What I Wear in a Week (Minimalist Mom)

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @dawnjeffersramstad8401
    @dawnjeffersramstad8401 2 роки тому +115

    Your LBD (Little Blabk Dress) could be completely accessorized in Diana's closet for any formal event, even a wedding! Love the way you live your values. ♡♡♡

    • @AZHITW
      @AZHITW 2 роки тому +12

      My thought also, I have a friend who is an accessory magician, she can dress up the simplest little black dress to fit any occasion.

  • @kimberlywatts3402
    @kimberlywatts3402 2 роки тому +16

    🤣😂My entire wardrobe is 28 pieces! Everything fits. Everything is comfortable. Everything is easy to care for. 🤷‍♀️I highly recommend this. Nobody really keeps track of what you're wearing. Everyone has their own concerns. It's amazing how little others think about you. Not in a mean way but in a meaningful way. What stands out when you think about others? For me it's 💯 what type of person they are and how much I enjoy being around them. I personally couldn't even say what my own family wore on Friday when we had a family day. I definitely appreciate the joy and time spent with them.

  • @ashtonrayedavis
    @ashtonrayedavis 2 роки тому +199

    Shop where you want!!! My mom shops at The Buckle and she’s 53! You’re videos are so motivating. I always look forward to watch them!

    • @heatherr9201
      @heatherr9201 2 роки тому +7

      Totally agree

    • @amy2284
      @amy2284 2 роки тому +13

      I shop at the buckle - lots of tasteful cute clothes and I’m 51

    • @westwooddesign8987
      @westwooddesign8987 2 роки тому +27

      Yes! Please don't feel artificially limited by some arbitrary age restriction! To paraphrase a very wise woman, If it it fits well and you feel good in it, wear it!
      I just turned 60 and my two pairs of jeans from Buckle make the cut every time I reassess my wardrobe. To me, part of feeling good in a particular item of clothing is assessing whether I feel comfortable with what I see in the mirror OR if I look in the mirror and see "mutton dressed up as lamb." It's a fine line sometimes, and can vary depending on the venue and the event I'm dressing for.
      But please don't accept the idea that growing older gracefully means you can't have any fun with your appearance!

    • @pennye762
      @pennye762 2 роки тому +9

      @@westwooddesign8987 Amen sister!

    • @SnowySpiritRuby
      @SnowySpiritRuby 2 роки тому +9

      Yes!! I get some of my clothes in the boys' and girls' sections at certain stores - because they're comfortable and they fit - and I'm going on 30!

  • @TheJorgSacul
    @TheJorgSacul 2 роки тому +22

    I've been downsizing my closet as well, in stages-- last week I tried some reverse psychology and pulled out every dress shirt that I really enjoyed and set it aside. What was left became fair game for the culling. Things I rediscovered: I have Chicago (the band) t-shirts dating back to 1982. I have two other shirts older than that, but they are strictly for nostalgia, not wearing. All said and done, though, I donated a three foot high stack of shirts to charity, and many were virtually unworn. That made me feel good, knowing someone will get use out of them.

  • @teresabell1014
    @teresabell1014 2 роки тому +89

    I started doing this a couple of years ago. I love it and would never go back to having tons of clothes I never wear.
    I was a church administrator so people kind of knew who I was.
    I decided to experiment if people would notice what I wore. I wore the same dress every week for 6 weeks in a row. I put on a different jacket or a scarf or a long necklace.
    Not one person noticed !
    I realized how much time I was wasting worrying about what I wore.

    • @SnowySpiritRuby
      @SnowySpiritRuby 2 роки тому +8

      I've been wearing basically the same thing to church every single week for over 4 years (the same shirt year round, one particular lightweight skirt and sweater for the warm months, one particular heavier skirt and sweater for the cold months, changing footwear and what I wear under the skirt according to the weather, and sometimes adding a scarf in the winter), and I _still_ haven't had anyone say anything, and I'm in the choir, so everyone sees me every week. They really and truly don't care.
      The only time I ever had anyone say anything to me about me wearing the same thing over and over was the first place I worked out of college - I wore pants and a long sleeve shirt pretty much every day (the building was freezing inside in the summer), and one time one of my close coworkers asked if there was a reason I was wearing the same 3 shirts all the time (it just happened that all 3 I got from my college, and I was partnered with this particular coworker 3-4 out of 5 days a week for our entire shift, so I'm not surprised one bit that she noticed), and my simple - and completely true, no less, no more - reply was merely that they were the only long sleeve shirts I owned that were loose enough to not have to wear something over them (the nature of the job kind of required casual dress, and all my other casual longsleeve shirts were the Under Armor type, so too tight to wear on their own without something over them). That was before I started decluttering.

