How Puffins Have Divided This Canadian Town

  • Опубліковано 20 сер 2019
  • Off the coast of the picturesque town of Witless Bay in Newfoundland sits a four-island ecological reserve home to over 600,000 pairs of puffins. The locals love these seabirds-so much so that they run a Puffin Patrol to protect lost chicks who get stranded on shore. However, not everyone in town agrees on how to keep the puffins safe. The disagreement has spurred on a community-wide conflict that has pit neighbor against neighbor-with the puffins at the center of it all.
    #Puffin #Nature #Animals
    This story is a part of our Planet Earth series. From mammals to insects and birds to reptiles, we share this great big world with all manner of creatures, large and small. Come with us to faraway places as we explore our great big planet and meet some of its wildest inhabitants.
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  • @rea8585
    @rea8585 4 роки тому +277

    The existence of a "Puffin Patrol" is a good enough reason to live

  • @taylor3950
    @taylor3950 4 роки тому +281

    Of course one house won't hurt the birds, but she knows that's not what it's about. Once there is one house built, the town can't prevent others from being built too.
    I wonder if she would sell the land back to the town.

    • @hanniffydinn6019
      @hanniffydinn6019 4 роки тому +50

      This is really the same problem everywhere. Rich people come In take the best spots. It pisses the locals off. Gentrification is a big deal to locals, driving prices up and forcing locals out. It’s all about rich vs poor in the end. The poor always lose. Nobody cares about the fucking puffins. Canada is a giant place.

    • @Hypergen-
      @Hypergen- 4 роки тому +16

      Here in Western Washington State we’re having that problem. A bunch of fucking rich California transplants are moving here, hiking the prices of housing, having developers ruin our natural spaces to build disgusting cramped condos, and having the nerve to complain about the weather here. Once one comes, they’ll all come.

    • @meriginiabel1481
      @meriginiabel1481 4 роки тому


    • @robschumann9665
      @robschumann9665 4 роки тому +2

      That is exactly what I was thinking when looking at that picture of the bay. Couldn’t the town find another piece of land that isn’t exactly across from the preserve somewhere on that huge coast they could trade for the land in dispute? Seems like a bunch of people in a small town with nothing better to do who won’t compromise an inch.

    • @hanniffydinn6019
      @hanniffydinn6019 4 роки тому

      Mookie idiot it’s gentrification, that’s Crystal clear.

  • @kiraangela_
    @kiraangela_ 4 роки тому +84

    I love the " it's puffin saving time " dubstep remix at 8:20 ish minutes in 😂

  • @surabhi_kumari
    @surabhi_kumari 4 роки тому +20

    " Beautiful..... Not just because our eyes tell us so but our hearts do as well. "
    No wonder she got emotional, these words are really heart touching and tear - jerking .

  • @-Anjel
    @-Anjel 4 роки тому +39

    that is not a town divided on the matter. 11 people against everyone else, is small opposition, the caption insinuates that the sides are at least close in umbers.

  • @TheRickStarZ
    @TheRickStarZ 4 роки тому +45

    A house may not harm the puffins but rezoning will bring many opportunities for developers. If I had to guess why the Churchhills go through all this trouble to build a house, is to sell the land to developers.

  • @rhythmictiger
    @rhythmictiger 4 роки тому +71

    Wait till that lady is surrounded by swanky holiday homes on the island - won't be so peaceful then!

  • @treyweeeee
    @treyweeeee 4 роки тому +91

    Even though this woman has been doing everything seemingly right. It's just not ethically right to build on a land that honestly should be protected in the first place. It seems like it is very important not only to puffins but to the whole ecological system. This seems bigger than it actually is. But I wouldn't be trying to defend having a home on that land. I'd be finding somewhere that has nature and is away from potentially harming wildlife. I just don't see a good argument for putting up a house on land that is important to the environment.

    • @StaticImage
      @StaticImage 4 роки тому +5

      I completely agree, and appreciate, your logical and rational statement. Maybe someone more level headed such as yourself would make a better mediator in a situation such as this.

  • @ethanisnothere1375
    @ethanisnothere1375 4 роки тому +136

    *Police pulls over puffin*
    Police: do you know how fast you were going sir?

  • @tonyhollerz6958
    @tonyhollerz6958 4 роки тому +107

    I clicked on the video and not in a million years would I thought it was 27 mins long😂😂😂

  • @EChacon
    @EChacon 4 роки тому +34

    I love Puffins and it's awesome to see a mini-documentary dedicated on the Newfoundland Puffins.

