Well that sucks, I'm sorry Erin. Yes most people would not have any idea what was killing their plant. You are a great asset to the gardening community.
You are just so real sitting down with a glass of wine about your garden issues. Thank you for educating us and being you. I'm awfully sad for you but know you will get through it with humor as always!
You are such a BLESSING to those of us in your community. I don't happen to have Boxwoods in my garden, but I am so appreciative of the education you offered. Thank you!
I lost 17 shrubs 3 years ago (Indiana)... so sad and changed the entire garden but we are filling in with other shrubs and getting the new look established. Best of luck!
@@charlottem6876 it’s a good option for many reasons but unfortunately it’s on the deer menu so usage would have to be limited to areas with less deer browsing
Thanks so much for the update! I garden in SW Michigan and as my in-laws are British Gardners I was aware, and knew it had been introduced into the US, but didn't know it was this close! Please keep the info coming! Love your show and you bring me such great info. Many thanks and keeping fingers crossed for you as well as the rest of us who love this plant!
"I have boxwood blight" Next scene: 🍷 😂 Seriously, so sorry Erin. What a bummer! Of course you're one of the special people that has this horrible disease in your garden!
As I'm about to run out and check mine, I wonder how many people could have it in their yards and never know? Don't know to check, and maybe just chuck their dead plants into the compost. Very sad - I'm sorry you have to deal with this but props to you for being so thorough and using your platform to educate.
Glad to see you have a glass of wine. My heart goes out to you-as avid gardeners too, your subscribers know how hard this must be. Thank you for everything you do.
That’s terrible. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. The concern and expense alone are, I’m sure tremendous. Keep us posted and I appreciate you sharing all this information. 💕
Beyond sorry that you are dealing with this & hopeful it hasn’t spread to any other spots in your garden! Most appreciate you sharing & educating the rest of us & glad you recognize the platform you have to be a voice for spreading knowledge & caution! Wishing you the very best in dealing with this situation & having a great day in the garden.
How awful, so sorry to hear this. Thank you for this. A painful reminder to clean my tools. I have a tendency NOT to clean between plants, unless I know it is having issues. I need to be more cautious in the future. Please keep us posted.
I lost most of my lilacs to lilac blight (not fungal but bacterial disease that is also not treatable). After that experience, I won’t be planting boxwood - ever- in my garden. Thank you for posting this video and building awareness!
Wow Erin! Thank you for being up front about this info. Your description box was a wealth of information. I have been wondering for a couple of years about perennial swaps in our local area. I have not attended these because of problems being spread, unknowingly. Thank you for being so thorough on this subject, you are a blessing to us all in the garden world. So heartbreaking for you! Your wine glass was not big enough!
In the netherlands we have a moth that lays there eggs in boxwoods. It's called Cydalima perspectalis. The caterpillars eat the boxwoods. Most people have removed the boxwoods
@@charlottem6876 But if you treat your topiary it might get new foliage next spring. Older Boxwoods get new growth on the bare wood. So its possible to recover. Cross the fingers it will recover. They need fertilizer and prorection and a lot of attention now. ( I mean slow releasing fertilizer.)
Thank you for sharing this information and being a responsible gardener. I watched your second video first, then looked up this one. You went to great lengths to keep this as under control as possible and as a fellow gardener and a wisconsinite, I appreciate your efforts. You are a great example for all of us to follow.
Excellent video. I'm sorry to hear this news. This has been one of my biggest concerns since I have so many boxwood in my garden. I planted a resistant variety, but that's no guarantee. I appreciate all the great information and links you shared. Thank you.
Erin thanks for the transparency and sharing so many crucial details about BB. I need to send in some samples to my local extension because I'm pretty sure I have plants with that disease. I love boxwood and will look for varieties that are less afflicted with BB. Great post!
Well thank you for that, what a drag, I have a circular hedge around a lilac standard, and just put in a rectangular hedge, that I am now going to be paying attention to, but I do appreciate knowing what to look for. Your channel has been very informative and encouraging.
I'm so sorry, Erin, that you are having to deal with this; but thank you so much for using your platform to educate us. I had never heard of boxwood blight before, so I'm glad to know that it's out there and what to look for. Granted, I only have 4 boxwoods in my small garden here in Illinois, but I sure wouldn't want to spread it should I find it on my shrubs. Thanks for all of the information!
What a nightmare!! So sorry for your garden issues. Thank you for sharing with us. I will do some research in my area, as I have boxwood also. Peace and Good Fortune and Good Health to you and your family. All the best to you!
Thank you for this very informative video, Erin. I hope you have this problem contained, and I admire your transparency, regarding this issue. Looking forward to more information to come.
My heart goes out to you! Thank you so very much for the heads up! I live in Central California. Very dry here, low humidity, but still very concerned. Lots of boxwoods on my property. Will be looking for nurseries in the future that have this problem in mind. Valuable information you just gave us!
Oh no! So sorry you have to deal with this! Thank you for taking the time to explain what it is and what it looks like. I'll have to do a thorough check on mine....
