I am a 13 year old egg farmer and I have 30 chickens and I have had chickens for about 1year and Plymouth Barred rocks because they are so gentle there not mean and they are a good chicken for having kids around and they are supposed to be gentle.
Your relationship with your animals is a big reason I keep watching your videos. When you hold one of your chickens your face just lights up with joy! Thank you for all the hard work you put into creating your content.👍
My husband I are going to get our first chicks in just over a week! We have talked about this for a while, and we figured, with the way things are going, we better not wait any longer! :)
YES. They're super similar to ISA browns, and they are so incredibly chill and friendly. And supposedly among THE best layers you can get. I'm loving mine.
And smart too! I only had one Golden Comet. But had a very varied flock. I also had one Barred Rock that would run the length of my 16 foot coop to attack my Golden Comet. (her name was Ginger Cackle.) Ginger literally would wait until I came into the coop to get in a nest box and lay her eggs. Because she knew I would protect her from that Barred Rock. Ginger would come hop on my lap if I was sitting down. None of my chickens were handled much when they were growing. I had a job that took up the great majority of my time. Even so Ginger Cackle was the tamest, friendliest chicken I've ever had.
We have two polish chickens (buff laced and a black and white one) they are the absolute sweetest chickens we have ever had and will follow you around the yard. Idk if it's just these two polish but they are so cuddly, weird and sweet and probably my favorite breed.
Laila I used to have a White Crested Black Polish rooster. He probably wouldn't have done well in a show because his white crest was a perfect circle "hat". To the point he could only see down. He was so funny and sweet. He would hear my footsteps and just sit down. I'd pick him up and carry him around with me.
My heart is breaking. My two polish chicks turned out to be roosters and need to be dispatched. They are so beautiful and sweet but cannot be raised In The city.
I am always interested to see people's choices in chickens. Your criteria is based on color, and you have good taste in colors. After seeing your mixed dozen, I would say some Rouen duck eggs with their pastel green color, and the Golden 300 Hybrid with a slight pinkish white color would look amazing. We raised both ducks and chickens and sold half and half duck and chicken eggs. We called it the rainbow pack, and were always sold out. Thank you for sharing.
Our family loves Easter Eggers as well! They're fairly colorful as babies, and simply beautiful once they mature! Plus, the surprise of seeing their egg color. I must say it's nice to finally see a Wisconsin Homesteader, definitely clicking that bell to stay update on your videos!
Love our Olive egger, although her egg production drops drastically during the winter. Moran's are also a great breed. But you can't beat the Australorps! They are very quiet, great personality, extremely Friendly, HIGHLY Productive, large egg layers. They do extremely well here in the far North winters and summers. Just expect to spend extra time in the coop during the winter as they love the socialization.
We are new chicken owners - they will be three weeks old tomorrow. There was limited stock when we ordered (lots of new chicken owners out there I guess!). We ended up with four each of white leghorns, Rhode Island reds and Plymouth Barred Rocks, and three Easter Eggers. So far they all seem pretty nice! I have been using your soaked chicken feed treats and they love that sooo much!!
I really like the Australorps and the Buffs. But my experience with the RI Reds wasn't good. Really flighty, and kept the easy going hens stirred up all the time.
My favorite so far has been the black astralorp. We have a 12 year old of that breed who is just the sweetest hen. We’ve also had snow white easter eggers and road island reds which were great. Now we’re raising brahmas and olive eggers!
I'm starting with Brahmas, and hopefully Australorps (finances willing). We have an incubator and egg producers all around us so we are considering getting the Brahmas and then buying 2-3 dozen various eggs from different folks and seeing what hatches to fill out our flock. I'm pretty adamant about the Brahmas though, I've wanted one ever since I saw one coming out the round door of a coop and thought it was a child in a costume.
I've had chickens for about 10 years. Many different breeds. One thing I have noticed is that the breed characteristics can vary greatly depending on where you get the chickens from. So if you get one breed and you don't like it particularly, try that breed again from a different source and it might be totally different. For instance, in my town there are four sources to get chickens from and I have gotten some from every one of them. I have now narrowed it down to one place I like the best. That one place has had chickens that come closest to meeting the breed specifications that you read about when you're trying to pick breeds. So do a little shopping, lol experimenting and don't be afraid to try new places.
I like to have a mixture of breeds just because I love seeing different colors and eggs. But my favorite is the blue laced red Wyandotte. The males I’ve gotten from this breed so far have been so chill and the females have been ok but broody which in my opinion is a good thing sometimes. I also love the Rhode Island reds because of their great egg laying and pretty good size eggs. Also I have to mention my buddy that’s a black star, as soon as she sees me step outside she follows me around the yard waiting for me to move a pot or rock or something so she can get some worms. I love my chickens so much and are my favorite pets besides my cats.
Jenny VIII. The two best creatures in the world are cats and chickens. But cats rule. For my cats, I am truly the servant. The best thing about the chickens, is the eggs. I adore the dark brown eggs from my Marans. This year I added Olive eggers, Easter eggers, and golden comets. The comets are so friendly they try to walk on my feet when I'm walking in the yard. It is such a hoot. One of my Marines taps on the door with her beak when she wants to come in. She walks around the house, and when she first started laying, she laid in the house.
I'm right there with you on the Rhode Island Reds and Black Star. I have one of each. They are 2wks younger than my 2 silver laced wyandottes and my 2 Easter Eggers. Even though they are the most picked on, the R.I and Black Star are my best laying. My black star will wait for me to pet her then she will go off forging. It's our good morning ritual.
