Julie Fowlis | Ceòl Aig Baile | Cànan nan Gàidheal | BBC ALBA

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Tha an t-sreath ciùil Julie Fowlis | Ceòl Aig Baile a’ gabhail àite aig àm a tha air leth iongantach nar n-eachdraidh. Le luchd-ciùil ag ionndrainn a bhith a’ cluich beò aig cuirmean, tha an t-sreath seo a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh a bhith a’ taisbeanadh ceòl is òrain bhon dachaighean fhèin.
    Julie Fowlis | Ceòl Aig Baile is a music series that takes place at an extraordinary time in our history. The series gives musicians, deprived of playing live concerts, a virtual stage and an opportunity to perform directly from their homes to viewing fans.


  • @alexv3357
    @alexv3357 2 роки тому +1

    Cha b'e sneachda 's an reothadh ò thuath It wasn't the snow of frost from the north
    Cha b'e 'n crannadh geur fuar ò 'n ear It wasn't the cold snap from the east
    Cha b'e 'n t-uisge 's gaillionn ò 'n iar It wasn't the rain or gale from the west
    Ach an galar a bhlian ò 'n deas But the disease which has blanched from the south
    Blàth, duileach, stoc agus freumh The blossom, foliage, stem and roots
    Cànan mo threubh 's mo shluagh Of the language of my race and people

    Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
    Thig thugainn, thig cò' ruinn gu siar Come along and join us in the west
    Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nam Feinn So that we will hear the language of the heroes
    Thig thugainn, thig cò' ruinn gu siar Come along and join us in the west
    Gus an cluinn sinn ann cànan nan Gàidheal So that we will hear the language of the Gael

    Nuair chithear fear fèilidh 's a' ghleann When a kilted man was seen in the valley
    Bu chinnteach gur Gàidhlig a chainnt It would be certain that Gàidhig was his language
    Nuair spìon iad a fhreumh às an fhonn When they ripped his roots from the ground
    An àite Gàidhlig tha cànan a' Ghoill In the place of Gàidhlig is the foreigners' language
    Is Ghaidhealtachd creadhal nan sonn And the Gaidhealtachd cradle of heroes
    'S tìr "mhajors" is "cholonels" 'n-diugh innt' Is today the land of majors and colonels
    Bheir anuas dhuinn na coinnleirean òr Fetch down the golden chandeliers
    'S ann annt càraibh na coinnlean geal cèir And set the white wax candles in them
    Lasaibh suas iad an seòmar a' bhròin Light them up in the chamber of sorrow
    Taigh aire seann chànan a' Ghàidheil The wake house of the old Gaelic language
    'Se siud ò chionn fhad' thuirt an nàmh That's what the enemy said a long time ago
    Ach fhathast tha beò Cànan nan Gàidheal But the Gaelic language still lives

    Ged theich i le beath' às na glinn Although she has retreated from the glens
    Ged nach cluinnear a-nis mó i 'san dùn Although it is no longer heard in the castle
    O Dhùthaich Mhic Aoidh fada tuath From the Mackay far in the north
    Gu ruig thu Druim Uachdar nam bò Down to Drumochter of the cattle
    Gidheadh, anns ha h-Eileanan Siar Everywhere in the Western Isles
    'S i fhathast ann, ciad chàinnt an t-slòigh It is still the first language of the people

  • @robertdigout5008
    @robertdigout5008 Рік тому

    Beautiful! Thanks to all.

  • @henripepels815
    @henripepels815 3 роки тому

    Extraordinary it is .....

  • @philrunwater8733
    @philrunwater8733 3 роки тому

    I love this.

  • @jj1818
    @jj1818 4 роки тому

    Alba gu bràth! Gàidhlig gu bràth!