Sogyal Rinpoche in disgrace. Part 3: Tahlia Newland, former Rigpa member

  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2024
  • Tahlia Newland is a writer, editor and artist in Australia. She is the founder of What Now?, a group of former Rigpa students who stay connected through a blog and Facebook group. Here, they share information and insights, and provide care for victims and other people who are involved with the Rigpa situation. Newland was a Rigpa member for twenty years, but resigned after first hearing of the abuse from other Rigpa members. She initiated the What Now? group the evening that the first critical letter was published by eight former Rigpa students.
    The interview is made by Menno Bijleveld. In July 2017, Menno decided to terminate his membership of the Tibetan Buddhist organization Rigpa. It also meant the end of his 25 yearlong relationship with Sogyal Rinpoche, Rigpa’s spiritual leader. Increasing rumours and messages concerning sexual, physical and psychological abuse and his extravagant lifestyle choices have damaged his faith in Sogyal as a spiritual teacher. In his view, a buddhist teacher who preaches love and compassion should also embody these qualities himself.
    Following his own feelings of confusion and anger, as well as the struggle of others, he took up the idea to interview several people who are involved in this difficult situation. How do they perceive the actions of Sogyal Rinpoche? How do they cope with the accusations? And to what extend do Sogyals teachings remain valid?
    With these series Menno wants to re-evaluate his relationship with buddhism and the dharma. The series are produced and published by Bodhitv, a Dutch online platform about buddhism:
    Watch part 1:
    Watch part 2:


  • @meretsteiner3124
    @meretsteiner3124 Рік тому +7

    My beloved sister called me to rescue her from a retreat in France in 1992 ( her being a member of Sogyals Zürich students.)I was a very young kid and travelled by train. He even stood in the way when I escorted her out. On the way back home she told me horrific stories. She never really had some joy after.
    I admire everybodys courage here.
    Best wishes Meret

  • @vajraman2067
    @vajraman2067 5 років тому +21

    I was around when Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was “diddling the dames” back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. His regent who was a westerner Thomas Rich aka Osel Tenzin, a bisexual, ended up giving 11 people AIDS. All of them and thomas rich passed away. There is a passage by Shakyamuni Buddha (the historical founder, for those who don’t know) the starts out “Oh monks, be lamps unto yourselves.... Google the rest. I have never joined another Sangha since. Besides, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, are replete with stories of solitary practitioners who were so, for most if not all of their lives. Seek advice from Masters who you resonate with but ultimately in Buddhism, at some point you have to be your own guru.🙏

    • @openbuddhistforuminternational
      @openbuddhistforuminternational 4 роки тому +2

      Well said . May your Buddha nature flourish ,.,,,,

    • @s.r.howell1297
      @s.r.howell1297 Рік тому

      Bang on, my friend. I resonate with this.

    • @gdansk12349
      @gdansk12349 11 місяців тому

      Well put. Trungpas books really are amazing and truly are transformative. Sad that he alledgedly hurt people.

  • @rossmorebaz
    @rossmorebaz 5 років тому +13

    He who preached the wisdom of Egolessness had the biggest EGO of all ..

  • @dakini2903
    @dakini2903 6 років тому +16

    The buddha himself has said: Examin by yourself anything before accept. If you feel it is not good, just don´t follow.

    • @wiredwithwalsh6282
      @wiredwithwalsh6282 5 років тому +1

      Sorry, you can't pick and chose Buddhism. Buddhism has law and ethics and not just quotes from a man. You can't throw away 2500 years of tradition, especially the Tantric tradition and say, "well, it's up to the student..." or "just be free...". That is not the Buddhist Way. The Buddhist way respects law and order. These teachers must be put before a court of law for their crimes and must be punished or pardoned according to the law. That means some Ripoches and their enablers need to go to jail for a very long time! This is in fact a compassionate point of view. Bring them to justice now so they don't suffer in the Bardo.