  • @kirstyhill1493
    @kirstyhill1493 4 роки тому +40

    there is a few regular puffins around where i live, they’re very cute and funny looking birds but i love them none the less

  • @vredesduifje
    @vredesduifje 4 роки тому +15

    "It would be nice to get to know each other" 2 seconds later starts attacking her

  • @estherwilliams7005
    @estherwilliams7005 4 роки тому +134

    I don't understand why AnneMarie and her family would buy a piece of land where you are guaranteed for everyone to hate you. Why would you go there? Why would you think that is a good idea? When there was a meeting, and everyone was shouting at each other and people wrote 10,000 letters so that you couldn't buy a piece of land, why would you then go and buy that land? Isn't there land or a house in the community everyone else lives at that they can buy?
    Imagine I am a chicken and I decide to live surrounded by foxes. I for some crazy reason decide to go where everyone will hate me and talk about hurting me. That is what is going on here. For nine years the people of this town have been fighting for them to leave. I would not have gone. I would have left it a long time ago, I never would have bought the land to begin with.
    AnneMarie was talking about how the townspeople are going to burn down the gazebo. Why is she surprised? What are you doing there? People are more unstable now. If something happens she brought it on herself for not seeing the writing on the wall and leaving. The world is a crazy place it just screams danger to me, continuing to live there in the face of all of that hatred.
    I blame the council. These people need to be voted out and a whole new council needs to be voted in. This is their fault. This land should be rezoned as a nature preserve. I think this is what the townspeople are worried about. Not just one house or three houses but a whole new development occurring there. When will the development end? That's what the problem is here.
    AnneMarie needs to join the other side and help them make sure no more houses are built there. Until then it will be dangerous and everyone will continue hating them. I don't understand how it is "relaxing" living in a place where everyone hates you and wishes you had died or had never been born. AnneMarie and her family are crazy to stay there I don't understand it.

    • @CANControlGRAFFITI
      @CANControlGRAFFITI 4 роки тому +3

      esther williams wow story time much. Kill the rich.

    • @militantzero1846
      @militantzero1846 4 роки тому +1

      Heh, I say they have the right to build on their land! Be thankful that their not disrespectful and ignorant to trash up the area around them. Their is something special that happens when you settle on a beautiful plot of land and I must say I would love to live their as well! Plus why does it seem like everyone is surprised that birds are flying across the waters to the homes? They are animals, they hunt for food and when there is humans then there is scraps of food. I say let them live their and let development grow!

    • @baotran9572
      @baotran9572 4 роки тому +22

      @@militantzero1846 Hopefully you are just bait because you obviously don't see the nuances to this issue here.

    • @estherwilliams7005
      @estherwilliams7005 4 роки тому +6

      @@militantzero1846 I'm not saying that they don't have a right to build on their land. They should also expect and have to be o.k. being called developers. I thought it was so funny that they don't want to be called "developers" they want to be called "landowners". While they are developing the land. Call them "developing landowners" maybe that will make them happy. Expect the hate. Don't be surprised about it. Everyone is going to hate you. Something might happen to you or your children. Expect it. People are unstable. Anything can happen. They called her the AntiChrist. They said they would burn down her stuff. Why would you stay there? How is that drama relaxing? I would leave. That's all I am saying.

    • @a-bird-lover
      @a-bird-lover 4 роки тому +12

      @@militantzero1846 the birds aren't going over for food, they are confused by the light. Did you even pay attention to the video? They repeated it a good twenty times

  • @phalexasky5365
    @phalexasky5365 4 роки тому +61

    Being an environmentalist means you do not build on prestige land, no matter how environmentally safe your house is

    • @phoebephoebe7063
      @phoebephoebe7063 4 роки тому

      What are you doing? Are you staying up at 12 or 1 at night and saving 10,000s of birds ? You still live in a house don't you ?

  • @CybranM
    @CybranM 4 роки тому +23

    A bit over-edited in some parts but otherwise excellent video.
    I don't think the problem is that one house, the problem is that they let one house be built so whats to stop a bunch more from being built?

  • @jujitsujew23
    @jujitsujew23 4 роки тому +117

    anyone who wants to develop in pristine habitat these days is just blind. We've been destroying habitat for centuries and look where it's gotten us!