    • @tml3982
      @tml3982 2 роки тому +14

      I think some people may have noticed, but didn't say anything. When I first started working I had a coworker who had 3 outfits. She rotated through them. She was always clean and looked professional, but lots of people made snide comments behind her back.
      I learned early that women can be very judgemental. I could never keep up with the latest fashions and really didn't care that much so I decided to keep my wardrobe simple too.

    • @jillgott6567
      @jillgott6567 2 роки тому +18

      @@tml3982 if people had enough time to sit around and discuss her wardrobe on a regular basis then they did not have enough work to do.

    • @tinabailey1791
      @tinabailey1791 2 роки тому +6

      When I stopped to think about what people that I worked with were wearing, I couldn't remember. So I figured they probably weren't remembering what I wore either. My work pants are all the same (Black) and I just switch out the tops. I am doing Dawn in reverse. I have enough to get through the week and do the laundry on the weekend. So much easier.

    • @TheMinimalMom
      @TheMinimalMom  2 роки тому +4

      WOW!! 6 weeks and no one noticed -- that's incredible Teresa!!! Love this!!

  • @stitchinginthebarn8307
    @stitchinginthebarn8307 2 роки тому +76

    I have simplified my closet because of your advice & I love it! I'm hoping to get down to a wardrobe for me & my husband so I can use the closet for storage. But, my husband likes having lots of clothes he doesn't wear. I'm sure he'll let go in time because he has been able to purge it in the past. I used to wear a uniform to work and didn't realize how easy it made it to get dressed in the morning but now I'm all on board. In the season I'm in right now, I wear nice jeans and 3 colors of tops: purple, blue and black. It makes shopping and picking outfits so much easier. I actually haven't gone shopping in a while because I have everything I need except for sandals for the summer. I got a pricy pair but they are the most comfortable I've ever owned and I love them. I'm even upgrading my "house clothes" to look nice everyday. I'm so grateful for your advice because without it I would have been on the never ending clothes carousel of choices still. Thank you so much Dawn for creating life enriching content and introducing us to other creators who do the same! Blessings from Texas.

    • @TheMinimalMom
      @TheMinimalMom  2 роки тому +3

      Wow, this is so awesome to read! Thank you for taking the time to share this!!!!

  • @ellef4812
    @ellef4812 2 роки тому +34

    Definitely at the bottom of the fashion style...I do not give a crap 🤣 I live in the country, stay home all day, and it's horribly hot. Unless I am going out to a "worthy place", I very likely will throw my ball cap on and flip flops and run errands. I have a very limited wardrobe thanks to your videos! 🙂

    • @cindyedmonds8878
      @cindyedmonds8878 2 роки тому

      I'm much the same way! I'm most comfortable in shorts or capris and a t-shirt. I know it's not the most flattering thing I could wear but when my weight goes up & down a lot (thank you menopause & immunology issues) I don't want to buy clothes. As I hit 60 gravity is not my friend! I'm mostly trying to hide in my clothes and I do not like the styles that are out there now

  • @debrawhite5894
    @debrawhite5894 2 роки тому +15

    Donation box IN your closet!! YES! I’ve found this to be the best way to keep my clothes streamlined and just enough to fit my closet space.

  • @astorytoldhere
    @astorytoldhere 2 роки тому +10

    Love this, Dawn! I wear a black top & jeans nearly every day...it is truly my uniform. The black looks good with my silver hair.😉 I am 5' 9" & HATE shopping. So when I find what fits well I buy it & wear it out. I get some variety with cute shoes. I find it humorous that I am often stopped in the grocery store, at church, or in a restaurant, by someone telling me they like my "outfit" 🤣🤣Getting dressed used to be the most stressful thing in the mornings...no more!

  • @silverflame_firebug
    @silverflame_firebug 2 роки тому +20

    I have simplified my wardrobe and it's been great. I do laundry day once a week so I can get by with 3-4 pairs of jeans or capris (depending on the season), 8 t-shirts, and a handful of long sleeved shirts or over shirts. Makes getting dressed in the morning a breeze because I don't have to analyse what to wear once I know what the weather forecast is.

  • @aimeeclark228
    @aimeeclark228 2 роки тому +24

    Love this! My advice is go way further than you think, purge more.. and then more.. only keep what you actually wear and truly love! Let go of your fantasy self, accept who and where you are right now.. dawn thank you so much for this video and your continued support we love you right back!!👍🙏❤️

  • @donnazorn4915
    @donnazorn4915 2 роки тому +13

    I’m 54 and I still shop at the Buckle and so do my friends that are my age. I agree with you wear what makes you feel good! Love your videos!!

    • @sjsp7631
      @sjsp7631 2 роки тому +2

      I’m 57 and still shop at the Buckle

  • @sspicer549
    @sspicer549 Рік тому +1

    Black is a great color for those who can wear it. It really helps your daily casual style to not look lazy. Black is the most sophisticated color! I think you should find a black or dark print dress also, you look good in it.

  • @krisb7547
    @krisb7547 2 роки тому +17

    I LOVE when you do the wardrobe videos!!!