We bought two “Ameraucana” chicks and they started out looking the same (could barely tell them apart) but now that their feathers have come in, they don’t even look like the same breed! They are awesome though and I can’t wait for Dump Truck (Dumpy) and Chickira to lay their different color eggs! Thanks for sharing!
I, too, like Easter Eggers. We also have Barnevelders (friendly but they don't particularly like to be held), and blue Australorps (very sweet disposition), and Novagens (which actually like to be held and cuddled). Our year-old Australorp went broody, but since we didn't have a rooster we 'borrowed' some fertile eggs from a friend. She has turned out to be a fantastic mother hen. The best thing is they all are doing great in a mixed breed flock.
Thanks for information. Ive narrowed my favorite to standard cochin. They are not consistent layers, and they lay later. I just love the process of mama sitting on nest and caring for the chics. Cochins love nesting. Even if you're not wanting them too, they love it. I also love their bustle tails and feathered legs.
Yes, there’s always an “S” in Marans. I’ve bred my blue and splash Marans to crested cream keg bars and got dark army green layers! Some Easter Evers lay plain old brown too. Love your choices. I’ll add that astrolops are great personalities and awesome layers!
My absolute favorites are the Americaunas. They're so loving and sweet. I found New Hampshire Reds to be super intelligent. One of mine constantly chatted to me all day long!!! Lol
I just got 4 chicks today! (2 leghorns, 1 golden comet and a buff orpington). I'm so excited. I've watched these videos before even getting them to make sure I would be doing the best for them. Thanks for your videos!!
If you have kids, they are the best! At least in our experience. Like Oak Abode, I will always have some in my flock. Plus they add pretty color to your egg crates. 😃
My favorite 3: Buff Orpingtons: nice brown eggs, big but very mellow, gentle personality, they are broody & can raise their own young. Sumatrans: nice white eggs, they are broody & can raise their own young & they are good foragers. Bantam easter eggers: nice green eggs, small chickens, they are broody & can raise their own young as well as raising Japanese quail chicks
I raised Auracuanas. I had mint green, olive crab, light blue n light pink eggs. I always sold out of eggs every Saturday morning at Agri feed in Knoxville about 15 to 20 dozen at 3 dollars a dozen. I miss my chickens.
My parents are planning on getting a chicken coop for 3 - 4 hens a small coop but I need to try and reaserch a lot just to make sure we get a good breed and have proper care I’m 10 years old but I act extremely mature and I know what to do and not what not to do but I wanna make sure get a breed good with kids and not skidish
I just got my first chicks this spring and love them so much! I wanted a mixed flock and ended up with 1 easter egger, 1 barred rock, 1 rhode island red, and 1 jersey giant. They are only 9 weeks old, so still developing their personalities, but the BR and EE are the friendliest birds! The RIR and JG are really nice, too. I love a lot of things about my JG and think they might be an underrated breed! I hope she will go broody when she's grown up. I would love to have a chicken handle raising the next generation for me. So much dust in the house from this first batch!
I love all of the ones you mentioned!! But my absolute favorite chicken is my salmon faverolles. We drove way too far to get my hen and rooster from a breeder in Michigan, but they are the absolute sweetest and adorable!! :)
Color wise I agree with all of your breed recommendations! However personality wise I like brahmas, Orpingtons and australorps. Those three are so sweet and even my 3 year old can walk up and pick them up.
I have Golden Comets. They lay beautiful brown eggs in a variety of shades that are sometimes speckled and they lay pretty much all year. They have sweet personalities as well.
We love our Easter Eggers too, we have four of them, and they are all very sweet! We have two Australotps- one is very dominant and the other one is a complete scaredy-cat, but they are great egg layers as are the Easter Eggers. Lastly, we have a couple of golden laced. Wynandott- and they are very smart and curious, and also a very good lawyer!
Thank you for your videos. I'm a newbie to chickens & have learned so much from you. I just ordered ordered my first 4 Easter eggers. You helped me decide which chicks to get.
I started out with Buff Orphingtons. Have had different Brahmas had a wide assortment o N e time and that wasn’t too good. Now have a larger flock of Red star and they are laying beautiful chocolate eggs very calm and tame. With them have black and white Wyandots. They are sweet but are really taking their time laying their almost pink egg at a decent size. Almost like they might lay pulley eggs for s long time. I use a little light and they do just great.
We will be getting chickens in a couple of months and you confirmed the Easter egger as one choice which we had read about and were already liking! The public comments about the other chickens have helped out for our list. We like your other videos too, keep up the good work! Esp about getting a few chicks at first and adding to the flock as we go along. Living in Florida we look forward to having them outside a lot with our mild winters. The deep layer bedding is what we are going for also, and we read quite a bit about the organic industrial hemp for bedding. Thanks so much for sharing all your info and “your personality” to go with it!
I love watching your videos on chickens I have brought every thing I need for 4 baby chicks and will be going to pick them up this Thursday 3/17 from a feed store
Hi, I don't have any chicken at home, but based on your presentation I like your Easter Eggers the most. You have different chicken breeds in your backyard, so how do you keep them from crossing breeding? Take care and thank you for making the video and sharing your love of raising chickens.