Ooooooooo Nooooooo Bunny Guinness the great British gardener did a great video on boxwood blight - NEWS: - Didier Hermans came up with a blight resistance box called Better Buxus (Heritage (compact), Babylon Beauty. Skylight is good for topiary, Renaissance (compact, slower growing) ) that she is trialing now and says she'll specify from now on. Bunny and one other garden have the first box from Didier - hes been working on the project for decades. She is planting the new plants in exactly where the diseased plants were previously... Warmest thoughts Jennie
To my knowledge a fully blight-resistant boxwood does not exist although in the states NewGen has cared I think three to four varieties that, like Hermans' varieties, are highly resistant. Since the production cycle for boxwood takes awhile, I would imagine it will be at least a few years before most home gardeners are able to source these varieties. One other commenter said they'd planted some of the NewGens next to blighted boxwood and so far, so good.
@@TheImpatientGardener Yes, after watching your video, I found Saunders in Virginia and bought a couple of New Gen. I'm new to boxwood - but I've come to really appreciate the architecture of the winter garden - which I DON"T have yet! But building. I can't thank you enough for your fun videos - you remind me a lot of my daughter Katy - she's pretty cool too. Warmest regards Jennie
Wow I m so sorry to hear about the blight. Guess who bought a bunch of boxwoods from a big box store last year? I l’ll be inspecting and looking forward to anymore information that you get. Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh no. But thanks for sharing such important information. I feel your pain after being involved in a project planting Norway spruce trees that ended up with borers. We lost several and are in the process of saving others. It can be discouraging. 😣
I have 2 very large boxwood in my front garden that I thought the deer got to.....now I’m rethinking. You really shared some important information....thank you so much. I’m an organic gardener and feel a responsibility to “ do know harm.” You’re a real asset and I’m so happy I subscribed to ur site!
I'm so sorry Erin. I feel your pain. I'm still dealing with aster yellows so I really know that gut wrenching feeling you get with disease in your yard. I hope you are able to resolve this issue quickly.
So sorry Erin. I have never heard of boxwood blight and now as a gardener I’m terrified but grateful that you have this information and are knowledgeable. We will all learn so much from you as you navigate the process. Your boxwood demise may save ours. So sorry for you though.
I'm so sorry to hear your box have this awful thing. Also, sorry that you are having to go thru that whole process. Let's just keep hoping it doesn't turn into such a strong force like it has in Britain. While I don't have any boxwood, I do enjoy the structure they provide in other gardens. 💚
NYS, Orange Cty: I had a scare last summer. Turned out not to be Blight but that situation scared me big time and taught me to be VERY careful. A friend here in Orange Cty lost a whole garden of boxwoods. Very bad. Thanks for the very informative vid. I hope people take your advice seriously.
Ugh. Huge bummer! OR an opportunity to try out some new shrubs? The silver lining is tough...and you're doing an awesome job. Thanks for helping to raise awareness.
It's great that you have this platform. Thanks for the information. I am planning to add some boxwoods in my garden; now I will check all the options and details for my state. I hope the rest of your garden is okay!
I feel terrible, sorry Erin. Very, very informative video. It will help the rest of us to look for warning signs. I need help with controlling boxwood leaf miner.
So sorry, Erin. It looks like MN hasn't had any cases yet. Whew. I suppose being that close to WI, though, I will need to be diligent. I haven't found a list of MN nurseries that are certified yet. I'll have to keep looking, because I had boxwood plans for this year!
Or have we? How many would just chuck their dead or dying boxwood? I have mine sitting on my patio to haul to the yard waste place (I'm in Minneapolis). I dunno. It could have died from blight.
Ugh I’m sorry that your garden has been affected by boxwood blight! We live in Virginia and noticed boxwood blight on most of the many mature boxwoods on our property. We knew attempting to control the spread would be futile (dogs that run through them, lawn service that touches them) and we didn’t want to lose all of the shrubs so we attempted to save them by aggressively spraying them with Topbuxus Boxwood Restore and Protect towards the end of the growing season. The few that were hit hardest are definitely still looking skeletal in spots but we’re seeing a lot of new growth and no sign of active disease right now. I wish we had used that product the second we noticed a problem. I’m hoping that treating them monthly keeps the disease at bay this summer and they’ll be looking better by this time next year.
I am so sorry. Your video was so informative. When you mentioned that the blight has been identified in thirty states I looked to see if mine was one of them. Unfortunately I discovered that Delaware is on the list. I don't have many boxwoods but I am taking measures to insure that I can prevent it. I am lucky that our University is near me. And they have provided a list of recommendations to follow.
Hi Erin. I'm so sorry for this to have come to your garden. I work at a nursery in Western MA. I checked on line and it has been found in MA. I'll keep my eye on the boxwoods we sell! Best of luck!
