Elasticity feat. Philip Kingsley Product Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @funkyredhead1
    @funkyredhead1 11 років тому +20

    I like the fact that you work on a variety of textures which shows your versatility and abilities but it also shows how we ALL end up using the same products for our hair for different reasons and, you make it all look so easy! Thank you. FYI: I am an official MOKNOWSHAIR videos STALKER:)!

  • @MusiqCharm
    @MusiqCharm 11 років тому +11

    Your vids are kinda addicting. Something new in every one.

  • @ShaniqueBuntyn
    @ShaniqueBuntyn 11 років тому +38

    Mo Knows Hair!

  • @DimplesDeep1
    @DimplesDeep1 10 років тому +5

    Mo you not only do hair amazingly, your videos are OUTSTANDING! I really appreciate the time and effort that you put in to making such awesome tutorials!

  • @ashleyglenn2941
    @ashleyglenn2941 11 років тому

    You are such a professional. Your voice is very captivating and you know how to keep an audiences attention with your techniques and results.Mo knows hair!!!!

  • @1Lish
    @1Lish 11 років тому

    I am transitioning from a relaxer to natural and sometime ago I read something about testing the elasticity in your hair I just thought of it as having to buy more product, but I'm sold on this product you used. Thanks for the video.

  • @LilLei444
    @LilLei444 11 років тому +3

    I just want to say, i really enjoy your videos and i really appreciate the tips you give out. You have beautiful hair and show that styles can be done on any texture. I also love your hair color!!!!

  • @allofdestiny
    @allofdestiny 11 років тому +2

    Very educational. Girlvu know ur stuff. You be hooking up hair. Gorgeous curls love her hair color

  • @Tarah_Michal
    @Tarah_Michal 11 років тому +3

    I seriously love you and your videos!!!! Like why are you so great?! lol me and my mom are obsessed, we both have different curl patterns so its nice that you show a variety of hair types on your channel!

  • @htennille
    @htennille 11 років тому

    Her hair turned out beautiful.

  • @simplyshanna5021
    @simplyshanna5021 11 років тому

    I love how you do hair on different hair types. Thats amazing to me because I mostly see black women on youtube doing their own hair and not different hair types. This is really useful

  • @Ihazart25
    @Ihazart25 10 років тому +1

    Thank you for this! I just got a sample of the Elasticizer in my glossybox and wasn't really 100% sure what it was. I really loved your science break down and helped me a lot! About to wash it out now! Fingers crossed for awesome results.

  • @desireescarborough9812
    @desireescarborough9812 11 років тому

    her hair looks great. huge difference from before

  • @nicolemartin6498
    @nicolemartin6498 11 років тому

    I wish you had a salon in Chicago! You do fantastic hair.

  • @DrkNSwt
    @DrkNSwt 11 років тому +1

    I love the variety you provide. Great job. What area are you located in?

  • @Carisa03
    @Carisa03 11 років тому

    Your videos help so much! Thank you so much for taking the time to make tutorials for us.

  • @teyara1901
    @teyara1901 11 років тому

    i love this can you do a tutorial on a twist out with white perm rods on the end I need help with that style because I really want to wear it I have 3b 3c curls

  • @PrttyBrwnEyez13
    @PrttyBrwnEyez13 11 років тому

    I click the like button before your videos even start, lol!! Fabulous job as always.

  • @mattiesmith1
    @mattiesmith1 11 років тому +9

    I can't wait for your next video...

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  11 років тому +17

      You know I'm already working on it ;-)

  • @cameoalston323
    @cameoalston323 11 років тому

    thank you so much for the tutorial. Type 2 hair videos are hard to find. Love it

  • @GORGEOUZbaybee
    @GORGEOUZbaybee 11 років тому

    Love it ! Can you please consider doing a tips on transitioning video?

  • @longlivedchanea
    @longlivedchanea 11 років тому

    I thank you for always giving such easy informative ! You do an amazing job.... so keep them coming please!

  • @Iambaewanna
    @Iambaewanna 10 років тому

    Thank you!! Please do video on dry scalp!

  • @shaninnewilliams8758
    @shaninnewilliams8758 11 років тому

    Your channel give so much helpful and great tips to learn how to treat ur hair. thanks keep up the great vids!

