I'm old and not familiar with this group. I looked them up, and I discovered Dylan was born in my hometown in Indiana, and his dad and I went to the same college in my hometown. I then looked up his mom (his parents are no longer together), and it turns out she lives in the same Florida town where I now live, and I occasionally do business where she works! Small world! 😮
Braeden & Cole's reaction to Tony Hawk's message is everything
I'm old and not familiar with this group. I looked them up, and I discovered Dylan was born in my hometown in Indiana, and his dad and I went to the same college in my hometown. I then looked up his mom (his parents are no longer together), and it turns out she lives in the same Florida town where I now live, and I occasionally do business where she works! Small world! 😮
Whoa!!! That is so awesome
Wow man, crazy
I live in the same town as Dylan’s dad and went to school with him. I don’t know Dylan but his dad is a very nice guy.
braeden's face oml it's like he was holding back tears 🥹
my dudes made it on the today show. awesome
They look like real brothers
Lol for real. It's the hair
right wallow is so cute
Cole 🥰
Amazing band with amazing energy ❤️
aw breaden fangirling hehe
The smiles they had watching the clip of Tony 😭🤍 full circle moment.
nice pants middle wallow
"Middle Wallow" 😂
Favorite group right now..
Yes! Congratulations you guys! 😭🖤
so proud of them 🥺
Sooooo excited to see them in October
their reaction is priceless :)
Dylan 😍❤️
middle wallow is so cute 🥰
middle wallow is flabberghasted
I ❤Dylan Minnette
This is so cute
OMG TONY OMG the boys must be so hyped
Ha I used to play Tony Hawk in high school nonstop.
I love you Dylan Minnete and wallows
My boys
Amazing skate life music life collaboration
Please come to Brazil 🇧🇷
Birdman Rules 😎🤟
Whichever stylist is making Dylan wear black socks suddenly needs to be fired, immediately.
who are these guys bro🙄🙄
fr bunch of nobodies ugh
what is a wallet???
why are you watching them then ☠️
@@layla.is.tiredd oh they’re being sarcastic 😭
@@layla.is.tiredd little buddy look at my pfp