Anyone else have the issue once starting the quest, Golri is inside the next room ( to wear Slaymusiq is 02:29 )with locked door and no way to communicate?
Search the odd coloured double stacked crate in the Eastern room to find the key opening that gate. If you handed over that key during the waterfall quest, he should have lured the hobgoblin in the other room.
You sir will forever be recognized as a legend in the RuneScape community. I’ve been watching your guides since I was a kid and want to thank you for all the effort into making these videos.
I use Quest Guide on Runelite but i also have Slayermusiq on the side too for extra bits and 100% thats how to do quests, some parts the guide is annoying for, so thats where this king steps in. Pillar of the community and quite frankly one of the most important content creators for this game. The work you've done has served many thousands of people, saved thousands of hours in people's time and to me, that puts Slayermusiq above all other OSRS content creators. The work this man does is truly invaluable to the community.
i completed the quest on day one, for the first time i've ever done that with a new quest, but i came here and watched your whole video anyways. good luck on all those sceptre drops! i got mine at 100 kc on terrorbirds.
Are you freaking kidding me!!! My gf and I love you bro! Long day of work, kids in bed... exhausted... get on our game we love to play together and find out a new quest dropped... now we can use cape so we get bumbed out and I'm like.. let me see if SlayerMusiq has hit it yet, if not totally ok..and Boom!!!! its been 11 mins its almost like you did it for the people who work long days and not just straight sweaties. Thank you!!!
What a legend. Currently playing Ironman for the first time so won’t be getting over to this quest for some time but just leaving a like and comment for the support! Hope you are enjoying the new place buddy! Cheers
Post quest guide critiques: You don’t need armor or food at the start, you pass a bank post puzzle. Bring a seed pod for after the puzzle Great guide as always
Slayermusic I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for keeping up with all this hard work. Thank you for your "Hi".... thank you for helping me make these memories with osrs that more meaningful. Thank you
I was on auto pilot and brought an entire inventory of raw monkfish for food for the end bossfight, fortunately i was able to just tank em by flicking my prayer without having to eat anything but it got close! Thanks for the guide! Made the quest too easy!
Hey how is it going guys. Its ya boy slayemusiq l1 here coming at with another quest guide. Make sure you smash that like button blast that is a requirement for this quest
First time it took me ages in the other quest. Didn’t understand shit that runelite was telling me. Then I hear you explain it cos I forgot. And I had all the items I needed straight away 😂
@@Cowboybegoth totally get where you’re coming from haha. I code throughout the day so I come across many “puzzles” when dealing with technical problems. When I get off work I just want to play the game not solve it lol But yes, it’s not as bad as you suggest
During the puzzle part when you operate the machine for the pieces - it seems by design that you are required to break one of the shapes down to get your lower numbered puzzle pieces. I tried to pick up about 30-40 tokens from the chest and the smaller ones don't appear. Also, when using the machine to break it down, you can click the arrows to alternate to different shapes it will break down to.
Heads up, if you have dropped items during the puzzle to make room, you will lose it once the cut scene starts after successfully completing the puzzle.
PLEASE HELP ME I ACCIDENTALLY MESSED UP THE MONOLITH ☹️☹️🙏🏼and when I right click on the MONOLITH it DOES SAY 'reset' but I can't even make it to the chest. 😢😢☹️☹️☹️
Anyone else have the issue once starting the quest, Golri is inside the next room ( to wear Slaymusiq is 02:29 )with locked door and no way to communicate?
Search the odd coloured double stacked crate in the Eastern room to find the key opening that gate.
If you handed over that key during the waterfall quest, he should have lured the hobgoblin in the other room.
Your a legend man, Shout out to you
@@IInfamouss Slayer is a legend but i alwasy have wiki open when doing quest to tells you 99%of stuff you need to know
@@slayermusiq1 thnxx
You sir will forever be recognized as a legend in the RuneScape community. I’ve been watching your guides since I was a kid and want to thank you for all the effort into making these videos.
Honestly I don’t know how jagex hasn’t given him an insert into the game.