  • @tomllewellyn4189
    @tomllewellyn4189 5 років тому +11

    I was a part of Rigpa for a few years around 2004 and went on a retreat once with Sogyal Rinpoche. At some point during the teachings he tried to introduce me to the nature of mind and I remember the process and the Kundalini Spike that resulted. I also remember his presence, energy and in some ways seeming earnestness. I remember I was disappointed when he tried to chat up and invite one of the pretty students to his quarters during one the public teachings, saying that she 'was a special case'. I also had a dream during that retreat where I saw Sogyal Rinpoche and his main student Patrick Gaffney in the Bardo states walking fast surrounded by guardian furies on either side, which seemed to be threatening to consume them. As with many institutions there is a shadow side and in Tibetan Buddhism rather than clinging onto ideas of tantric 'pure perception' or unorthodox 'crazy wisdom' they I feel should get practicing, show some some transparent humility, let of of ideas of spiritual superiority, take cold showers and develop the ethical conscience whereby actions that even a child would know to be unethical are obviously rightly spoken of us being unskillful.

    • @VivekVerma-zh2wk
      @VivekVerma-zh2wk Рік тому

      I'm surprised by ease with which people have kundalini spikes and here I am, years went by, practise and yet just some control I would say.

  • @sebastiank9175
    @sebastiank9175 2 роки тому +4

    I am so fortunate and blessed to have studied under a great teacher who have dedicated his whole life to buddha's teachings and preserving scriptures and publishing books. thank you Namqing Rinpoche and I know you are out in Nirvana always watching over us.

  • @jimbloggs1614
    @jimbloggs1614 6 років тому +11

    This is exactly why my initial interest in Rigpa died in 2014 once I saw the brainwashed idolatry of the majority of Sangha members (and others) who treated this little fat man (who for me had zero charisma) as though he were god. Yes, his teachings are great, I agree, and his book amazing (even though there are comments that most of it was written by others), and in my long quest for spiritual advancement I have, sad to say, met the same unquestioning adoration everywhere, with masters (female too) of many backgrounds and belief systems. Yet I continue to get great value from reading the teachings, and it was encouraging to have a respected and long-time nun at Lerab Ling tell me that if I get more from the 'sacred' books than trying to deal with the distraction of crowds of people in the temple there and the ridiculous rituals devotees slavishly engage in daily in a language they don't understand, then I should continue this way.
    I recently had a close relationship with a Dutch woman, a Rigpa devotee of many years. This relationship ended dramatically when she repeatedly told me that the women reporting SR abuse are not telling the truth! Months previously she had told me in the wake of the news of Harvey Weinstein's predatory, serial abuse of women, that she doubted those abused women's testimonies, suggesting that they were probably exaggerating. How the hell could she claim to know anything about the veracity of women's claims in America? I suddenly realised how her awareness of truth was so distorted, even though at times she would boast to me that her Rigpa involvement had given her greater objectivity and understanding over (she would imply) 'ordinary mortals' like me. Absolutely outrageous! Only now do I realise how this otherwise wonderful woman has become brainwashed, not only by Rigpa but by herself.
    Even the highest Tibetan master, HH the Dalai Lama, has publicy announced Sogyal Rinpoche's behaviour as 'disgraceful'. Would anyone doubt HH's word?
    It was reported by Lerab Ling (and my ex-friend) that SR had left France in order to go into a long retreat in order to consider matters. The little fat man RAN AWAY in order to escape justice. All the better for Lerab Ling I hear, because people who still visit there tell me the place is opening up, becoming more inclusive and getting away slowly from the secretive, 'we are special and superior' attitude that suffuses/suffused the place.
    And, Tsewang Sakya, you are an ignoble, utter moron, and in order to avoid further shaming yourself and your micro-intelligence, best to keep your ridiculous opinion to yourself. And I suggest you start trying to dismantle that heavy brick wall you have built between yourself and reality and truth on its other side...

    • @tedbarret8930
      @tedbarret8930 Рік тому

      You express yourself quite clearly, and I agree to most of what you say, but one thing that makes me wonder about you and throws a shade of doubt on your discourse is that your constant use of the derogatory "FAT MAN" referrring to SR, is nothing but an expression of anger and hatred, the worst conflictive emotions there are. So, a buddhist expert, or practitioner, or academic, as you seem to be, that expresses such emotions so blatantly using belittling nicknames is discrediting all his well-intentioned advice.

