 3 місяці тому

    this video might just help me not burn out rn. Thank you

  • @naz-hu8hw
    @naz-hu8hw 3 місяці тому

    the way i was awake when this video went up and am only seeing it now after auto-playing yt for like 7h

  • @SathuryaAS
    @SathuryaAS 3 місяці тому +2

    Bro changed his hairstyle

  • @chocolateka6019
    @chocolateka6019 Місяць тому

    Lol, i like how people give their advises to Ruff without asking if Ruff needs them. Do people think they know better how thinks work for the Ruff?

  • @weixian.tan.99
    @weixian.tan.99 2 місяці тому

    Gotta go extream for the drastic outcome. Yes sirr

  • @weixian.tan.99
    @weixian.tan.99 2 місяці тому

    Hmm... Personally, I'd like my days to be filled to the brim with all activities I value. It does make sense the energy and time expended will direct my life in multiple directions. Notwithstanding the lack of laser-sharp direction, I will still be making progress in all aspects I gave energy and attention to, albeit it not so extreme.

  • @tejasveegupta2700
    @tejasveegupta2700 3 місяці тому

    LET'S GOOOO!!!!!!! 🗣💯🤯🥶

  • @My_Honest_Reaction_1
    @My_Honest_Reaction_1 3 місяці тому +1

    Bro Ruff 1:44 you mentioned this image like 5 times on this channel 😭
    you should just change it to your banner ☠️

    • @hazelbellex
      @hazelbellex 3 місяці тому +1

      Bro literally made a whole video about it lmao

  • @tf.indraja
    @tf.indraja 3 місяці тому +2


  • @insanegunsain00
    @insanegunsain00 3 місяці тому

    I mean i still think of the 1st video i clicked of this youtube channel and i didnt give a fuck mann !! instantly SUBSCRIBED YOU and just like the roads not taken the fucks not given made all the difference.

  • @DontAskWhy
    @DontAskWhy 3 місяці тому +1

    Is consistency or months of hard work better? Does it depend on the activity?

  • @Valentinahehee
    @Valentinahehee 2 місяці тому

    bro you looking different in this video....

  • @notbraindead4580
    @notbraindead4580 2 місяці тому

    this is from charlie morgan's video

  • @yoboylexi743
    @yoboylexi743 3 місяці тому

    I just wanted to ask how do you:
    1. Get all these content ideas and how are these ideas always so great
    2. How you batch your uploads (becuase your ipad said june 20 so you must batch your uploads)

  • @zappisgood8794
    @zappisgood8794 3 місяці тому

    very noice buffy ruffy, no but I love your vids

  • @EmpiireanDemon
    @EmpiireanDemon 3 місяці тому

    Ruff needs to meet Dr K

  • @FireToasterYT
    @FireToasterYT 3 місяці тому

    Some basically you should go monk mode for longer periods of time then have a rest period of like no work for a month. And then after training for 500 years you get hacks

  • @divyam.arya864
    @divyam.arya864 3 місяці тому

    umm i work 13-15 hours a day and still am working less. im not able to get more work done in the day, tips??

  • @offcam.
    @offcam. 3 місяці тому

    Well said

  • @xhurricane9
    @xhurricane9 3 місяці тому

    Ruff, your videos are awesome, but I think you can do the thumbnails a little bit better, maybe try a 3-pictures click-baity thumbnail, it'd bring much more views

  • @archanaitagi2089
    @archanaitagi2089 3 місяці тому +1

    Hi Ruff👋
    im from India, Im following like you from a month, i trying to follow ur advice it helped me alot, however i wish u could tell me how to regain, restart since i feel burnout after completing my task for like 3days thn cycle repeats i cant able to be consistent,again i lose my confidence, but i ll try but
    plz help me, i want to see myself growing

    • @Mephilia
      @Mephilia 3 місяці тому +1

      Do all your tasks in the morning when you have the most energy, if it's too much start smaller and do one hour every day at the same time and then increase when it becomes your habbit. The key is to not skip a single day and do it at the same times because you want it to be part of your routine, not just something you do and then it's done.
      Stop watching Tiktok and UA-cam all day will keep your energy levels higher. Get exercise even if it's just walking for 30 minutes. You need to get up first and fix your bad habits, then you'll see an increase in energy and discipline.

