All My Children September 30, 1994

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SaharaColeman
    @SaharaColeman 4 роки тому +7

    “Breathe Again” by Toni Braxton playing at the beginning! Love that beautiful song so much 🙌🏽😍💕

  • @maria7689
    @maria7689 3 роки тому +6

    It’s the “it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature” from the Chiffon margarine commercials!

  • @dennisostergards6504
    @dennisostergards6504 3 роки тому +2

    Kendall Hart ❤️ I really love that character

  • @jchow5966
    @jchow5966 2 роки тому

    The commercials are terrific too!!!~
    Ogilvie Spiral Perm! 💟💟

  • @jivonleejackson1409
    @jivonleejackson1409 2 роки тому +3

    This was ohhh so good! Fantastic story & great acting! Robin Mattson convinced my she was Kate Collins on the other side. I miss this era of soaps. Very explosive & fun. Other eras were deeper but this was fun! The “DEVIL” even came of DAYS… so the 90s lol,

  • @allmychildrentvshow
    @allmychildrentvshow 12 років тому +5

    I love so much Kendall-Jane Cox sessions!!

  • @1234lavallee1
    @1234lavallee1 9 років тому +9

    Janet Green was always my favorite character,I never liked Wilma,even Natalie had problems with her when we were first introduced to them...Janet was the only person in Pine Valley who lost it some of them the nicest I was happy to see her back as Jane Cox,oh sure she still has problems especially talking to her alter-ego the dark side of her personality,but she fights it very hard so I think she deserves some happiness but she doesn't handle stressful situations well when it comes to her own pressures she puts on herself or outside influences.

    • @tjames9698
      @tjames9698 3 роки тому +3

      The first Wilma died abruptly in real-life, so there was an abrupt recast, then she was written off for good until this Wilma. Dumb how Wilma was never seen during Janet kidnapping Natalie or Natalie’s death.

  • @allmychildrentvshow
    @allmychildrentvshow 12 років тому

    Thank you for the complete episode

  • @micolemarchell1768
    @micolemarchell1768 12 років тому

    Thanks,love watching these

  • @dianechennault1175
    @dianechennault1175 5 років тому +2

    Love Janet

  • @6828Lu
    @6828Lu 12 років тому


  • @agdreams7239
    @agdreams7239 4 роки тому +2

    Gotta love how soap opera kids are always upstairs by themselves lol

  • @bsbgirl85
    @bsbgirl85 6 років тому +4

    lol Janet is daydreaming about Tad? WTF? I didn't miss Hayley's theatrics RME. Kendall is the last person to talk about Janet seeing a shrink, especially the psychotic way she's been acting the last few episodes. If Janet sees one Kendall's crazy ass should join her.

  • @robinyvonne7011
    @robinyvonne7011 2 роки тому +1

    Natalie was awesome!!!

  • @RhaegarTargaryen1st
    @RhaegarTargaryen1st 4 роки тому +6

    Wilma was so wonderfully awful; Dena Dietrich was great in the role.

    • @auntiechercher4266
      @auntiechercher4266 2 роки тому +1

      Yes, she was! And around this time (September, October in 1994) she had her best scenes with Robin Mattson.

  • @jchow5966
    @jchow5966 2 роки тому


  • @perpieta
    @perpieta 6 років тому +6

    LOL, I'd totally forgotten all about Liz Sloane until I saw her in these uploaded episodes. What a useless character.

    • @DeepScreenAnalysis
      @DeepScreenAnalysis 6 років тому +2

      Speaking of useless, don't forget Christopher Lawford's kid playing Charlie with that buck toothed Kennedy grin LOL

    • @deontyler960
      @deontyler960 2 роки тому

      Who is Liz Sloane and what did she actually do?

  • @grobanworldnews4216
    @grobanworldnews4216 Рік тому

    That whole Janet/Jane thing about having a crush on Tad was so strange and didn't really make any sense. Trevor was the man she killed for and was the father of her child. At least they never paired Janet/Jane with Tad. Yuck. Can you even imagine?

  • @agdreams7239
    @agdreams7239 4 роки тому +1

    Since when did Alec and Jamal become friends.

  • @davidbrunson8887
    @davidbrunson8887 11 років тому +2

    I hate Hayley. Too self-righteous. I think she needed to back off her father quite a bit. Plus I just never really liked her character.

  • @kathyflorcruz552
    @kathyflorcruz552 11 місяців тому

    Trevor looked so much more hunky with that mane of hair. I hated it when they shaved it - he then looked like an escaped death row convict! Plus they really dumbed down his character as if he didn't have a lick of common sense let alone street sense or cop/mercenary experience. If that were really the case he'd have been a dead duck years ago. They drastically changed Laurel's character too. She turned into a nasty shill. And Haley became an obsessive compulsive MANIAC, waving a loaded hangun around the actor Charlie (Lawford) who's in-laws are Kennedys for God's sake. Must have been something in the writer's 🍸 elitist water.

  • @GianniHernandez305
    @GianniHernandez305 3 місяці тому

    P A