  • @savvysista14
    @savvysista14 11 років тому

    You are awesome. Great hair and result. Your videos are so informative.

  • @tamelawatts3142
    @tamelawatts3142 11 років тому

    Love your videos!!!!! How do you know when your hair has lost its elasticity? My daughters hair is managable @ the roots but the ends always seem dry and brittle, even after put a conditioner and sealing it with oils. combing thru her ends are a nightmare!!!!!

  • @mareebarron
    @mareebarron 10 років тому

    I love your channel I'm learning so much by watching your videos😍

  • @rociocastillosavelesky5792
    @rociocastillosavelesky5792 11 років тому

    Love ur videos!: question: do u stretch her with the blow dryer on cool after sitting in the dryer? I didn't quite get that? Thx n look forward to ur next video!

  • @kianawithlove1
    @kianawithlove1 10 років тому

    Turned out beautifully!

  • @yahmie001
    @yahmie001 11 років тому +1

    Very nice, u do great work Mo!

  • @TheShaaylee
    @TheShaaylee 10 років тому

    I would love to see you dye her hair!!!!! Suggest a color change, that'd be an awesome video to watch :) Great job btw Mo!

  • @Sabuwra
    @Sabuwra 11 років тому

    You are amazing!!! Are you in the Atlanta area?

  • @amysoliman6936
    @amysoliman6936 11 років тому

    hello,,loooooove it too!
    please what do you think of the "iznunmai" flat iron?

  • @leannasamuels7222
    @leannasamuels7222 11 років тому +1

    I love the hair tutorial :-) u always have the prettiest color on your nails.I know its random but what color is that? :-)

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  11 років тому +1

      Peace & Love & OPI, San Francisco Collection :)

  • @KDL522
    @KDL522 11 років тому +3

    Ditto! Mo, thanks for sharing. I never knew about this Phillip Kingsley product either. I paused asap and ordered alone with the scalp toner:) next time I will get the shampoo and conditioner. Meantime, can you recommend another drug store shampoo and conditioner that I might already have?

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  11 років тому +4

      My personal fav is Trader Joe's Nourish spa! It's only $2.99 each and works wonders!

    • @KDL522
      @KDL522 11 років тому

      Thanks Mo!

  • @GlitzandGlamByLauren
    @GlitzandGlamByLauren 11 років тому

    Love it! Great job as always Mo!

  • @lovemuffin10101
    @lovemuffin10101 11 років тому +1

    There is the elastizer extreme which is for curly/Afro carribean hair

  • @azariabattle5070
    @azariabattle5070 9 років тому

    Hey Mo, I adore your channel I am a big fan and I was wondering if you could be a review on the aphogee 2 step protein treatment. I have a thick 4c texture and it seems like every time I comb my hair on wash day my hair sheds like crazy. HELP!

  • @deschainerideaux
    @deschainerideaux 11 років тому

    So, this would be something good to use once a month on dyed hair rite? Will this affect my natural curl pattern or be like any chemical processing? I love how talented & educated u are about hair... what's ur hair type btw?

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  11 років тому +2

      No this is not a chemical process at all...just a proper blend of protein and hydrating ingredients to build elasticity. Yes, once a month is good, your curl pattern will be improved as your hair will be stronger with regular treatments, and they are fine on color treated hair. I'm 3A :)

  • @juniafrancillon4193
    @juniafrancillon4193 11 років тому

    Nowhere can you purches this proud and what other products you recommend ?

  • @nyashapatrice2283
    @nyashapatrice2283 11 років тому

    Would elasticity treatments help with over conditioned hair?

  • @jiggymig
    @jiggymig 10 років тому

    Hey Mo, can the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer be used as a deep conditioner after you wash your hair?....will it have the same effect?

  • @T00T97
    @T00T97 11 років тому


  • @yourstrulynsb
    @yourstrulynsb 11 років тому

    I love alkyl of ur videos and I check daily to see if you've posted any new ones. I've been looking all over from Trader Joe's Sham and Cond, but can't find it anywhere. Do you have any other recommendations? ? ♥

  • @ChocolateCurls317
    @ChocolateCurls317 10 років тому

    Your a good hair stylist.