I use Quest Guide on Runelite but i also have Slayermusiq on the side too for extra bits and 100% thats how to do quests, some parts the guide is annoying for, so thats where this king steps in.
Pillar of the community and quite frankly one of the most important content creators for this game.
The work you've done has served many thousands of people, saved thousands of hours in people's time and to me, that puts Slayermusiq above all other OSRS content creators.
The work this man does is truly invaluable to the community.
Thank you so much! I've used your guides for years. Keep up the great work
And that my first ever Quest Cape, thanks for all your guides. You are unquestionably an Asset to the RS community, hero!
The "HI! And welcome to my guide!" at the beginning of every video always makes me smile.
i completed the quest on day one, for the first time i've ever done that with a new quest, but i came here and watched your whole video anyways. good luck on all those sceptre drops! i got mine at 100 kc on terrorbirds.
Are you freaking kidding me!!! My gf and I love you bro! Long day of work, kids in bed... exhausted... get on our game we love to play together and find out a new quest dropped... now we can use cape so we get bumbed out and I'm like.. let me see if SlayerMusiq has hit it yet, if not totally ok..and Boom!!!! its been 11 mins its almost like you did it for the people who work long days and not just straight sweaties. Thank you!!!
You’re the GOAT bro. A true OG of RuneScape. Thank you.
To the resue as always. I salute you for all the help over the years❤
What a legend. Currently playing Ironman for the first time so won’t be getting over to this quest for some time but just leaving a like and comment for the support! Hope you are enjoying the new place buddy! Cheers
Thank you for these guides! I will never use a quest helper plugin as long as these guides are around!
Post quest guide critiques:
You don’t need armor or food at the start, you pass a bank post puzzle.
Bring a seed pod for after the puzzle
Great guide as always
Slayermusic I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for keeping up with all this hard work. Thank you for your "Hi".... thank you for helping me make these memories with osrs that more meaningful. Thank you
Just coming to see this video for the words: "Hi, and welcome to my guide!"
Musiq you are awesome
I was on auto pilot and brought an entire inventory of raw monkfish for food for the end bossfight, fortunately i was able to just tank em by flicking my prayer without having to eat anything but it got close! Thanks for the guide! Made the quest too easy!
Honestly, was a pleasure using your guides again. Thank you, legend, for this clutch upload. I can finally teleport to Falo the bard again
for the three birds you can wear earmuffs/slayer helm to reduce their ranged attack and just pray melee
Always straight to the point, never any drawn out intros that have no relevance. Much Love
Hey how is it going guys. Its ya boy slayemusiq l1 here coming at with another quest guide. Make sure you smash that like button blast that is a requirement for this quest
I just want you to know how grateful I am for your channel. You've helped sooo Manu of us through our runescape experience ❤❤❤
Thank you, king.
Even though I use Quest Helper plugin, I still watch along with every Slayermusiq1 guide when I do the quest.
Couldn’t do it without you man 💪🏼 love your work
Thanks for the guide as always, brother!
Great guide! I've used them a lot. Hope you're doing well since the loss of your dog. My prayers are with u.
My man is out here doing gods work ty so much
Ty for all the quest guides, started to play 3 weeks ago, almost to quest cape ty to you
I tried your guide, but another did it better. Thanks for trying.
Thank you for all the quest guide's love them all, and Thanks bye :)
3:50 whenever I search the chest it only gives me the book? No matter what I do i have no option to picklock this chest, only search
same here, how'd you get past this?
One mankind needed him most, he returned
First time it took me ages in the other quest. Didn’t understand shit that runelite was telling me. Then I hear you explain it cos I forgot. And I had all the items I needed straight away 😂
Thanks your helped the whole journey bout to get the cape your awesome legend
Thank you for that last part, the wiki is super vague and I couldn't figure it out
Thank you ♥️ we appreciate you more than you believe
Thanks for the quick upload king!