We have 14 chickens: 6 Silkies, 1 BCM, and 7 Easter Eggers. Our Easter Eggers are friendliest. Hands down. They are like little puppies. The Silkies are friendly, but not in the same way; they don’t like to be cuddled quite as much as the EE’s, and our EE roo is the FRIENDLIEST ROO ON THE PLANET while our Silkie Roos are (non-threatening) a-holes. Our BCM is insanely inquisitive and will follow us anywhere, BUT, she does not like to be held. That’s okay. We love her so much. I hatched Silkies and BCM’s at the same time. I hatched 9 BCM’s and am kicking myself for not keeping more because of that gorgeous egg! Because I got our EE’s from a hatchery (I won’t and don’t need to do that ever again) they really breed for that blue egg. So there isn’t a lot of variety in our EE eggs, but, we have two that lay eggs I can tell apart from the others: one lays a very light blue speckled egg and one lays a really soft, sea foam green. 😄 P.S. If you want to see our crazy friendly EE roo, check out one of my most recent videos on @cali_wanderer_ or @bruadarach_farm on Instagram. He’s a gem!!! 😍❤️🥰 I promise I don’t go around advertising my IG accounts... this is the first time I’ve ever posted them to UA-cam and I may even delete this because it feels weird. 🤣
I know this is an older video but great information! My favorites are eastereggers as well! I love the earmuffs! I just got some Black Copper Marans so excited to get some dark eggs. You are spot on regarding Americauna and Eastereggers. Some stores will sell eastereggers as Americana (missing the U). They are just eastereggers though. If they are a true Americauna they will lay a light blue egg, not green, not olive.
My EEs were all gray and silver with similar markings to yours when they were chicks. They all grew up to look different, but with black and white and gray feathers. One is obviously part silver lace wyandott because she has the same identical feathers. She lays a slim, blue green egg that has a sheen. Two of them have beards, but one lays a pink egg and the other blue. The fourth only lays blue fairy eggs (she's 18 months old). They're sweet girls, but not as fat as yours because I can't let them free range because of hawks. They get seeds and bugs as treats, too. I also love my lavender orpingtons.
I originally got Leghorn and sold them and got Easter Eggers. The Easter Eggers seem to be much happier to see me everyday. They are still very young but I'm very happy with them.
I’ve recently bought month old black austrlorps due to them being heat tolerant and known to do well here in Alabama. Please let me know what else you think would be great I’m the south.
I have all of the chickens you mentioned plus many more breeds. I actually breed black copper marans and olive eggers. I also breed Lavender Ameraucanas which are the most docile chickens I have ever had. Another favorite of mine are barred rocks and blue plymouth rocks, and golden comets. Happy Chicken Farming!
Our favorite breed so far is Sapphire Gem Plymouth Rocks!!! They are stunning and very very easy going and sweet and hardy and lay lots of large brown eggs! 🐓
My favorite??? We started our new flock with Easter Eggers and they are so much fun! Great coloring, personality, and colorful egg basket. Last spring we added Speckled Sussex and personality wise, they are easily my favorite! So relaxed and friendly. The only downside is their eggs are a touch smaller.
We adore our Buff Orpington, Buttercup. She will get in your lap for pets and is by far the sweetest, most docile chicken we have. We have a Partridge Rock hen that doesn’t like to be touched and will peck at us if we try. We aren’t a fan of her. Our meanest to the other chickens is our Blue Andalusian. She’s taller than the others as well. Our best layers are our white leghorns and Rhode Island Red.
I have a small flock of 4 Wyandottes and I love them so much! They are reliable egg layers, friendly and beautiful. They are also super quiet and they do not cluck all day (unlike my New Hampshire), which is very important to me an my neighbors.
I agree 100% , my Easter eggers are my lovey babies, I call them my house chickens because one hen (and her mother before her) will follow so close behind me that when I open the door she’ll sneak in the house without me even noticing! They are just like you said, they love pets and they’ll let the kids just walk right up and pick them up and give them a hug!
I love my Sebright bantams. They lay the cutest little eggs with a huge yolk. My are really good layers too. I have silver, gold and buff. The buff colored hens are the sweetest.
Two of my hands are Easter eggers I love them they're beautiful. They're mellow. They do like to fly away so you will have to probably trim if you're free ranging. But their eggs are consistent. I have one that lays blue eggs and one that lays green eggs. It's awesome
We love our Light Sussex Girls. We are in the middle of winter and both have started laying in the last month with only one or two days missed. They were a little scared of us at first but have come around to being picked up and having a pat while they forage. They are big girls though! They didn't like the size of our standard nest boxes so we took out the divider between two boxes. At least now they lay in the nests :)
I've always loved buff Orpington, this time I am ordering light sussex, RIR, and blue laced wyandottes. Can't wait to get to know them. We are hatching eggs 🥚
I've had over 20 breeds... RIR's are the bullies of the yard, Silkies are the lap dogs. My favorite 3 layers are Production Reds (ISA Browns, Red Stars, Buff Stars, etc), Easter Eggers (they're more friendly than Amerucanas), and a tie between Plymouth Barred Rocks and Light Brahmas. As pets, Silkies, Polish, D'Uccles, although the Production Reds are generally extremely sweet and friendly.
We are first time chicken parents. Got 2 Blue Rocks, 2 Orpingtons (most cuddly), and one each Americana, Black Astrolorp, Welsummer (Woody and she's got the best, friendliest personality) and a Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens rock! Can't wait for the eggs...
