I didn't have to adjust anything on the inside since it came out together, but depending on the machine, you will have to take out the plastic container with the candy and unscrew the bolts holding down the dispenser.
Hey fam new here I’m into vending I start off one snack machine then just work my way up just doing gumball machine hard find locations here in Ms locations for snack machine gumball machine more easy for me to land
Got nicee candy machine there 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you !
How to you adjust the dispenser inside
I didn't have to adjust anything on the inside since it came out together, but depending on the machine, you will have to take out the plastic container with the candy and unscrew the bolts holding down the dispenser.
Hey fam new here I’m into vending I start off one snack machine then just work my way up just doing gumball machine hard find locations here in Ms locations for snack machine gumball machine more easy for me to land