  • @marjiescott2302
    @marjiescott2302 2 роки тому +1

    I love your wardrobe advice! I started following you a few of years ago(so happy I did). Before I started watching your videos I had closet full of cheap clothing that was ugly, didn't fit and I hated because it was what I could afford. So then I started to own less clothes and decided to only buy things I feel good in. I threw everything thing away and bought one shirt a month that I actually loved. Without going over $25 Now I have a wardrobe of 10 shirts( plain solid colors, I like a variety of colors, no patterns) 4 jeans, 2 dresses And I am always getting compliments on my clothing. And over the years I have applied this same for my family of 8. Thank you for helping my life be happier

  • @nicoleesio7896
    @nicoleesio7896 2 роки тому +7

    After hearing your message 18 months ago, I decided to make it my goal to have only one hamper worth of clothes. However, I do like to look fashionable and have at least one event a month where I need to dress up. I decided rather than buying new clothes all the time, I got myself a rental subscription and I select four items to rent each month. This helps me keep only my loved basics in my inventory while also having a few trendy pieces on hand.

    • @katepearlzorn7275
      @katepearlzorn7275 2 роки тому +1

      Love this idea! Great solution for the folks who work in fashion conscious fields or just personally like playing around with clothes!

    • @TheMinimalMom
      @TheMinimalMom  2 роки тому +1

      Love this! Such a great idea!!!

  • @tiffanycrain9849
    @tiffanycrain9849 2 роки тому +8

    I’ve also learned that shopping at mostly just one store that typically works for you is another way to minimize the endless options. I wear a dress almost every day. They all come from Love Olive Co. The dresses work for me and I literally have nothing to think about in the morning if I throw a dress on.

    • @michelleevans2445
      @michelleevans2445 2 роки тому

      Shopping at one store is a brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing 😊

  • @gingerdad127
    @gingerdad127 2 роки тому +3

    I got the 333 wardrobe method from you and it works! Thanks to your awesome decluttering challenges, I have come to love my autumn winter capsule work and play wardrobe (here in Australia). I have two wool lined corduroy jackets in wine and tan, and one maroon snow jacket, and I match them with my brown, navy, wine, or dark forest skivvies (i.e. turtle necks), with brown or navy corduroy trousers, or dark navy denim jeans. My light jumpers (i.e. sweaters) are green, pink, hot pink, coal and navy. My long sleeve t-shirts are plum, green, orangey red, and mustard and blue stripes. Once again, thanks for the wardrobe and all the outfits!!! Love from Australia xox

  • @Texasmom
    @Texasmom 2 роки тому +3

    I always love Tuesday and Friday- Dawn days.

  • @megananderson3891
    @megananderson3891 2 роки тому +5

    My aunts favorite store is the buckle and she’s over 50…fun fact she’s also a redhead. Wear what you want

  • @MsSmile2005
    @MsSmile2005 2 роки тому +3

    I think you nailed the important thing! This is so impactful. It really hit a chord with me. I'm getting rid of things that don't fit and find clothes that I look good in! Thank you so much, Dawn!

  • @VioletJoy
    @VioletJoy 2 роки тому +76

    Such good, sound advice, whether you're a minimalist or not. I wish I had heard this when I was in my teens or twenties. I could have saved so much money and frustration.

    • @JYYB
      @JYYB 2 роки тому +8

      If I heard this I would eye roll if I was a teen or in my twenties…😭
      I am 30 now and this is all I want to hear. Hahaha mindset changes and growth helps

    • @VioletJoy
      @VioletJoy 2 роки тому +1

      @@JYYB Oh my gosh, right?!?! I might not have followed this advice back then either! 😂

  • @sharonrandazzo6420
    @sharonrandazzo6420 2 роки тому +33

    I understand what it’s like to be different sizes over the course of a year. But from what I see, you are consistently the same size. I also think that you look wonderful and that you radiate God beautifully! 💝

  • @wendyg.97
    @wendyg.97 Рік тому +1

    Lololol! I've watched this several times, but today I noticed that Dawn actually does "jazz hands" when she says "...and all that jazz". 😃👍

  • @barbkandel777
    @barbkandel777 2 роки тому +3

    I love that floral top on you! You are so right when you say that we all deserve to have clothes that fit us and that we feel good in! I like to have enough outfits/ workout clothes/ pajamas/ underwear and shoes for 10 days - for winter and summer - for each person in the home. So much easier to manage!!! Great video, Dawn!

  • @ChristysChannelYall
    @ChristysChannelYall 2 роки тому

    I’m a nurse and I literally wear the same three pairs of black scrub pants and have been wearing them for I think about 5 years now. They STILL look good. In my regular wardrobe, it’s very similar to yours Dawn. I don’t have need for anything fancy hardly ever. I literally have one fancy dress and it’s there because I found it by accident one day and it was on sale for $10 (it is a $99 dress) and is beautiful and fits me great even when my weight fluctuates. I’ve started to declutter it on a few occasions but I’m glad I haven’t because when I need something fancy I do always reach for it, so it stays. Great video!

