Revealing God's Plan for the End Times

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @angelaashley4741
    @angelaashley4741 9 років тому +3

    Thank you Jesus! Please give me wisdom and understanding, amen!

  • @angzhamz5053
    @angzhamz5053 5 років тому +1

    God's Word is good. Thank you Lord for your Love, and wanting to know us in a personal relationship. And, Thank you that we know you are with us by holy spirit confirmations, miracles, signs, and wonders. Jesus is the answer!

  • @wifeofhenry
    @wifeofhenry 11 років тому

    Billye YOU is Beautiful & so is your ministry.

  • @jennybyrne7322
    @jennybyrne7322 8 років тому +1

    I am glad that god loves everyone.... Including all Gay marriages.... Love is kind~ Thank you...

  • @JesusIsLordForever
    @JesusIsLordForever  11 років тому

    You're welcome. God bless. :)

  • @patriciaburch55
    @patriciaburch55 10 років тому

    This is good

  • @helvis09
    @helvis09 7 років тому

    God has always been in the control and ALWAYS WILL BE. All of this that is happening in the world is Gods PLAN. Gods plan includes time for all of humanity to learn critical lessons from personal choices, both the good and the bad. Our EARTH - It is our SCHOOL that we're in now. In this life - ALL OF US - we are learning because of the revelation of things that we have revealed and we need to learn how to be around it all. We have come to the phase of revealing the tiniest deepest aspects of life. We have created infinite amount of things, just to name a few to give you an example - puzzles, cardboard games, glass, wood toys, pencils, bottles, rubix-cube, iron, hoover, arcade centers, all electricity, all technology, a bike, magnifying glass, telescopes, planes, rockets, weapons, sounds - the list can go infinite - we revealed how so so so so so so much - all of those things bring in natural reactions, like jealousy, defense, greed, power, anger, irritability, frustration, deaths, sorrow - and we need to MASTER them - for Gods Plan in the Mass Consciousness Evolution. Those all reactions are part of our Ego - and Ego is the dark side of Gods creation, which is NATURAL and INTENDED - otherwise we could never learn the way we can learn and be fully functioning humans how we are meant to be and perform in any environment given and we are here to learn to MASTER this EGO. Ego was there already at the beginning of time when life started forming and humans formed with divinity, - with nature and peace - all there was was just nature and terrain in its original form - not modifies by human technology ---> water, fish, planktons, insects, trees, grass, bushes, plants, berries, nuts, herbs, teas, peas, fruit, animals, lakes, ponds, mountains, rocks, sand, spices, blah, blah, blah - countless families of species that humans can't possibly live without. But the idea of creating technology, revealing DNA, cells etc. was already there in the beginning - it could have been done already, it was already in the Gods plan when Universe was created. All the technology that we have now could have been created and made in the very beginning because all the sources were there - but everything started out bit by bit to revealing one thing to another, which leads to another and then that thing to another and so on until we have become 7.5 BILLION - revealing all of what we have - with all each one of us being a different soul - with something different and special. And now after many many many years we are currently into the climax - into the wildest times. We have come to the stage of climax in evolution - We're in the THE END TIMES, New World Order, all the countries, politicians, presidents, celebrities - it's all a part of an act - for Mass Consciousness Evolution. God created it for the Mass Consciousness Evolution. All of the things we experienced - all gets stored in our universal data - DNA. This mass consciousness evolution is the highest consciousness evolution in history. All of the facts about Antichrist, Second Coming of Jesus, Total Solar Eclipse - Aug 21, 2017, President Elects, Hitler, World Wars, - they were all in prophecies. We have come and evolved to revealing and experiencing basically all there is. After this Mass Consciousness Evolution our lessons will be over and we can return to paradise in wherever you wish in universe - where your home belongs in - whatever cluster, galaxy etc., you will now it once you'll leave this body that you had in this life. We had been blinded with vaccines since birth, GMOs, fluoride - that all these things had locked our natural, true psychic abilities of knowing about our pasts, our souls, our real selves and real universe - but this all had to be done to blind us all for the Mass Consciousness Evolution. How else would have the world be made to have all what we have?... if we weren't blinded, we wouldn't want to go jobs constantly, do this, do that - we would want our paradise. Ego had to be revealed and learned - it was always in there in the very beginning of creation, at its core when all started forming and it has to be learned and Mastered. GODS PLAN WON'T BE COMPLETE UNTIL ALL OF HUMANITY LEARN THEIR LESSONS from their own personal choices - good or bad. We are now in the years where massive outbursts of miracles and tragic will happen and already is happening. Love and Peace