I have many boxwoods and I love them. I have had the various scares about this issue, resulting in purchasing hollies- ilex instead. Your video and pictures have really helped me understand how to identify blight. Your video is so detailed and your experience is very helpful in case I have this issue in the future and what I should do. Thank you for the valuable information.
Oh no! I'm so sorry that ended up happening to you. But thank you for making this video! I'm about 99% sure me one boxwood was taken by this. It had all the signs you showed, but I had no idea what was up with it. It completely died by the end of last summer. There was another boxwood just 4 ft over from it, so I'm really hoping it's only since nothing really brushed on it, and I never pruned them with the same tools (or at all) fingers crossed!!!!
I'm so very sorry for this too happy to you and your beautiful garden. I had to remove a large portion of my own garden that had been infected with tobacco mosaic virus. It was like having a piece of my soul amputated. It still hurts to think about. 😥 I will say a prayer for the rest of your garden.
So sorry to hear this! I was just planning to buy several boxwood plants from Costco to plant a hedge, but I might do Holly instead. Thank you for sharing and educating us.
I feel for you. Last year I planted...count 'em...64 boxwoods. Planning to grow a 6-foot hedge. No signs of blight yet, but sometimes I wish I would have just gone with yew. Another option is euonymus. If you follow Martha Stewart's blog you'll know that she has 100s of boxwoods and she did mention in one post her mitigation efforts. I need to dig back thru to find the post. Good luck and keep us posted!
I'm pretty sure I've seen this going on with mine. It's passed midnight, going out to take a closer look. Already have my cocktail in hand. Thank you Erin.
So sorry Erin, what a bummer. Have you ever checked out the native small leaved inkberry holly, Ilex glabra, or its cultivars as a possible substitute? Thank you for passing along the helpful info.
Erin if you get stuck down the road- I know every area is different, but FYI the deer and the rabbits leave mine alone here in New England and it’s recommended around here for deer resistance.
I'm sorry you're experiencing this! Thank you for sharing. I bought a few clearance boxwoods last year, that may actually have this. My family told me to just rip them out, but I've been pruning and trying to save. Ugh...Headed out to inspect them now.
I'm really glad I caught this message, thank you! I have been looking into getting some boxwoods so it's great to know to look for some that are more resistant and what to look for as systems. Sorry you have to deal with this though!
I'm in northern Michigan. I was planning on putting in a boxwood hedge this year in my new home but was advised not too as boxwood blight is moving in the area. I'll have to look for that list. I planted a hedge in 2019 at my mom's house. Praying it is ok.
So glad you are sharing this with all of us. I hope you can save them, or at least the ones that were there before. I have had pear blight and a fungus that took out a Japanese maple. It’s no fun.
Well darn! I stopped preparing our dinner to watch this, poured myself a glass of wine and then went out to check my established boxwoods and the eleven waiting to be planted this week! I have one Chicagoland I purchased last summer. So far, so good, I think, but I am so tempted to pull it out now. I was told at a local garden center that Chicagoland is just another name for Green Velvet, but was probably their effort to tell me that it didn’t matter the label. I will give all my plants a fungicide treatment, however, it sounds like it doesn’t make a damn difference. Makes me sad since I am also trying to fill areas that are part sun part shade with an evergreen choice that is also more deer resistant. Thank you for the informative video. I feel your pain.
How disappointing. I very much appreciate your research and the information you are providing for the rest of us. I raise my glass to you and your struggle.
Sorry to hear this news about your boxwoods. Bummer. Thanks so much for all this excellent information. I have lots of boxwoods and had heard of blight but wasn't sure what it looked like so I'm very appreciative of the photos. I'm planning on taking some cuttings soon to propagate more. Does it take a long time?
Frick! We planted that same exact variety in our garden in the front! 😬All good information to share though Erin. Hope you’re able to remedy it whatever that remedy ends up being.
I feel your pain. Lost a heirloom rose bush from witches broom that I am sure came from Knock out roses that my yard guy brought in during end of season prune. Knock outs around here were so beautiful but now you see very few.
This is an incredibly helpful video. Thank you, Erin. I live in Madison & have noticed a problem with my boxwoods (I love them too & have many!) this year after being trouble free for about 10 years. I think my problem is boxwood mites, but having seen your video I think I'll send a sample to UW extension diagnostics too.
Erin, I am so sorry to hear about this blight what a bummer. I thank you for all your help and information! I just planted 25 Green beauty boxwoods this spring for the same reason you mentioned, evergreen, shade, and deer proof. I am going to be following you closely to do everything to prevent this. I know you said to mulch, what do you think about putting down vermiculite? Good luck and thank you for all your help in the garden.
Erin, I am very sorry to hear that Boxwood Blight has come to your garden. So disheartening. I hope that it gets no further than the bed it's currently in. I've been watching my Green Mountains for any signs. Like you, I have not come across a shrub that's a perfect stand-in... Checked out P.W.'s Gem Box and Strong Box Inkberry Hollies, but I don't think they're going to work - for my situation, at least. All the best to you - and thank you for your helpful, interesting, and encouraging videos. 🌿
Wow...sounds terrible...like the covid for boxwoods. I'm sorry you're going through this, but thank you for sharing this information and your experience with this fungus. I didn't know about this. Thank you, Erin.