  • @angelasnodgrass6621
    @angelasnodgrass6621 2 роки тому +2

    Hi I agree completely. I simplified my wardrobe two years ago when I started watching your videos. I have only clothes that I can wear right now. I love that. I wear black pants and black capris and black socks. My shirts are colorful. I love that. It’s so easy to decide what to wear in the morning. All of my shirts can match any of my pants or capris. That makes me happy. Thank you so much for all your videos. I think I have watched all of them. At least I hope so.

  • @juliamorton3438
    @juliamorton3438 2 роки тому +2

    Been watching for a while and continue to take to heart your message that everyone deserves clothes that fit them right now. Around the same time I found you I was also diving into historical costuming youtube. I started to streamline out items that do not fit nor do they make me happy or feel good about myself. The ones I felt best in were fit and flare dresses and I began searching for more of them and a 50s ish accessories. My uniform is different but I still have one: A dress with pockets (well most do), a vintage belt (clinches waist and a place to tuck my phone if I have no pockets), and season appropriate neutral shoe (sandals, flats, mary janes) . I might add a sweater, shawl, leggings, or socks to make the dress fit the current season and weather. With some jewelry or accessories I can make the outfit more dressy, but I still look put together without. Like your limit of only buying black shirts, my limit on only vintage or vintage looking has quelled impulse purchases. I have a couple colour palates I stick to, and buy items that pair with what I already have so I really do have a lot of options with the same few items. Just thought I would share my spin on it to inspire others.

    • @carolynwelsch
      @carolynwelsch 2 роки тому

      ❤️ it! Great era for skirts and dresses!

  • @joycebeiler4911
    @joycebeiler4911 2 роки тому +17

    Thank you so much Dawn! My current season is 18 weeks pregnant and I am constantly needing to check my wardrobe. The things that I love, but don't work now, go into a tote and the items I am on the fence about goes to the consignment store. (my husband just said we have until Saturday to get a suv load together to get out of the house, so here we go!) Thanks for starting me on this journey!

    • @kathleenvinson5503
      @kathleenvinson5503 2 роки тому +4

      Yes! Congrats! I am also pregnant and its a great way to kick start simplifying your wardrobe. I have been doing something similar. Things that I don't love are easy to let go of now, and then as my body settles back down into whatever size it will be, I will only keep the select items that I love and fit me well.

    • @cs4887
      @cs4887 2 роки тому

      Personally I waited until about a year after having the baby to sort out the wardrobe. I kept looking at it and wanting to do it but my body was different.
      But it's good to reorganise and keep the pieces that fit you now to one side all together

  • @rachelenochs4685
    @rachelenochs4685 2 роки тому +1

    I work in a corporate office (never worked from home, even during the height of the pandemic) and have a ton of 'office clothes'. I purchased your book & have started the declutter journey...but the closet has been tough. I finally decided to reduce my current work wardrobe inventory by 20% and am starting to experience success. It is a realistic goal that didn't feel incredibly drastic & overwhelming. I will get to the capsule wardrobe one day...but love having less inventory to weigh me down in the morning! ❤

  • @ericaradcliffe1384
    @ericaradcliffe1384 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks to you, Dawn…I now have a wardrobe that houses only the items that I wear. And I’ve allowed myself to spend more money on quality pieces because I no longer hit the clearance racks to buy needless clothing! I appreciate you!

  • @christinefoss5767
    @christinefoss5767 2 роки тому +1

    Your videos have inspired me. I started by quarantining most of my clothes, never went back to the boxes and have stuck with my plan. Jeans and Kohl's basic t-shirts for me! 2 necklaces and 3 pairs of shoes. I do have 2 lightweight jacket type items to wear over the t's to dress them a bit. This has made a huge difference in how I feel. Less burdened, less time spent deciding and feeling guilty about having things I wasn't using.

  • @plantsbythemoon9049
    @plantsbythemoon9049 2 роки тому +8

    I too love black tees. My favorite is the 3/4 sleeve 'Layer Your Look' from CJ Banks that helps me to not feel self conscious about my upper arms on my weight loss journey.
    You have helped me to only keep what fits and what I feel good in. A few things live in a tote under my bed that I can try on when I drop into the next weight tier.
    Thanks for all of the motivation!

  • @lizzabbott
    @lizzabbott 2 роки тому +11

    Happy Anniversary, Dawn and Tom !! I love the colors and the paisley pattern of your dress. I’ve found that if we feel comfortable in something, then we wear it well !!

