Harvest Moon Animal Parade: Glitch or Scandolous Affair?

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • It just kind of happened...
    (Action starts at 1:00)


  • @xAaliyahHoltVlogsx
    @xAaliyahHoltVlogsx 8 років тому +18

    Not a glitch the girls/boys still will give you gifts even when you're married. I played as a boy and married Renee and I still got gifts from Luna, Candace, Selena, Kathy, Maya

  • @KaieSyrane
    @KaieSyrane 11 років тому +13

    No, but I'm genuinely NOT convinced that Julius walks the straight and narrow, if ya know what I mean. Lmao.

  • @Tigerstar-lf6mi
    @Tigerstar-lf6mi 9 років тому +6

    THIS ISN'T A GLITCH! Luna just gave you a gift because you got the number of hearts for her gift. The characters will always come and deliver their gifts even if you are married, no matter how strange it may seem... Jin, Chase, and Wizard all gave me gifts and I'm married to Luke.

    @xMUSICxMASTERx 14 років тому +12

    lol damnnn shes tryin to steal you from her own sister! :P

  • @EmilyD
    @EmilyD 11 років тому +5

    *sister comes out*
    GO AWAY!
    *chases Luna*

  • @xVampireLover99x
    @xVampireLover99x 11 років тому +11

    What happens if the glitch continued and somehow you got married to her too

  • @lunanorth8470
    @lunanorth8470 5 років тому +1

    I was playing the game unmarried as I married all the other characters off first. I went to talk to Calvin and Phoebe the day before the Moon festival so I could meet their son Heath, who was just born. Calvin asked me to go to the festival with him and I was so confused. I tested with the other guys and even though they were married and had children, they still asked me to the festival and were disappointed when I said no. Just a really awkward oversight in the programming.

  • @janetsarttrove
    @janetsarttrove 11 років тому +1

    *Candace comes out
    Candace: Luna, what are you doing here...?
    Luna: I came here to see Zach. I want to give him these.
    *Luna shows gift*
    Candace:...What...? do you...like Zach...?
    Luna: *blushes* Yeah...he's really cute!
    Candace:Um....you do know I'm married to him...right...?
    Luna:*shocked* WHAT??? *Begins to cry*
    Luna: BACK OFF OF HIM! HE'S MINE!!!!
    *Luna runs away still crying*
    *Zach comes out*
    Zach: What's going on?

  • @SpectrumDiamond
    @SpectrumDiamond 12 років тому +2

    This happened to me. I was married to Owen and, after I got Gill up to two hearts, he came by and gave me a present.
    I was like, "Uhh.....no offense, but if Owen knew, he'd snap you like a twig. I love you, but WTF."

  • @SunflowerMage
    @SunflowerMage 11 років тому +1

    MC: Oh hey Luna, here to see your sister?
    Luna: I would totally rock your world. Right now. Behind the barn.
    MC: O.o ....uhhh..... I think.... I gotta go.....
    Luna: Call me, hot stuff.
    MC: *backing away slowly*
    Candace: Hey, did I just hear Luna?
    Candace: ...?

  • @plusandminum6367
    @plusandminum6367 11 років тому +4

    It happen to me I am merryied to luke and wizard came offering a gift an luke was outside helping me with the farm.I said run now he has an ax.XD

  • @Sims3IsWin
    @Sims3IsWin 13 років тому +5

    This happened to me. I was playing as a male, and was married to Selena, when one morning Chase came to my house with a gift. It was quite a WTF moment, learning that Chase was gay for a married man.

  • @janrioangeloreyes
    @janrioangeloreyes 11 років тому +2

    he was like "wtf hearts? I'm kinda married to your sister.." xD

  • @ShaymieElric
    @ShaymieElric 12 років тому +3

    oh, dear gosh. now i'm having second thoughts about marrying chase. he might cheat on me with julius.... meh,i'm having third thoughts and julius might try to make the first move. CHASE FTW!

  • @moondew3114
    @moondew3114 11 років тому +5

    The part that freaked me out was when I saw that you could walk your wife.

  • @nedrynthecheeto66
    @nedrynthecheeto66 11 років тому +1

    That's called a second gift. You get it from any marriage candidate, whether opposite gender or no, married or no. It won't stop the scene from happening if you get married.

  • @NoctourneDigital
    @NoctourneDigital 14 років тому

    haha XD love the added thought bubble~
    But yeah, it's not a glitch. Cause I married Luke and got a gift from Wizard.
    too bad you can't go out with them too tho... that'd be fun >:D

  • @Rastanton94
    @Rastanton94 14 років тому

    Yes, this can happen. But after marriage, they're more seen as friendship presents. I still need Gil's, Julius's, Toby's.

