I came back from Romania two days ago. I visited Transilvania and Bucharest. I only spend a week there but I am in love with your country. My stay in Romania was like an unreal dream from which I do not want to wake up. The Romanian people are very friendly, open-minded and your langualge is pure poetry. Transilvania is a magical place for me, reminding me of my childhood. Romania is like a magnet that attacts, I will definitely want to go back there. Best regards from Poland:)
Freigeist PL : Been there twice in 2015 & 2016. And these are exactly what I felt too. Would love to go many more times. Sadly purchased my drone last year so could not shoot aerial views.
thats a nice friendly review thank you my good polish friend , i think that we are glad that our country was a nice place for you , and your visit in Romania was a happy and friendly holiday and you have enjoy it as it was . thanks for the visit you can come again any time you want :)
I came back from Romania yesterday. The most beautifull country i have ever seen, but I seen a lot of countries. Love Romania and romanian people. Nice, friendly, beautifull nature, cities. Love from Slovakia
Shalom,i work 3 years in Israel 1998\2001. And one israelian told me that You have a verry beautiful country,but you don't know to exploit that!I was angry,but now after manny years i realized that was the thruth!Now i live and work in Austria,i ask myself why! CORUPTIONS KILL EVERYTHING,that is ours tragedy!
pana si astazi tot muntii si padurea ne salveaza, ne spalam imaginea cu frumusetea lor, chiar daca ne am batut joc de ea, padurea si nu numai.... insa pana cand o mai rezista depinde de noi.. iubiti natura nu o distrugeti, ea ne sta pavaza
AMIN la ce ai scris! Dumnezeu sã ne ierte, sã ne dea întelepciune, bunãtate, educatie, întelepciune si sã ne ocroteascã mereu tara, glia strãmoseascã si neamul nostru ortodox jertfelnic românesc.
Everyday I'm more in love with Romania and have no clue why. I've been to your beautiful country only once in my life for 3 days in Bucuresti and it's really like love - I didn't expect at all that I'll admire everything I experienced there. Not even mentioning your incredibly beautiful language. I wish I'll go to Romania once again this year because I really want to see your amazing land once again and feel its' atmosphere. Thank you for this film, I can go now and discover more about your culture. Pure love from Poland
It`s so great to see your comm! We are seen in Europe like gypsies, all in the same pot! But it`s not like that! New generations are trying to erase that thought about us! New generations are very open minded, not just we love, we adore to meet new people from other countries, we love to let them know the real Romania! The real people of this country aren`t those presented as thieves and Gypsies! I bet u saw that! Big Hug!
Been there twice and as you said.... very beautiful country.... language, music and I love it too for many known and unknown reasons. Did a small timelapse video the last time I was there. Wanted to do a lot but felt lazy and relaxed by the coziness of the atmosphere and landscapes. Do watch, share and support. Mulțumesc )) ua-cam.com/video/NczNyMQDf2g/v-deo.html
We romanian man are also amazed by polish women. This is why first women that I got to met became my wife. And I know some others romanian guys with polish gf. I think is some kind of sinergy between ..😅
I have been to Romania many times and this year I am going again. Your country is really beautiful (the most I like Transalpina and city Braşov). Also your people are nice to me. According to me Romania is the best place to go on vacation. Greetings from Poland ✌
I was in Romania in 2016, it was beautiful, although we did mostly sightseeing in cities like Brasov, Timisoara, Bucharest,... But you my friend make me to go there again for the landscape. Cheers from Czechia!
thank you my czech friend im glad that you have enjoy it our country and the beautiful landscapes . you are welocme to come again any time you want , cheers :)
Indeed, for most of the Romanians, the SOUL means so so much and on a good and wise planet, it should be every humans best worthy treasure. Lets hope worldwide politicians and wealthy persons will also see everything through their soul and not through earthly fortunes.
@@GB-bx6gzyou are a disgusting and big SHAME for our nation! If you have such an inferiority complex, maybe it's time for you to change your picture with a French flag!🤮🤮🤮🤮
Foarte frumos!! Felicitari pentru munca depusa! Ma uitam la aceste imagini si greu imi venea a crede unde ne aflam acum, avand in vedere ce comoara avem. Da, e a noastra Romania, bucatica cu bucatica, a tuturor romanilor, pentru ca strabunicii nostri au luptat, unii chiar au si murit pentru a spune ca aici este acasa. Uitandu-ma in acest filmulet, imi dau seama si cred cu tarie ca nu suntem chiar un popor pierdut. E adevarat, nu suntem prea bine in situatie de astazi, dar aceste imagini imi dau speranta, in aceste imagini vedem chiar spiritul nostru, spiritul unic al romanilor, ar trebui sa ne identificam cu natura si cu frumusetea peisajelor, pentru ca din acestea ne-am nascut, in acest mediu bun, rau, al nostru . Ar trebui sa lasam scuzele si de o parte si sa nu ne mai plangem. Sa luam putina atitudine si sa fim mai demni, pentru ca nu suntem cu nimic mai prejos decat altii, intr-adevar avem poate mai multe probleme, dar asta nu trebuie sa ne faca sa ne dam in cap si sa ne dezbinam si uram cum se intampla azi. Trebuie sa LUPTAM sa fim UNITI sa ii ajutam pe cei mai slabi sa fim SOLIDARI, sa avem speranta ca o sa fie bine si sa credem in noi, sa credem ca ne putem ridica. Daca credem din ce in ce mai multi cu tarie in asta, noi vom fi mult mai bine in viitor. Totul tine de atitudine si de gandirea noastra. Lasam certurile, ipocriziile, nu ne mai plangem si construim fratilor, construim din nou spiritul romanesc, o unitate!! Dupa aceea multe se vor rezolva de la sine. Trebuie sa ne facem bine cu mintea doar. Pace fratilor si haideti sa renastem ca putem, cum si stramosii nostri au luptat pentru noi, hai sa nu ne pierdem si sa nu ii dezamagim. Sa luptam noi pentru noi si pentru ei, in memoria lor, cu gandul la viitor.