  • @jennybyrne7322
    @jennybyrne7322 8 років тому +1

    What has a face lift to do with god?

  • @elainevassell7407
    @elainevassell7407 9 років тому +1

    The 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is near. We are in the days of The Final Tribulation Period. (KJV) 2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Wonderfully, the elect will not be deceived. John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 17:9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 1 Corinthians 14:33. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. God will give His elect sufficient understanding of the true Gospel so that they will not be deceived, no matter how clever the deceiver will be. It also means that all the non-elect will be deceived, and they do not know that they have been deceived for they were deceived by the Master deceiver. This is the Final Tribulation Period. It is a tribulation for all those who remain faithful, for they only see the full impact these false gospels have on those that will be cast into Hell. They only shall have the discernment to see which Gospels are false. The spirit of Antichrist is Satan. Deuteronomy 32:37 And he shall say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted, Deuteronomy 32:38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection. God says that natural, unregenerate man trusts in every other rock, other than Christ Jesus, Who is the true “Rock”. Notice, He tells them to call upon the rocks (false gods, in fact, anything other than the True God in whom men seek refuge) to “rise up and help you, and be your protection” (Deuteronomy 32:28). And so, this is the character of natural man. They trust in lying words, false christs, false gospels, false religions, the false ideas of men, and every other thing that opposes the truth to protect them in times of trouble. They put their trust in gods who cannot save (Isaiah 45:20). How sad it will be for many on that great day who shall shall seek refuge in their false christs which inevitably arise from the false gospels of lying men to protect them and hide them from the wrath to come. They shall say “Lord, Lord, have we not, did we not…” But the Lord Jesus shall say “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:22-24).

  • @dominikmarx5636
    @dominikmarx5636 7 років тому

    Why why do we need to live

  • @patriciaburch6471
    @patriciaburch6471 5 років тому

    3:55 sec Rapture questions and answers

  • @mdavis1215
    @mdavis1215 8 років тому

    I don't want this fake world soul trap, all I want is Christ Jesus, I continually put all my faith hope and trust in Him alone, I could hear my own voice saying no I don't recieve it in Jesus name...I would rather die than take that abomination of a mark...I STILL do not recieve it in Jesus name. 1 Corinthians 10:13King James Version (KJV)
    13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
    This is a real issue, they are forcing the mark on people who are alert enough to know what is going on on the real world. I know it. First hand. A person crying out night and day on the name of Jesus, saying they belong to Him and do NOT want it recieve the mark should NOT have it forced on them against their will. I know I can't be the only one. But Jesus knows the name and face of EVERY single soul. We belong to HIM...they may say that they get ones like me all the should make them stop and is not right and we the unheard voices saying no and clinging to Christ need to be heard. This issue needs to be addressed.It is our God given human right to refuse the Mark of the beast, to refuse to worship his Image and to choose Jesus.I belong to YHVH through the shed blood of Jesus Christ my high priest forever ...Almighty God heard my cry, heard me saying No I do not recieve it and so did the people implementing it...they responded to me...this world is fake on the name of Jesus and repent of what put us here in the first place God is bigger, Jesus is Bigger, His blood more powerful and His arm is not short that it cannot save!

  • @ageoftheindigo
    @ageoftheindigo 6 років тому

    what the FUCK does this has to do with Drake?!?