So sorry to hear about this problem in your garden! On a happier note, what is that double stemmed evergreen shrub behind you on your left by the walkway? It is gorgeous!
Oh no, Erin! On the heels of the Covid pandemic, I can’t believe you might have a boxwood blight epidemic. I am so sorry to hear this news. Thank you for direction to local university/ag extensions/ prevention methods.
Jeannine, I was thinking the same; here we have to ensure that we do not catch Covid and the variants, and for most of us, gardening is our escape , so I am going to keep a careful eye on the small new boxwoods I planted last year! Listening to Erin on even how to dispose of the diseased box woods is so unreal!
Dear Erin, I am so sorry to hear that. Like the lady from the Netherlands commented, here in Germany, (Rhine-Main region), box has pretty much disappeared. There is a double-whammy of blight and a moth (cydalima perspectalis) "Buchsbaumzünsler" - literally 'boxwood sucker" - that's sucker as in bloodsucker! My best wishes for you and your garden.
Sorry to hear about your box blight troubles Erin 😣. What about a substitute with Sarcococca or Ilex crenata. That's what I recommend to my landscape design clients. Good luck with it all. ☺
Thank you for the great information! Sorry it is affecting your garden and hopefully you will get guidance on how to rectify it. I’ve heard of boxwood blight but didn’t really know any details. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on mine from now on. I’m in Michigan so not far from you. I’m wondering if preventative treating with an anti fungal will help? Good question for our extension service. 😊
Oh man Erin that really stinks. I'm a few counties to the west and I have a boxwood issue as well, now I know I need to act more quickly and seriously.
My condolences. Thank you for the information. It is important that we gardeners do things responsibly. I like your smart approach. Good luck! PS I need to go clean my tools again. 🌳
Oh, that must be devastating for you, especially to lose the ones you grew from plugs over 7 years. :-( I completed a 4 square formal boxwood garden 2 years ago, using 60 shrubs I grew from cuttings 8 years ago, from a Winter Gem and Wintergreen boxwood. This boxwood garden has been my dream for YEARS. They all look very healthy and are growing into a solid square shaped hedge(around the perimeter of each square) The thought of them succumbing to boxwood blight puts me in a panic! From researching it, I THINK I have resistant varieties. Thank you for this video and sharing your information with us.
Wow, that’s too bad. Love box woods, I have three on my property and a very small one baby one that’s going to be a long time before it gets a useable size. Wishing you the best, dealing with your situation. Thanks for sharing 👍❤️😊
I love that you had to go sit down, and have a drink! I also have this kind of attitude when my garden has issues!
Well that sucks, I'm sorry Erin. Yes most people would not have any idea what was killing their plant. You are a great asset to the gardening community.
I totally second this. Now, having watched this, I'm almost positive this is what took my one (otherwise healthy) boxwood last year.
You are just so real sitting down with a glass of wine about your garden issues. Thank you for educating us and being you. I'm awfully sad for you but know you will get through it with humor as always!
You are such a BLESSING to those of us in your community. I don't happen to have Boxwoods in my garden, but I am so appreciative of the education you offered. Thank you!
Well, this is the most informative thing I've seen on boxwood blight. So, thanks for that. Sorry about your boxwoods.
I lost 17 shrubs 3 years ago (Indiana)... so sad and changed the entire garden but we are filling in with other shrubs and getting the new look established. Best of luck!
Oh I'm so sorry Teresa. That's terrible. I'd love to hear about some of the shrubs you've planted.
Yes, please share what you planted to replace the boxwoods. What is your zone? Thanks.
@@TheImpatientGardener could you grow Yew?
@@charlottem6876 it’s a good option for many reasons but unfortunately it’s on the deer menu so usage would have to be limited to areas with less deer browsing
What about Tater Tot arbovitae?
Thanks so much for the update! I garden in SW Michigan and as my in-laws are British Gardners I was aware, and knew it had been introduced into the US, but didn't know it was this close! Please keep the info coming!
Love your show and you bring me such great info. Many thanks and keeping fingers crossed for you as well as the rest of us who love this plant!
Hello from Tecumseh Mi Ann Arbor area
"I have boxwood blight"
Next scene: 🍷
Seriously, so sorry Erin. What a bummer! Of course you're one of the special people that has this horrible disease in your garden!
Sorry to hear this Erin, boxwoods are one of my favourites. Fingers crossed that your others don’t get the blight
As I'm about to run out and check mine, I wonder how many people could have it in their yards and never know? Don't know to check, and maybe just chuck their dead plants into the compost. Very sad - I'm sorry you have to deal with this but props to you for being so thorough and using your platform to educate.
Can you imagine how many loads of boxwood trimmings have been dumped all over? Boggles the mind & makes control difficult.
