  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rioleyva2002
    @rioleyva2002  Рік тому +164

    thanks for sticking with me guys! more personal videos / high effort content otw just wanted to get this one out there first! drop any cool resources you have in the comments :)
    90s-2000s ONE SHOTS: archive.org/details/old-schoo...
    LEGOWELT ONE SHOTS: www.legowelt.org/
    REDDIT: www.reddit.com/r/Drumkits/
    PLUGINS4FREE: plugins4free.com/
    NATIVE INSTRUMENTS STUFF: www.native-instruments.com/en...
    LIST OF ALL FREE PLUGINS: bedroomproducersblog.com/free...
    SAMPLETTE: samplette.io/17951085
    GOYO AI: goyo.app/

    • @clementinelives
      @clementinelives Рік тому +4

      you're too kind

    • @ColeSkiBeats
      @ColeSkiBeats Рік тому +2

      ❤❤❤❤ thank you Roi

    • @Roses_R_redeR
      @Roses_R_redeR Рік тому

      I told Taz about me..
      I was really nervous..
      Kind of told him about the rebirth of Bluegrass as electronic bluegrass..
      Might have mentioned my character RoseCovered GasMask
      I'm not a rapper..
      I'd be more like a Dj.
      Anyway so many blessings Rio..

    • @clementinelives
      @clementinelives Рік тому +1

      @@Roses_R_redeR nigga

    • @WaxBean
      @WaxBean Рік тому +1


  • @bustanuts7359
    @bustanuts7359 8 місяців тому +18

    I was going down a dark path learning beats. Started off wanting to spread my knowledge, but began absorbing the darkness of gatekeeping from producers. You guided me back to the light.

    • @Bonehead999
      @Bonehead999 8 місяців тому

      Real talk

    • @loopermanzo
      @loopermanzo 2 місяці тому

      u on the right path bro no point in gatekeeping they might have the sounds but they dont got ur brain they'll never make it like u can

  • @prod.chapter
    @prod.chapter Рік тому +193

    I really gotta recommend the kilohearts essentials bundle. There are 30 effect vsts in it. Reverb, compressor, comb filter and many more. Super fire

  • @headSoup
    @headSoup Рік тому +77

    rio you’re helping so many people i can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing for music 🖤

  • @Weaverbeats
    @Weaverbeats Рік тому +4

    Thank you for the shout out man ❤❤

  • @brianlove8365
    @brianlove8365 Рік тому +23

    Rio the value you put in these videos is unmatched. Thank you so much for everything man it really is appreciated by everyone more than you know. Also, the Coraline T-Shirt is fire

  • @ColeSkiBeats
    @ColeSkiBeats Рік тому +34

    Thanks, Rio❤❤❤ I appreciate the path you supervise for underground producers, you are a f*kin legend bruh

    • @ColeSkiBeatz
      @ColeSkiBeatz Рік тому +1


    • @ColeSkiBeats
      @ColeSkiBeats Рік тому +1

      That's what's up, he cares a wealth

    • @headSoup
      @headSoup Рік тому +1

      rio is like a musical messiah passing down higher powers of knowledge to all of the new disciples

  • @whilovv
    @whilovv Рік тому +147

    What. We don't deserve it. Thank you

  • @mayottesantino1901
    @mayottesantino1901 Рік тому +5

    i would recomend joining a bunch of discord servers with other producers u like, a lot of times they promote and share their own drumkits or samples n shi, ist always a cool vibe too

  • @davikxsbeats
    @davikxsbeats Рік тому +17

    Man, i barely comment on videos, but every video that you are making is really contributing to the music producer community. You are really helping everyone of us and motivating with your videos. keep pushing. inspiring 🙌🙏

  • @3ameron
    @3ameron Рік тому +14

    Been using the 90s-2000s one shot sample kit for about a week now.. making some of my best stuff with it

  • @dhruba8446
    @dhruba8446 6 місяців тому +4

    I just have a laptop and an earphone and fl trial version and i am happy that i have learned so much since a year that i started.Now everyday i am just trying to improve and i am happy that i got better at melodies at mixing with just earphones.

