Gåte Ulveham REACTION | Norway Eurovision 2024

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @oleperen
    @oleperen 10 місяців тому +18

    Gåte is absolutely amazing. Ulveham is a poetic and powerful song! Gunnhilds voice are incredible beautiful ❤️ I think Norway is a potential winner 🥇 Definitely top 3 😍

    • @JennyMuse
      @JennyMuse  10 місяців тому +5

      Oh I really want to see them on top. They are a real gem for me this year 💎

  • @robertpetre9378
    @robertpetre9378 10 місяців тому +7

    I love this song, it kind of makes me feel like it’s a Norwegian dark fairytale mixed with electronic and rock elements very original and catchy at the same time

  • @MissLoonasSpeech
    @MissLoonasSpeech 10 місяців тому +9

    I have been a fan of this band since 2004 and have seen them live four times so far, the last time a few months ago in Oslo, which might have been their so far most spectacular show. I also recommend to check out the original full-length version of this song, which was released last year and is about twice as long as this ESC-version. You find the audioclip on UA-cam. For more nature imagery, check out the official music video of "Kjærleik" (i.e. "Love") on their official YT-channel. BTW, the vocalist's brother Sveinung left the band just a few weeks before their tour last autumn and was replaced by John Stenersen, who is the guy playing the keyed fiddle (nyckelharpa in Swedish and nøkkelharpe in Norwegian) in this video, but who also plays hurdy-gurdy. John Stenersen is also the band leader of the female-fronted Norwegian Folk Metal/Rock band Bergtatt. If you rare curious, check out their song "Huldra" here: ua-cam.com/video/3vXPZPt8_7M/v-deo.html
    As for Gåte, in addition to the live-clips you find on their official youtube-channel, I highly recommend to also watch what might be one of their most impressive live performances, namely this live rendition of "Margit Hjukse" (in which especially their guitarist does some crazy stuff in the second half of the song - just see what he can do with a portable spotlight): ua-cam.com/video/OnNjBs6ULlE/v-deo.html

    • @JennyMuse
      @JennyMuse  10 місяців тому +4

      Thank you very much for your video recommendations, I checked them out. It's 🔥🔥🔥 And I think you were so lucky to see them live, they are amazing on the stage

    • @MissLoonasSpeech
      @MissLoonasSpeech 10 місяців тому +2

      @@JennyMuse They are one of the best live bands IMO. BTW, someone recorded a few songs at the concert in Oslo which I mentioned in my previous post. The sound might not be the best, but I especially recommend to check out this clip of their song "Bannlyst" (and pay attention to the moment at 3 minutes and 13 seconds - it's a so-called Hallingkast): ua-cam.com/video/BpDgltls5i0/v-deo.html If you would like to hear the music with better sound quality, I recommend to look for the studio version, which you also find on youtube. In the live version of "Kjærleik" which they played in Oslo, they were also joined by a choir of young women somewhere in the middle of the song, as you can see here: ua-cam.com/video/nOOsMwldUXM/v-deo.html Finally, there's a pretty good live recording of a concert by Bergtatt from 2016, which they played in Budapest, in which you can see John Stenersen playing both hurdy-gurdy and keyed fiddle: ua-cam.com/video/rrcHo3jdcU8/v-deo.html

    • @lenamyhre3109
      @lenamyhre3109 10 місяців тому


    • @erik5820
      @erik5820 9 місяців тому

      Agreed. Their show at Rockefeller in October was a pretty wild performance. Almost bordering something (not sure what exactly; but definitelly something).

  • @lillm6874
    @lillm6874 10 місяців тому +8

    Nice reaction👍
    Love this song and performance by Gåte, which btw has been a band since 1999 (with some pauses in between)
    This is folk/rock, and I’m pretty sure her voice is supposed to sound like that in the end😊
    The intro is an old ‘kulokk’ from Norway. A ‘kulokk’ is when the women called/calls the cows home to be milked in the summer (usually in the mountains)
    The song is inspired by a medieval folklore/ballade, a dark one.
    And the chorus is inspired by the intro.
    English lyrics:
    [Sample: Vocalization; Marit Jensen Lillebuen]
    [Verse 1]
    I was such a beautiful maiden
    My stepmother evil, my mother she died
    She turned me into a sword and a needle
    And sent me to the king's estate
    And the anger my stepmother felt the most
    That all the stately liked me best
    [Chorus: Vocalization]
    [Verse 2]
    Then she gave me skin like a grey wolf
    She cursed me to walk the forest alone
    And never will I bе whole and good
    Before I drink my brothеrs' blood
    [Chorus: Vocalization]

    • @JennyMuse
      @JennyMuse  10 місяців тому +5

      Thanks a lot for these details! I am absolutely in love with the symbols and references they used in this song❤️ It tells a lot about Norwegian culture and I am just blown away!

  • @melliem2401
    @melliem2401 10 місяців тому +2

    Nice reaction! I absolutely love this song and the whole package around it. Gunnhild's voice cracks imo even contribute to the very passionate and powerful vocal and I could listen to her for ages.

  • @ErikHolten
    @ErikHolten 10 місяців тому +2

    This is the first performance for the qualification semi, you should check out the one from the final. Larger stage, some refined live camera framing, even better vocals.

  • @CostaWanti
    @CostaWanti 9 місяців тому +1

    They are actually known for being great live.

  • @Eva-mp7xg
    @Eva-mp7xg 10 місяців тому +6

    I liked your happy clapping reaction a lot 🤩
    And according to the story of the song, she IS the good girl, pls. read the lyrics ☺

    • @JennyMuse
      @JennyMuse  10 місяців тому +2

      Thanks ❤️
      I will check :)

  • @ukrainiansintallinn
    @ukrainiansintallinn 9 місяців тому +1

    SUPER magical vocal 🎤
    Norway 🇸🇯 is the best 📀👏

  • @tosvus
    @tosvus 10 місяців тому +3

    Great reaction. I would suggest increasing the volume of the song in relation to your voice though.

  • @traseeide8375
    @traseeide8375 10 місяців тому +1

    This is the semi finals