    • @nowpresent2167
      @nowpresent2167 4 роки тому +2

      Humans anywhere right now are mostly degrading the environment one way or the other. It's like we have outgrown the planet's capacity both by our numbers and desires. But the planet will survive with or without humans. So be at peace.

    • @StaticImage
      @StaticImage 4 роки тому +1

      Places like that really are pretty sacred. It's a shame that things had to get to the point in that town to where this film team had to go out there and actually make a documentary on it.

  • @johnlander7963
    @johnlander7963 4 роки тому +11

    I'm always happy to see Newfoundland in unexpected places. My hometown is Bonavista, Newfoundland, one of the main areas for puffins in Newfoundland.
    Thank you for visiting our province!

    • @susancolbeck2157
      @susancolbeck2157 4 роки тому +1

      I visited Newfoundland for 2 weeks this summer, from St. John's to the Meadows in the North, such a lovely province. Stayed on the Bonavista peninsula for 3 nights, so got to see such a lovely area. I could defiantely live in Newfoundland, mind you, not on Ragged Beach! Going to get a puffin tattoo, my first tattoo and I'm retired, so I can do that! haha.

  • @Boop__Doop
    @Boop__Doop 2 роки тому +2

    I'm from westmen islands where we always rescue puffins every year and I'm glad to see other towns being able to experience the same thing

  • @StaciaMeconiates
    @StaciaMeconiates 4 роки тому +41

    Anne Marie doesn't really help her case any time when she's on camera. Honestly she seems like a pretty vile women overall. She doesn't understand it's not her house; it's establishing a history of building on that beach.

    • @StaciaMeconiates
      @StaciaMeconiates 4 роки тому +5

      @Mookie It's not that they built a house, it's that they set a precedent to build near a protected area against the majority of the townspeople's wishes and start fights with people while cameras were running. Get a grain of neurons

    • @StaciaMeconiates
      @StaciaMeconiates 4 роки тому +2

      @Mookie One, I don't have a facebook. Two, why did only 11 of you write in support of building when more than 10,000 letters were sent against it? Why did the majority of Witless Bay residents interviewed in this support keeping your beach undeveloped? Why can I type in 'Witless Bay Controversy' and find dozens of articles all relating to how the majority of citizens do not want development and are against the town council.
      But sure my dude

    • @StaciaMeconiates
      @StaciaMeconiates 4 роки тому +4

      @Mookie What am I to be on the lookout for? A boomer with too much time on their hands? Very scared, much afraid

    • @StaciaMeconiates
      @StaciaMeconiates 4 роки тому +1

      @Mookie Yeah, but you said we're supposed to be on the lookout...., from what am I to look out for? 😂

    • @BGeeTea
      @BGeeTea 4 роки тому +2

      @Mookie I for one am interested to hear your side of the story. You've insinuated that the situation isn't as clear cut but haven't exactly said how...

  • @marymote4879
    @marymote4879 4 роки тому +11

    It will never stop with just one house, let one build and you will have others.. Do what ever can be done to set aside that land as safe and can never be built on.. Get some good lawyers and have that done immediately. Or have the town buy up all the other land there is and simply ignore that woman who builds there. I don't think I would want to be the only one there, and hated..

  • @TheFroperson
    @TheFroperson 4 роки тому +3

    Wow, new info for me. Puffins in Newfoundland. So glad you are preserving them in Witless. Weird and wonderful name for a place.
    Thank you, puffins grateful. 💜

  • @Chezmeralda
    @Chezmeralda 4 роки тому +18

    I love puffins lmao they're so cute

  • @richardgreen7225
    @richardgreen7225 4 роки тому +4

    If people do not want land developed, they should form a conservancy co-op, buy the land and then contribute it to the parks department - assuming the parks department would agree to take it on. If the parks department will not take it, they can make it their own private preserve. (e.g. like a private hunting preserve but maybe without the hunting)

  • @jesstaunton6550
    @jesstaunton6550 4 роки тому +2

    When he picks it up and says” now you are happy”😂 I think it’d be quite the opposite in the birds opinion haha

  • @janpickett8009
    @janpickett8009 4 роки тому +31

    Human Joergen is equally cool

  • @Michformer
    @Michformer 4 роки тому +4

    Long may them puffins’ big jib draw. Also would like to mention that in all my years of traveling, Newfoundland stands as one of the most endearing and photogenic places I’ve ever toured. Underrated province that, along with the Maritimes, deserves more love.