  • @sherrycooper3598
    @sherrycooper3598 2 роки тому +1

    I have been travelling as a digital nomad for the better part of this year. I have been in multiple climates (Central America, Canada, Europe, Caribbean and Norway) and I travel with these things:
    2 Black t-shirts and one demin blue coloured one
    2 olive pants (got at Costco Eddie Bauer, super lightweight/cool and small when packed and wash like a dream)
    1 black pants - lightweight easy wash
    1 tan shorts and 1 black tank top
    2 blouses in tan/white/black prints - one casual longer one that doubles as a bathing suit cover up and one dressier - goes with all my pants and my shorts
    1 pair of leggings for exercise or doubles as sleep pants
    1 zip up exercise type jacket in grey.
    I have 3 colourful of scarves that are great for dressing things up or when it's chilly and to add some colour
    1 plain black sleeveless dress (my super star - casual or dressy depending on the accessories)
    Shoes: 1 pair sandals, 1 pair red street-type running shoes (for everything!!), 1 pair flip flops (they don't take up a lot of room)
    1 bathing suit and a beach wrap that doubles as a pillow or blanket for travelling
    And of course socks (5), underwear (5) and bras (one black, one natural, one sport) and one nightgown - 2 pairs of earrings and 2 necklaces (1 wear one each)
    I have picked up additional things at second hand/charity stores as climate dictated and then re-donated them back when I left (heavier sweaters or jackets, cooler lightweight dresses for the tropics).
    8 months on the road in one carryon bag in 7 countries, countless airbnb, hotels, family and friends homes, pet sits. LOVE how easy it is to dress for any occasion. I've never been bored with it - everything fits - choosing what to wear is so easy. When I finally settle back to a fixed home-life, I think I'll only add a few dresses and maybe a bit more exercise wear (or maybe not!!)

  • @Whoamiiiiiiiiiiii
    @Whoamiiiiiiiiiiii Рік тому

    Clothes, kitchen, and kids toys are the biggest impacts in my house too. Thanks for your help!

  • @verushap
    @verushap 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the inspiration Dawn, I've started with my wardrobe and took over 60kg of clothing to charity and honestly I'm still not done. I used to keep clothes that didn't fit me and you're right they were just giving me negative feelings. I still at the very early stages. I work on mine and my families wardrobe every week, especially when I'm doing the ironing. Keep up the great work Dawn, we love you :)

  • @PhilbrookHandcrafted
    @PhilbrookHandcrafted 2 роки тому +150

    I completely simplified my wardrobe several years ago, and have never gone back. I only kept the things I loved. Fast forward to now, and I need a closet reset. I have gained weight, and much of my clothing doesn't fit well. You have inspired me to get the negativity out of my closet.

  • @wendyhay9243
    @wendyhay9243 2 роки тому +4

    Dawn, i love your videos! I just finished the first "phase" of simplifying my wardrobe by getting rid of summer things that didn't fit or feel right. I donated them immediately and will be repeating when my fall and winter wardrobe begin to be used. You are inspiring for the minimalist lifestyle and I look forward to contnue to simplify my life with the help of your videos. Keep going!!

  • @sarab9385
    @sarab9385 2 роки тому +3

    Love your wardrobe videos! They’ve really helped adjust my perspective on clothing! I am not streamlined to your extent nor do I have a uniform quite like you do. But I’ve accepted what colors I like and I’ve accepted that I am a top+pants kind of girl, and that has made a huge difference. Also, love the idea of it has to fit today. And I think in another video you said “if it’s not a yes, it’s a no.” Life changing!

  • @NovasYouTubeName
    @NovasYouTubeName 2 роки тому +3

    Dawn I LOVE your black t shirt and jeans “uniform”! Looks great on you - I’m heading over to order the same shirts and I love you always wear fun earrings but keep your look minimal. Your anniversary dress is so beautiful too! Happy anniversary! I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ your videos and you’ve helped my and my home sooo much! I love that you homeschool too!

  • @gretchen6475
    @gretchen6475 2 роки тому +4

    Great advice, Dawn! I have been working on simplifying my wardrobe for years! I think I am finally to a place where I feel good about my clothes and how many I have. It is amazing how few clothes a person really needs. I am short too and I agree with you about it being a struggle to find clothes, especially pants, that fit properly. I think the other obstacle for me has been this idea that I need to figure out the "perfect" wardrobe. Letting go of that and embracing the "good enough" wardrobe has made a huge difference. Thanks for sharing what has worked for you!

  • @SnowySpiritRuby
    @SnowySpiritRuby 2 роки тому +5

    I've always been short, and I'm used to getting things that fit through the hips and thighs and having my mom shorten the legs to the correct length - even on petite sizes - and wearing a belt to pull the waist in. That's been my normal life since I was about 8. If I find pants that actually fit me and the legs aren't too long - *_JACKPOT!!!!_* 🎉🎉🎉
    The one thing I refuse to buy new, though, is jeans (definitely to each his own, this is just what I've decided for myself) - for reference, I used to wear them at other times as well, but now I pretty much only wear them for horseback riding, and the saddle really wears them out (I'm usually riding multiple times a week for 2-4 hours at a time at various speeds on various terrain), so I always get my jeans at a thrift store, because with how quickly mine wear out - I go through 1-2 pairs a year - paying the retail price is just a waste of money.