  • @davidstrevens9170
    @davidstrevens9170 Рік тому +2

    Westerners were desperate for the enlightenment experience.
    They were unconsciously entering into a contract...
    to receive enlightenment.
    Unfortunately the victim/abuser relationship will flourish under these type of circumstances.
    Buyer beware!
    Like the dharma says...
    desire is becoming.

  • @mollyhickok2047
    @mollyhickok2047 6 років тому +7

    Thank you for these videos. I was not involved with Rigpa but have struggled with the Dynamics of the Teacher Student relationship in the West. These videos offer important insights and learning as well as the important information that many people are investigating this now..we are all seeking to integrate and learning. Thank you.

  • @yamingxie3451
    @yamingxie3451 6 років тому +5

    The scandal may be related to the so-called Highest Yoga,which is tantric sex that is mentioned in Tibetan Buddhism and also mentioned by the Dalai Lama in one of his books.In Taoism, there is "Technique of the Bedroom"("fang zhong shu"in Mandarin),supposedly also a spiritual practice that involves coitus.Do serious Taoist practitioners such as those of the White Cloud Temple of China talk of it in their lectures to laity?I doubt so.Buddhists should ponder over the Highest Yoga,or other"sacred" sexual practices seemingly mentioned even by Tsongkapa,Padmasambhava in their writings,questioning if they can lead to Enlightenment.Did Lord Shakyamuni Buddha teach such things?It seems that even the Dalai Lama talks about "spiritual sex"in his book,seemingly saying that the practice of Highest Yoga is required for Enlightenment.Correct me if I am wrong on this.Besides criticising Sogyal,he ought to clarify the practice of the Highest Yoga,and ascertain to all Buddhists,once and for all,if it is Buddhism. Methinks anything even remotely pro-sexual cannot be Buddhist teaching,whether Theravada or Mahayana,especially so after I have read the Shurangama Sutra.The Shurangama Mantra contained in this Discourse is precisely meant to save Ananda from sexual violation by a prostitute,who employed a celestial incantation to lure Ananda.If one still has sexual desire,one is still in the Realm of Desire,above which is the Realm of Form,above which is the Realm of No-form.A Buddha transcends the Three Realms.How then can He be teaching"spiritual sex"as a practice to attain Enlightenment?Read the Shurangama Sutra carefully,even if others say it is a "low-class"Sutra or a fake Discourse.What is more important is the insights contained therein and whether they can bring one closer to Enlightenment.If someone tells you a certain Discourse is fake,ask him or her to explain,in detail,why it is so.He or she must carefully explain the substance of the discourse.Likewise the Dalai Lama should expound the Highest Yoga of Tibetan Buddhism

    • @noemie2797
      @noemie2797 3 роки тому

      for your informaion it is actually guru diksha means paying tribute to one's guru . in a way people confuse or guru confuse them. tibetan picked up some many hindu dogmas so these kind of thing is very tantric .

    • @papasmurf159
      @papasmurf159 4 місяці тому

      These masters must surely be aware of the karmic consequences of this action, or does it negate karmic results.