  • @Shteeeeeeeve
    @Shteeeeeeeve 4 роки тому +13

    To travelers looking to visit Canada, I highly recommend the province of Newfoundland. You can leave the big cities for another day. Rent a car and drive around the province- It is pristine, and the people are so ridiculously kind (even by Canadian standards!). Banff/Jasper are probably the most popular destination, but Newfoundland is also well worth your time.

    • @CANControlGRAFFITI
      @CANControlGRAFFITI 4 роки тому

      Your wrong. Vancouver and Vancouver island is the most popular and most beautiful. Facts.

    • @burinvoyager8964
      @burinvoyager8964 4 роки тому +1

      CAN Control dude can you respect are province you have everything thing in BC in Newfoundland we have almost nothing

    • @susancolbeck2157
      @susancolbeck2157 4 роки тому +1

      @@burinvoyager8964 I love love love Newfoundland! Spent 2 weeks there in July for the first time, and definately want to visit again and again. Drove to Witless Bay for the Puffin Festival, so very happy to see this video, although never knew of the strife that is being felt there. Always known many Newfoundlanders where we lived in the Northwest Territories. Now I understand their love for Newfoundland! I even got to go jigging for cod. Such a memorable time! Yes, BC does have everything, time for Canadians to discover Newfoundland and spend their tourist dollars there!

    • @burinvoyager8964
      @burinvoyager8964 4 роки тому +1

      Susan Colbeck thanks got a little peeved

    • @Shteeeeeeeve
      @Shteeeeeeeve 4 роки тому

      @@burinvoyager8964 Screw that noise from the other guy. Newfoundland is one of the only provinces you can still comfortably hitchhike. I loved visiting your province and plan to go again in the future.

  • @Hypergen-
    @Hypergen- 4 роки тому +8

    I wish i won the lottery just so i could buy the entirety of that beach, so nobody can build on it.

  • @ralphmayor5947
    @ralphmayor5947 3 роки тому

    Mr.&Ms Puff man I like what you are doing, not only the birds but also the community, the more visitors to come the better for the community income. I am a nature lover myself and I salute you all.

  • @hieck982
    @hieck982 4 роки тому +66


  • @AverytheCubanAmerican
    @AverytheCubanAmerican 4 роки тому +9

    Puffins: I divided this town in half

  • @halaldigest
    @halaldigest 4 роки тому +9

    Little Miss Puffet’s adult job. Mighty Muffet Puffet patroller.

  • @lorenzo7211944
    @lorenzo7211944 4 роки тому

    The best puff(in) piece ever. Love your Great Big Story stories!

  • @luigidaniele6613
    @luigidaniele6613 4 роки тому +17

    Song at the beginning is Chopin - Nocturne, 9th Optitude #2. Your welcome.

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому

      Thank you, I was thinking it was Clare de Lune at first.

  • @kimmoraleja10
    @kimmoraleja10 4 роки тому +2

    1st Documentary that I watched on this channel and it's really great

  • @jrc8992
    @jrc8992 4 роки тому +27

    Some of these people have such interesting accents 😊 we sound a lil different here in Texas lol

    • @johonanandrewgomes7593
      @johonanandrewgomes7593 4 роки тому +7

      Accents in newfoundland is weird, depending on where you are it can sound like an Irish accent or a scotish, more well known types of Canadian accents or all mixed together.

    • @sweiland75
      @sweiland75 4 роки тому +3

      There were some Irish people who immigrated to Newfoundland and Labrador, in the eighteen fifties, so their accent really hasn't had much time to change, especially with the province being so isolated.

    • @CANControlGRAFFITI
      @CANControlGRAFFITI 4 роки тому

      sweiland75 oh buddy it changed. Have you talked to a newf?

    • @clayfada2384
      @clayfada2384 4 роки тому

      @@sweiland75 Its actually the only part of the world outside ireland that has an irish name Talamh an Eisc meaning land of the fish other places have madeup names like Mericea for america and iodail for italy ,but newfoundland is the only one with a specific name in irish.

  • @tombranch2261
    @tombranch2261 4 роки тому +6

    Puffin Patrol, what an awesome name, specially when said dead serious, needs its own show, like border patrol"we join the men and women of Puffin Patrol on their dangerous and noble profession"

  • @sairajmenon556
    @sairajmenon556 4 роки тому +2

    Wow, so Puffins become like Moths in the night!