  • @jessicavallee3831
    @jessicavallee3831 2 роки тому

    I really appreciate the focus of this video that you centered on! It applies to everybody of all walks of life. And has helped me recalibrate my mindset surrounding my wardrobe and my body image. Thank you

  • @carolfritz8897
    @carolfritz8897 2 роки тому

    Good Morning Dawn! Just watched your latest video before church and wanted to add a comment about The Buckle. My husband and I attended what was then known as Kearney State College in Kearney, Nebraska in the mid 70’s. My husband worked at the first Buckle for Dan Hirschfeld way….. back when. It was a great place to shop as college students along with another great store, The Hitching Post and Wooden Nickel. I think the Post and Nickel are long gone but The Buckle has expanded and stayed relevant in this crazy retail environment. Thanks for the mention, it took me down memory lane!😊 Thanks for a great (as usual) video! P.S. I still can find fun things at The Buckle and I’m in my 60’s.

  • @ta1424
    @ta1424 2 роки тому

    @theminimalmom, I am with you, Dawn! I am shorter than you (not even 5’0”) and overweight so shopping for clothes has always been an issue for me. I find clothes that I like and am happy to buy them. I don’t have many clothes but that is ok, because I have what I want. I do need to go through my clothes and get rid of what I don’t want or need anymore and then go shopping for some new clothing. I also only have about 40 items for the entire year, for all seasons. It really does make a difference when you buy what makes you happy!😊

  • @kayelle8005
    @kayelle8005 2 роки тому

    One thing that helped me was picking a colour palette. I only buys clothes in four colours. Helps keep me focused when clothes shopping.

  • @naomirankin214
    @naomirankin214 2 роки тому +9

    Having clothes that fit you now actually makes it easier to lose weight - punishing ourselves for not having lost the weight yet only increases the emotional burden that drives us to over-eating

  • @ashleyallen1858
    @ashleyallen1858 2 роки тому

    My husband purchased me a pair of really expensive stud earrings. I wear them 24/7, and they look lovely. Those and my wedding ring are the only jewelry I own! Yay for minimalism!

  • @judypeterson803
    @judypeterson803 2 роки тому +1

    I work in a restaurant and wear a uniform 5 days a week. Love that I don't have to think about what to wear to work! Because of this, I probably could get away with 33nthings. My problem is my quest to find things I love and feel good 8n. At some point, I WILL reduce my closet so it just has what fits and I love in it. This concept is great. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • @nwilliams551
    @nwilliams551 2 роки тому +1

    I’m on my third season of Project 333 and I can’t imagine EVER going back. Somehow I have SO much more to wear because everything fits and I like everything. It’s incredibly easy to get dressed each day now and I feel much better about myself! Thank you for inspiring me to try this!!

  • @mrssarahnicholson
    @mrssarahnicholson 2 роки тому +1

    I have been wearing the same black dress every day for the last 2 1/2 my months and have loved it! I'm doing the Wool& 100 day challenge wearing a black Maggie from Wool& - it's a black scoop neck shift dress that is a lot like your favorite t-shirts. I have LOVED the simplicity of always knowing what I am going to wear every day. Plus, I really love this dress! It is comfortable and cute and helps me feel good about how I look most of the time! I miss color occasionally, but I actually really love wearing black every day. And it is so easy to dress up and have fun with layering and accessories!

  • @lucindalandauer1691
    @lucindalandauer1691 2 роки тому +2

    Dawn, I just love you girl. Your honesty has always resonated with me. I continue to be encouraged by you and your messages. I’m SO on board. Following and working toward minimalism. 🤩

  • @rosehardaker3688
    @rosehardaker3688 2 роки тому +1

    You are so beautiful dawn! Inside and out! I have just this morning had (what I thought was) a good sort out of my small wardrobe. Whilst watching this I went back to it with a fresh mind and have let go of the “when I…” items! Thank you ❤️

  • @jackimanley3056
    @jackimanley3056 2 роки тому +19

    Yes girl! I'm an identical twin as well and we are only 4'11" and finding clothes is the bane of my existence! Thank you for this!

    • @starrysloth8018
      @starrysloth8018 2 роки тому +1

      go for asian brands that ship international. i am only 5" too >

    • @SnowySpiritRuby
      @SnowySpiritRuby 2 роки тому +1

      I'm just under 5' and a fair amount of my clothes come out of the boys' and girls' sections (pjs, jeans, skirts, outerwear, and shoes/boots are about the only things of mine that don't), because they're comfortable and they fit me, and they don't look too overly kid-ish. I find that some of the girls' things are actually bigger than some of the women's, but they're designed for kids instead of adults, so the legs, waist rise, and sleeves are shorter.