Daca esti prost stai in banca ta si nu ne mai deranja degeaba... sunteti neam de cotropitori.. STRABUNII TAI HUNII .au venit au distrus, au furat . austro-ungarii ne-au macelarit tara.. aici a fost Dacia si acum este Romania ...nu Ungaria .. asa ca mars , la ma-ta in Ungaria .. ramasitele de unguri care au ramas , ridica vocea si tipa cat ii tin plamanii si bojocii ca e al lor... de unde mama dracului a fost a voastra .. nu avem nimic in comun cu limba voastra, suntem latini, atat tot ca trecand anii, ne-am curcit cu voi, o parte din romani !
@attila kovács Hungarian names are used phoneticaly in Romanian ? REALLY ??? my family comes from Valea Draganului near Cluj ! the hungarian name for that locality is " nagyszebes" so your theories are prooven to be utter shit again ! NEXT PLEASE !!
@@BenHayat what do you mean with "not its politics and civilization" ?! Indeed for you turks, your rubbish ottoman islamic era didn't work very well, in our Christian country!☝️☦️☦️☦️🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴☦️☦️☦️
I don’t know if my country Romania is the most beautiful country in the world ( for me it is because is my country! ❤️🇷🇴❤️ ) but when you come to visit Romania you must to open your eyes and your soul to see the beautiful people of Romania! The people are the real gold of Romania! Come to visit us! P.S. Try to don’t judge us too much because after 30 years of communism we try harder to be better and to be same european people like before 1945 when Russia stolen everything from Romania...food,souls,hopes and future...
I think and hope worldwide Russian nowadays citizens are being educated differently and understand better history and harmful realities of the past, for their nation and also for the other nations, including here Romanian nation. Lets hope we will understand wisely how to live all together, on this planet Earth...
No, thanks! Stay in Pakistan! We don't need sharia ghettos, in Romania! ☦️🇷🇴☦️ You are troublemakers for every Christian and European country, where you step in! You are not compatible with us and our culture!
Nice from Cambodia. I'm leaving for Romania on 20th December. The video make me want to go there during summer instead but since I dont have much time in Europe, I'll have to take advantages of it.
You have done a beautiful job of showcasing some of the most rugged and gorgeous wild land in Romania. Thanks for all your skill and effort. I look forward to seeing a lot more of your work. It's smooth and beautiful to experience.
Foarte Frumoase Peisaje . Frumoasă Filmare . AVEM O PATRIE FRUMOASĂ !!!. DUMNEZEU SĂ BINECUVINTEZE ROMÂNIA !!!. FELICITĂRI !!!. Mulțumim !!!. RESPECT ȘI PREȚUIRE , Veronica .
Da, eu cred cu tarie ca acest tip de clipuri vor produce cel putin doua mari efecte pentru Romania: vor impresiona prin imagine si vor aduce turismul romanesc intr-un circuit international. Suna a cliseu? Mii de scuze, n-am intentionat acest lucru. P.S. Poate ca trebuia sa incep cu asta: mii de multumiri Catalin Ursachi pentru efortul tau. Dumnezeu sa-ti ghideze drona si sufletul pe mai departe! Bravo, bravo de mii de ori! Atunci cand urmaresc asemenea clipuri parca retraiesc visuri mai vechi sau mai noi. Ce-i drept, la tinerete, ti se intampla mai des acest lucru magic, iar atunci cand te trezesti, parca te cauti de aripile ce te-au purtat peste lumea visata, dus de un vant la fel de magic. Si iarasi spun: omul are mai multe de inger decat de demon, altfel, de ce lumea progreseaza si merge mai departe?
Voi, cu tehnica si talentul vostru si asemenea lui Dumnezeu, ne aratati aceste minunatii de sus, din ceruri. De acolo, din pacate, nu se vede si "micimea" unor oameni pentru care banii inseamna mai mult decat orice. Poate de aceea, nu ei ne reprezinta, ci voi, cei cu adevarat valorosi si iubitori de tara.