You are certainly right about the Easter Eggers. They are our favorite as well, mostly because the Americauna mix (BTW, your Easter Eggers are ADORABLE) are SOOO friendly. We even had one (loved that bird!) who was an Americauna/Hamburg. Took us awhile to figure out what she was crossed with and finally came up with the Hamburg. The Hamburg are a small breed, flighty (and good flyers!), lay daily, good foragers, spunky and very chatty. They can be very friendly in their chattiness or can cuss you out like a trucker if they don't like something. Their tone says it all! Cracks me up how this little bird can boss around another bird two to three times her size and get away with it. It's always fun with Easter Eggers to try and figure out what they Americauna was crossed with because the feed store doesn't usually know. We finally figured out our last three Easter Eggers were Americauna/Brahma's by their coloring, the feathers on the feet of one of them, the size of one of the sisters (who also has feathers on her feet), the intelligence (surprisingly smart bird), and their overt gentleness. Most of those turned out to be Brahma traits. Still have the beautiful cheek puffs and beard of the Americauna.
In our 20's my husband and I had Araucanas (south american) and White Leghorns. The Araucanas laid all colors of eggs - pink, blue, green, etc. I never hear of those anymore. The Leghorns were egg laying machines, the Araucanas were more like game hens...super personalities, and topknots, feathered feet or legs. Super fun!
Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks are my favorites. They are calm, all purpose breeds. They lay brown eggs and are good setters. My best Mommas have always been the Reds. I had a pet Red rooster who was like a puppy, he followed me all over the yard. Another breed I like are Cochins. They are beautiful and the roosters ... well, I had one that faced down a fox while protecting his hens. The hens are flighty though. Leghorns are the worst. They can be quite mean, and due to their size can be dangerous around young children.
I love Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Americanas, barred rocks, EE, & I'm not fond of Leghorns they are too freaked out and flighty! Fun video, thanks for sharing!
And olive Egger is definitely on my list of what to get next. I like having different colors of eggs, makes it interesting I even have a couple that lay white eggs because I like the contrast of all the different colors.
My favorite chicken is my Easter Egger, Emma. She has the Best personality. I also have olive edgers and a midnight majestic Marian that lays pretty, dark chocolate eggs
Here at the "Old Poults Home" the OPs (original poults) are a real mix but this spring I bought a dozen "Americana" from a commercial breeder. What fun to watch their colors come out with the individual personalities. I named after colors to start. Lol. I love them and wish I had a Marans to round out the basket. My granddaughter is adding 6 leghorns. White eggs will bring such contrasts.❤️ I love my motley crew.
I am a 13 year old egg farmer and I have 30 chickens and I have had chickens for about 1year and Plymouth Barred rocks because they are so gentle there not mean and they are a good chicken for having kids around and they are supposed to be gentle.
Thanks for the help 😊
Your relationship with your animals is a big reason I keep watching your videos. When you hold one of your chickens your face just lights up with joy! Thank you for all the hard work you put into creating your content.👍
My husband I are going to get our first chicks in just over a week! We have talked about this for a while, and we figured, with the way things are going, we better not wait any longer! :)
I have a few hens. My husband expanded the coop and we are going to get our first chicks next week. A year later, how are yours doing?
Golden comets have got to be the most underrated chickens super calm and AMAZING X-large eggs.
YES. They're super similar to ISA browns, and they are so incredibly chill and friendly. And supposedly among THE best layers you can get. I'm loving mine.
Yes! Our Golden Comet is our best layer in terms of egg size and consistency! And is the sweetest!!
And smart too! I only had one Golden Comet. But had a very varied flock. I also had one Barred Rock that would run the length of my 16 foot coop to attack my Golden Comet. (her name was Ginger Cackle.) Ginger literally would wait until I came into the coop to get in a nest box and lay her eggs. Because she knew I would protect her from that Barred Rock. Ginger would come hop on my lap if I was sitting down. None of my chickens were handled much when they were growing. I had a job that took up the great majority of my time. Even so Ginger Cackle was the tamest, friendliest chicken I've ever had.
Agreed I have had the best experience with comets
I just got 4 Golden Comet chicks! They are so sweet and love attention 💕
We have two polish chickens (buff laced and a black and white one) they are the absolute sweetest chickens we have ever had and will follow you around the yard. Idk if it's just these two polish but they are so cuddly, weird and sweet and probably my favorite breed.
Laila I used to have a White Crested Black Polish rooster. He probably wouldn't have done well in a show because his white crest was a perfect circle "hat". To the point he could only see down. He was so funny and sweet. He would hear my footsteps and just sit down. I'd pick him up and carry him around with me.
My heart is breaking. My two polish chicks turned out to be roosters and need to be dispatched. They are so beautiful and sweet but cannot be raised In The city.
I am always interested to see people's choices in chickens. Your criteria is based on color, and you have good taste in colors. After seeing your mixed dozen, I would say some Rouen duck eggs with their pastel green color, and the Golden 300 Hybrid with a slight pinkish white color would look amazing. We raised both ducks and chickens and sold half and half duck and chicken eggs. We called it the rainbow pack, and were always sold out. Thank you for sharing.
I keep going back to Ameraucana chickens, for their personable nature and those blue-green eggs.
Our family loves Easter Eggers as well! They're fairly colorful as babies, and simply beautiful once they mature! Plus, the surprise of seeing their egg color. I must say it's nice to finally see a Wisconsin Homesteader, definitely clicking that bell to stay update on your videos!
Love our Olive egger, although her egg production drops drastically during the winter. Moran's are also a great breed. But you can't beat the Australorps! They are very quiet, great personality, extremely
Friendly, HIGHLY Productive, large egg layers. They do extremely well here in the far North winters and summers. Just expect to spend extra time in the coop during the winter as they love the socialization.