  • @chiquita42100
    @chiquita42100 11 років тому +1

    Me gusta ver tutorial para el cabello no me canso de verlo me gusta siempre me ha gustado la cosmetologia pero no llegue estudiarlo cosmetologia me gusta como peinas, das consejos de Los produtos para el cabello sabes que me gustaria que peinaras mi cabello. Sra impossible porque yo vivo en el bronx soy tu fans num UNO aunque yo no se hablar ingles.

  • @NkNaturalz
    @NkNaturalz 11 років тому

    Can I use this on natural 4a hair?

  • @sassyfrassc9397
    @sassyfrassc9397 11 років тому

    I love your videos...keep them coming :)

  • @wandak9607
    @wandak9607 7 років тому

    What do u think about henna treatments? Is it beneficial for elasticity and growth?

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  7 років тому +1

      I don't use or recommend them because they aren't stable and the results vary too greatly from person to person. Use formulated products that have been tested and balanced. moknowshair.com/conditioners/

    • @wandak9607
      @wandak9607 7 років тому

      Mo Knows Hair i appreciate ur response..thx much

  • @Crishusmann
    @Crishusmann 11 років тому

    You realy knows hair!!!!!!

  • @ednamb3329
    @ednamb3329 10 років тому

    Hi Mo..ive been reading up on the phillip kingsley elasticizer product and im curious if you think it would be a good occasional treatment for extremely coily hair...I appreciate your feedback...thanks

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  10 років тому +2

      Yes...if you are not experiencing any damage, you can do an elasticizer treatment once a month as maintenance in place of a full protein treatment (if your curls are protein sensitive).

    • @ednamb3329
      @ednamb3329 10 років тому


    • @smokebear7637
      @smokebear7637 4 роки тому

      @@MoKnowsHair Need something just strong enough... .Like the: Ouidad Melt Down Extreme Recovery
      1.) Is PK elatisizer just as strong as the Ouidad elastic treatment?
      2.) Stronger?
      3.) Does it heat up?

  • @headleykeianna
    @headleykeianna 10 років тому

    Where are you located?

  • @booksmart8
    @booksmart8 10 років тому

    do you know any other products besides this one that we can buy in stores that help with elasticity?

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  10 років тому +1

      ApHogee Curlific Texture Treatment at Sally Beauty.

    • @booksmart8
      @booksmart8 10 років тому

      Thank You

  • @prutlin
    @prutlin 11 років тому

    What is a pineapple pinup

  • @MarshaW112
    @MarshaW112 11 років тому

    How do I determine what type hair I have?

    • @MoKnowsHair
      @MoKnowsHair  11 років тому +5

      visit naturallycurly(dot)com for hair typing info

  • @ObedienceOrSacrifice
    @ObedienceOrSacrifice 11 років тому

    Great as always TFS!

  • @jackquelyng.3466
    @jackquelyng.3466 11 років тому

    I LOVE the way you do hair!! can you do mine? lol

  • @nnanijolie
    @nnanijolie 11 років тому

    You did that!!

  • @duttywinereddishgirl
    @duttywinereddishgirl 11 років тому

    Love it!

  • @PictureMeNatural
    @PictureMeNatural 11 років тому +2

    LOVE! :D

  • @NaturallyReflected
    @NaturallyReflected 11 років тому

    Love it!!

  • @dbrowning75
    @dbrowning75 11 років тому

    LOVE IT!!!!!

  • @Kieranunez
    @Kieranunez 11 років тому

    Lovely x

  • @daniellelatoya9292
    @daniellelatoya9292 7 років тому

    Can you just come to Florida please and define my curls 😭😭

  • @stephanieforth3536
    @stephanieforth3536 11 років тому

    Can this be used on 4C type hair?

  • @TheMarieclaude83
    @TheMarieclaude83 11 років тому

    Very nice UA-cam channel

  • @anndaggs614
    @anndaggs614 10 років тому


  • @LilLei444
    @LilLei444 11 років тому +1

    ohh! how nice

  • @MsLakesha28
    @MsLakesha28 11 років тому

    Yaassss Hunny! WERK!

  • @Boyhead1973
    @Boyhead1973 11 років тому +2

    I enjoy your videos - +1000. Thank you.

  • @LovelyTee2323
    @LovelyTee2323 11 років тому


  • @feleciawilson7078
    @feleciawilson7078 9 років тому

    Can you straighten her hair one day

  • @pearly122009
    @pearly122009 11 років тому