Avem o tara care ne iubeste...dar cei ce o conduc iubesc banii. Avem nevoie de oameni cu personalitate,valori morale ....conducatorii ei iubesc banii si urasc oamenii(semeni) ..banii sunt pentru ai folosi si nu iubi caci stiti bine ca iubitorii de bani sunt facatorii tuturor relelor... Multa pace si sanatate oamenilor cu valoare morala a Romaniei.
Îmi iubesc tara mea. ❤️ Am fost plecati cu tot cu fam dar neam întors acasă. Acasă e acasă. E un neam care ne putem mindri care a luptat pina la ultima picatura. 🙏 E țară mea și a tuturor romanilor de pretutindeni. 🙏. Haideți fraților acasă sa facem o Românie unita și puternica. Doamne ocrotestei pe romani. 🙏. Peste tot în lume e frumos. Dar ca acesta țară nu e nicăieri. 🙏 ❤️🥰😍🤩💐💐💐💐💐
Video clipul este minunat. Multumesc Catalin! Am sa-l vizionez ori de cate ori am nevoia sa-mi regenerez energia. Vederea de sus ofera o noua perspectiva minunatului decor admirat de la poalele muntilor. Mult succes in continuare! Banuiesc a nu te vei opri aici cu prezentarea locurilor care fac Romania diferita de celelalte tari europene. Fiecare tara are locuri deosebite si merita admirata pentru ceea ce ofera ochilui insetat de frumos. Romania are muntii, marea si delta si poate aceasta combinatie o face unica din punct de vedere al reliefului. Pe langa prezentarea locurilor de vis din Romania publicului larg de oriunde, alini sufletul romanilor risipiti in lume care viseaza la aceste locuri ca refugiu in momentele de indoiala si tristete. Multumesc in numele lor.
Subscriu. As adauga la ultima fraza a comentariului ca eu unul recurg la emisiunea "Pe poteci, spre inima ta!" (pe UA-cam) pentru o experienta a muntelui luat la pas.
I’ve visited Romania twice. First to Bucharest and the Saxon triangle. The second visit I brought my girlfriend. We visited Maramures and then the triangle. I wanted to show her Sibiu, Brasov and Sighisoara.
dragul. Vin alegerile parlamentare. Voteaza cu m10 sau usr. suna pe bunica ta, matusa ta, rudele tale spune-le sa voteze cu cine sa voteze cu orice cei noi. Exista si oameni buni in draga noastra tara..
Ai spus cumva daca n-am fi un neam de lenesi si de hoti ? faci si tu parte din acest neam de .........pacat nu hoti sau lenesi poate indiferenti sa educam copilasi nostri si o sa avem ce meritam
Woow!!De-a dreptul fascinant!Intreaga filmare are o alura foarte cinematografica si artistica,cadrele,detaliile,lumina,etc.!Ar fi foarte frumos daca asa o filmare ar ajunge si mai departe decat UA-cam!Felicitari si la cat mai multe proiecte de genul asta!Numai bine
Sunt perfect de acord cu tine Catalin si stiu la ce te referi dar important e ca faci ceea ce-ti place,indiferent de circumstante.Si lucrul asta,din punctul meu de vedere,e ceea ce conteaza cel mai mult.Cat despre oportunitati,ideea e sa nu-ti pierzi speranta si sa te gandesti ca maine e o noua zi in care orice se poate intampla!
Nice showcase! If you allow me I would like to point people for a great channel if they wish to see the Romanian mountains on foot: Pe poteci, spre inima ta!
After everything we are part of this beautiful Mother Earth 🌎 , so we have to celebrate life , and Romania is beautiful also as many people say, for the kidney and soul and for the happiness that we share with the people!❤️☮️🌎
Catalin I love the video. Last year, while watching videos of historical men like Mircea the Wise/Elder and Vlad Tepes/Vlad III Dracula, I noticed the incredible beauty of Romania. In late August, I will be visiting Romania for a nature trip of about 7 days. Do you have any suggestions for areas to visit and certain things to see or do? Thanks.
My limitation is 7-8 days time period. My plan is to fly into and out of Bucharest, but even that is optional. I am open to going anywhere in your country and I would like to combine hiking with seeing nature and animals. Since there will be a lot of walking involved, I could give up the hiking.
Thanks for the information. Compared to the US, flying in Europe is much cheaper. I was planning on flying into Bucharest, but I am willing to go to any airport in Romania. Since we have a similar love of nature, I am sure that I would enjoy areas you like best. What areas would you visit? I Today I am watching videos on speaking Romanian. Some Romanian numbers are very hard for me to pronounce.
Prea putine chestii puse in video. Ai fost la ,,Babe", de ce nu ai filmat si Sfinxul ? Au fost si momente in care mi s-a facut pielea de găină, dar as fi ales sa vad si niste orase sau sate. Oricum, a fost frumos cât ai facut, si e editat bine, dar doar am spus ca este cam putin.