We are new chicken owners - they will be three weeks old tomorrow. There was limited stock when we ordered (lots of new chicken owners out there I guess!). We ended up with four each of white leghorns, Rhode Island reds and Plymouth Barred Rocks, and three Easter Eggers. So far they all seem pretty nice! I have been using your soaked chicken feed treats and they love that sooo much!!
I'm so glad to hear you're using the soaked chicken feed trick! That's so great!
I love those breeds pink and green eggs! I love it mainly the yolks never break for sunny side up eggs!
In terms of chickens I have bonded with the most, my favorite breeds are definitely Rhode Island reds, Buff Orpington, and Black Australorps.
Rhode Island’s are so funny ours are very curious and come when called they just pop out from under bushes etc in the garden and run/waddle to us 😂
They're all quiet
I really like the Australorps and the Buffs. But my experience with the RI Reds wasn't good. Really flighty, and kept the easy going hens stirred up all the time.
I like Plymouth Barred Rock
Love the Black Australorp, Plymouth Barred Rock, Olive Egger
My favorite so far has been the black astralorp. We have a 12 year old of that breed who is just the sweetest hen. We’ve also had snow white easter eggers and road island reds which were great. Now we’re raising brahmas and olive eggers!
A red tailed hawk tried to carry one away but had to drop her because she was too heavy.
Good breed, and yes, quite huge!
I'm starting with Brahmas, and hopefully Australorps (finances willing). We have an incubator and egg producers all around us so we are considering getting the Brahmas and then buying 2-3 dozen various eggs from different folks and seeing what hatches to fill out our flock. I'm pretty adamant about the Brahmas though, I've wanted one ever since I saw one coming out the round door of a coop and thought it was a child in a costume.
Buff Brahmas are on my list.
I've had chickens for about 10 years. Many different breeds. One thing I have noticed is that the breed characteristics can vary greatly depending on where you get the chickens from. So if you get one breed and you don't like it particularly, try that breed again from a different source and it might be totally different. For instance, in my town there are four sources to get chickens from and I have gotten some from every one of them. I have now narrowed it down to one place I like the best. That one place has had chickens that come closest to meeting the breed specifications that you read about when you're trying to pick breeds. So do a little shopping, lol experimenting and don't be afraid to try new places.
This is great advice! Ty!
Just got barred rocks, buff orpingtons and and added in an Easter egger because you recommend them so much. Excited to see how they grow!
Once I saw the video of a chicken run up to little girl for a hug, it changed my view on chicken’s.
I like to have a mixture of breeds just because I love seeing different colors and eggs. But my favorite is the blue laced red Wyandotte. The males I’ve gotten from this breed so far have been so chill and the females have been ok but broody which in my opinion is a good thing sometimes. I also love the Rhode Island reds because of their great egg laying and pretty good size eggs. Also I have to mention my buddy that’s a black star, as soon as she sees me step outside she follows me around the yard waiting for me to move a pot or rock or something so she can get some worms. I love my chickens so much and are my favorite pets besides my cats.
Jenny VIII. The two best creatures in the world are cats and chickens. But cats rule. For my cats, I am truly the servant. The best thing about the chickens, is the eggs. I adore the dark brown eggs from my Marans. This year I added Olive eggers, Easter eggers, and golden comets. The comets are so friendly they try to walk on my feet when I'm walking in the yard. It is such a hoot. One of my Marines taps on the door with her beak when she wants to come in. She walks around the house, and when she first started laying, she laid in the house.
I'm right there with you on the Rhode Island Reds and Black Star. I have one of each. They are 2wks younger than my 2 silver laced wyandottes and my 2 Easter Eggers. Even though they are the most picked on, the R.I and Black Star are my best laying. My black star will wait for me to pet her then she will go off forging. It's our good morning ritual.
Where do you find the blue laced red Wyandottes?
I love my Wyandotte's!! Dual purpose big birds and are full of personality and lovely colors. I have Red Laced Blue's and Silver Laced.
Super chill birds.
Something to consider. Thank you!
I've never had them but the pics I have seen of the Red Laced Blues are gorgeous.
We just learned about Wyandotte’s from another video and want to add them next year! 😍
Me too! We had 3 Golden wyandottes , we call them Golden girls or GG.
We bought two “Ameraucana” chicks and they started out looking the same (could barely tell them apart) but now that their feathers have come in, they don’t even look like the same breed! They are awesome though and I can’t wait for Dump Truck (Dumpy) and Chickira to lay their different color eggs! Thanks for sharing!
May I ask what colours they turned out to lay?
I, too, like Easter Eggers. We also have Barnevelders (friendly but they don't particularly like to be held), and blue Australorps (very sweet disposition), and Novagens (which actually like to be held and cuddled). Our year-old Australorp went broody, but since we didn't have a rooster we 'borrowed' some fertile eggs from a friend. She has turned out to be a fantastic mother hen. The best thing is they all are doing great in a mixed breed flock.
Thanks for information.
Ive narrowed my favorite to standard cochin. They are not consistent layers, and they lay later. I just love the process of mama sitting on nest and caring for the chics. Cochins love nesting. Even if you're not wanting them too, they love it.
I also love their bustle tails and feathered legs.
Yes, there’s always an “S” in Marans. I’ve bred my blue and splash Marans to crested cream keg bars and got dark army green layers! Some Easter Evers lay plain old brown too. Love your choices. I’ll add that astrolops are great personalities and awesome layers!
Yes my olive egger was crested cream legbar x the Maran that looks like barred rocks (my brain is not working currently lol)
Buff Orpington/Australorp mix. So sweet and docile and productive layers year round.