  • @hadassastrahl7794
    @hadassastrahl7794 2 роки тому +3

    Love your videos, they are full of great advice! My summer wardrobe as a tunic dresser consists of four slim-fitted cotton skirts (black, navy, beige, and mustard) and 10 colorful cotton tunics. I have plenty of mix & match outfits and don't get bored wearing them all spring/summer long. The colors make me happy and I never have a problem choosing what to wear in the morning.

  • @marciafischbeck7653
    @marciafischbeck7653 2 роки тому +7

    I have been decluttering layer by layer - everywhere but my closet! I have a few different sizes and need to follow your advice and go with what I feel good in and what fits NOW. I'm off work tomorrow so that is on the agenda! Thanks for making it seem doable!

  • @livingwithME2015
    @livingwithME2015 2 роки тому

    Recently we moved house and I pretty much threw my whole wardrobe into the bin or donated it as they either didn't fit, had holes in them or I just didn't wear it anymore.
    I then went on a shopping trip and before I went I wrote down what peices I needed to buy and then I went to buy them and I also made sure they could all mix and match with each other.
    I now have a simplified, yet wearable, wardrobe of clothes and I love it!
    Not sure I even have 33 items of day to day clothing but as I do laundry everyday I never run out of clothes.
    Thank you for all your videos as this shopping trip was the first one where I was intentional with what and how much I bought.

  • @Mamadriggs
    @Mamadriggs 2 роки тому

    You inspired me. Like. In tears inspired me. I packed up my jeans that I HOPE to fit in again and went to Target to grab three pair of jeans that fit and make me feel good in them. I have pictures with my son today -senior mom pics today. And NOW I can feel comfortable in knowing I don’t look like a busted can of biscuits. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @laurenaupton1162
    @laurenaupton1162 2 роки тому +1

    For the last 5 years or so, I’ve been going with the mantra “if it isn’t a hell yeah, then it’s a no” when I try on clothes. If we look and feel good in clothing, it should not matter what store we bought it in. I’m tall and many times the clothes intended for the younger generation fits me better. Thank you for all your inspiring information.

    • @beejayvandegriendt3632
      @beejayvandegriendt3632 2 роки тому +2

      I'm adopting your mantra!! Life is too short and money to tight to buy clothes that are "meh" 💜😊

  • @sallydansereau1270
    @sallydansereau1270 2 роки тому +1

    You have said in previous videos that having everything in your closet that fits and feels good is important. I have taken your advice and gotten rid of things that make me feel bad about myself and purchased a few items I love. Getting dressed is so much nicer now. I thank you so much for that advice. 🙏💕

  • @jennylhenry78
    @jennylhenry78 2 роки тому

    I haven't ever had a huge wardrobe. Probably bc of a tight budget, but I'm just not as into fashion as some are. I came across a capsule wardrobe printable that happened to be free (back in the fall of 2017 when I was pregnant). I was wearing maternity at the time BUT I went through my regular clothes and curated a wardrobe based on this printable. It wasn't until 9 months later really that I got to wear it, but it made things so much more simple just having a few pieces that all coordinated and could be worn as 21 outfits. I think I went through all my things again after watching your video about 333.
    I have 55 items in my wardrobe. I included tops, bottoms, skirts, dresses, outerwear, and shoes! 🙌🏻 I did not include unmentionables, PJs, junky-work clothes, or accessories.

  • @mariaziarnik6909
    @mariaziarnik6909 2 роки тому

    After moving from Chicago to Florida. Four years later I have done a big purge of my clothes, shoes and accessories. Fluctuating in weight too.
    I have let go of things that I am love and fit new great not saving for the so called fantasy self. After doing this to closet. I love getting dressed again. I love clutter but cas idea of a donation bag in the closet. The minute I try something on and it’s giving me the heck no vibe. In the bag it goes!
    Love your channel!!! Thanks for the great tips!

  • @lindsey361
    @lindsey361 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you, even after 4 children I was a size 8. I'm now a size 16uk a combination of things including medication and putting myself last or mindlessly eating as I didn't make time for my meals. Mum life! I hate clothes shopping now! Thanks for reminding me its okay not to be perfect 🙂 I'm not not faling because I'm bigger xx

  • @eileenclaussen7579
    @eileenclaussen7579 2 роки тому +4

    The Brass Buckle - originally from Kearney, NE - shortened to The Buckle. A great family owned business.

  • @Mikita2808
    @Mikita2808 Рік тому

    This was so helpful! Looking forward to decluttering my closet and following all your advice. I'm so tired of having tons of clothes that just don't make me feel good and feeling like I have nothing to wear. Thank you!