So sorry Erin. You did a great job explaining it to everyone. Poor Monty Don had to take out whole hedges. Very sad situation!
Glad to see you have a glass of wine. My heart goes out to you-as avid gardeners too, your subscribers know how hard this must be. Thank you for everything you do.
Thanks for sharing the information on the boxwood blight. I hope you don’t lose the other box woods in your gardens.
That’s terrible. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. The concern and expense alone are, I’m sure tremendous. Keep us posted and I appreciate you sharing all this information. 💕
Beyond sorry that you are dealing with this & hopeful it hasn’t spread to any other spots in your garden! Most appreciate you sharing & educating the rest of us & glad you recognize the platform you have to be a voice for spreading knowledge & caution! Wishing you the very best in dealing with this situation & having a great day in the garden.
How awful, so sorry to hear this. Thank you for this. A painful reminder to clean my tools. I have a tendency NOT to clean between plants, unless I know it is having issues. I need to be more cautious in the future. Please keep us posted.
I lost most of my lilacs to lilac blight (not fungal but bacterial disease that is also not treatable). After that experience, I won’t be planting boxwood - ever- in my garden. Thank you for posting this video and building awareness!
Wow Erin! Thank you for being up front about this info. Your description box was a wealth of information. I have been wondering for a couple of years about perennial swaps in our local area. I have not attended these because of problems being spread, unknowingly. Thank you for being so thorough on this subject, you are a blessing to us all in the garden world. So heartbreaking for you! Your wine glass was not big enough!
In the netherlands we have a moth that lays there eggs in boxwoods. It's called Cydalima perspectalis. The caterpillars eat the boxwoods. Most people have removed the boxwoods
I had a 25 year old topiary boxwood, grown from a tiny plant, eaten in 3 days by that Caterpillar 😥😥😥 (UK) and blight is horrid too
But if you treat your topiary it might get new foliage next spring.
Older Boxwoods get new growth on the bare wood.
So its possible to recover.
Cross the fingers it will recover.
They need fertilizer and prorection and a lot of attention now.
( I mean slow releasing fertilizer.)
Thank you for sharing this information and being a responsible gardener. I watched your second video first, then looked up this one. You went to great lengths to keep this as under control as possible and as a fellow gardener and a wisconsinite, I appreciate your efforts. You are a great example for all of us to follow.
Excellent video. I'm sorry to hear this news. This has been one of my biggest concerns since I have so many boxwood in my garden. I planted a resistant variety, but that's no guarantee. I appreciate all the great information and links you shared. Thank you.
Erin thanks for the transparency and sharing so many crucial details about BB. I need to send in some samples to my local extension because I'm pretty sure I have plants with that disease.
I love boxwood and will look for varieties that are less afflicted with BB. Great post!
Well thank you for that, what a drag, I have a circular hedge around a lilac standard, and just put in a rectangular hedge, that I am now going to be paying attention to, but I do appreciate knowing what to look for. Your channel has been very informative and encouraging.
While my heart bleeds for boxwood lovers, I will never have boxwood blight because my boxwood days ended in the late 90's. Total pain in the A$$
I'm so sorry, Erin, that you are having to deal with this; but thank you so much for using your platform to educate us. I had never heard of boxwood blight before, so I'm glad to know that it's out there and what to look for. Granted, I only have 4 boxwoods in my small garden here in Illinois, but I sure wouldn't want to spread it should I find it on my shrubs. Thanks for all of the information!
What a nightmare!! So sorry for your garden issues. Thank you for sharing with us. I will do some research in my area, as I have boxwood also. Peace and Good Fortune and Good Health to you and your family. All the best to you!
Thank you for this very informative video, Erin. I hope you have this problem contained, and I admire your transparency, regarding this issue. Looking forward to more information to come.
My heart goes out to you! Thank you so very much for the heads up! I live in Central California. Very dry here, low humidity, but still very concerned. Lots of boxwoods on my property. Will be looking for nurseries in the future that have this problem in mind. Valuable information you just gave us!
Erin thanks for sharing and helping us all increase our awareness of this fungal disease - sorry it’s happened but keep us posted!
Oh no! So sorry you have to deal with this! Thank you for taking the time to explain what it is and what it looks like. I'll have to do a thorough check on mine....
Ooooooooo Nooooooo Bunny Guinness the great British gardener did a great video on boxwood blight - NEWS: - Didier Hermans came up with a blight resistance box called Better Buxus (Heritage (compact), Babylon Beauty. Skylight is good for topiary, Renaissance (compact, slower growing) ) that she is trialing now and says she'll specify from now on. Bunny and one other garden have the first box from Didier - hes been working on the project for decades. She is planting the new plants in exactly where the diseased plants were previously...
Warmest thoughts
To my knowledge a fully blight-resistant boxwood does not exist although in the states NewGen has cared I think three to four varieties that, like Hermans' varieties, are highly resistant. Since the production cycle for boxwood takes awhile, I would imagine it will be at least a few years before most home gardeners are able to source these varieties. One other commenter said they'd planted some of the NewGens next to blighted boxwood and so far, so good.
