Ab es yog dab neeg xwb los yog tiag tiag maj kuv ua neej laus li no tsi tau hnov ib cov hmoob es yuav tsi muaj hniav no ne tej zaum yog dab neeg xwb pob yom ib tsoom me kwv tij hmoob aws
How do he sleep with her and not know she has no teeth? Did he not kiss her? I know he only saw her in the dark of night but still he didn’t kiss her once? Lol still that is not the reason not wanting to marry her. He didn’t have a problem when he was taking her cookie! Karma always comes back.
Koj xav kom deev tag es yeej tsis npam mas txhob deev hmoob, deev lwm haiv neeg xwb tsis yuav los tsis npam li.
Zoo mloog kawg li o tij
Zoo saib kwg lis os kuv mev phooj ywg aw,
Ab es yog dab neeg xwb los yog tiag tiag maj kuv ua neej laus li no tsi tau hnov ib cov hmoob es yuav tsi muaj hniav no ne tej zaum yog dab neeg xwb pob yom ib tsoom me kwv tij hmoob aws
Ua cas Tsawb lawd ho tsis ua ib lo hniav rau mas?
Kj txhob hai ntev222 ma hai cv tseem222 ceeb xb ma
Hmong story
How do he sleep with her and not know she has no teeth? Did he not kiss her? I know he only saw her in the dark of night but still he didn’t kiss her once? Lol still that is not the reason not wanting to marry her. He didn’t have a problem when he was taking her cookie! Karma always comes back.
You know back in the old days. They don't kiss..they just do it in the dark.
@@BUTTERFLY75ful haha that’s good to know 😂 now I see why he couldn’t tell she has no teeth.
@@lilyr7221 !s! A a!aàs a