Just a heads up, if you get the missing gnome his order he gives you a mint cake which is worth alotta cash rn
So hyped to do this quest with slayermusiq and not the stinky quest helper ❤
Thanks big dogg, hope your enjoying the new poh !
we were blessed with two "k thx bai's" in one video
I’ve been waiting to do this quest until I watched your guide
thanks again for your huge help mate, love your vids
You can actually use the bone crossbow for mithril grapple. Itäs only the "Love Crossbow" that can't.
13:30 either im doing something wrong or this tree is bugged out. There is no grapple option and i have 3 types of crossbows and mith grapple equipped
Turns out i spoke to gianne sr instead of gianne jr
That's a price nice chunk of exp for a 20 min quest, that's cool
BE CAREFUL: If you drop stuff before operating the machine, its a new instance and you lose your stuff on the floor
@@famowx f
ur fault for dropping it lmao@@famowx
@@famowx get gud idiot
My god the Machine Operator thing has got to be the dumbest mechanic in a video game
Bro cant do basic math 😂
@@Cowboybegoth totally get where you’re coming from haha.
I code throughout the day so I come across many “puzzles” when dealing with technical problems. When I get off work I just want to play the game not solve it lol
But yes, it’s not as bad as you suggest
Points to the puzzle from mournings end 2
Amen its stupid af
During the puzzle part when you operate the machine for the pieces - it seems by design that you are required to break one of the shapes down to get your lower numbered puzzle pieces. I tried to pick up about 30-40 tokens from the chest and the smaller ones don't appear. Also, when using the machine to break it down, you can click the arrows to alternate to different shapes it will break down to.
Best osrs guides ever made
Heads up, if you have dropped items during the puzzle to make room, you will lose it once the cut scene starts after successfully completing the puzzle.
Slayer, you really are the best.
at the beginning of quest. search the eastern room, odd colored crate for key to enter room.
a bone crosbow can shoot a graple btw :)
Brilliant as always!
Thanks for the guide brother
Did this mans just use the ectophial to get to a fairy ring? I love it
I have not played on this account since ironman mode came out in 2014. I'm going to be using this account to remake all achievement diary guides
@@slayermusiq1 that's dope! I wouldn't have QPC without you, thank you for doing guthix's will
PLEASE HELP ME I ACCIDENTALLY MESSED UP THE MONOLITH ☹️☹️🙏🏼and when I right click on the MONOLITH it DOES SAY 'reset' but I can't even make it to the chest. 😢😢☹️☹️☹️
the official osrs quest guide
Great Guide as always
Lets gooo! Thank you for your service sir!
Even with quest helper, I have to put your guide because it just feels wrong without your guiding voice 😭
for once in my life i did a quest befofore you made a guide.....that will NEVER happen again im sure
A bone crossbow can shoot a mith grapple. For any irons that don't have a rune cbow
Thanks again you absolute Chad
Are you working for Telenet? I saw you yesterday i guess , i think i saw you yesterday in Grobbendonk. Big fan dude!
slayermusiq is the realest nigga i know
Hello the king, there is what to do as you put it?
would have saved a tiny bit of time if you mentioned to bring Seed pod as well. But just very minor thing, great guide!
You are HIM! Thank you so much
@1:10 you said the wrong fairy ring code, it should be BKP, not BKQ btw CIQ is closer to the Quest start
You are amazing slayer!
yay this quest isn't another lord of the rings trilogy long quest (I just finished dt2).
ok so my 1st too discs have a value of 45 how am i meant to use 1 disc to equal 46
Quest guide 👑
King 👑❤️
Thank you!
damn came out less than half an hour ago, just in time
Was just about to play some league of legends when i got the notification thank you sir
thx m8 much love
I did this quest with the bone xbow
Ooooooh this is why I couldn’t use my quest cape teli😂
God this is impossible without runelite
Thanks brother
everything iv done was bcus of u lol
did the quest already but watched anyway
Ty again sir
You are the goat
02:05 Squeeze through the lrollou
Thank you! 10/10
Thank you
if you ever feel useless, remember this guy exists at 2023 when quest helper is.
jk we all love the legend
You're a boss thank you
Where is OLAAT?
Thx king
Duh bestttttttttttttttttt ❤
thanks bro. so easy