Islamic Perception of Torah & Injeel - Part 1 Discussion with Br John Fontain @YoungSmirks

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • #religion #islam #judaism #truth #christianity
    ‪@HamzasDen‬ ‪@mrfontain‬


  • @hassanabedi4780
    @hassanabedi4780 18 днів тому +10

    This was an excellent stream, may Allah Azawajal bless Brother John and the ikhwan on the panel.

  • @Ar021
    @Ar021 18 днів тому +4

    Alhamdulilah John did well for his first debate

  • @vocablab5653
    @vocablab5653 18 днів тому +4

    12:23 I like the alliteration there. "Your job is to CONVey the MeSSage, not to CONVince the MaSSes"

  • @JesusisaMuslim
    @JesusisaMuslim 18 днів тому +7

    The authors of the gospels were not the ones who were walking with Jesus according to Christian scholarship, who admit all authors of the gospels are anonymous. People were just writing about Jesus what they heard about Jesus. The authors of the gospels never claimed that they were witnesses. They never claim who they are. And they never claim any divine inspiration.

    • @YoungSmirks
      @YoungSmirks 18 днів тому +1

    • @olubee1999
      @olubee1999 18 днів тому

      Can you name at least three Christian scholarship that affirm your claim?
      Also, who wrote Quran or Did Allah threw down a book from heaven.

    • @JesusisaMuslim
      @JesusisaMuslim 18 днів тому +1

      So you cannot answer to my argument? Typical insecure keyboard warrior Christians

    • @JesusisaMuslim
      @JesusisaMuslim 18 днів тому +2

      Majority of Christians agree that the New Testament gospel authors are unknown. Unfortunately your just too lazy to study. Bye

    • @NAYR8
      @NAYR8 16 днів тому +1

      @@JesusisaMuslimthere were no witnesses in the cave when the PDFile pretended to have a vision. He’s just a liar 🤥 beyond hilarious he passed from poison 😂😂😂

  • @AhmedBhajji
    @AhmedBhajji 16 днів тому +1

    Aoa! This stream was fantastic! I really hope we get to see Brother John Fountain return. We could use more discussions like this. His insights on the topic are invaluable, and it’s clear he’s put a lot of thought into it. Any idea when he might be back? Please keep us updated.

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  16 днів тому

      Walaikum as salam WB! Yes insha'Allah we'll definitely try to bring him again soon. He wasn't feeling that well the other day and still managed to give us over an hour of his time. May Allah bless the brother and give him shifa. Aameen!

  • @monotheistmedy
    @monotheistmedy 18 днів тому +2

    Nice Stream 😎💪🫡🫡

  • @AliMosa-hk4od
    @AliMosa-hk4od 18 днів тому +2

    John was amazing in the debate, masha Allah. I have this one question regarding the Hadith John quoted in his post debate review which is of the sahabi recognizing the injeel when the son of the negus read it in his presence. They might say it’s highly probable that Ethiopia had the four Gospels, and also that the odds of the Injeel verse which is not present in the New Testament , which the Sahabi recognized, being present in both Ethiopia and Medina at the same time are very low and unrealistic. I’m curious-how would you respond to that? For me, the fact that the Quran is correcting and is clearly aware of the older scriptures is enough evidence that it doesn’t affirm them, and this argument is trash that Islam affirms the bible. But I’m curious if you have another way of responding?

    • @YoungSmirks
      @YoungSmirks 18 днів тому +2

      When the son of negus read it, the quote that he reads is not in the bible. It actually proves an alternative injeel.

  • @rizwanramzan5729
    @rizwanramzan5729 14 днів тому

    Love to hear John's thoughts on the Gospel of Barnabas.
    Dismissing the Gospel of Barnabas needs to be stopped because Christians do it as a scapegoat so they can ignore the blatant anti-Pauline theology...why? Very convenient for Christians...
    There needs to be new scholarship on the Gospel of Barnabas...because i read the Gospel of Barnabas..and noticed amazing insight. I personally believe the Gospel of Barnabas is the Injeel that the Vatican is hiding from the masses...Gospel of Barnabas is EXTREMELY dangerous for the Vatican Roman church...
    Gospel of Barnabas has verbatim verses from the 4 Cannon and it corrects mistakes from Gospel of John...