I am Romanian as well and the ONLY thing that make me hate Romania are people like you.Who never apreciated what they had,they never apreciated their culture,ruts,they run away like cowards and speaking non-sense .I was in many countries during my 16 years which I served in the army : England,France,Italy,Germany,Afghanistan,Iraq and others and I know one thing : there is not and never will be a place like in my country.I am glad you leave Romania,we don't need people who are ashamed of his origins,better with a moron less then an extra one.
Grandios! Darf ich paar kurze Clips für mein Motrradvideo verwenden (mit Quellenangabe versteht sich)? Terrific! May I use a few short clips for my bikevideo (with source reference of course)?
I came back from Romania two days ago. I visited Transilvania and Bucharest. I only spend a week there but I am in love with your country. My stay in Romania was like an unreal dream from which I do not want to wake up. The Romanian people are very friendly, open-minded and your langualge is pure poetry. Transilvania is a magical place for me, reminding me of my childhood. Romania is like a magnet that attacts, I will definitely want to go back there. Best regards from Poland:)
Freigeist PL : Been there twice in 2015 & 2016. And these are exactly what I felt too. Would love to go many more times. Sadly purchased my drone last year so could not shoot aerial views.
thats a nice friendly review thank you my good polish friend , i think that we are glad that our country was a nice place for you , and your visit in Romania was a happy and friendly holiday and you have enjoy it as it was . thanks for the visit you can come again any time you want :)
I came back from Romania yesterday. The most beautifull country i have ever seen, but I seen a lot of countries. Love Romania and romanian people. Nice, friendly, beautifull nature, cities. Love from Slovakia
Freigeist mm
Hello Romania! Te iubesc Romania! ❤🇷🇴
Much loved form ALBANIA. 🇦🇱🇦🇱
Beautiful country ROMANIA!
Hello Albania. Thanks for your love
Thank you very much for this, but i see some vlog especially near the sea , and i am stunned about how beautiful is your country !!!
Përshëndetje mik! My first friends that I made when I got in Germania were albanians. Greetings
@@andrei-valentin9698 Faleminderit shumë! Respekt
Hello from ISRAEL , after 5 days in ROMANIA i can say , AMAZING country
thank you any time you can come and visit it again :)
You are welcome to visit again and enjoy ...I hope you will visit again ,I am happy to see peoples like our country xoxo
Shalom,i work 3 years in Israel 1998\2001. And one israelian told me that You have a verry beautiful country,but you don't know to exploit that!I was angry,but now after manny years i realized that was the thruth!Now i live and work in Austria,i ask myself why! CORUPTIONS KILL EVERYTHING,that is ours tragedy!
Romania is the most beautiful country😍😍greeting from uae
And UAE is like a game of City Tycoon only better. One day I will visit UAE, I have a lot of friends from the UAE
pana si astazi tot muntii si padurea ne salveaza, ne spalam imaginea cu frumusetea lor, chiar daca ne am batut joc de ea, padurea si nu numai.... insa pana cand o mai rezista depinde de noi.. iubiti natura nu o distrugeti, ea ne sta pavaza
AMIN la ce ai scris! Dumnezeu sã ne ierte, sã ne dea întelepciune, bunãtate, educatie, întelepciune si sã ne ocroteascã mereu tara, glia strãmoseascã si neamul nostru ortodox jertfelnic românesc.
Everyday I'm more in love with Romania and have no clue why. I've been to your beautiful country only once in my life for 3 days in Bucuresti and it's really like love - I didn't expect at all that I'll admire everything I experienced there. Not even mentioning your incredibly beautiful language. I wish I'll go to Romania once again this year because I really want to see your amazing land once again and feel its' atmosphere. Thank you for this film, I can go now and discover more about your culture. Pure love from Poland
It`s so great to see your comm! We are seen in Europe like gypsies, all in the same pot! But it`s not like that! New generations are trying to erase that thought about us! New generations are very open minded, not just we love, we adore to meet new people from other countries, we love to let them know the real Romania! The real people of this country aren`t those presented as thieves and Gypsies! I bet u saw that! Big Hug!
Nah this guy is a stupid troll ..he's in every romanian related videos bashing
Been there twice and as you said.... very beautiful country.... language, music and I love it too for many known and unknown reasons. Did a small timelapse video the last time I was there. Wanted to do a lot but felt lazy and relaxed by the coziness of the atmosphere and landscapes. Do watch, share and support. Mulțumesc ))
We romanian man are also amazed by polish women. This is why first women that I got to met became my wife. And I know some others romanian guys with polish gf. I think is some kind of sinergy between ..😅
I have been to Romania many times and this year I am going again. Your country is really beautiful (the most I like Transalpina and city Braşov). Also your people are nice to me. According to me Romania is the best place to go on vacation. Greetings from Poland ✌
Welcome to Romania. My Polish brother, next time eat our MAMALIGA
Drelea Vitalie : I had it when I were there. 😀
Welcome to Romania !!! Welcome to Brașov !! 😍😍
thank you very much for your review we are glad that you have enjoy it , your welcome any time tocome and visit Romania again . my polish friend :)
Wery nice country, very nice people there. We love you romanians brothers.
