The Tears of Ibn Bāz

  • Опубліковано 12 жов 2024
  • The Tears of Ibn Bāz
    (When Ibn Jibreen and Salmaan al-Awdah, along with Aidh al-Qarni Debated Ibn Bāz رحمه الله)
    الدمعة البازية في اللقاءات و الأسئلة
    (مناظرة بين الشيخ بن باز و سلمان العودة - بن جبرين - عبد الوهاب الطريرى - عائض القرنى)
    Ibn Jibreen asked:
    The explanation of Ibn `Abbaas of the verse concerning the verse: “And whomsoever does not judge by that which Allaah has revealed, then such are the unbelievers,” that it is unbelief lesser than the unbelief that exits a person from Islaam (kufr-doon-kufr)?
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    So long as he does not make [that judging] to be permissible for himself. Meaning: he judges with bribery upon his enemy or in favour of his friend, then this is kufr-doon-kufr (unbelief which does not exit the doer from Islaam). However, if he makes judging by other than Revelation to be permissible, if he makes the abandonment of the Sharee`ah permissible, then he is an unbeliever with the major kufr [that exits him from Islaam]. So the verse refers to kufr-doon-kufr, similar to what was said by Ibn `Abbaas (radiyallaahu `anhumaa), Mujaahid and others.
    An attendee:
    That is a major problem at this point, may Allaah pardon you, that is the issue of exchanging the Sharee`ah Rulings with [foreign] constitutions…
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz interrupts:
    This is a point of investigation, if he does so (i.e. exchanges the Sharee`ah) making it permissible (istihlaal)…
    The same attendee interrupts:
    He may claim that he is not making permissible this act?
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    If he does so, making that permissible, then he has disbelieved [exiting Islaam]. But when he does so to please his people, or other than that, then it is kufr lesser than [major] kufr, that does not exit from Islaam. So it is obligatory upon the Muslims to fight [the one who makes permissible (istihlaal) exchanging the Sharee`ah] if they have the power to do so, so that he adheres to the Sharee`ah. So whoever changes the Religion, whether it be the Zakaat or other than that, then he is fought until he adheres.
    The same questioner:
    He has exchanged the Prescribed Punishments, he has exchanged the prescribed punishment for fornication and other than that.
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    Meaning that he does not establish the Prescribed Punishments (al-hudood), so he applies a discretionary punishment in place of execution.
    Ibn Jibreen:
    Or imprisonment.
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    Or imprisonment.
    He institutes a constitution, may Allaah pardon you.
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    The origin is not declaring [major] kufr upon him until he makes that permissible. He is a sinner - he has committed a major sin and is deserving of punishment. It is kufr-doon-kufr until he makes that permissible.
    Until he makes that permissible (istihlaal)??!! But whether someone has made something permissible is in the heart, and we do not know about that?!
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    That is right. If he claims that, if he claims that he has made that permissible (i.e. made it halaal).
    Ibn Jibreen:
    If he permits (makes halaal) fornication so long as both parties are pleased..
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    Yes, that is [major] kufr.
    Ibn Jibreen completes:
    A woman is free to do as she pleases with herself.
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    If they make that halaal with pleasure, then it is [major] kufr.
    Salmaan Al-Awdah:
    Even if he judges by an abrogated law such as the law of the Jews? And he obligates that upon the people, and he makes that into generalised legislation, and he punishes whoever rejects that with imprisonment, exile and death and such things?
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    Does he ascribe that to the Sharee`ah or not?
    Salmaan Al-Awdah:
    But he judges by it without commenting on it. He has made it a replacement!
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    If he ascribes this law to the Sharee`ah, then it is kufr.
    Salmaan Al-Awdah:
    Is that major kufr or lesser kufr?
    Shaikh Ibn Baaz:
    It is major kufr if he ascribes that to the Sharee`ah, but if he does not ascribe that to the Sharee`ah and it is a law introduced legislated by himself, then it is not major kufr, such as the one who lashes the people without a legal Sharee`ah reason. He lashes the people or kills them due to his own whims and desires. He may kill some people due to his desires overcoming him.........
    Source: []


  • @wasi1915
    @wasi1915 Рік тому

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    are you bangali?

  • @oliveoil4259
    @oliveoil4259 Рік тому +1

    Which urdu speaking scholars can we benefit from?

  • @Alwaysrenewyourintention
    @Alwaysrenewyourintention 3 місяці тому

    Alhamdu Lillah this is a clear proof against ibn baz ,I used to respect him very well but this statements coming from him is a great disappointment

    • @AbuInayaAl-Athari-po3yj
      @AbuInayaAl-Athari-po3yj 2 місяці тому +1

      This is literally what all the great scholars of the ummah said. Whoever disagrees with this, is an innovator and most likely from the Khawarij.
      Allaamah Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 751H) said:
      "And it is correct that judging by other than what Allaah has revealed is both types of kufr (disbelief) - kufr asghar (the minor disbelief) and kufr akbar (the major disbelief) - and [which of the two it is] depends on the condition of the ruler. If he believes in the obligation of judging by what Allaah has revealed in this situation but turned away from it - out of disobedience - and while acknowledging that he is deserving of punishment then this is kufr asghar. And if he believes that it is not obligatory and that he has a choice in the matter - along with his firm belief that it is the judgement of Allaah - then this is kufr akbar - and if was ignorant in the matter or made an error then he is one who errs (mukhtee’) and his ruling is as the same for those who err. [Madaarij us-Saalikeen 1/337]
      Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyya (rahimahullah) said :
      “This ayah (5:44) is what khawarij use as evidence for doing takfir on the rulers who do not rule by what Allah has revealed, then they claim that they believe it is the Judgment of Allah.”
      -Manhaj us-Sunnah 5/131
      Sheikh ul Islam ibn Taymiyya (rahimahullah) said:
      Therefore from the statements of the Salaf were: "A person can have within him both īmān and kufr" and likewise within their saying: "that one can have within him both īmān and kufr, it is not the kufr which expels one from the Religion." Just as Ibn 'Abbās and his companions (students)
      stated in regards to the saying of Allāh,
      "And whoever does not judge by what Allāh Has Revealed - then it is those who are disbelievers." [al-Mā'idah (5):44]
      They said it means: "They disbelieved with a type of kufr which does not expel one from the Religion", and Ahmad and other Imāms of the Sunnah followed him in that.
      -Majmu’ al Fatawa 7/312