  • @agnostinosatomon7023
    @agnostinosatomon7023 5 років тому +4

    Thank you Thalia for your words.
    I had my special share with Rigpa and mindtwisting explanations towards myself and others, who had witnessed his behaviour towards others in public, by using "good" reasons on why Sogyals behaviour was an act of an enlightened teacher and acted so rude in this way so many times, in order to make the mind more workable in freeing oneself from the deluded dictatorship of the ego and blablabla. The influence i had from the SOTO ZEN school beforehand, even supported my mind in finding creative analogies, which were also to be found in old Zen and Vajrayanastories about disciple teacher relationships and the unorthodoxy in their behaviour.
    I think my ways of explaining away his rude behaviours in my own words between 1993 and 2004 to calm down and protect my dharma driven idealism towards myself and those people, who became upset, witnessing his behaviour in public, made me feel ashame, when i realized, that these are not acts of "crazy wisdom" and my impression was, that his form of leadership and our ways of following that, made the Sangha more neurotic than awake. I was in my early thirties back then, when i became more and more aware of that, without explaining it away using "skillful means".
    After an initiation series the last Trulshik Rinpoche had given in Lerab Ling, i relied even stronger on my old Dhamma studies in Pali, which had been my root foundations, before i practised Zazen and had later met SR and became really grateful for this foundation, because i realised i probably would have condemned Vajrayana as being nothing more than a feudalistic buddhist personality cult and would've spoken in that manner to others, as i have heard others having done so, after similar experiences of their own with him and other "Rinpoches".
    So the "old Dharma" and Trulshik Rinpoches empowerments merged into something, that didn't need an individual root Guru with flesh and bones any more and i simply didn't attend Rigpa seminars anymore.
    Communication and interchange with good friends and their dharmic experiences had become so much more important, than all prostrating and receiving of blessings, tans or other hierarchical cultural, sometimes cute, ritualistic himalayan stuff.
    After long term Retreats under the guidance of other Dzogchenteachers and just on my own, i have since then left behind all the formalistic ways like fancy golden things and paintings, cherishing and playing with old bones, chanting tibetan for many hours and using exotic bells and drums, except for reasons of socialising with people from the Himalayas.
    I still appreciate the basic teachings i received by SR in the 90's, whom i still call my basic teacher in Vajrayana primaryschool with a hint of Dzogchen. He has his beautiful qualities, despite all neurotical baggage he might carry around. In this manner i don't claim to be any better, but i don't claim any teacherstatus in the first place.
    I had heard about sexual abuse in the 90's a few times by SR and had embraced two women who told me their stories about their traumatic experiences with Sogyal Rinpoche in the late 90's, just being there in empathy, but i couldn't accept this as an abuse by SR and told myself things like: I am no immediate witness, he is no monk and she is no child anymore, although her experiences with him weren't good for her obviously...what a shame remembering my thoughts on that issue back then.
    As far as i can see from here now, the Rigpa community has a special opportunity to provide a rolemodel for a change of the "tibetan" form of Buddhadharma being established in the West, which keeps the preciousness of the transformative elements for our minds, which are provided in Vajrayana and Dzogchen, but without the feudalistic mindset of ancient Tibet with all it's hidden arrogance and personality cult features.
    I think Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is probably one of the best choices Rigpa has in order to do so. I hope he will take care.
    If tibetan buddhism will fail this transformation, it will most probably become an exotic ethnic cultural idosyncrasy with it's peculiarities, which will have no more significance, whatsoever, except for a few himalayan people, who remain stubborn in their cultural conservativism.

    • @tsetop5606
      @tsetop5606 5 років тому

      As a Tibetan I observed something very fishy about these foreign not so hopeful followers of rinpoche. Why in the first place you guys follow him if he is not the teacher from whom u guys suffered because of his behaviors. I am sure one thing hundred percent that when a nassistic and stupid student behaves in certain ways that reflects from your accusations

    • @tsetop5606
      @tsetop5606 5 років тому

      Obviously rinpoche will teach them in a frustrated manner s

    • @tsetop5606
      @tsetop5606 5 років тому

      And that made these idiot felt abuse d

    • @tsetop5606
      @tsetop5606 5 років тому

      To be honest you guys are not qualified as student of Buddhist teacher s

    • @tsetop5606
      @tsetop5606 5 років тому

      Hahaha lol you guys are talking about vajaraya na please stop that do something u can do

  • @elfi9409
    @elfi9409 6 років тому +3

    Hi Tahlia, I remember you from retreat. Yes "What now"? I just found your vid, thankyou. I have not been able to watch SR teachings since the letter and I also left Rigpa, sadly. I still have his photo up with the other Masters, but he has had to take a back seat, he is in disgrace. The entire sordid saga has crashed my practise, and I have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. What a dilemma, because I love the Tibetan Buddhist teachings, they have helped me immensely when nothing else could. No amount of counselling or pharmacological treatment would have fixed my PTSD & depression/anxiety before I found SR. I've looked to see which Teacher I can learn from next but haven't identified one. Probably Mingyur Rinpoche on this earthly plane. But I have gone down an interesting path that has brought me full circle and greatly expanded my thinking and understanding beyond but parallel/encompassing the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Erika x