  • @christinaaa1220
    @christinaaa1220 4 роки тому +10

    Like everyone else how doesn't she get it. Stop making yourself a victim, you were told buying land there would be a problem and now you want to vilify the people trying to save the animals future and nature just because you decided you like the peaceful beach. I am sure there are plenty of other peaceful beaches you can buy and build on. You building means they cannot stop others from building. The greed of self serving humans blaming others for their issues and decisions. Anne Marie you knew when you bought it and just want to be special then blame others.

  • @labsareperfect
    @labsareperfect 4 роки тому +2

    This woman is standing her ground for no other reason other than to say she is right.

  • @ralphmayor5947
    @ralphmayor5947 3 роки тому

    Beautiful birds

  • @irmaaguayo6175
    @irmaaguayo6175 4 роки тому

    Cool story ✨

  • @yeahyee4394
    @yeahyee4394 4 роки тому +8

    First the emu war now puffins are scouting out people

    • @a-bird-lover
      @a-bird-lover 4 роки тому +2

      Don't forget the sparrow war. Millions died and no one brings it up

  • @gracecheng2006
    @gracecheng2006 4 роки тому

    Finally a great BIG story

  • @panierter_luan
    @panierter_luan 4 роки тому +2

    The name „puffin“ is already cute!

  • @OVTRA
    @OVTRA 4 роки тому

    Alright, now I know where do I go for holiday next year

  • @nowpresent2167
    @nowpresent2167 4 роки тому +2

    Puffin issue: don't allow to put on light after daytime or Use night vision glasses or make sure light does not shine to the bird's island direction. By all means don't fight each other. We need people and birds. Peace

  • @jimmiah6819
    @jimmiah6819 4 роки тому

    I was scrolling through my recommended and it’s about where my cousins live.5:09 that gas station is the one right next to my cousins neighbourhood.

  • @jolionel8294
    @jolionel8294 4 роки тому +1

    Keep up the good work Lorna! You are doing great!

    • @justsomeguy5074
      @justsomeguy5074 4 роки тому

      That woman was a lying nutjob. She's a discredit to her side of this argument.

  • @KedaiCiplak
    @KedaiCiplak 4 роки тому +1

    Its Puffin Saving Time!!
    *wobble wobble

  • @renzo1145
    @renzo1145 4 роки тому +5

    Puffins are kawai ay

  • @imjody
    @imjody 4 роки тому +1

    From 7:25 until 8:30 I don't suggest anyone watches this part on any kind of drugs. I don't know, but I'm just sayin' man! 😂 To whoever you are, video editor, you did a bang on job, so you deserve huge kudos. 😊👏 Please let the editor know this! Seriously guys, please like if you agree.

  • @arashsyafiq5261
    @arashsyafiq5261 4 роки тому

    aaa.....I can hear Sven in Happy Feet 2 ...ya ya ya😂

  • @ByDaviddessine
    @ByDaviddessine 4 роки тому +3

    Hello big like 75 thanks for this good see you later nice

  • @irmaaguayo6175
    @irmaaguayo6175 4 роки тому

    Love birds 🦅

  • @kiwifrancis3023
    @kiwifrancis3023 4 роки тому

    Whats the name of the piano song in the first few seconds?

  • @windaseco5945
    @windaseco5945 4 роки тому +3

    It’s sad that the world is not perfect 😥 but at least we could try

  • @nitroncreeper2597
    @nitroncreeper2597 4 роки тому +29

    Didnt know a minecarft horse took care of puffins

    • @mannamanam8233
      @mannamanam8233 4 роки тому +1

      I know there are 11 likes on your comment and there will be more
      But just by see your comment made me burst in laughter... remembering such a huge force is felix 😂

    • @thebig460
      @thebig460 4 роки тому


  • @kokonana4086
    @kokonana4086 4 роки тому

    Canada: Puffins divide us!
    The other half of the No Touching Zone: Guns separate us!

  • @johndecicco
    @johndecicco 4 роки тому +3

    @John Oliver, please call them back.

  • @stefanx8344
    @stefanx8344 4 роки тому

    Nice parrots bro

  • @thebig460
    @thebig460 4 роки тому

    Cool birds I guess

  • @thisbeayo
    @thisbeayo 4 роки тому +3

    Wow no comments yet!

  • @jirehpaulo
    @jirehpaulo 4 роки тому

    Just the fact that we have a concept of being able to own a land.