My absolute favorites are the Americaunas. They're so loving and sweet. I found New Hampshire Reds to be super intelligent. One of mine constantly chatted to me all day long!!! Lol
I just got 4 chicks today! (2 leghorns, 1 golden comet and a buff orpington). I'm so excited. I've watched these videos before even getting them to make sure I would be doing the best for them. Thanks for your videos!!
I’m a new chicken momma so I have no idea what breeds are my favorite but I do want to add some Easter eggers to our flock!
😊 So fun!
If you have kids, they are the best! At least in our experience. Like Oak Abode, I will always have some in my flock. Plus they add pretty color to your egg crates. 😃
My favorite 3:
Buff Orpingtons: nice brown eggs, big but very mellow, gentle personality, they are broody & can raise their own young.
Sumatrans: nice white eggs, they are broody & can raise their own young & they are good foragers.
Bantam easter eggers: nice green eggs, small chickens, they are broody & can raise their own young as well as raising Japanese quail chicks
Our easter egger bantams are the COOLEST chickens we have. Tough, fun, loving, and they look awesome.
I raised Auracuanas. I had mint green, olive crab, light blue n light pink eggs. I always sold out of eggs every Saturday morning at Agri feed in Knoxville about 15 to 20 dozen at 3 dollars a dozen. I miss my chickens.
My parents are planning on getting a chicken coop for 3 - 4 hens a small coop but I need to try and reaserch a lot just to make sure we get a good breed and have proper care I’m 10 years old but I act extremely mature and I know what to do and not what not to do but I wanna make sure get a breed good with kids and not skidish
I just got my first chicks this spring and love them so much! I wanted a mixed flock and ended up with 1 easter egger, 1 barred rock, 1 rhode island red, and 1 jersey giant. They are only 9 weeks old, so still developing their personalities, but the BR and EE are the friendliest birds! The RIR and JG are really nice, too. I love a lot of things about my JG and think they might be an underrated breed! I hope she will go broody when she's grown up. I would love to have a chicken handle raising the next generation for me. So much dust in the house from this first batch!
I love all of the ones you mentioned!! But my absolute favorite chicken is my salmon faverolles. We drove way too far to get my hen and rooster from a breeder in Michigan, but they are the absolute sweetest and adorable!! :)
ohhh I'm getting a salmon faverolle next month! I was wondering if they were good chickens anyways!
Favorolle are of Dorking heritage the 5 toes is how you know.
we have several super sweet breeds and our samon is always the first to greet us.
What breeder?
Im in MI looking for Salmon Faverolle. Who is the breeder?
I love Orpingtons and Brabanters.Funny and super sweet.
Color wise I agree with all of your breed recommendations! However personality wise I like brahmas, Orpingtons and australorps. Those three are so sweet and even my 3 year old can walk up and pick them up.
Such good choices! They sound adorable. 😊
I have Golden Comets. They lay beautiful brown eggs in a variety of shades that are sometimes speckled and they lay pretty much all year. They have sweet personalities as well.
We love our Easter Eggers too, we have four of them, and they are all very sweet! We have two Australotps- one is very dominant and the other one is a complete scaredy-cat, but they are great egg layers as are the Easter Eggers. Lastly, we have a couple of golden laced. Wynandott- and they are very smart and curious, and also a very good lawyer!
You are so happy, thanks for making me smile ❤
Thank you for your videos. I'm a newbie to chickens & have learned so much from you. I just ordered ordered my first 4 Easter eggers. You helped me decide which chicks to get.
I’m a newly ordered 4 eastereggers since listening to you and because of their supposed docile nature looking forward to getting them 😅
My Americana rooster and black australorps made 26 olive Eggers on their own in 2015. The one left is over 7 and she just started laying again.
I love my Buff Orpingtons. I’ve trained them with treats and they love to snuggle. They can be a little lippy though, so maybe not the best in cities.
I started out with Buff Orphingtons. Have had different Brahmas had a wide assortment o N e time and that wasn’t too good. Now have a larger flock of Red star and they are laying beautiful chocolate eggs very calm and tame. With them have black and white Wyandots. They are sweet but are really taking their time laying their almost pink egg at a decent size. Almost like they might lay pulley eggs for s long time. I use a little light and they do just great.
I have 11 Easter Eggers and I couldn’t agree more. Not saying they my favorite but definitely top three. Beautiful birds and super friendly.
😊 Gotta love 'em!
i have the brown comets they are so sweet ! and get used to pple very quick ! i lost some to attacks but will new ones of the same variety tho .
We will be getting chickens in a couple of months and you confirmed the Easter egger as one choice which we had read about and were already liking! The public comments about the other chickens have helped out for our list. We like your other videos too, keep up the good work! Esp about getting a few chicks at first and adding to the flock as we go along. Living in Florida we look forward to having them outside a lot with our mild winters. The deep layer bedding is what we are going for also, and we read quite a bit about the organic industrial hemp for bedding. Thanks so much for sharing all your info and “your personality” to go with it!
I love watching your videos on chickens I have brought every thing I need for 4 baby chicks and will be going to pick them up this Thursday 3/17 from a feed store
I don't have any chicken at home, but based on your presentation I like your Easter Eggers the most. You have different chicken breeds in your backyard, so how do you keep them from crossing breeding?
Take care and thank you for making the video and sharing your love of raising chickens.