    • @agnostinosatomon7023
      @agnostinosatomon7023 5 років тому +2

      Hi Elfi,
      although you adressed your comment towards Tahlia, may you allow me to write a few things about what you wrote in your comment.
      If you have crashed your practise because of what happened with Sogyal involved, then there is certainly nothing wrong with Padmasambhava seen as the Archtype of every enlightened teacher of the past present and future using the beautiful Picture of the Padmasambhava statue in Samye (looks like me), that Rigpa uses so often, when doing Guruyoga and Guru Rinpoche Mantras for example. If you are familiar with Ngondro, you can use the Longchen Nyingtik or Dudjom Tersar by visualising the Root Guru of Sogyal Rinpoche, Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche or Padmasambhava himself.
      If you are familiar with just sitting or Tonglen, then there is no reason to necessariliy connect this with any organisation or living person specifically...that's the beauty of Vajrayana...use the provided practice creatively as skillful means in the way it provides you according to your needs. It is there to support you, until you have become a fulltime support for others, according to Bodhichitta.
      It's not a duty and no should's and have to's involved there.
      It may help to have a coffee or teatime with scones together with a friend who knows how to sit quiet in stillness and then practise together, either everybody with his or her own practice, or if you have a common practice, that's even better.
      I attend Quaker worships on a regular basis for example, sitting one hour in stillness, with no Priests, Liturgies and prayers of any kind, together with my old mother, who has no connection with the Buddhadharma, once a week and i have plenty of time to practise my Dharmapractices quietly, meeting wonderful and interesting people in stillness during the worships and with communication afterwards.
      Many years ago i had a lot of stuff on my shrine, Statues, Thangkas, especially all those fancy dharmamaster pinups of the whole lineage. Now i just have Padmsambhva, light, the heart sutra and a little plant, a little bell, water, incense and a little candy or fruit on it and visualize the whole Mandala, when needed.
      You don't need to be fixated onto one teacher only in order to go on following the teachings, quite the opposite. Go to as many teachers as you like, with an open heart and mind and you may most probably will find out how many facettes the Buddhadharma has and is able to provide you in mutliple ways according to your needs. If you want to remain in the Rime Tradition, then Mingyur Rinpoche is a very good person, as is Dzongsar Kyentse Rinpoche, Dzigar kongtrul Rinpoche, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Gangten Tulku Rinpoche, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche and many others.
      A good and capable Teacher will not make you dependent on his or her Organisation, nor will he or she be envious by attending other teachers and their teachings. A good teacher is like a caring good friend, although a little busy, who is interconnected with other teachers and will always ask him or herself, how to improve the ways to support people in order to overcome themselves and their entanglements with their biography.
      Sorry for me disturbing you with my advice and hoping, that my comment is not too overbearing and i wish you all the best with inspiration and contentment.

    • @elfi9409
      @elfi9409 5 років тому +1

      Lovely advice, thankyou for your thoughts! Your perspective is appreciated.

    • @janwag6856
      @janwag6856 5 років тому

      agnostinos atomon
      Ah my dear friends, sadly these stories are not new. 40 years ago I was blessed with many initiations and precious teachings, many of which I could only receive as a life time blessing.
      One must leave behind abusive situations. This kind of religious abuse has no place in enlightened life. Call it out. Do not be afraid to speak truth to these behaviors. Yes call out cult behaviors because it’s ripe for abuse at the expense of your own enlightenment path.
      Indeed Guru
      Padmasambavha practice has sustained me, basically alone, in my practice. I keep wanting to reach out to sangha, but wish to avoid ‘guru control’. These teachings are so precious and needed during these times I am grateful for them. My simple practice is to generate bodicitta, attempt to sit in Rigpa, dedicate the merit and practice loving kindness. The sangha is valuable, and a timely, precious teacher is needed for initiation, guidance and insight, but one can survive and continue to practice because to my mind, walking the path is the goal and I am blessed along the way.
      Thanks for your helpful comments to reinforce what has turned out to be decades of on and off practice using the gift of initiation, holding the teachings with regard for these many years.
      Don’t let the dark side of human nature come between you and your opportunity for an enlightened, meditative, life with or without sangha support. However, maybe there’s sangha support through the internet; who’d a thunk all these years later. Thanks... so blessed

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому +4

    Unknown number of people in a state of naive delusion.

