From Fundamentalism to Catholicism - Michael Kelleher

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Michael Kelleher grew up in a family that was deeply devoted to the Bible. So much so, in fact, that they had trouble finding a church home where they thought the Scriptures were being properly lived and proclaimed. In all of it, he developed a deep personal relationship with Jesus that flourished outside of any kind of formal church experience.
    However, when Michael took a Bible college class that was intended to help him defend "sola Scriptura," he discovered instead that it raised a number of frustrating questions about how "sola Scriptura" was supposed to work.
    And while many Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians who go through this experience end up deconstructing or moving away from Christianity, Michael felt challenged to pray and discern if there was perhaps a different way to understand how Jesus intended His followers to read the Scriptures than what he'd grown up with.
    For more stories, visit


  • @paulericn.mouafo6610
    @paulericn.mouafo6610 2 роки тому +27

    Welcome home .. I mark the main igniting fact for this change: the study of history !! this is what the most lacks to our brethren from the reform.

  • @marcihf217
    @marcihf217 2 роки тому +15

    Welcome Home

  • @GrandmaLynn
    @GrandmaLynn 2 роки тому +18

    Welcome home, to you and your wife!

  • @bestpossibleworld2091
    @bestpossibleworld2091 2 роки тому +15

    I love Michael's intellectual and humble spiritual honesty.

  • @alicetruhlar2098
    @alicetruhlar2098 2 роки тому +6

    Enjoyed this witnessing..I am always grateful to hear how a soul is drawn into the Church! I am a convert..I continue to fall in love with it with each new 'member' GBY

  • @Ggdivhjkjl
    @Ggdivhjkjl 2 роки тому +11

    Sola Scriptura never really made sense to me either. It simply can't stand up to historical scrutiny.

  • @kevinmc62
    @kevinmc62 2 роки тому +10

    Welcome home!

  • @feaokautai7354
    @feaokautai7354 2 роки тому +7

    Praise God for your faith and searching for TRUTH JESUS CHRIST. Welcome Brilliant gentleman... for coming home to Catholicism. Your mission to keep telling your beautiful stories to bring more friends to Jesus Christ.

  • @KennyBurchard
    @KennyBurchard 2 роки тому +13

    Really great, gentle, and sane rationale. Thanks, Michael! Welcome Home!!!

    • @cominghomenetwork
      @cominghomenetwork  2 роки тому +3

      Thank you kindly!

    • @tony1685
      @tony1685 2 роки тому +1

      @@cominghomenetwork one questing for Michael - are Ten Commandments optional? are They too 'fundamental'?
      because if he is for Them - then he can't remain catholic.
      but if he isn't for Them - then he's for the lawless one.
      thanks in advance for your answer!

    • @loveisaih2020
      @loveisaih2020 2 роки тому +3

      Troll Alert! @tony is a 7th Day Adventist retired pastor. Anti Catholicism is his oxygen.

    • @bobdobbs943
      @bobdobbs943 2 роки тому +1

      @@tony1685 The invisible god wasnt for this guy. He decided he wanted to trade him in for a mouth full of crackers and a golden sungod symbol.

    • @tony1685
      @tony1685 2 роки тому

      @@bobdobbs943 very well said, bob!
      now they chew on the god-cookie and then chant to the dead (necromancy).

  • @danp.torreja2777
    @danp.torreja2777 2 роки тому +8

    2 Thessalonians 2:15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.

  • @tesschavit3009
    @tesschavit3009 2 роки тому +6

    Praise be Jesus and Mary

  • @englishlearningcenter1470
    @englishlearningcenter1470 2 роки тому +8

    Welcome home!!!!

  • @njohn6995
    @njohn6995 2 роки тому +5

    Welcome home 🙏

  • @jennbi1627
    @jennbi1627 2 роки тому +5

    Beautiful!! Welcome home 😊

  • @msmary126
    @msmary126 2 роки тому +7

    Beautiful story! I'm curious about his parents and how they accepted him coming home to the Church

  • @milagrosamistoso5650
    @milagrosamistoso5650 2 роки тому +9

    Love testimonies like this...

  • @gilberturesti338
    @gilberturesti338 2 роки тому +3

    Welcome home

  • @11antun
    @11antun 2 роки тому +5

    welcome Home♥️

  • @matthewmcdaid7962
    @matthewmcdaid7962 Рік тому +2

    This is how the Protestant tenet of private interpretation of scripture plays out. There are as many denominations of Protestantism as there are Protestants. This man's family is living proof of this.

  • @rcbourlock1149
    @rcbourlock1149 6 місяців тому


  • @paulcapaccio9905
    @paulcapaccio9905 4 місяці тому

    God found you

  • @matta.5363
    @matta.5363 Рік тому +1

    So, Michael, what are you going to do about the heresy of papal infallibility? You're running on emotions, personal history, and anecdotal experiences. What does Scripture say?

    • @anng.4542
      @anng.4542 Рік тому +2

      Matt A. - First of all, do you understand what papal infallibility actually means? How would you explain it? Because most people, including many Catholics, do not realize: it doesn't actually mean what they think it means.
      And if you think this believer is merely "running on emotions, personal history and anecdotal experiences", then you clearly weren't paying attention to the thoughtful questioning and consideration that inspired Michael to investigate and study further.