@@TheImpatientGardener Yes, after watching your video, I found Saunders in Virginia and bought a couple of New Gen. I'm new to boxwood - but I've come to really appreciate the architecture of the winter garden - which I DON"T have yet! But building. I can't thank you enough for your fun videos - you remind me a lot of my daughter Katy - she's pretty cool too.
Warmest regards Jennie
Wow I m so sorry to hear about the blight. Guess who bought a bunch of boxwoods from a big box store last year? I l’ll be inspecting and looking forward to anymore information that you get. Thanks so much for sharing.
Oh no. But thanks for sharing such important information. I feel your pain after being involved in a project planting Norway spruce trees that ended up with borers. We lost several and are in the process of saving others. It can be discouraging. 😣
I have 2 very large boxwood in my front garden that I thought the deer got to.....now I’m rethinking. You really shared some important information....thank you so much. I’m an organic gardener and feel a responsibility to “ do know harm.” You’re a real asset and I’m so happy I subscribed to ur site!
I'm so sorry Erin. I feel your pain. I'm still dealing with aster yellows so I really know that gut wrenching feeling you get with disease in your yard. I hope you are able to resolve this issue quickly.
So sorry Erin. I have never heard of boxwood blight and now as a gardener I’m terrified but grateful that you have this information and are knowledgeable. We will all learn so much from you as you navigate the process. Your boxwood demise may save ours. So sorry for you though.
I'm so sorry to hear your box have this awful thing.
Also, sorry that you are having to go thru that whole process.
Let's just keep hoping it doesn't turn into such a strong force like it has in Britain.
While I don't have any boxwood, I do enjoy the structure they provide in other gardens. 💚
NYS, Orange Cty: I had a scare last summer. Turned out not to be Blight but that situation scared me big time and taught me to be VERY careful. A friend here in Orange Cty lost a whole garden of boxwoods. Very bad. Thanks for the very informative vid. I hope people take your advice seriously.
Ugh. Huge bummer! OR an opportunity to try out some new shrubs? The silver lining is tough...and you're doing an awesome job. Thanks for helping to raise awareness.
Ugh, so sorry Erin. Super helpful to understand all the information around blight though, thank you for sharing
I’m so sorry this has occurred in your garden. I also really appreciate you turning this into an education opportunity for your watchers.
It's great that you have this platform. Thanks for the information. I am planning to add some boxwoods in my garden; now I will check all the options and details for my state. I hope the rest of your garden is okay!
Wow, I had no idea about this...thank you for the info & so sorry it hit your garden!
I’m in a zone 5 with hot dry summers and cold winters. Thought I was safe but hearing you are in a zone five as well, I need to check my Boxwood! 🌳
I feel terrible, sorry Erin. Very, very informative video. It will help the rest of us to look for warning signs. I need help with controlling boxwood leaf miner.
So sorry to hear about your blight!
I'm using ilex glabra compacta as a boxwood replacement in zone 5b-6a here in Massachusetts.
So sorry, Erin. It looks like MN hasn't had any cases yet. Whew. I suppose being that close to WI, though, I will need to be diligent. I haven't found a list of MN nurseries that are certified yet. I'll have to keep looking, because I had boxwood plans for this year!
Or have we? How many would just chuck their dead or dying boxwood? I have mine sitting on my patio to haul to the yard waste place (I'm in Minneapolis). I dunno. It could have died from blight.
Ugh I’m sorry that your garden has been affected by boxwood blight! We live in Virginia and noticed boxwood blight on most of the many mature boxwoods on our property. We knew attempting to control the spread would be futile (dogs that run through them, lawn service that touches them) and we didn’t want to lose all of the shrubs so we attempted to save them by aggressively spraying them with Topbuxus Boxwood Restore and Protect towards the end of the growing season. The few that were hit hardest are definitely still looking skeletal in spots but we’re seeing a lot of new growth and no sign of active disease right now. I wish we had used that product the second we noticed a problem. I’m hoping that treating them monthly keeps the disease at bay this summer and they’ll be looking better by this time next year.
I’ve been using that starting a month ago so I happy to hear you feel that it’s making a difference for you! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Very helpful. I’ll keep my eyes pealed. Thanks!
Thank you for the information. This is so helpful to every gardener
So sorry to hear this. My boxwoods just die here in Colorado. I'm pulling out 16 this spring that didn't make it this winter. No more boxwoods for me.
I am so sorry. Your video was so informative. When you mentioned that the blight has been identified in thirty states I looked to see if mine was one of them. Unfortunately I discovered that Delaware is on the list. I don't have many boxwoods but I am taking measures to insure that I can prevent it. I am lucky that our University is near me. And they have provided a list of recommendations to follow.
Thank you for the information! I really love that garden .
Hi Erin. I'm so sorry for this to have come to your garden. I work at a nursery in Western MA. I checked on line and it has been found in MA. I'll keep my eye on the boxwoods we sell! Best of luck!
