There's always some pretentious pleb in the comment section pretending like Simon's facial expressions are some virtuoso performance in every video no matter how unremarkable it is.
Literally no other comedy character I know still makes me laugh out loud even after countless repeat viewings/ listenings ( the podcasts are fantastic) as much as Partridge.
As a psychology student, I've actually had a couple of classes on drama therapy. Believe me when I tell you that Alan's performance isn't that out there
The reactions from Simon have become some of the best bits about modern Partridge
Tim Key is brilliant
There's always some pretentious pleb in the comment section pretending like Simon's facial expressions are some virtuoso performance in every video no matter how unremarkable it is.
@@ThumpRat *You OK hun?* 😟
@@ThumpRat has someone upset you again Alan?
@@ThumpRat dwad
Coogan 'getting ready to start' and the "Don't overthink it" line and delivery are just *chef's kiss*.
yeah that's the best bit when he's preparing himself, amazing
He looks like he’s about to rant in the style of Stallone before the teacher interrupts
How many times will i have to watch this before it stops making me laugh out loud.
Literally no other comedy character I know still makes me laugh out loud even after countless repeat viewings/ listenings ( the podcasts are fantastic) as much as Partridge.
“My motorcycling is important to me , you know that “
Heeeyyyyyyy babygirl
I dread to think of the scenario Alan was originally going to act out at 02:34.
I imagine it would be in a cockney accent for some reason
@@MattWilliams482 He would've definitely gone full Ray F'ing Winston. -
@@An_Arbitrary_Miscellany excellent 🤣
"Don't overthink it" and his physical comedy are sooooo funny 2:36
Ridin that steel horse on back to you....🤣🤣🤣🤣
2:28 into Dont Over Think It, is so funny, the mental process
Hey baby girrrrl
Crunch crunch!
Love how Alan reacts whenever Simon starts getting notions
Alan's look back at Simon as he heads over the Studio is class.
it's reminiscent of his look at Dan when Dan didn't hear him screaming 'Dan!'
“The truth! You can’t handle the truth!?” Hahahaha
Couldn’t stop laughing..OMG.. baby girlll.😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love Alan's facial expressions when Jennie's talking.
The best part about getting on that steel horse is riding it back home to you
Freelove on the Freelove freeway..... 🎵🎵
Enormous Tommy Wiseau energy for the motorcycling lines
your gonna have to stop going on at meeee LOL
"Me or her?"
'The jack Nicholson role' says it all😂😂
His Nicholson was awesome, bet Jack wishes he did the scoff at the end.
love that tim key can be so subtle !
As a psychology student, I've actually had a couple of classes on drama therapy. Believe me when I tell you that Alan's performance isn't that out there
Psychology "student"? Hmmmm
You have to give more details immediately.
Okay then read my mind
That felt good
You can see why Mrs Partridge turned to the fitness instructor.
That and his fat back.
He drinks that yellow stuff in tins. He's an idiot.
He's an idiot.
Yeah but he drinks yellow stuff in tins.
He's a narcissistic sports pimp
Alan's Masterclass.
Baby grrrl...
Alan is a legend!
0:25 didn't he get trapped in a sleeping bag, water-boarded and bunged into a lift?
Its like Alan was momentarily possessed by the spirit of David Brent.
What a combination.
I'm pretty sure coogan would massively resent and reject that opinion of yours lol
Was there a new season out?!?!? I haven't seen this one before!!!
This is series 2, came out last year.
“Me or her?”
The side look of absolute disgust that Alan gives Simon is absolutely spot on timing 😀
Stop getting drama wrong!
Is this a new series?
Izzy Barnes knows how to direct a group. She has split-second command
Simon: 🤨
I wonder what would happen if Alan Partridge met David Brent.
Poor Simon
Baby girl
'Try it without the accent'
Our next prime minister?
Only if we're lucky. We don't deserve him
It's not Ironic. This is Coogan.
'Spag Bol' I really hate that phrase.
Bog Spal.
@@FungeHuckersog bpal
Probably the greatest male representation of 99% of us... If only women would understand and listen!
Oh a nice partridge clip, let me just settle in to this and enjoy it.... 7 seconds in.... Really? No thanks
what's your point?
Aaah have we got a little racist on our hands?
You have a terrible attention span
The actress playing the actress does such a good job of being a moaning faced woman I suspect she didn't have to act that much
What the fuck is your problem?
Partridge never dates😂😂
Not attractive