..we use grpc transport in production grpc + kafka, actually: request/responses through grpc as is, and asynchronous events through kafka with custom pipelines for multy-typed topics and transactional outbox support on our multy-bus configuration will glad to hear if kafka rider support will be dropped too
Congratulations on the economic success, Chris. Well deserved! Must be awesome to be able to pay your bills with your own project
Thanks Chris. I updated a saga codebase to .NET 8.0 and latest MT last week and no issues were encountered.
great to hear that it's going really well with MassTransit! Amazing work, keep it up!
..we use grpc transport in production
grpc + kafka, actually: request/responses through grpc as is, and asynchronous events through kafka with custom pipelines for multy-typed topics and transactional outbox support on our multy-bus configuration
will glad to hear if kafka rider support will be dropped too
Kafka and Event Hub riders aren't going anywhere. If anything, transactional outbox support will be added for Kafka/EventHubs.
To be honest grpc is really cool, maybe if is not too much tightly couple in core you should leave it.