I was in Romania in 2016, it was beautiful, although we did mostly sightseeing in cities like Brasov, Timisoara, Bucharest,... But you my friend make me to go there again for the landscape. Cheers from Czechia!
thank you my czech friend im glad that you have enjoy it our country and the beautiful landscapes . you are welocme to come again any time you want , cheers :)
Foarte frumos !!!!! Gran Pais, de gentes amables y hospitalaria. Mi-e dor de tine Romania Mare.
You are welcome all the time to visit again
12 years I lived in Romania 😊
Amazing souls ❤❤
Indeed, for most of the Romanians, the SOUL means so so much and on a good and wise planet, it should be every humans best worthy treasure. Lets hope worldwide politicians and wealthy persons will also see everything through their soul and not through earthly fortunes.
Romania looks really beautiful, I would love to visit it someday, and learn more about Romanian culture.
Sending love from France
thank you , any time you are welcome to visit it again . :)
Same thoughts here ... sending love from Germany
France 🇫🇷 is more beautiful( stunning) !, but thanks for the appreciation !
@@GB-bx6gzcu ce dreq e Franța "more beautiful and stunning", lingăule?! Fi-mi-ar silă de români d-ăștia sclavi ca tine!!!🤮🤮🤮
@@GB-bx6gzyou are a disgusting and big SHAME for our nation! If you have such an inferiority complex, maybe it's time for you to change your picture with a French flag!🤮🤮🤮🤮
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I love Romania , Greetings from Ukraine! (Sorry if my English is bad)
Come again to Romania, Nastya
I love u romania
Your english was great...you explained what you felt very good,everyone understand you perfectly!
Stay strong Slava Ukraine!
Foarte frumos!! Felicitari pentru munca depusa! Ma uitam la aceste imagini si greu imi venea a crede unde ne aflam acum, avand in vedere ce comoara avem. Da, e a noastra Romania, bucatica cu bucatica, a tuturor romanilor, pentru ca strabunicii nostri au luptat, unii chiar au si murit pentru a spune ca aici este acasa.
Uitandu-ma in acest filmulet, imi dau seama si cred cu tarie ca nu suntem chiar un popor pierdut. E adevarat, nu suntem prea bine in situatie de astazi, dar aceste imagini imi dau speranta, in aceste imagini vedem chiar spiritul nostru, spiritul unic al romanilor, ar trebui sa ne identificam cu natura si cu frumusetea peisajelor, pentru ca din acestea ne-am nascut, in acest mediu bun, rau, al nostru . Ar trebui sa lasam scuzele si de o parte si sa nu ne mai plangem. Sa luam putina atitudine si sa fim mai demni, pentru ca nu suntem cu nimic mai prejos decat altii, intr-adevar avem poate mai multe probleme, dar asta nu trebuie sa ne faca sa ne dam in cap si sa ne dezbinam si uram cum se intampla azi. Trebuie sa LUPTAM sa fim UNITI sa ii ajutam pe cei mai slabi sa fim SOLIDARI, sa avem speranta ca o sa fie bine si sa credem in noi, sa credem ca ne putem ridica. Daca credem din ce in ce mai multi cu tarie in asta, noi vom fi mult mai bine in viitor. Totul tine de atitudine si de gandirea noastra. Lasam certurile, ipocriziile, nu ne mai plangem si construim fratilor, construim din nou spiritul romanesc, o unitate!! Dupa aceea multe se vor rezolva de la sine. Trebuie sa ne facem bine cu mintea doar. Pace fratilor si haideti sa renastem ca putem, cum si stramosii nostri au luptat pentru noi, hai sa nu ne pierdem si sa nu ii dezamagim. Sa luptam noi pentru noi si pentru ei, in memoria lor, cu gandul la viitor.
Congratulations! Great job. Greetings with love from Albania.
Eraldo Xhelili faleminderit
Eraldo Xhelili Este frumoasa romenia😇😇😇😇😇😗😗😗😗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💝💝💝
Wow! Beautiful country! Serbia loves Romania. Cheers!
Marcus Petrovic i think i can see your country across the Danube in this vid! :)
Love ;)
Daca esti prost stai in banca ta si nu ne mai deranja degeaba... sunteti neam de cotropitori.. STRABUNII TAI HUNII .au venit au distrus, au furat . austro-ungarii ne-au macelarit tara.. aici a fost Dacia si acum este Romania ...nu Ungaria .. asa ca mars , la ma-ta in Ungaria .. ramasitele de unguri care au ramas , ridica vocea si tipa cat ii tin plamanii si bojocii ca e al lor... de unde mama dracului a fost a voastra .. nu avem nimic in comun cu limba voastra, suntem latini, atat tot ca trecand anii, ne-am curcit cu voi, o parte din romani !
cheers brother
@attila kovács Hungarian names are used phoneticaly in Romanian ?
my family comes from Valea Draganului near Cluj ! the hungarian name for that locality is " nagyszebes" so your theories are prooven to be utter shit again !