  • @skhan3855
    @skhan3855 16 днів тому

    John didn't provide references for several ahadith that he brought up in the debate. I am particularly interested in knowing where to locate two of the ones he mentioned.
    1) The version of the cushion hadith in which the conditions for the punishment of Zina are.mentioned ie 4 witnesses must observe eye liner entering bottle.
    2) The hadith in which the Prophet ﷺ answered the Jews about the 10 commandments/signs in which one of the commandments was to avoid dealing in Usury.
    If anyone has these please post, JazakAllah Khair

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  16 днів тому +1

      I got some of the references...the remaining u can ask him when we bring him on next insha'Allah. Also, his book has all the wait until December insha'Allah and u'll get all the references. Jazak'Allah khair!

    • @skhan3855
      @skhan3855 16 днів тому

      Sorry akhi, saying wait until the book comes out isn't acceptable. He brought up those narrations and should have provided the precise references at the time. The versions of the narrations I have seen do not contain the details John mentioned, I'm assuming there are other longer versions of those narrations, or other narrations which contain those details, but I haven't been able to locate them.

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  16 днів тому +1

      @@skhan3855 With all due respect being unable to locate a simple hadith isn't his problem...that is yours. It took me 2 mins to find it. Go 2-3 hadith later...attributed to Abu Huraira R.A. Sunan Abi Dawud 4451 & Abi Dawud 4452 attributed to Jabir b. ‘Abd Allah R.A, you will find the 4 witnesses and the eye-liner (i.e. collyrium stick) there.
      FYI If you ever pick up a hadith book, they aren't numbered like this, as they are on the internet. Usually when u hear someone say "it is below that hadith" usually means in the same book, under the same heading. Hope its clearer now.
      P.S. if you are trying to locate these to try to debate a Christian...I'd refrain from doing that if I were you...don't go pre-maturely trying to debate on a topic that you aren't well-read in.

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  16 днів тому +1

      @@skhan3855 Sorry I forgot to send you the other hadith. It is mentioned in Sunan an-Nasa'i 4078. Hope this helps.

    • @skhan3855
      @skhan3855 16 днів тому

      JazakAllah Khair akhi I'll take a look, sorry if I sounded cranky but I was a little frustrated that no references were provided, and no I'm not debating a Christian lol. I've only started looking into this particular Christian contention. 👍

  • @Surfcastingisgolden
    @Surfcastingisgolden 17 днів тому

    There's no argument. The dilemma got cooked again.

  • @annievarkey3071
    @annievarkey3071 18 днів тому +2

    The problem with Islam is that they throw away Gospel as something unworthy of the same time they believe firmly in a book written 200 years after the death of the prophet.the comparison between the two is like cheese and is the ideology of love, compassion, kindness,grace.justice,forgiveness,freedom and reason.the other ideology is of hatred, violence, bloodshed and killings.Muslims say Allah is so kind and magnanimous.but why don’t you practice that? When you believe in God,how can you kill others because your basic teaching is ‘ kill the infidels’ this one verse is enough to stop any debate and this single verse destroys your religion.

    • @uthman2281
      @uthman2281 17 днів тому +2

      according to you not according to reality

  • @olubee1999
    @olubee1999 18 днів тому

    i Pray for all the four of you that the Good Lord will deliver you from the darkness of Islam.

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  18 днів тому +4

      And we pray that you and all the Christians stop worshipping 3 gods, believing in a vengeful blood-thirsty god and start believing in the One True God of all the Prophets! Instead of worshipping Jesus, worship the God of Jesus.