  • @JAStars102
    @JAStars102 13 років тому

    This happened to me too. I was married to the Wizard and Jin came by with a present.
    I was trying to activate the Injured Bird Event.

  • @ImaScatCat101
    @ImaScatCat101 12 років тому +2

    With her sister man?! ~Le gasp~

  • @bubbliwolfi1
    @bubbliwolfi1 12 років тому

    Oh my... Lol, I'm sure it's just because you've given her presents all the time and now she's repaying you with her own, that kind of thing happens about every two hearts you get with another character. **LUKE, CALVIN AND THE WIZARD-3**

  • @MissWinchester92
    @MissWinchester92 13 років тому

    Hahahaha. "What the heck?! Free clothes." Laughed my ass off after that.

  • @fooboo24lala
    @fooboo24lala 13 років тому +1

    I was married to Luke, and this happened with Chase. I accepted the salt. XD

  • @ceciliamariadearaujo5810
    @ceciliamariadearaujo5810 11 років тому +3

    you like phoenix wright, The sims 3 and Harvest Moon!??

  • @GlorifiedThief
    @GlorifiedThief 11 років тому

    Wondering if this is like the 2 heart/4 heart gifts in TOT. Everyone has those, except for maybe the mayor. So it would be totally normal to be married and get a present from a past love interest. Dunno, really.

  • @paprikamuffin
    @paprikamuffin 14 років тому

    Same thing happened to me with Gill when I married Luke.
    My friend and I call it a HAWT affair.

  • @Timesora
    @Timesora 12 років тому

    Dude I woke up and Calvin was standing outside with a diamond and sending me innuendos with words about marriage. All I could think was, "That guy inside my house, his name is Jin, and he is soooo gonna kick some ass when he finds out" lololol

  • @iytei
    @iytei 12 років тому +3

    That was not a glitch. If you had high hearts with her before you married, then its a late event. If they got higher while married then its a friendship visit.

  • @BisexualCommando
    @BisexualCommando 13 років тому

    This happened to me three times... I bet Calvin's gonna get a whip and go all Indiana Jones on Jin, Toby, and Owen!

  • @MsAnimefan95
    @MsAnimefan95 14 років тому

    Yeah, I married Gill and had a daughter, then one morning Julius just sorta showed up. Yeah... I arranged for him to propose to Candace shortly after that.

  • @ultimatemew12
    @ultimatemew12 14 років тому

    They need to smooth out Luna's hair. It doesn't look right just framing her head. Either make her hair longer or keep her short.

  • @chocobo3847
    @chocobo3847 11 років тому

    That awkward moment when you walk outside one morning(married to owen) and there goes Julius standing randomly at your door.

  • @The1Animeprincess
    @The1Animeprincess 13 років тому

    at first, i thought this was never going to happen to me.then Jin just had to come to my house!...good thing i wasn't married yet

  • @Voiidpriince
    @Voiidpriince 13 років тому

    Now that im taken all the other girls are chasing after my heart...

  • @Flobo151
    @Flobo151 12 років тому

    'What the heck, free clothes!' Haha, that's what I was like when Chase came over with some food.
    'Ahh, to hell with it, my husband can't cook anyways! But I'd mind out of the way when you next see Luke swinging around his axe if I where you...'

  • @janrioangeloreyes
    @janrioangeloreyes 10 років тому +1

    this also happened to me xD only it was the other way around :3 I was married to Luna and then Candace gave me a blue muffler :3 just sharing ^_^

  • @Focxio
    @Focxio 11 років тому

    hearts don't generally mean they are IN love with you, harvest moon is a cutesy game, obviously you can be nice to someone you love, and wouldn't everyone in the village become close? I think so. Think about it

  • @selphiia
    @selphiia 13 років тому

    This happened to me too! I was married to Chase and suddenly Jin showed up at my door all covered in hearts! x D

  • @PiplupPeanut
    @PiplupPeanut 14 років тому

    Same thing happened to me with Luke after I married Gill.
    And Luke came to my wedding. And I was wearing the wedding ring.

  • @HaruhiSuzioka
    @HaruhiSuzioka 13 років тому

    lol xD
    animal parade hasn't come out yet in the UK(release date 3/12/10) :(
    i've been waiting for it for nearly 2 years now. >.>' so it better be good

  • @Pure95Heart
    @Pure95Heart 13 років тому

    This happened to me but I'm married to Luna and Candace is knockin at my door giving me presents.

  • @ShinobiRonin19
    @ShinobiRonin19 14 років тому

    i think you can still get the gifts from the others, just, not the other romantic stuff.

  • @Flobo151
    @Flobo151 12 років тому

    This happened to me when I was playing as a girl. I walked out of my house kabam, Selena is standing there offering me a gift. At first I was certain it was a trap, perhaps it had a bomb in it that would explode at my touch so she could come and take my husband, Luke. Then I saw the hearts and was like 'Girl, that time at the beach when I went gay for your dancing? Yeah that was a one time thing..."