  • @ShowtimeGaming1
    @ShowtimeGaming1 Рік тому +4

    Rio we love what youre doing for the community , youre a true lightworker fr fr may god bless your soul fam

  • @DR.O9
    @DR.O9 Рік тому +6

    Bruh you don't know how much you are helping producers like us 🙏🙏
    And I watched the entire video 😅

  • @rounakm
    @rounakm Рік тому +4

    Rio is music jesus

  • @kilodee4299
    @kilodee4299 Рік тому +3

    That coraline shirt is fire a’f too

  • @ecooodonnnn
    @ecooodonnnn Рік тому +4

    Rio the goat fr love for helping out the community

  • @riviera_many6674
    @riviera_many6674 Рік тому +5

    Omfg the real sauce hahaha Thanks rio You are the 🐐 no 🧢

  • @3ameron
    @3ameron Рік тому +2

    2:46 some serious melody sauce right there!

  • @Illodoo
    @Illodoo Рік тому +2

    rio went crazy fr but thank you so much, that amount of sounds gives me inspiration for a long time

  • @ProdUdontknome
    @ProdUdontknome Рік тому +4

    Rios going to the hall of fame of all producers ❤️

  • @kirkape
    @kirkape Рік тому +5

    When you think that Rio already gives away everything he can gives, he drops a new video where he gives away more crazy stuff. U the GOAT 4r😭

  • @Chimmienochan
    @Chimmienochan Рік тому +3

    We need the Rio vlogs and him just talking bout real shit I’m here for it

    • @hostilesavage4299
      @hostilesavage4299 Рік тому

      Thats the last thing the world fckn needs.... this idiot and his b.s life bullcrap 😂

  • @whoismorn
    @whoismorn Рік тому +1


  • @EX3M-ll1bw
    @EX3M-ll1bw Рік тому +5

    Thank you rio I use every kit that you put in ur vids

  • @orinzoncelli489
    @orinzoncelli489 Рік тому +1

    omg! coraline is my fav movie ever! love ur t shirt dude!!

  • @Lil_Kenny123
    @Lil_Kenny123 Рік тому +2

    This man is so genuine I love you man. I sat through the whole video instead of downloading all the free stuff because you deserve it ❤️

  • @xp0n3ntLive
    @xp0n3ntLive Рік тому +2

    "they got instruments, they got effects, they got.....ads."
    killed me 🤣

  • @ProdbyChazzy
    @ProdbyChazzy Рік тому +4

    Rio. Love what you do for the community bro. Never change… but also keep growin bro 💯

  • @y.bowcat7782
    @y.bowcat7782 Рік тому +5

    if you don't get any of the other kits avaliable in the 90s cd archive, get the Zero-G ones. they're good for everything from jungle to downtempo and were used by everyone from Daft Punk to Timbaland. really high quality and classic shit. additionally, the Spectrasonics packs are a common source for the soundtracks of older video games. Bizzare Guitar alone was like 80% of the samples from the Silent Hill games.

  • @dxzzydxm5518
    @dxzzydxm5518 Рік тому +2


  • @mayottesantino1901
    @mayottesantino1901 Рік тому +2

    fin micro and tal filter are grate for sound desing stuff

  • @notrllyus
    @notrllyus Рік тому +2

    God bless this brother

  • @dpartynqsoul
    @dpartynqsoul 7 місяців тому

    the fact that one shots were being sold on CD is just MINDBLOWING!!! how did even they do this?? were these sold at record stores or music stores lmao...

  • @sausagejazz
    @sausagejazz Рік тому +1

    this man is not the hero we deserve, but what we need

  • @kiber225
    @kiber225 Рік тому +2

    yo your IG group is the best one, so much sauce thanks a lot boss

  • @yamiflamee
    @yamiflamee Рік тому +3

    thank you rio

  • @bhill7329
    @bhill7329 Рік тому

    coolest most open genuine resourceful producer on the net Bruv.Shout outs from Taihape NZ.Hape HAAARD.!!!

