in the wrong case , how to deal with problems, there are many problems around me , no security, no believe, only bully and pick out my weakness, as old age in the wrong case, youth bully old person by pretense don't know , gloat to watch and afraid to say purpose and made trouble behind me. I am in the wrong case and I want to libration my spirit and say my own facts ,give me truth and remedy in the old age situation in deed.
謝謝 😀
身份认同(确立)的整个过程中,主要抚养者(care takers)的影响始终存在,而且相当重要(若该角色缺位或者亲子关系不佳,则属于另一种情况,此时生命中的其他角色将可能对个体的人格心理发展施加更多影响)。
in the wrong case , how to deal with problems, there are many problems around me , no security, no believe, only bully and pick out my weakness, as old age in the wrong case, youth bully old person by pretense don't know , gloat to watch and afraid to say purpose and made trouble behind me. I am in the wrong case and I want to libration my spirit and say my own facts ,give me truth and remedy in the old age situation in deed.
Thank you for sharing this. I wish you, from the bottom of my heart, the very best possible life going forward.
階段八 翻譯為整合與絕望,可能比較好,我覺得integrity比較不是完美,個人意見供參考。