  • @dannyboydantaylor
    @dannyboydantaylor 13 років тому

    Whoa... Luna's hot in winter...

  • @kimmy13r
    @kimmy13r 14 років тому

    actually its not a glitch nor is it am affair. You see it my Harvest Moon Tree Of Tranquility (yes i understand its NOT this harvest moon but still...) I married Owen but I got my hearts up on both Gil,Luke,and Kathy (strange but its cuz I work at the bar every wednesday) and i still get the "date" things but the relationship just isn't there. Anyway its just how it was deigned ya know?

  • @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF
    @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF 13 років тому

    that happened to me with gil. i was married to owen, and just BAM! gil shows up..the wizard did to. :D maybe i shouldn't woo after i'm married? then selena was like "well, we'll see who gets to luke first. i'm more talented and pretty than you, blah blah blah..." i'm all like, "I'M MARRIED TO HIS BEST FRIEND!!" i yell at the game a lot. :D

  • @brittonia03
    @brittonia03 11 років тому

    Agreed, except in my case it was Married to Gil and walks out ot Chase standing there Cx lol utter failure!

  • @sugarkitty2008
    @sugarkitty2008 13 років тому +2

    i'm amrried and the candidates are all married now too yet when i'm trying to make friends with them they get all lovey dovey. it feels like a double affair lol.

  • @moviemoment247
    @moviemoment247 12 років тому

    They must have been too lazy to change their reactions to after you get married. But it's still amusing to watch.

  • @Klemeron
    @Klemeron 11 років тому

    Hey, another Phoenix Wright fan!

  • @emoSASUKEgrl
    @emoSASUKEgrl 13 років тому

    Geez Luna dont look so excited xD

  • @Keyonnafunnygirl
    @Keyonnafunnygirl 12 років тому

    i did the same thing i married wizard and and went to luke standing at my door i just i wonder if my daughter saw that

  • @IxlovexL
    @IxlovexL 14 років тому

    this happened to me, im married to julius but the wizard gave me a gift...i kinda stopped talking to him because i dont know what will happen if the wizard gets more hearts for me lol i dont want julius to leave xD we has a baby

  • @yintsunami
    @yintsunami 14 років тому

    totally a glitch. I got married to Luke and Jin gave me a 4 heart present...

  • @Raina111111
    @Raina111111 12 років тому

    Mine was even worse. I was married and Jin, WHO WAS MARRIED TO ANISSA AND HAD VAN came and gave me a 4 heart gift. I'm not complaining, free stuff, but that is just wrong.

  • @NICAS35
    @NICAS35 12 років тому

    lmfao same thing happened when i was married to Candance Luna showed up at my door and i was like WTF Um...I'm married to your sister

  • @Southpark09Fan
    @Southpark09Fan 13 років тому

    This happened to me too.
    Though I kind of expected it, because im on the last bell.

  • @littleBunnyGurl
    @littleBunnyGurl 12 років тому

    Dude I was married to luke when this happened. I was like WTF! I'm a girl and married!....and your pink, so go away...but I got free stuff so whateva!

  • @jesseehh77
    @jesseehh77 9 років тому

    I read the fanfic and i couldn't but to read it a bunch of times♡

  • @starburstzz
    @starburstzz 14 років тому

    this happened to me but with jin... and i was like "uuhhh im married to owen..." hahaa

  • @my25raspberry
    @my25raspberry 14 років тому

    Well I don't think it's a glitch but OMG that's what Gill gives!!! If you're a girl, that is

  • @megancastro8906
    @megancastro8906 11 років тому

    This isn't a glich but if the same gender then it is if you have 2 hearts the game is programed to do the event :p

  • @boltdragon31
    @boltdragon31 11 років тому

    not a glitch. i've been married to kathy and have received gifts from Maya, Luna, Candace, Selena, Renee, and Anissa. if it's the same gender...well, Natsume probably doesn't have many beta testers and debuggers anyway. I still enjoy the game

  • @NintendoLiz1996
    @NintendoLiz1996 13 років тому

    Haha thats funny >:] Luna is just feeling lonely cuz i married Gill, let her be XD

  • @aquawarrior12E
    @aquawarrior12E 11 років тому

    Never gonna play Renee and run off with other girls NO SIR

  • @fooboo24lala
    @fooboo24lala 14 років тому

    @PrincessPikachu113 she just goes insane. like all of the calm shyness was all a lie. XDDD

  • @Quacking444
    @Quacking444 14 років тому

    Never experienced that... I dunno. Gill and I are married with two daughters... So I dunno if it's possible. But I saw a baby in the bid so maybe it is!!! Chase here I come!!!! JK.