  • @bogigudjonsson
    @bogigudjonsson 4 роки тому

    We do this in Iceland to we catch puffins and pufflings about 7000 have been found in Iceland

  • @sebzz283
    @sebzz283 4 роки тому +1

    love puffins thanks

  • @busti4552
    @busti4552 4 роки тому +2

    A Great "Big" Story that is actually Big? What timeline is this?

  • @drewdixon8327
    @drewdixon8327 4 роки тому +1


  • @a8uella
    @a8uella 4 роки тому

    where can I download "its puffin saving time" ?

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому

      I'll get it for you

  • @Kevin-mz3gp
    @Kevin-mz3gp 4 роки тому

    love claude de lune

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому

      I thought it was that too, but it is actually Chopin's Nocturne, 9th Optitude #2

  • @antoinettefekete
    @antoinettefekete 4 роки тому

    I'm disappointed that the film doesn't cover the story in more depth. The case is more complex than this film seems to communicate and this makes it difficult for the viewer to draw an informed opinion.

  • @jasonk7675
    @jasonk7675 4 роки тому

    i'm kinda sad that the Cicada documentary is already over.

  • @palmtree72
    @palmtree72 4 роки тому

    i love puffin

  • @im.not.typical91
    @im.not.typical91 4 роки тому +1

    Ahh yes the Puffin also known as the flying penguins

  • @XSpImmaLion
    @XSpImmaLion 4 роки тому +20

    Sounds to me like the journalist should stop all personal attacks and consider moving on from the subject since it causes her this much stress, and that the environmentalist minded family with a coastal shack should re-connect with their environmentalist side, understand that the place should've been a conservation area, and try to negotiate and leave the place as any kind of human interference seems to have a negative impact in the area.
    I also wanna put something here that might make some people angry but I absolutely consider it to be true. Do not confuse environmentalism with living a minimalist/ ecologically conscious life. No matter how much people live in a self-sustainable, ecological, connected to nature, hyperlocal resources, minimalistic life, that doesn't mean you are "preserving" the area. The presence of humans in certain ecological reserves, no matter how minimal it may be, is still impactful.
    Plus, of course, it seems the place needs new politicians. If the entire city is against development in the area and there is no reflection of that in their representatives, it's obvious they elected the wrong people. It seems like that are should've never been private property in the first place.
    Of course, it's never as simple as this, but much like the tribalistic nature of current society, at some point you have to sit down, reconsider the other side, and come up with the best compromises possible. Without that, things can only go towards extremism.
    The Puffins are still there and thriving, and this problem was caught on early enough. If there is really enough people in the city that is worried with the situation, they should elect proper representatives, put an effort to properly compensate the private owners of these places that own property where they shouldn't, and then turn it into conservation area officially. Until then, just do what you can like the guy with the Puffin Patrol, and keep a close eye on how the situation is developing for the birds. There are better things to do with your limited time on Earth other than killing yourself with stress and bickering.
    In the end, with climate change looming down on our backs, we don't even know how long several of these sanctuaries will survive one way or another. It'd be an incredibly sad story if all these people fought this hard to preserve the place, only for a global climate change to creep up and make those birds extinct one way or another.

    • @dongvermine
      @dongvermine 4 роки тому +1

      Bullshit. That’s a lot of text to excuse apathy and ignorance.

  • @nowpresent2167
    @nowpresent2167 4 роки тому

    I see a problem,I slove it.

  • @milododd
    @milododd 4 роки тому

    Wow. These accents.

  • @jasonk7675
    @jasonk7675 4 роки тому

    it's Joergen but spelled as Juergen!

  • @busycoast4458
    @busycoast4458 4 роки тому +5

    Damn a 27 minute video all about puffins

  • @robinhoodieradio3394
    @robinhoodieradio3394 4 роки тому +1

    While I don't agree with Anne-marie, she does have a point that Lorna was using multiple logical fallacies in their talk at the beach, including Ad Hominem attacks. Not a great look.

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому +1

      How so? She was ambushed, and Churchill started the ad hominem attacks.

    • @robinhoodieradio3394
      @robinhoodieradio3394 4 роки тому

      @@bohican Yeah, I see that now, but Lorna's were a bit more out of the blue remarks. Both weren't making great cases for their cause. I'm sure GBS set this encounter up, and who knows if it's actually their first time talking as Churchill seemed to imply.

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому

      Robin Hoodie Radio It was the first time the two of them have spoken. Plus, I don’t think that the film crew set this up, as they left directly from my house for this shot. They (the Churchill’s) were waiting for Lorna to show up to ambush her.