We have 14 chickens: 6 Silkies, 1 BCM, and 7 Easter Eggers. Our Easter Eggers are friendliest. Hands down. They are like little puppies. The Silkies are friendly, but not in the same way; they don’t like to be cuddled quite as much as the EE’s, and our EE roo is the FRIENDLIEST ROO ON THE PLANET while our Silkie Roos are (non-threatening) a-holes. Our BCM is insanely inquisitive and will follow us anywhere, BUT, she does not like to be held. That’s okay. We love her so much. I hatched Silkies and BCM’s at the same time. I hatched 9 BCM’s and am kicking myself for not keeping more because of that gorgeous egg!
Because I got our EE’s from a hatchery (I won’t and don’t need to do that ever again) they really breed for that blue egg. So there isn’t a lot of variety in our EE eggs, but, we have two that lay eggs I can tell apart from the others: one lays a very light blue speckled egg and one lays a really soft, sea foam green. 😄
P.S. If you want to see our crazy friendly EE roo, check out one of my most recent videos on @cali_wanderer_ or @bruadarach_farm on Instagram. He’s a gem!!! 😍❤️🥰 I promise I don’t go around advertising my IG accounts... this is the first time I’ve ever posted them to UA-cam and I may even delete this because it feels weird. 🤣
What is a BCM? FYI: You should always spell it out the first time before using an abbreviation.
@@logicalblueberryBlack Copper Marans=BCM
I know this is an older video but great information! My favorites are eastereggers as well! I love the earmuffs! I just got some Black Copper Marans so excited to get some dark eggs. You are spot on regarding Americauna and Eastereggers. Some stores will sell eastereggers as Americana (missing the U). They are just eastereggers though. If they are a true Americauna they will lay a light blue egg, not green, not olive.
My EEs were all gray and silver with similar markings to yours when they were chicks. They all grew up to look different, but with black and white and gray feathers. One is obviously part silver lace wyandott because she has the same identical feathers. She lays a slim, blue green egg that has a sheen. Two of them have beards, but one lays a pink egg and the other blue. The fourth only lays blue fairy eggs (she's 18 months old). They're sweet girls, but not as fat as yours because I can't let them free range because of hawks. They get seeds and bugs as treats, too. I also love my lavender orpingtons.
I originally got Leghorn and sold them and got Easter Eggers. The Easter Eggers seem to be much happier to see me everyday. They are still very young but I'm very happy with them.
they properly just think "food" chickens eat all the time, and will eat almost anything.
in my opinion, my 3 favourites are easter eggers, austrolorps, and lavender orpingtons.
My favorites are Australorp, Bielefelder, Marans, Isbar, and Malines.
Red star and barred rock. Brown egg layers.
I love to see your joy in your chickens.
I’ve recently bought month old black austrlorps due to them being heat tolerant and known to do well here in Alabama. Please let me know what else you think would be great I’m the south.
That's a great idea! Heat-tolerant birds can be hard to come by, can't they -- I'll have to look into this!
I am in love with your Easter Eggers and I am going to order some and have chicken friends too!😀
I have all of the chickens you mentioned plus many more breeds. I actually breed black copper marans and olive eggers. I also breed Lavender Ameraucanas which are the most docile chickens I have ever had. Another favorite of mine are barred rocks and blue plymouth rocks, and golden comets. Happy Chicken Farming!
Do you sell ? I’m looking now for chicks. Ty
My top breeds are Easter egger, wyandotte, orpington, and australorp
I love americanas for their beards and lovely coloring!
I had an Easter Egger named Piccolo! She was the frickin best. I brought her inside all the time.
Thank you. Think will get done black copper marans.
Our favorite breed so far is Sapphire Gem Plymouth Rocks!!! They are stunning and very very easy going and sweet and hardy and lay lots of large brown eggs! 🐓
My favorite??? We started our new flock with Easter Eggers and they are so much fun! Great coloring, personality, and colorful egg basket. Last spring we added Speckled Sussex and personality wise, they are easily my favorite! So relaxed and friendly. The only downside is their eggs are a touch smaller.
We adore our Buff Orpington, Buttercup. She will get in your lap for pets and is by far the sweetest, most docile chicken we have. We have a Partridge Rock hen that doesn’t like to be touched and will peck at us if we try. We aren’t a fan of her. Our meanest to the other chickens is our Blue Andalusian. She’s taller than the others as well. Our best layers are our white leghorns and Rhode Island Red.
I have a small flock of 4 Wyandottes and I love them so much! They are reliable egg layers, friendly and beautiful. They are also super quiet and they do not cluck all day (unlike my New Hampshire), which is very important to me an my neighbors.
Totally agree with your number one! I absolutely adore my little beauty and can’t wait to get more!!
road island reds one of my favorites
Love your gift for sharing, caring and content! With gratitude, from Texas!
I agree 100% , my Easter eggers are my lovey babies, I call them my house chickens because one hen (and her mother before her) will follow so close behind me that when I open the door she’ll sneak in the house without me even noticing! They are just like you said, they love pets and they’ll let the kids just walk right up and pick them up and give them a hug!
my favourites are black australorps, easter egger x silkies and black stars? i think that’s their names. really funny creatures
The Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Easter Egger are my favorites of the ones I've raised so far.
My favorite are Cochin for looks and Black star for eggs and personality. Our were just so beautiful and friendly with HUGE terracotta colored eggs.
My favorites are Australorps, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. I love the mix of feather colors and the cheerful personalities. 😊
My favorite breed is Belgian D’uccles ! They are so cuddly!
OH MY WORD, I want some D'uccles so badly! Such little cuties!!
@@OakAbode Ya! Ours name is Olive. I’ll dm you some pictures of her if you want to see some!