I have many boxwoods and I love them. I have had the various scares about this issue, resulting in purchasing hollies- ilex instead. Your video and pictures have really helped me understand how to identify blight. Your video is so detailed and your experience is very helpful in case I have this issue in the future and what I should do. Thank you for the valuable information.
Oh no! I'm so sorry that ended up happening to you. But thank you for making this video! I'm about 99% sure me one boxwood was taken by this. It had all the signs you showed, but I had no idea what was up with it. It completely died by the end of last summer. There was another boxwood just 4 ft over from it, so I'm really hoping it's only since nothing really brushed on it, and I never pruned them with the same tools (or at all) fingers crossed!!!!
I'm so very sorry for this too happy to you and your beautiful garden. I had to remove a large portion of my own garden that had been infected with tobacco mosaic virus. It was like having a piece of my soul amputated. It still hurts to think about. 😥 I will say a prayer for the rest of your garden.
So sorry to hear this! I was just planning to buy several boxwood plants from Costco to plant a hedge, but I might do Holly instead. Thank you for sharing and educating us.
So sorry this happened in your garden. Thank you for sharing, though. Best of luck with the other boxwoods!
I feel for you. Last year I planted...count 'em...64 boxwoods. Planning to grow a 6-foot hedge. No signs of blight yet, but sometimes I wish I would have just gone with yew. Another option is euonymus. If you follow Martha Stewart's blog you'll know that she has 100s of boxwoods and she did mention in one post her mitigation efforts. I need to dig back thru to find the post. Good luck and keep us posted!
I'm pretty sure I've seen this going on with mine. It's passed midnight, going out to take a closer look.
Already have my cocktail in hand. Thank you Erin.
Freaking out. 😉😎🍷
So sorry Erin, what a bummer. Have you ever checked out the native small leaved inkberry holly, Ilex glabra, or its cultivars as a possible substitute? Thank you for passing along the helpful info.
I did look into this one and unfortunately it is apparently VERY tasty to deer.
Hi DG I just planted two inkberry hollies las fall due to concern over boxwood blight. They came thru the Chicago winter just fine!
Erin if you get stuck down the road- I know every area is different, but FYI the deer and the rabbits leave mine alone here in New England and it’s recommended around here for deer resistance.
I'm sorry you're experiencing this! Thank you for sharing. I bought a few clearance boxwoods last year, that may actually have this. My family told me to just rip them out, but I've been pruning and trying to save. Ugh...Headed out to inspect them now.
I'm really glad I caught this message, thank you! I have been looking into getting some boxwoods so it's great to know to look for some that are more resistant and what to look for as systems. Sorry you have to deal with this though!
Congrats! This vid popped up on my Google feed! I just watched it 4 days ago.... pretty 😎.
I'm in northern Michigan. I was planning on putting in a boxwood hedge this year in my new home but was advised not too as boxwood blight is moving in the area. I'll have to look for that list. I planted a hedge in 2019 at my mom's house. Praying it is ok.
So glad you are sharing this with all of us. I hope you can save them, or at least the ones that were there before. I have had pear blight and a fungus that took out a Japanese maple. It’s no fun.
Great information, boy it sucks could happen to anyone. Try growing Korean Boxwood I believe they are resistant. Love your videos, keep them coming.
Sorry to hear about your boxwoods. Thank you for sharing, I didn’t know about boxwood blight. Going to go inspect my boxwoods now!
Thank you for sharing your experience. Please provide an update as you learn more about applying a fungicide for prevention.
So sorry to hear about this! Stay strong!
Well darn! I stopped preparing our dinner to watch this, poured myself a glass of wine and then went out to check my established boxwoods and the eleven waiting to be planted this week! I have one Chicagoland I purchased last summer. So far, so good, I think, but I am so tempted to pull it out now. I was told at a local garden center that Chicagoland is just another name for Green Velvet, but was probably their effort to tell me that it didn’t matter the label. I will give all my plants a fungicide treatment, however, it sounds like it doesn’t make a damn difference. Makes me sad since I am also trying to fill areas that are part sun part shade with an evergreen choice that is also more deer resistant. Thank you for the informative video. I feel your pain.
Erin thanks for your well educated and comprehensive information on boxwood blight. Also appreciate the most important glass of wine! You’ve got this.
I am so sorry Erin. I have boxwood seedlings. So I am going to keep an eye on it.
I’m so sorry. But you shared great information so we can all keep our eye out for it. Thanks for that!
How disappointing. I very much appreciate your research and the information you are providing for the rest of us. I raise my glass to you and your struggle.
Sorry to hear this news about your boxwoods. Bummer. Thanks so much for all this excellent information. I have lots of boxwoods and had heard of blight but wasn't sure what it looked like so I'm very appreciative of the photos. I'm planning on taking some cuttings soon to propagate more. Does it take a long time?