  • @lebotonton
    @lebotonton 5 років тому +2

    In South Australia I attended Sogyal Rinpoché public meeting there were many people, I went with my wife I had his book, in Adelaide there was a rigpa centre I went my wife didn't want she wasn't impressed, by Sogyal Rinpoché, in the centre there only photos of Sogyal, and we watched a video of Sogyal, I felt it was guru like business, used to Sakya school I wasn't at ease, in year 200 I was in Sikkim I saw Sogyal house I concluded he had a good business, I was staying with a kempo Nyingmapa who didn't think much of him. It is very important not to rush when choosing a teacher.

  • @lucetteryder7171
    @lucetteryder7171 5 років тому +1

    thank you beautiful tahlia

  • @anipema6963
    @anipema6963 2 місяці тому

    I went to his teachings and retreats in Sydney in the early days. I was finally put off by his belittling his students. I was also told by a friend that he had a group of women staying near his rooms. He was not a teacher I wanted to spend time with. t

  • @indyd9322
    @indyd9322 5 років тому +2

    "Vajrayana is a religion that can very very easily become a cult." This is spot on.

    • @vinnysing1324
      @vinnysing1324 7 місяців тому

      No. This is Human's fault. Vajrayana is NOT suitable for every practitioner. If you don't have any idea towards vajrayana, spend time on preliminary practice . Vajrayana is higher level of practice, if the Guru is NOT true , your mind also can be corrupted by him.

  • @andrewcorbett5729
    @andrewcorbett5729 3 роки тому +2

    I went to a Rigpa London meeting.
    I just picked up on his totally Sleezy vibe. Didn't like him at all.
    This was before I heard all the allegations. It was confirmation for me. I knew he was a fraud and a sleezebag

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому


  • @crismitra
    @crismitra 5 років тому +1

    I was a Rigpa student for 4 years, going to retreats, following the practice and the teachings every week. Although it has help me a lot, I always saw Rinpoché behaviour out of compassion. I never saw him as an enlightnent person or a crazy wisdom teacher, only as a good comunicator. I saw many verbal abuses to students during that years. Now I feel very sad about what happened... I think Rinpoché made a huge mistake. I don´t know how Rigpa is still surviving...

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому +1

    Voicing out the wrong of any educational practice is justifiable.

  • @jeffreycabanellas8113
    @jeffreycabanellas8113 2 роки тому +1

    Get a class action suit against the wanker!

  • @glenncambray626
    @glenncambray626 Рік тому +1

    Send out the "Lamaalarm".Sounds like the name of a Tibetan Grunge group.

  • @miriamodonovan7895
    @miriamodonovan7895 5 років тому

    The music here is intensely irritating - unable to hear what is being said!

  • @rileydoe2629
    @rileydoe2629 5 років тому +1

    Sex predators are increasing.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому +1


  • @MBS-oo2yv
    @MBS-oo2yv 2 роки тому +1

    Those "victims" kept coming back for more, isn't that so? Nobody fought back or called the police. So, it seems to me that kind of relationship was consentual.

    • @James-pp9xm
      @James-pp9xm Рік тому +1

      It's called Stockholm syndrome.

    • @meretsteiner3124
      @meretsteiner3124 Рік тому

      Exactly, Stockholm Syndrom
      @mbs-002yv and, by all sympathy, what you did is called victim blaming.

  • @rageagainstignorance
    @rageagainstignorance 4 роки тому +1

    I feel sorry for all your rigpa students disappointed openess. He was a great teacher and a bad example. May you all find stainless exampless to link your devotion to. And may you all be grown up enough to understand what it has to do with you. Then this like everything is depented arising. Without hope without fear.