  • @donuttime9920
    @donuttime9920 4 роки тому

    Let's go am a Newfounder

  • @aiden7525
    @aiden7525 4 роки тому

    Best town in NL

  • @luxray978
    @luxray978 4 роки тому

    9:22 so disgusting that someone who claims to care about puffins would let their cat out to murder them. Such hypocrisy.

    • @lornayard6541
      @lornayard6541 4 роки тому

      The cat - Pixie - only goes outside on the weekends when we are off or in the early evenings after work. She is not outside at night - when the puffins are around. We have also never found a puffin on our property - which she never leaves.
      We rescued her from a feral cat colony and she had been injured. She is half blind and has never caught a bird or a mouse in her life. Get your facts straight before you judge.

  • @LeifurHakonarson
    @LeifurHakonarson 4 роки тому

    Witless Bay, eh?

  • @MsButtercup3000
    @MsButtercup3000 4 роки тому +1

    Ahem I would encourage all Canadian citizens to voice their disapproval on this.
    I wonder how quickly we could get city council to change their minds if a million random requests to build houses on that land came in 😈

  • @WaterspoutsOfTheDeep
    @WaterspoutsOfTheDeep 4 роки тому

    Clearly there is already an issue with the birds coming to shore and in the streets...

  • @CintreuseGrande
    @CintreuseGrande 4 роки тому +3

    That woman just ambushed her on the beach 21:35. I understand that she has the legal grounds to do what she is doing but she just seems really mean.

  • @Chillingcomfy
    @Chillingcomfy 4 роки тому

    6:45-8:30 was nauseating.

  • @ShiningSakura
    @ShiningSakura 4 роки тому

    its not really about the birds themselves, but the set up fued between two women.

  • @victorlee4432
    @victorlee4432 4 роки тому +1


    • @guacamoshakrtveli4455
      @guacamoshakrtveli4455 4 роки тому

      I don't think Cicada makes orthographic mistakes and puts clues on UA-cam videos

  • @lornayard6541
    @lornayard6541 3 роки тому

    I regret so much ever letting these people into our lives.

  • @Leo_HuangAB
    @Leo_HuangAB 4 роки тому +1

    In Iceland they eat puffin

    @MYROADTRIPS99 4 роки тому

    Poor bird🐧🐧

  • @devonoved7
    @devonoved7 4 роки тому

    So many Porgs.

  • @user-lo8op9cs9e
    @user-lo8op9cs9e 4 роки тому

    I thought they were going to snap it’s neck

  • @parus6422
    @parus6422 4 роки тому +8

    the human population is growing, the trick is to learn to build with conservation and low impact. so hiring experts to help, and following there recommendation seem reasonable. WE must move away from purest arguments and look for pragmatic solutions

    • @christinaaa1220
      @christinaaa1220 4 роки тому +1

      Problem is a few things some experts can always be in the pocket of whatever developer/landowner/council want as well as experts having different opinions. I dont believe it is a purest argument, I am sure there are places in town to live or peaceful beaches in other areas with much more low impact. I agree that population growth needs to be met with low impact solutions but this is not one of them. Some areas just need to be left to nature for everyone's sake.

  • @daanvandongen1422
    @daanvandongen1422 4 роки тому +16

    Regardless of opinions and morals, both of these groups are being completely childish and it's clearly harming the both of them.

    • @mclains8362
      @mclains8362 4 роки тому


    • @xirta1
      @xirta1 4 роки тому +11

      Nice take, comparing conservationists trying to save the environment to rich people with money to burn for a nice view, with no fucks given to wildlife.
      Being a shithead centrist (like your self) is the most childish thing you can be.

  • @BreadKrumb
    @BreadKrumb 4 роки тому +5

    Gordon Ramsay: "Delicious"

  • @barrelracer12
    @barrelracer12 4 роки тому

    21:36, this particular part seems edited to skip any part of that conversation that was not an argument. I feel like you are trying to manipulate me. I want to see the whole scene, and not feel like you are trying to manipulate your viewer.

    • @bohican
      @bohican 4 роки тому +1

      They shot an awful lot of video when they were here, there are things that I know were filmed that made the Churchill's look really bad that did not make the final cut, and probably visa versa (I have no direct knowledge of the latter). The point is, you have to edit all of that down to make a balanced, cohesive story.
      The aside, that whole scene wasn't much more than that. It was an ambush, there were no pleasantries.