Omg Bro ! Romenia is Have So Beautiful Nature ..... just Wow !
I love your country.
I was referring to the country side and it's nature and not it's politics or civilization. There are good and not-so-good people everywhere.
@@BenHayat what do you mean with "not its politics and civilization" ?! Indeed for you turks, your rubbish ottoman islamic era didn't work very well, in our Christian country!☝️☦️☦️☦️🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴☦️☦️☦️
Da,avem o țară minunată!ce bine ar fi dacă am fi măndri de ea.....
Multumesc pentru prezentare.
România! Dacă Dumnezeu îngăduie, voi trăi în continuare în frumosul tău pământ ...
Imaginile sunt deosebite iar coloana sonoră este un plus la experiența dramatică care o ai urmărind acest colaj. Milțumim Cătălin.
🇷🇴 LOVE Romania
Romania and is beauty !! Love all of you people !!
I don’t know if my country Romania is the most beautiful country in the world ( for me it is because is my country! ❤️🇷🇴❤️ ) but when you come to visit Romania you must to open your eyes and your soul to see the beautiful people of Romania! The people are the real gold of Romania! Come to visit us!
P.S. Try to don’t judge us too much because after 30 years of communism we try harder to be better and to be same european people like before 1945 when Russia stolen everything from Romania...food,souls,hopes and future...
I think and hope worldwide Russian nowadays citizens are being educated differently and understand better history and harmful realities of the past, for their nation and also for the other nations, including here Romanian nation. Lets hope we will understand wisely how to live all together, on this planet Earth...
@@dumnezeucunoidumnezeucunoi7294 would have been better us, Romanian should have been much bigger then Russian?
amazing ! great job. Romania is beautiful country !
I love Romania ♥️🇦🇱👌
Romania 🇷🇴 is so beautiful 😍 love from Pakistan 🇵🇰 wish i could visit one day this gorgeous country ..i’m already in love with Romania 🇷🇴😘😘😘🌸🌸🌸
Many pakistanis peoples are working în România.
No, thanks! Stay in Pakistan! We don't need sharia ghettos, in Romania! ☦️🇷🇴☦️ You are troublemakers for every Christian and European country, where you step in! You are not compatible with us and our culture!
Nice from Cambodia.
I'm leaving for Romania on 20th December.
The video make me want to go there during summer instead but since I dont have much time in Europe, I'll have to take advantages of it.
Love & respect for Cambodia and Cambodian nation, from a Romanian citizen. You also have a great, unique country.
You have done a beautiful job of showcasing some of the most rugged and gorgeous wild land in Romania. Thanks for all your skill and effort. I look forward to seeing a lot more of your work. It's smooth and beautiful to experience.
The beauty of these places is second to none! Absolutely amazing landscapes. Catalin, felicitari si multumiri pentru realizarea acestui mesaj.
Foarte Frumoase Peisaje . Frumoasă Filmare . AVEM O PATRIE FRUMOASĂ !!!. DUMNEZEU SĂ BINECUVINTEZE ROMÂNIA !!!. FELICITĂRI !!!. Mulțumim !!!. RESPECT ȘI PREȚUIRE , Veronica .
Incredibil! Cat de frumoasa e tara noastra Romania
Wow, never been to Romania, but it looks very beautiful and natural, really like this mountainous scenery.
Ed Miles Come and visit :)
Amazing nature !!! 🇷🇴
In Love with Romania!! On the travel list!!!
❤❤❤❤❤❤ tara mea frumoasã🤗❤
Drum bun
Da, eu cred cu tarie ca acest tip de clipuri vor produce cel putin doua mari efecte pentru Romania: vor impresiona prin imagine si vor aduce turismul romanesc intr-un
circuit international. Suna a cliseu? Mii de scuze, n-am intentionat acest lucru.
P.S. Poate ca trebuia sa incep cu asta: mii de multumiri Catalin Ursachi pentru efortul tau.
Dumnezeu sa-ti ghideze drona si sufletul pe mai departe! Bravo, bravo de mii de ori!
Atunci cand urmaresc asemenea clipuri parca retraiesc visuri mai vechi sau mai noi. Ce-i drept, la tinerete, ti se intampla mai des acest lucru magic, iar atunci cand te trezesti, parca te cauti de aripile ce te-au purtat peste lumea visata, dus de un vant la fel de magic.
Si iarasi spun: omul are mai multe de inger decat de demon, altfel, de ce lumea progreseaza si merge mai departe?
Voi, cu tehnica si talentul vostru si asemenea lui Dumnezeu, ne aratati aceste minunatii de sus, din ceruri. De acolo, din pacate, nu se vede si "micimea" unor oameni pentru care banii inseamna mai mult decat orice. Poate de aceea, nu ei ne reprezinta, ci voi, cei cu adevarat valorosi si iubitori de tara.
da insa e nevoie sa fie tradus in engleza! multe nu sint traduse !asta e problema!