@@OakAbode And i love your channel it has helped me so much with my chickens!
We have 4 Belgium D'uccle Mille Fleur chicks right now and i am in love with them! Want more already.
I love my Sebright bantams. They lay the cutest little eggs with a huge yolk. My are really good layers too. I have silver, gold and buff. The buff colored hens are the sweetest.
Two of my hands are Easter eggers I love them they're beautiful. They're mellow. They do like to fly away so you will have to probably trim if you're free ranging. But their eggs are consistent. I have one that lays blue eggs and one that lays green eggs. It's awesome
We love our Light Sussex Girls. We are in the middle of winter and both have started laying in the last month with only one or two days missed. They were a little scared of us at first but have come around to being picked up and having a pat while they forage. They are big girls though! They didn't like the size of our standard nest boxes so we took out the divider between two boxes. At least now they lay in the nests :)
Great information! I don't have any easter eggers but I'll get some next time. I LOVE my chickens!
I've always loved buff Orpington, this time I am ordering light sussex, RIR, and blue laced wyandottes. Can't wait to get to know them. We are hatching eggs 🥚
My favorites are probably Rhode Island Reds, Silkes, and Cream legbars
I heard Silkies are mean.... is it true??
Country Life Forever! Oh no, where did you hear that from???!?! Now idk about other people but my silkies are the sweetest babies in my coop. ❤️❤️
@@jenessa_0974 oh, I just heard they are mean around other chickens. Sorry for the miss understanding
Ugh, I'm dying for some Silkies too!
I've had over 20 breeds... RIR's are the bullies of the yard, Silkies are the lap dogs. My favorite 3 layers are Production Reds (ISA Browns, Red Stars, Buff Stars, etc), Easter Eggers (they're more friendly than Amerucanas), and a tie between Plymouth Barred Rocks and Light Brahmas. As pets, Silkies, Polish, D'Uccles, although the Production Reds are generally extremely sweet and friendly.
You have a personality that shines. I subscribed just for that.
Haha....try black Austrolorp. You'll love them.
Some of the favorites on our farm are Batred Rocks, Wyandottes and Sapphire Gems. Our Sapphire Gems lay the largest eggs we've ever had.
We are first time chicken parents. Got 2 Blue Rocks, 2 Orpingtons (most cuddly), and one each Americana, Black Astrolorp, Welsummer (Woody and she's got the best, friendliest personality) and a Barred Plymouth Rock
Chickens rock! Can't wait for the eggs...
You are certainly right about the Easter Eggers. They are our favorite as well, mostly because the Americauna mix (BTW, your Easter Eggers are ADORABLE) are SOOO friendly. We even had one (loved that bird!) who was an Americauna/Hamburg. Took us awhile to figure out what she was crossed with and finally came up with the Hamburg. The Hamburg are a small breed, flighty (and good flyers!), lay daily, good foragers, spunky and very chatty. They can be very friendly in their chattiness or can cuss you out like a trucker if they don't like something. Their tone says it all! Cracks me up how this little bird can boss around another bird two to three times her size and get away with it. It's always fun with Easter Eggers to try and figure out what they Americauna was crossed with because the feed store doesn't usually know. We finally figured out our last three Easter Eggers were Americauna/Brahma's by their coloring, the feathers on the feet of one of them, the size of one of the sisters (who also has feathers on her feet), the intelligence (surprisingly smart bird), and their overt gentleness. Most of those turned out to be Brahma traits. Still have the beautiful cheek puffs and beard of the Americauna.
Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons love them both
In our 20's my husband and I had Araucanas (south american) and White Leghorns. The Araucanas laid all colors of eggs - pink, blue, green, etc. I never hear of those anymore. The Leghorns were egg laying machines, the Araucanas were more like game hens...super personalities, and topknots, feathered feet or legs. Super fun!
I actually wanted Easter eggers or Olive eggers but my TSC just had "Ameracaunas." Now I'm excited to see how they turn out!
Austrolorps are sweet. I had one named Targo Thunder. She was super sweet.
My olive eggers are so super sweet, especially our roos! I've never met kinder, more sociable roosters!
Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks are my favorites. They are calm, all purpose breeds. They lay brown eggs and are good setters. My best Mommas have always been the Reds. I had a pet Red rooster who was like a puppy, he followed me all over the yard. Another breed I like are Cochins. They are beautiful and the roosters ... well, I had one that faced down a fox while protecting his hens. The hens are flighty though. Leghorns are the worst. They can be quite mean, and due to their size can be dangerous around young children.
I agree with your choices for eggs layers, I have loved them all!
I love Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Americanas, barred rocks, EE, & I'm not fond of Leghorns they are too freaked out and flighty! Fun video, thanks for sharing!
Love, love Buff Orpington!
Thank you for this my family at the moment is raising 28 chicks
And olive Egger is definitely on my list of what to get next. I like having different colors of eggs, makes it interesting I even have a couple that lay white eggs because I like the contrast of all the different colors.
i like Olandsk dwarf chickens, they have many colors in their feathers and are gentle birds...
My favorite chicken is my Easter Egger, Emma. She has the Best personality. I also have olive edgers and a midnight majestic Marian that lays pretty, dark chocolate eggs
Here at the "Old Poults Home" the OPs (original poults) are a real mix but this spring I bought a dozen "Americana" from a commercial breeder. What fun to watch their colors come out with the individual personalities. I named after colors to start. Lol. I love them and wish I had a Marans to round out the basket. My granddaughter is adding 6 leghorns. White eggs will bring such contrasts.❤️
I love my motley crew.