    • @archanaitagi2089
      @archanaitagi2089 2 місяці тому

      @@Mephilia thank you so much~
      I thgt abt it i tried these only from past 3days~
      Day before yesterday~ n yesterday were tough but today i quite managed~ but im not satisfied becus i didnt completed my to do list~
      But im happy atleast i managed to get till here~
      And i hv to work more on my addiction~ on yt n my sugar controls~
      I ll do it~ i can
      Thank you so much for advice🙏

    • @archanaitagi2089
      @archanaitagi2089 2 місяці тому

      @@Mephilia today i gave my exam, i feel so satisfied wth it~
      Just felt i shld say to someone~

    • @Mephilia
      @Mephilia 2 місяці тому +1

      @@archanaitagi2089 That's good to hear :) Just don't forget, it's not about going through your entire to-do list, it's about getting consistent in doing certain tasks so you can get more and more tasks done over time. Don't feel bad for not doing everything, feel good for keeping doing this one thing over and over again. If you get just 1% better every day you will eventually crush all your goals so keep that in mind

    • @archanaitagi2089
      @archanaitagi2089 2 місяці тому

      @@Mephilia thank you so much~
      Life is always been tough but i was too ignorant to notice~ now thinking of future, our parents~ it scares me, i wanna be better~ anyhow~anythg~ however i just want thm to see happily spending rest ages

  • @daybyday.bird1
    @daybyday.bird1 2 місяці тому

    Not sure if anyone will respond to this comment but i need an answer sooooooo, what if cant lock in on one thing cause I have alot of responsiblities

  • @manuelajasmine8419
    @manuelajasmine8419 3 місяці тому


  • @Appreciation-q9v
    @Appreciation-q9v 3 місяці тому

    So original, may aswell change your name to hamza

  • @SSYTProduction
    @SSYTProduction 3 місяці тому

    New font?

  • @SSquad_
    @SSquad_ 3 місяці тому

    Can girls join his club?

  • @Munchkin0324mc
    @Munchkin0324mc 2 місяці тому +1


  • @ketiviv
    @ketiviv 3 місяці тому +1

    it's like the college years. study for 10 hours a day (excluding school) for 2 years and then relax till uni for 3 months.

  • @ebblies
    @ebblies 3 місяці тому

    2:47 - telsa.

  • @z.y.
    @z.y. 3 місяці тому


  • @PriyaRathore-fr6pw
    @PriyaRathore-fr6pw 3 місяці тому


  • @liosskibidz
    @liosskibidz 3 місяці тому


    • @MaddieFishblob
      @MaddieFishblob 3 місяці тому

      Same! Cuz this is the first time I’ve actually been awake when Ruff posted 😆 usually his vids drop around 6am my time but it’s almost 8

  • @111kiraaa
    @111kiraaa 3 місяці тому

    ruff grow up your hair , for sure you look more more good

  • @DazaiartsDazai
    @DazaiartsDazai 3 місяці тому


  • @fet0logy
    @fet0logy 3 місяці тому

    bro shared some asian mentality and called it controversial

  • @Efficient_Money
    @Efficient_Money 3 місяці тому

    Bro's fall off needs to be studied

    • @derek1630
      @derek1630 2 місяці тому

      Huh what fall off

  • @tf.indraja
    @tf.indraja 3 місяці тому +1

    no balance while doin her tho

    • @tf.indraja
      @tf.indraja 3 місяці тому

      fr right?

    • @itsmarkec4
      @itsmarkec4 3 місяці тому


    • @tf.indraja
      @tf.indraja 3 місяці тому

      we jst goin bruvv

    • @My_Honest_Reaction_1
      @My_Honest_Reaction_1 3 місяці тому

      @@tf.indraja Are you a virgin?
      No offence I just want to know if you’re actually fucked no hate

  • @blo-b
    @blo-b 3 місяці тому

    "再现" lmao 🧌