I am Romanian❤
I love Romania❤ #The best country
Lucrez ca tehnician și manager mecanic mecanic. Aș vrea să vin în țara dvs. pentru a mă ajuta cu numărul meu WhatsApp 01966873290
Just incredible, it takes your breath away!!!
Great video! I love Romania.
Mi nu nat!!!
Felicitari, Catalin Ursachi! Jos palaria!
Avem o tara care ne iubeste...dar cei ce o conduc iubesc banii.
Avem nevoie de oameni cu personalitate,valori morale ....conducatorii ei iubesc banii si urasc oamenii(semeni) ..banii sunt pentru ai folosi si nu iubi caci stiti bine ca iubitorii de bani sunt facatorii tuturor relelor...
Multa pace si sanatate oamenilor cu valoare morala a Romaniei.
Iti multumesc pentru clip. Tara noastra e frumoasa, aceasta insula de latinitate in Estul Europei ❤❤
A hidden and unexplored jem of the European continent,Love from Pakistan🇵🇰
Îmi iubesc tara mea. ❤️ Am fost plecati cu tot cu fam dar neam întors acasă. Acasă e acasă. E un neam care ne putem mindri care a luptat pina la ultima picatura. 🙏 E țară mea și a tuturor romanilor de pretutindeni. 🙏. Haideți fraților acasă sa facem o Românie unita și puternica. Doamne ocrotestei pe romani. 🙏. Peste tot în lume e frumos. Dar ca acesta țară nu e nicăieri. 🙏 ❤️🥰😍🤩💐💐💐💐💐
Beautiful. I Miss Romania
Amazing country !!!
Good video!!!
Great music!!!
Welcome to me country romania is very beautiful!!
Video clipul este minunat. Multumesc Catalin! Am sa-l vizionez ori de cate ori am nevoia sa-mi regenerez energia. Vederea de sus ofera o noua perspectiva minunatului decor admirat de la poalele muntilor. Mult succes in continuare! Banuiesc a nu te vei opri aici cu prezentarea locurilor care fac Romania diferita de celelalte tari europene. Fiecare tara are locuri deosebite si merita admirata pentru ceea ce ofera ochilui insetat de frumos. Romania are muntii, marea si delta si poate aceasta combinatie o face unica din punct de vedere al reliefului. Pe langa prezentarea locurilor de vis din Romania publicului larg de oriunde, alini sufletul romanilor risipiti in lume care viseaza la aceste locuri ca refugiu in momentele de indoiala si tristete. Multumesc in numele lor.
Subscriu. As adauga la ultima fraza a comentariului ca eu unul recurg la emisiunea "Pe poteci, spre inima ta!" (pe UA-cam) pentru o experienta a muntelui luat la pas.
frumos ..constiinta .. si desteaptate romane ..fii constient . .deschide ochii si vezi. .
Superb! E un deja-vu care ma lasa mut. Deoarece ne vorbeste de o viata anterioara, in care eram cu totii, pasari.
Titel Gurici ce ai fumat
I’ve visited Romania twice. First to Bucharest and the Saxon triangle. The second visit I brought my girlfriend. We visited Maramures and then the triangle. I wanted to show her Sibiu, Brasov and Sighisoara.
incredibil ce tara bogata am fi putut avea, daca n-am fi un neam de lenesi si de hoti...
dragul. Vin alegerile parlamentare. Voteaza cu m10 sau usr. suna pe bunica ta, matusa ta, rudele tale spune-le sa voteze cu cine sa voteze cu orice cei noi. Exista si oameni buni in draga noastra tara..
+Cosmin Marin cu M10 voi vota. :)
Ai spus cumva daca n-am fi un neam de lenesi si de hoti ? faci si tu parte din acest neam de .........pacat nu hoti sau lenesi poate indiferenti sa educam copilasi nostri si o sa avem ce meritam
@@ELPULANTO da vreo 5% din populație e bună cu tn și nu sunt hoți
Superb! Multumesc.
Yes come with us to see the beautyful country !
Archie Greene I am going this vacation 👍
Felicitari maxime pentru videoclip!!!!
Woow!!De-a dreptul fascinant!Intreaga filmare are o alura foarte cinematografica si artistica,cadrele,detaliile,lumina,etc.!Ar fi foarte frumos daca asa o filmare ar ajunge si mai departe decat UA-cam!Felicitari si la cat mai multe proiecte de genul asta!Numai bine
Sunt perfect de acord cu tine Catalin si stiu la ce te referi dar important e ca faci ceea ce-ti place,indiferent de circumstante.Si lucrul asta,din punctul meu de vedere,e ceea ce conteaza cel mai mult.Cat despre oportunitati,ideea e sa nu-ti pierzi speranta si sa te gandesti ca maine e o noua zi in care orice se poate intampla!
dorința ta a devenit realitate. Aduc un film ca acesta la netflix. se numeste Untamed Romania
Bravo! Felicitări!(un vampir din Transilvania)
buna treaba, Cata..felicitari !!