  • @jzax9959
    @jzax9959 Рік тому

    Bro just decided to be the coolest guy for no reason. Thanks for that.

  • @brenmac
    @brenmac Рік тому

    I've got a lot of respect for ya Rio. Deff appreciate all the value you drop on a regular

  • @SP-iv2jj
    @SP-iv2jj Рік тому

    You're a man of the people Rio. I'm for sure going to watch you stream.

  • @lilcheech8149
    @lilcheech8149 Рік тому +1

    Nah this man goated af respect bro

  • @Simpl3443
    @Simpl3443 Рік тому +1

    Why are you the best Rio💪🏿💪🏿

  • @tmyonthat
    @tmyonthat Рік тому +4

    Don’t underestimate the power of the drums that come with fl studio

  • @FreeEOC
    @FreeEOC Рік тому +1

    Bro free kits again! 🐐 💯

  • @waynetee1090
    @waynetee1090 Рік тому +1

    Rio you are a cool a$$ guy thanks for all you do for the community it’s very appreciated

  • @atrxyu
    @atrxyu Рік тому

    damnnn giving oversampled the shoutout thats whats up, his content is so good! thanks rio!

  • @ProdByPayne
    @ProdByPayne Рік тому +2

    that shirt 🤌

  • @GavinoGotIt
    @GavinoGotIt Рік тому +2

    just want to say i'm a huge fan of yours and the rest of the guys over at Internet Money, keep it up my man

    @XAPRIL Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this rio🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @icyjune420
    @icyjune420 Рік тому

    bro rio ure a superhero w the beats and a the community bless gd this gold

  • @f3hrm
    @f3hrm Рік тому +7

    rio make more cook up vids, i fucking love the beats you make in these videos
    also, ty for the sounds! prod community appreciates you hella

  • @JJ-fk6yd
    @JJ-fk6yd Рік тому +2

    Gotta let you know how much you mean to me and the whole producer community as a whole you do so much for us not only all the advice and the inspiration you give us to do better we ❤ I literally can’t wait for your album and also im boutta cop a rioworld shirt and some kits 2 support cuz ILY srry 4 long comment

  • @sashaaxen1137
    @sashaaxen1137 Рік тому

    simply love you man, we cant thank you enough brashko

  • @Jaedenray
    @Jaedenray Рік тому +1

    I’ve recently discovered your videos and I just want you say you have genuinely earned a subscriber. I’ve been looking for some decent advice and to for me to kind of get to know a producer. Just by the way you work, you’re very precise with your arrangements. But you enjoy it as well and you’re not bummed out if it’s not your best work, but it’s not your worst work.
    I also appreciate a producer that goes out of their comfort zone with genres and explores.
    Anyways, thank you Rio.

  • @ShutupKvn
    @ShutupKvn Рік тому +1

    We love you Rio❤

  • @falcxn2229
    @falcxn2229 4 місяці тому +1

    Where did you go Rio - we need more “how _____ was made” with all the songs you’ve been producing 😭