  • @WoozWorldgirlz
    @WoozWorldgirlz 12 років тому +2


  • @aeonbandit2473
    @aeonbandit2473 6 років тому

    This is not a glitch it’s a Heart event that happens no matter your status and stops at nine hearts since that is when you get married

  • @brittonia03
    @brittonia03 11 років тому

    That happened to me when I was married to Gil! I was trying to be friends with Chase and apperratenly he took my kindness the wrong way lol xD Idk why they didn't program the game to lock the heart events after your married it's both funny and awkward~♪ lol

  • @ShaymieElric
    @ShaymieElric 13 років тому

    @charlotte3290 ok.. i might watch it on youtube.

  • @Skitty1031
    @Skitty1031 14 років тому

    LOWL!!! i wonder if you can get married while your married?? that`d be......AWESOME!!!!!

  • @sweetsusie617
    @sweetsusie617 14 років тому

    Hey what the heck free clothes...
    LOL exactly what i said in my mind!

  • @strawberrychristi11
    @strawberrychristi11 11 років тому

    it's totally an affair, no doubt about it.

  • @crispyleaves
    @crispyleaves 14 років тому

    lol then they came out with Harvest Moon chainsaw masicre

  • @Zaniyaa102
    @Zaniyaa102 11 років тому

    @Christina King

  • @scipper54
    @scipper54 12 років тому

    this happend i was marred 2 jin but gill gave me a present??!?!?!

  • @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF
    @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF 13 років тому

    @ayudear85 i know! it's so annoying. thats one thing i hate about the newer games. they only let you give ONE PRESENT A DAY! NOOOOO. but thankfully in AP you can get a second remote out. :D ha ha. i cheat.

  • @josyjo5787
    @josyjo5787 14 років тому

    Lol I am using Tree of Tranquility and Jin and Toby gave me gifts.

  • @htt456
    @htt456 14 років тому

    lol u had 4 hearts with her
    i did that is tot but i got no gift and i was like DAUM!

  • @alexischua9781
    @alexischua9781 11 років тому

    jin came to my house too. and my hubby(luke), didn't mind!!!

  • @raynubee
    @raynubee 14 років тому

    i married toby and a day later i got a gift from gill, its not a glitch. i marrying candace in 2cnd save also! then gill. lulz

  • @ShaymieElric
    @ShaymieElric 13 років тому

    @charlotte3290 i don't get it because i stopped watching the show... can yu explain it to me?

  • @kiddoge
    @kiddoge 14 років тому

    wht the hell going on there??? O_o
    i wanna see it when luna have 7 heart,
    wht will happen to you?? XD

  • @miaw2349
    @miaw2349 9 років тому +2

    Shuuuu....uh oh bro.

  • @HatashiLuvsU
    @HatashiLuvsU 12 років тому

    what console is this for? Wii? or Gamecube?

  • @bulbajack
    @bulbajack 14 років тому

    Shh. Dont tell Candace... >.>;;

  • @ayudear85
    @ayudear85 13 років тому

    @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF i do to...i do to xD. When I was junna give jin 2 presents on ToT and he didnt take it i was all like JUST TAKE THE PRESENT GOD! :3

  • @josyjo5787
    @josyjo5787 14 років тому

    you can have 2 kids in AP? UGH I wish I got AP instead of ToT

  • @MsobsessedwithFMA
    @MsobsessedwithFMA 12 років тому

    same thing with me!the wizard, julius, jin, chase, toby, owen... HOLY CRAP! I'M A DUDE MAGNET! free gifts for all!!1 XDDDD

  • @GandueanVampiress
    @GandueanVampiress 12 років тому

    no i think only the candidates regardless of gender do it
    i'm friends with other villiagers and this didn't happen

  • @neshamsmonterhigh
    @neshamsmonterhigh 13 років тому

    XD didnt she go to the wedding XD

  • @ayudear85
    @ayudear85 13 років тому

    @SeverusSnapeIsMyBFF hehe i did that with wizard when i didnt have the bell done ;)

  • @bleachbestfangirl
    @bleachbestfangirl 13 років тому

    Gasp! Luna u husband stealer! Lol

  • @honeydovey1
    @honeydovey1 14 років тому

    thats not a glitch i was married to luke and i got a gift from gill

  • @shotahunter
    @shotahunter 14 років тому

    Buahahahaha, free clothes!

  • @shanevikandrayTV
    @shanevikandrayTV 14 років тому

    @PrincessPikachu113 lol,me 2 :)

  • @Gilazeeks
    @Gilazeeks 11 років тому

    I bet this is a second save

  • @UnicornPower76
    @UnicornPower76 11 років тому

    Sister - in - Law love.

  • @thesilversupporter
    @thesilversupporter 14 років тому

    *wince* =D