+Serdar Dinler Is stock engine, I own d16a9 with 880-890kg and 140hp and goes like hell for only 140hp. A friend of mine has his civic ED7 with B16A2 swapped and 187hp and is faster than this, so this must have less than 180hp for sure, putting a catback ,cai and repro the stock engine can deliver 160-165hp.
Amazing B16A1
Te zmiany biegów na pelnym gazie... :)
ale to idzie człowieku :D
its stock just very light car... pulling great nice job!
no i by poszedł nawet 245 :)
I dont think this is stock
+Serdar Dinler Is stock engine, I own d16a9 with 880-890kg and 140hp and goes like hell for only 140hp.
A friend of mine has his civic ED7 with B16A2 swapped and 187hp and is faster than this, so this must have less than 180hp for sure, putting a catback ,cai and repro the stock engine can deliver 160-165hp.
Jak byś go jeszcze troche przytrzymał to może i by 240 poszedł :D