Frick! We planted that same exact variety in our garden in the front! 😬All good information to share though Erin. Hope you’re able to remedy it whatever that remedy ends up being.
Well, I’m going out to inspect my box woods differently now! Thank you for all this information.
Thank you Erin for the boxwood education given freely!
I feel your pain. Lost a heirloom rose bush from witches broom that I am sure came from Knock out roses that my yard guy brought in during end of season prune. Knock outs around here were so beautiful but now you see very few.
This is an incredibly helpful video. Thank you, Erin. I live in Madison & have noticed a problem with my boxwoods (I love them too & have many!) this year after being trouble free for about 10 years. I think my problem is boxwood mites, but having seen your video I think I'll send a sample to UW extension diagnostics too.
Fingers crossed for you. Best of luck as well.
Erin, I am so sorry to hear about this blight what a bummer. I thank you for all your help and information! I just planted 25 Green beauty boxwoods this spring for the same reason you mentioned, evergreen, shade, and deer proof. I am going to be following you closely to do everything to prevent this.
I know you said to mulch, what do you think about putting down vermiculite?
Good luck and thank you for all your help in the garden.
I’m so sorry to hear this. And the deer pressure really does cut down on your options, dammit. Maybe it’s a opportunity for a complete reimagining! 😬
I am very sorry to hear that Boxwood Blight has come to your garden.
So disheartening. I hope that it gets no further than the bed it's currently in.
I've been watching my Green Mountains for any signs.
Like you, I have not come across a shrub that's a perfect stand-in...
Checked out P.W.'s Gem Box and Strong Box Inkberry Hollies, but I don't think they're going to work - for my situation, at least.
All the best to you - and
thank you for your helpful, interesting, and encouraging videos. 🌿
Wow...sounds terrible...like the covid for boxwoods. I'm sorry you're going through this, but thank you for sharing this information and your experience with this fungus. I didn't know about this. Thank you, Erin.
So sorry to hear about this problem in your garden! On a happier note, what is that double stemmed evergreen shrub behind you on your left by the walkway? It is gorgeous!
Oh no, Erin! On the heels of the Covid pandemic, I can’t believe you might have a boxwood blight epidemic. I am so sorry to hear this news. Thank you for direction to local university/ag extensions/ prevention methods.
Jeannine, I was thinking the same; here we have to ensure that we do not catch Covid and the variants, and for most of us, gardening is our escape , so I am going to keep a careful eye on the small new boxwoods I planted last year! Listening to Erin on even how to dispose of the diseased box woods is so unreal!
Dear Erin, I am so sorry to hear that. Like the lady from the Netherlands commented, here in Germany, (Rhine-Main region), box has pretty much disappeared. There is a double-whammy of blight and a moth (cydalima perspectalis) "Buchsbaumzünsler" - literally 'boxwood sucker" - that's sucker as in bloodsucker! My best wishes for you and your garden.
Sorry to hear about your box blight troubles Erin 😣. What about a substitute with Sarcococca or Ilex crenata. That's what I recommend to my landscape design clients. Good luck with it all. ☺
My condolences. I just bought 3 box plants, so happy to see where Green Mountain fits on the list of susceptible box.
That sucks. I love boxwoods. Haven't found quite anything like them to replace that look.
That really sucks! Thanks for always sharing such educational info. I know I’m not alone hoping for the other Boxwood. Power of positivity,and wine! 🍷
Thank you for the great information! Sorry it is affecting your garden and hopefully you will get guidance on how to rectify it. I’ve heard of boxwood blight but didn’t really know any details. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on mine from now on. I’m in Michigan so not far from you. I’m wondering if preventative treating with an anti fungal will help? Good question for our extension service. 😊
Oh man Erin that really stinks. I'm a few counties to the west and I have a boxwood issue as well, now I know I need to act more quickly and seriously.
My condolences. Thank you for the information. It is important that we gardeners do things responsibly. I like your smart approach. Good luck! PS I need to go clean my tools again. 🌳
Thank you for sharing this important information. Scary to think how this spreads ...😭
Oh, that must be devastating for you, especially to lose the ones you grew from plugs over 7 years. :-( I completed a 4 square formal boxwood garden 2 years ago, using 60 shrubs I grew from cuttings 8 years ago, from a Winter Gem and Wintergreen boxwood. This boxwood garden has been my dream for YEARS. They all look very healthy and are growing into a solid square shaped hedge(around the perimeter of each square) The thought of them succumbing to boxwood blight puts me in a panic! From researching it, I THINK I have resistant varieties. Thank you for this video and sharing your information with us.
😩💔 Ohhhhh nooo please noooooo! This scares me and I feel so bad for you Erin. (Heading outside to look at mine super carefully!)
Yes so sorry Erin :(... I can't wait till morning to checkout my boxwoods.
Wow, that’s too bad. Love box woods, I have three on my property and a very small one baby one that’s going to be a long time before it gets a useable size.
Wishing you the best, dealing with your situation. Thanks for sharing 👍❤️😊