    • @uthman2281
      @uthman2281 17 днів тому

      Hwsh baby worshipper

    • @uthman2281
      @uthman2281 17 днів тому +1

      to worship a baby

    • @1541965
      @1541965 17 днів тому

      Who is the ANTICHRIST satan evil the God of the Bible who KILLED INNOCENT Jesus on the cross in VIOLENT BARBARIC way in the name of LOVE and called him the CURSED ONE or the God of Islam ALLAH who saved Jesus from the crime of the cross in the name of LOVE and called him the BLESSED ONE ? Do you consider the crime act of the Jew and Romans against innocent Jesus on the cross as an act of TERROR or act of LOVE ? What do you call the mastermind who plan the torture and killing of innocent Jesus on the cross in barbaric way in the name of LOVE for your salvation ? If killing innocent Jesus on the cross in barbaric way is love for you define satan? Is killing innocent Jesus in barbaric way on the cross act of God or act of satan ?

  • @hernanifigueiredo6065
    @hernanifigueiredo6065 14 днів тому

    this dude got COMPLETELY DESTROYED by GODLOGIC, 😂😂😂😂😂.

    • @rizwanramzan5729
      @rizwanramzan5729 14 днів тому

      What were you smoking? Or you didnt even watch the debate? You're just a cheerleader with no intelligence.

    • @dotsconnected2islam
      @dotsconnected2islam  14 днів тому

      Try watching the debate again ...but this time without being high

  • @HussainFahmy
    @HussainFahmy 17 днів тому


  • @gondala
    @gondala 18 днів тому

    Actually, I watched the debate between john Fontain and GodLogic.. I think, clearly, John Fontain lose the debate... As muslim, I think John Fontain tried to represent what muslims view while in fact it is not based on Quran (but only represent sunni muslim position). For example, Quran clearly never said that Torah and Injeel are corrupted, but it just an interpretation of the verse in Quran. There are three views from islamic scholars regarding those corruption (one of them say they are not corrupted). If the scholars have different views regarding this issue then obviously this implies the quran never really say the torah and injeel were corrupted.
    My point is, some scholars might have different view from what Quran actually says and many muslims follow that view. So, when christians find this inconsistency, then obviously it is very easy to attack and debunk such view. My final thought is that, I may conclude even Quran confirm the Torah and Injeel are still reliable but people will only follow what theology and doctrine in their religion which is can be different from what their scriptures say. Similarly, even muslim who believe Quran is uncorrupted and still reliable, but muslims also will follow the islamic theology and doctrine which can be different from what Quran says.

    • @Ar021
      @Ar021 18 днів тому +3

      Brother when last did you perform Umrah?

    • @gondala
      @gondala 18 днів тому

      @@Ar021 irrelevant

    • @Ar021
      @Ar021 18 днів тому +2

      @@gondalajust curious brother

    • @gondala
      @gondala 18 днів тому

      @@Ar021 thank you for your curiosity.. however, i don't think it is relevant.

    • @Ar021
      @Ar021 18 днів тому +3

      @@gondala why do you have to pretend you’re Muslim. Just be honest and share your views on the debate. I don’t even think you watched the debate as John nor any educated Muslims has said the injeel is corrupted

  • @My_God_Is_Triune.
    @My_God_Is_Triune. 15 днів тому

    No where in the Quran or hadith where it says mohammed split the moon🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Give me a single source where it says mohammed himself split the moon Abdul

    • @adhampro2124
      @adhampro2124 14 днів тому +1

      Sahih al-Bukhari 3637
      Narrated Anas:
      That the Meccan people requested Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon.

    • @jeffreyanderson6021
      @jeffreyanderson6021 2 дні тому

      Bukhari was collected hundreds of years after Mohammed died. Just a little too convenient that this story came out when no one was around who witnessed it. Anywho, I'm not an expert but I watched the GL vs JF debate and I wanted to understand his position better. At 26:00 John says something about Waraqah saying that Gabriel gave books to Moses and Jesus. He didn't give a reference and I can't find anything about it.