Buna treaba ! Frumos , am trăit atatia ani in Romania si inca raman uimit uneori de cat de frumoasa este .
Foarte frumos. Va multumesc fratele.👋👋👋
Foarte fain. Ar fi aratat si mai fain cu mai multe locatii. Mai sunt cateva :-)
Este una dintre cele mai frumoase tari din Europa....tara asta a mea!!! Nu ma satur vizitind-o!!! 👍👍👍
So beautiful.. I would definitely like to visit this beautiful country at least once in my life.💓
Thanks for this! It brought me back to my childhood and can't wait to once again roam those landscapes... this time with a drone also!
Glad to hear that 🖐️
Super Cătălin. bravo. mai vrem...
Nu mă satur... super super.... trebuia să aibă doar câteva sute de minute....
Ce minunăție de țară avem ‼️Respecte ‼️
România mea frumoasă ♥️♥️
Bravo, bă!
bravo, la cat mai multe !
wow superb,asa ceva sa tot vezi!
abia astept sa le urci! (subscribe + share)
Excellent flying and camera navigation. Love it.
What drone and camera did you use?
Multumesc, Catalin! :)
Nice showcase! If you allow me I would like to point people for a great channel if they wish to see the Romanian mountains on foot: Pe poteci, spre inima ta!
Wonderful video!
Too bad you don't put the place names within the movie. I'd be nice to know exactly what we're looking at.
România really beautifule !
Catalin Ursachi foarte frumos videoul!!
Am si eu o intrebare: cum se numeste muzica care ai folosito la videoclip?
Melodia se numeste "Let there be light"
Amazing Romania. I love this view😍. Mountain is beautie😍😍
Stupendous landscape Which are cool to the eyes. 🇵🇰🤠
superb !
Hi can I use few second of this nice footage for a video presentation of a cultural association?
Felicitari!, ar mai fi multe locuri faine de filmat.
delta, bicaz, mare etc
Iti trebuie si timp pentru asta sa poti ajunge in locurile alea sa filmezi!
Felicitări !!!!! 😘😍😘😍😘
Lucrez ca tehnician și manager mecanic mecanic. Aș vrea să vin în țara dvs. pentru a mă ajuta cu numărul meu WhatsApp 01966873290
Can anyone tell me what mountains we see at the begining of this video.. especially at 0:27-0:32 sec..
Bucegi Mountains. Caraiman Peak
After everything we are part of this beautiful Mother Earth 🌎 , so we have to celebrate life , and Romania is beautiful also as many people say, for the kidney and soul and for the happiness that we share with the people!❤️☮️🌎
País Belíssimo
Very beautiful 🥰🥰🥰 thanks 👍❤️
Catalin I love the video. Last year, while watching videos of historical men like Mircea the Wise/Elder and Vlad Tepes/Vlad III Dracula, I noticed the incredible beauty of Romania. In late August, I will be visiting Romania for a nature trip of about 7 days. Do you have any suggestions for areas to visit and certain things to see or do? Thanks.
My limitation is 7-8 days time period. My plan is to fly into and out of Bucharest, but even that is optional. I am open to going anywhere in your country and I would like to combine hiking with seeing nature and animals. Since there will be a lot of walking involved, I could give up the hiking.
Thanks for the information. Compared to the US, flying in Europe is much cheaper. I was planning on flying into Bucharest, but I am willing to go to any airport in Romania. Since we have a similar love of nature, I am sure that I would enjoy areas you like best. What areas would you visit?
I Today I am watching videos on speaking Romanian. Some Romanian numbers are very hard for me to pronounce.
Prea putine chestii puse in video. Ai fost la ,,Babe", de ce nu ai filmat si Sfinxul ? Au fost si momente in care mi s-a facut pielea de găină, dar as fi ales sa vad si niste orase sau sate. Oricum, a fost frumos cât ai facut, si e editat bine, dar doar am spus ca este cam putin.
I am Romanian. The only thing that makes me proud to be born here is nature.
I am Romanian as well and the ONLY thing that make me hate Romania are people like you.Who never apreciated what they had,they never apreciated their culture,ruts,they run away like cowards and speaking non-sense .I was in many countries during my 16 years which I served in the army : England,France,Italy,Germany,Afghanistan,Iraq and others and I know one thing : there is not and never will be a place like in my country.I am glad you leave Romania,we don't need people who are ashamed of his origins,better with a moron less then an extra one.
foarte frumosa este romania 🇦🇩🇦🇩🇦🇩🇦🇩🇦🇩🇦🇩🇦🇩😚😚😚😚😚💖💖💖💖💖💖
Maine imi iau drona ) frumos clipul
Wow! Where is these mountain at 0:35 @Bear Skillz
Bucegi Mountains. Near Caraiman Peak
Grandios! Darf ich paar kurze Clips für mein Motrradvideo verwenden (mit Quellenangabe versteht sich)? Terrific! May I use a few short clips for my bikevideo (with source reference of course)?
go home go from my country death of romania forever death of my country romania