  • @elijahhalse4768
    @elijahhalse4768 Рік тому +1

    luv u Rio ‼️👽

  • @IluvRRsws
    @IluvRRsws Рік тому +1

    Thanks Rio, you really the best in the game for helpin others man

  • @dylanparks3119
    @dylanparks3119 Рік тому

    Love how you care about the producers that support you

  • @prod.reflect
    @prod.reflect Рік тому +1

    thanks rio drakes producee

  • @omerpozner
    @omerpozner Рік тому +2

    I use analog magic in every beat thank you for that! 🔥

  • @AFORBeatmaker
    @AFORBeatmaker Рік тому +1

    Thanks Rio 👍🏼 you're the Best ! ❤🙌🏼🙏🏻 love from France

  • @MWSWW
    @MWSWW Рік тому +1

    Rio, you're the 🐐 💜

  • @munchybeats
    @munchybeats Рік тому

    thank you sm rio🖤

  • @prod.zenrolo
    @prod.zenrolo Рік тому +3

    bro you helped me so much in music production, thanks a lot!❤

  • @gs7166
    @gs7166 Рік тому


  • @jtonthebeat
    @jtonthebeat Рік тому +1

    unreal, your too cool rio

  • @juuusop7983
    @juuusop7983 Рік тому

    crazy how he just spills all that sauce for free😂

  • @KoketsoSimelane-c7u
    @KoketsoSimelane-c7u 4 місяці тому

    Rio the goat 🐐

  • @Caleb23448
    @Caleb23448 Рік тому

    Hey man!!, saying hello from Costa Rica!!
    This is insane, very gratefulll for this!!, BLESS

  • @ksclosed
    @ksclosed Рік тому +1

    You are a legend

  • @ALBeats33
    @ALBeats33 Рік тому +1

    I ain't even watch it yet but ik it's boutta be helpful asf thanks rio

  • @Hablyf
    @Hablyf Рік тому +1

    You a nick are my big inspiration ❤

  • @ivnzxx
    @ivnzxx Рік тому +1


  • @GittymanKC
    @GittymanKC Рік тому +1

    Google Chrome recorder extension is clutch for sampling

  • @heavenwaronhell
    @heavenwaronhell Рік тому +2

    W man's fr ❤

  • @ariangoodz5501
    @ariangoodz5501 Рік тому

    Rio thank you for helping us man youre so awesome ❤❤

  • @st4nkreallyreekin
    @st4nkreallyreekin Рік тому

    the plugin deelay brooo

  • @kilodee4299
    @kilodee4299 Рік тому

    We love you Rio

  • @blazebeezle
    @blazebeezle Рік тому

    Dude you have the coolest t T-Shirt

  • @ArendPaulCurrie
    @ArendPaulCurrie Рік тому

    thanks for giving back g

  • @F3YD
    @F3YD Рік тому

    Love u Rio, seriously 🙏

  • @dill2ill
    @dill2ill Рік тому

    Thank you once again GOAT🔥 You the best for these

    @SYSTXMS Рік тому

    much love to you Rio

  • @DavidRisco-s1e
    @DavidRisco-s1e 11 місяців тому

    bro u r like a hero

  • @dono_0074
    @dono_0074 Рік тому

    rio really is a goat. thank you

  • @randowboosh6772
    @randowboosh6772 Рік тому


  • @ctfrl
    @ctfrl Рік тому


  • @yna418
    @yna418 Рік тому

    Thank you rio, I really appreciate you!

  • @justcactus8148
    @justcactus8148 Рік тому

    lessgo rio da goat! dont forget to hydrate brotha

  • @omelettebeatz
    @omelettebeatz Рік тому

    I can't speak any word it's too big bro ! I love You bro! You're the best Producer in this world ngl!!!❤

  • @prod.awakeagain
    @prod.awakeagain Рік тому

    Thank you Rio! Love your consistency 💜

  • @blakebergman3881
    @blakebergman3881 Рік тому

    Your an absolute herooooo Rio thanks heapppsssss❤❤

  • @zDxrteh
    @zDxrteh Рік тому

    You watching Weaver beats cracks me up, that guy is too funny 😂

  • @theoneunder
    @theoneunder 10 місяців тому

    Cheers man. Hope things are good.

  • @malonepost-f9q
    @malonepost-f9q Рік тому

    really appreciate it rio❤

  • @beancoco32
    @beancoco32 Рік тому +2


  • @michelecimino9012
    @michelecimino9012 Рік тому +1

    Thanks Rio , my advice is pianobook / decent sampler !!
    Top 😁👍

  • @cchainmail
    @cchainmail Рік тому

    rio doing god's work