  • @UN1VERS3S
    @UN1VERS3S 2 роки тому +1

    Stop with the man made rules. (No R rated movies, no anime, no pizza, no vacations).
    Rules are made to condemn(hence why we have the old testament law). A person condemned needs a savior.
    Jesus came to save not to condemn. As He said he had come to give us life and have it to the full. As Paul said He called us to be free!
    However we're not to use our freedom to gratify our sinful flesh. And we're not to exercise our freedom if it cause others to stumble and yes we're free to do everything but not everything is beneficial. Eternal life starts now not after we die(physically)
    How to be free? Follow Jesus! Trust in His process! Deny your sinful selves then take up your cross. And when His perfect timing comes crucify it and you will no longer walk in the sinful flesh but in the Spirit(9 Biblical fruits of the spirit)! Read the Bible by yourself!
    Stop thinking that your religion; Catholic, Protestant,Evangelic, Mormon, etc. is the narrow way. No! How many of their members know why Jesus came for? Jesus is the narrow way! He's the way, the truth and the life!
    God bless us all!❤️🕊️

    • @rebn8346
      @rebn8346 2 роки тому +1

      Jesus founded the Catholic Church. "upon this rock I will found My Church". Yes, I believe in Jesus. I believe Him when He told the Apostles to forgive sins. I believe him when he said "unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you shall not gain eternal life."
      Jesus is the Bread of Life. I believe Him.

  • @shihyuchu6753
    @shihyuchu6753 2 роки тому

    Can any of you Catholics show even ONE thing I must believe which is NOT in the Bible?

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 2 роки тому +5

      Which books belong in the Bible.

    • @jerome8950
      @jerome8950 2 роки тому +3

      I believe the question you should answer is: Where in the Bible are we instructed to consider ONLY the things written in the Bible as inspired or coming from God?

    • @venanciopereira133
      @venanciopereira133 2 роки тому +1

      Which is NOT in the Bible is your name.

    • @johnflorio3052
      @johnflorio3052 2 роки тому +2

      The phrase “holy trinity.”

  • @shihyuchu6753
    @shihyuchu6753 2 роки тому

    MUCH better to have Citizenship in Heaven...than a home in Rome

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 2 роки тому +4

      Why not both?

    • @row1landr
      @row1landr 2 роки тому +2

      Rome leads to Heaven.
      To get to Heaven, you have to go through Rome.
      As Jesus commanded! Please learn the Bible!
      If you love Jesus, seek the truth. Jesus said seek and you will find. Keep seeking the truth. Get out of your dead lock. Seek by looking as far back in history as you can. Start by trying to understand what the first Christians believed and how they came to their beliefs. Jimmy Akin has an excellent book called the Fathers know best.
      Also, look up speakers like Scott Hahn, Steve Ray, Tim Staples , and Dr Brant Pitre.
      Look up Brant Pitre video on Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Papacy
      and Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist.
      I will pray for you.

    • @mikelopez8564
      @mikelopez8564 2 роки тому +5

      Certainly the greater good is to be with God! The question is why would you NOT be in His Church while you’re here?

    • @paulcapaccio9905
      @paulcapaccio9905 4 місяці тому

      Both are necessary

  • @chickrunk3810
    @chickrunk3810 2 роки тому

    No church can save anyone. Salvation is by grace not by works. The Lord Jesus told the Jewish leader Nicodemus that he had to be born again. Nicodemus was trusting in the traditions of his Jewish forefathers. Many people are trusting in their Catholic and Protestant church traditions and are far away from the truth of the Gospel that was preached by the Apostles and the church of Acts. The history of the Catholic church, specifically, is so full of corruption, sin, and idolatry and it continues to engage in whitewashing its sad actions over the centuries.

    • @craigsherman4480
      @craigsherman4480 2 роки тому +3

      I would respectfully disagree with you. I would be happy to discuss why with you.

  • @sabbatical7705
    @sabbatical7705 2 роки тому

    Now when are we going to talk about the fact that denominations are a worldly and manmade organization. Be it Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, and so on. Put your faith in Christ, not a human organization. We know the world's religions will come together soon as one, this is why a fundamental view is necessary. Eyes on Christ first and foremost. The kingdom of heaven is our home and that is where our hearts desire . This world is perishing, so why complicate? Christ died to save the sinner, not the Catholic or the Lutheran or the Baptist.

    • @larryluch8178
      @larryluch8178 2 роки тому +2

      Upon this rock l build My Church. Jesus established a church to go teach all nations. Proper understanding of Scripture is taught by the church that Jesus established. Blessings

    • @sabbatical7705
      @sabbatical7705 2 роки тому

      @@larryluch8178 Jesus is the ultimate authority though. He is our teacher. Not the church. The body of Christ is His people. His church. And this body is spread out all over the earth, in the churches, out of the churches, all walks of life.

    • @larryluch8178
      @larryluch8178 2 роки тому +2

      @@sabbatical7705 There are many disagreements among Christians about Scriptural interpretation. Truth is not divided nor can it be contradictory. For instance is Holy Communion symbolic or is Jesus truly present Body Blood Soul and Divinity. Only the Church Jesus established has the fullness if truth and we should be guided by it’s teaching. We are not free to decide truth for ourself. Blessings and may the Holy Spirit guide us all on our journey.

    • @KennyBurchard
      @KennyBurchard 2 роки тому

      @@sabbatical7705 For the follower of Jesus, what would you say is the pillar and foundation of the truth?

    • @sabbatical7705
      @sabbatical7705 2 роки тому

      John 14:6
      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
      John 1:17
      For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
      So Jesus is my Pillar, my Rock, my all in all.
      Matthew 28:18
      And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
      He is our Shepherd, no?