  • @kwixotic
    @kwixotic 5 років тому +4

    I certainly was deeply affected when attending a ten day retreat with Sogyal nearly 25 years ago in Santa Cruz. I arrived rather 'unhinged' because of getting lost finding it and discovering it cost more than the deposit I'd sent. But in a few days, my sense of self had vanished because I had merged so thoroughly with the environment and specifically Sogyal himself. I was overwhelmed by his laughter and the teachngs as they appeared in his new book. But as much of a rascal as he is, we can't forget the unforgettable comment, "don't judge the message by the messenger."

  • @marymoore253
    @marymoore253 2 роки тому

    Sogyal Rinpoche didn't want anyone to become attached to his body. Mary Moore, Irish.

  • @mays.aphantree2965
    @mays.aphantree2965 5 років тому +2

    He is a real devil...I can confirm 🤚

    • @rileydoe2629
      @rileydoe2629 5 років тому

      May S.Aphantree I second that.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому +1


  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому


  • @flieswithbats7034
    @flieswithbats7034 5 років тому +1

    How can you suffer lower realms if you cant suffer lama?

    • @johnmiller7453
      @johnmiller7453 5 років тому +1

      How can you be a human when you're really a sheep?

  • @ericnix3024
    @ericnix3024 3 роки тому +1

    This is why wisdom is needed to have discernment. Basic knowledge of Sutras before Vajrayana practice. Although the Tantras are in the Sutras. This blind faith is not Buddhist. This guy thinks he's Marpa.

  • @peterbarker8249
    @peterbarker8249 2 роки тому

    ...watched the video, presentation,...
    purpose,? project a predetermined image...
    ..images chosen ,
    .vocals edited.. leased.
    ..(well, whose paying )for it,

  • @nubedelluvia1884
    @nubedelluvia1884 5 місяців тому

    really don't understand what happened. When one of the interviewees, who witnessed a physical assault and was also assaulted by his teacher, says he is concerned and happy that he did not respond to the assault with an aggressive response from his teacher.... are we crazy! That teacher should have received a couple of good punches on the spot...that is the appropriate response to the situation.... but I come from Zen and I don't understand this blind devotion. And I don't need to feel that I am on the path of truth at all times. Nor do I believe that supreme realms exist when I have a human being in front of me. .....
    I don't think it is right that these disciples have been so cowardly in that lecture of the master when he vilified one of his companions...what spirituality is this that makes you blind to the blatant injustice of the master....
    I do understand, lack of courage and integrity with oneself and one's environment.

  • @wiredwithwalsh6282
    @wiredwithwalsh6282 5 років тому +2

    Thanks for sharing this! Why isn’t anyone speaking out against Pema Chodron! I’m going to throw my Rigpa books away now!

    • @wiredwithwalsh6282
      @wiredwithwalsh6282 5 років тому +1

      @enigma I'm very sick of her! I used to love her, but here's the deal -- she's been covering up sexual abuse at Shambala for decades. It recently came out that a woman made her aware of the abuse and she became nasty with the woman (or at least that's what was indicated) and she covered up the abuse. When she was exposed for the liar that she is Pema did not give a heart felt apology. No, all she did was circumvent the whole incident in very vague language that eschewed all personal responsibility and brought it vaguely back to the Non-Dual nature of reality. She is a coward!
      Pema is a typical religious professional who is skirting the issue of real sexual abuse and protecting her position of power and she should follow all of the advice she's given and put down her robes or give a real apology. I'm not being unreasonable here. She served as the principal teacher for three male teachers who sexually abused men and woman and least we forget, the last Vajra Regent killed at least on man by HIV infection. Where was Pema's compassion then? Where is her compassion now?

    • @wiredwithwalsh6282
      @wiredwithwalsh6282 5 років тому +1

      @enigma Unfortunately it is true. I was on board to accept her apology before reading it as I really really liked Pema Chodron and just assumed that she took personal responsibility for a past wrong. It was the apology itself that deeply disturbed me because she shirks real personal responsibility. Where is the, "I was wrong" in her apology? She is an articulate native speaker of English. She doesn't get to pick and choose when to be articulate and when to be vague. That is manipulative and dishonest.
      Pema basically said, "there were issues with the Vajra Regent". The issue was that he infected at least one person with HIV and killed them as a result, so she didn't even acknowledge that he was a murderer.
      Enigma, I appreciate this dialogue, and may I just add one thing -- in Tantra it is ALL about the teacher. In the Tantric tradition you cannot separate the teacher from the teachings. You can only get the Tantric teachings from your teacher and they are your "Bhai" -- your brother/sister or friend.
      If you love the Buddha's teachings then stick to reading scriptures and practicing. If you want Tantra then you can't escape the teacher as the primary vehicle for the transmission of Dharma. Perhaps the who Tantric system needs to be reconsidered for the contemporary world.
      Read the article below for a reference:

    • @rileydoe2629
      @rileydoe2629 5 років тому

      I agree with you. Unfortunately and very sadly, people would do anything just to protect their power and status. Just leave her alone if we can’t defeat her.

    • @wiredwithwalsh6282
      @wiredwithwalsh6282 5 років тому +1

      @@rileydoe2629 Then the Dharma is dead and Devadatta has won!

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 5 років тому

    Nobody is perfect when there is still a self.

  • @vyvysitJezise
    @vyvysitJezise 8 місяців тому

    I am so happy i follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Not these fake, carnal teachers filled with demons but God Himself manifested in the flesh. Jesus is the visible image of an invisible God - the Creator of the Universe. The Lord Jesus showed His uncompromising love towards us by dying for us on the cross. Although i deserved hell He gave me heaven. He paid it all i only humbly recieved. He set me free!
    Bible, Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

  • @NancyRose11
    @NancyRose11 5 років тому +1

    So the cult-like acceptance of SR's behaviors that made this abuse go on for years and years? Please realize that crazy-wisdom master CTR always asked for student's permission, and for the permission of the sutdent's husband/boyfriend, before any affair. And if the student said no, then, there was no question, nothing happened! He never ever abused like what is described here.

  • @quxantipe
    @quxantipe 6 років тому +1

    That "crazy wisdom" concept/idea; sounds very odd and incorrect to me.

    • @flieswithbats7034
      @flieswithbats7034 5 років тому

      thats because crazy isdom doesnt exist. That is crazy wisdom it cannot be grasped.

  • @stevenkok1926
    @stevenkok1926 4 роки тому


  • @wisdominspiredlife
    @wisdominspiredlife 2 роки тому

    This does not define his life of inspiring and educating others. While people were hurt here, us mere mortals cannot fully understand the karmic elements that played out here as part of God's plan.

  • @silvertenzin
    @silvertenzin 6 років тому

    That's what you get for worshipping humans instead of resting your FAITH in Jesus Christ. All global charlatan who propose self righteousness is a clear deception. No one so righteous according to the holy bible. That's WHY Jesus died to pay for our sins. Anyone who claims holiness is a deceiving spirit operating in that body. Be very careful....& I used to be a Buddhist myself. Jesus is the only way whether you like or not. Truth is declared....not debated!!!!!

    • @rossmorebaz
      @rossmorebaz 5 років тому +1

      dont you know that Jesus is as fictitious as Santa Claus !

    • @kwixotic
      @kwixotic 5 років тому

      I can accept "Christ Consciousness" but institutionalized religion has completely corrupted Christ's messages big time and is such a joke for it. This of course applies to the Fundamentalist Evangelists in our time.

    • @DPPremier
      @DPPremier 5 років тому

      Jeeez what nonsense.

    • @kwixotic
      @kwixotic 5 років тому

      @@DPPremier In reference to what? What "Awakened Sky" said or what I said?

    • @spinalcrackerbox
      @spinalcrackerbox 5 років тому +2

      Awakened sky, your post is a great example for what kind of a person is attracted to bible quoting "hardcore Christianity" (as opposed to the more tolerant less angry followers). ... Full disclosure: I grew up in a Christian family and am the only Buddhist in it. I have never had any contact with Rigpa/Sogyal Rinpoche but took refuge with a diff. teacher & lineage over 25 years ago. There is no doubt that this is my personal path in this life - as I predicted to my mother one day out of the blue as a young teenager, with absolutely no role model to put that seed into my head. I would certainly never state that Buddhism is for everyone and as far as Vajrayana is concerned, it's most definitely not for most people. Religious/spiritual beliefs are a very private matter and wise are the ones who can see & respect this.