  • @BethanyChanPlans
    @BethanyChanPlans 2 роки тому +7

    Love all your videos! I super paired down my wardrobe a couple years ago but my husband and I just agreed to both try capsule wardrobes this fall. Perfect timing with your video, great motivation! I’d love to hear more about how your sister approaches hers as well. Thanks for all the amazing content!

  • @julieburnett4915
    @julieburnett4915 2 роки тому +1

    I love your videos. You are so encouraging and inspiring. I have a closet full of clothes, but only enjoy wearing a fraction of them. Every time I watch your videos I find the courage to throw out more pieces I don’t love. I’ve thrown out close to half my wardrobe so far, but still have lots more to go. Thanks for these videos!

  • @bjtinker4499
    @bjtinker4499 2 роки тому

    So glad u added some color to your wardrobe. It enhances your perkiness. My closet is ablaze with color. So is my quilting fabric stash!!! Mornings find me asking myself, what color do I feel like today? Color creates emotions and energy. And I NEED energy to sustain my quilting hobby, habit, and cottage business.
    Keel up the good work. At 76yo I am decluttering all the time. Can't do the 60-80% donate all at once method yet.

  • @theabundantminimallife5720
    @theabundantminimallife5720 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing. NO, keep shopping at The Buckle! I am 41 and I was saying the other day that I need to get a new pair of jeans from The Buckle! I had 2 pairs years ago and they were the MOST comfortable pair of jeans EVER! Congrats on your anniversary. We are coming up on our 17th next month!

  • @michellekoster-chong5042
    @michellekoster-chong5042 2 роки тому

    Added benefit to clothes that fit well is that you feel good in your skin and is less likely to comfort eat (very very subtle change in mindset!!) So more likely to stay constant in your weight and maybe loose some.
    Having lived in the US and now Europe, I totally agree that some brands fit me better than others. And if u do find a brand that fits you well (shape and style), explore what they have, and buy multiples of that top or pants. Let that be your uniform for a while, liberate yourself to be comfy in your skin. You will notice a difference!!

  • @laliichin5471
    @laliichin5471 2 роки тому

    In 2019, I bought a pair of $140 jeans. I’ve never bought any jeans that expensive but for some reason I had no Healy in getting them. They felt perfect. Since then I’ve worn them every week at least twice per week.I wear them to work and to parties. I wear them at home and just running errands. I’ve received tons of compliments on them. When I calculate cost per wear, they’ve paid for themselves many times over. Although I have about 3 other pairs, these are the ones I always go back to. I used to have a massive fashionable wardrobe but now, I want a small one consisting of only items I absolutely love.

  • @bahdch
    @bahdch 2 роки тому +2

    I ordered some “black uniform” shirts from Amazon. When they came, I tried them on and stood in front of the mirror. Two of them fit really well and were very comfortable. But that one shirt was just not right. I could lose a couple pounds and it would be great.
    And that’s when you got in my head! After listening to you for 24 hours (in my head), I took the shirt, the packaging, and ran it up to UPS. Thank you!🤣😂😘

  • @caseyhirschfeld5012
    @caseyhirschfeld5012 Рік тому

    My weight has always fluctuated and over the last few years it’s mostly went up. Your videos have helped me so much with understanding that my clothes made me feel bad, especially the old ones that no longer fit. I have started focusing on clothes that make me feel good! Thank you for helping with my mindset shift 💕!

  • @willowgirl2635
    @willowgirl2635 2 роки тому +1

    Having an identical twin you have a back up wardrobe to borrow from, win win. I like your minimal style.

  • @kathyheberle3862
    @kathyheberle3862 2 роки тому

    I totally agree with this concept! I actually have a friend who is a color consultant and finds the best colors for you. I am a “warm spring” based on my hair and eye color and used to wear a lot of black and gray until I found out they were not flattering on me. I switched to my best colors and now everything I wear looks good on me so I don’t need a large wardrobe and never have to worry about things coordinating! I highly recommend this inexpensive service to people who don’t know what their most flattering colors are!

  • @carmendennis1228
    @carmendennis1228 2 роки тому +2

    I simplified my wardrobe after the 333 interview. My tweak was 425 - 25 pieces for each of our 4 seasons. I didn't include jeans, workout gear, or undergarments in this. I'm on month 6 and so far, choosing clothes daily is SO. MUCH. EASIER! I like everything in my closet so reaching for something I like is simple!

  • @charletteprzybylski3417
    @charletteprzybylski3417 2 роки тому

    Good points about having clothes that fit well and we will wear!

  • @ccdoz5419
    @ccdoz5419 2 роки тому

    I've gone to wearing scrubs most days. I'm not a medical professional, however I am very sensitive to most clothing. I've found two brands of scrubs that I can wear and it has made it so much easier. I did have to get over the thought that I'm not in the medical field and didn't want to portray that. The thing is, people don't care. After 25 years of wearing a suit most days, it's a big relief! Thanks for your supportive videos. You rock!

  • @CharissaSchoutenvS
    @CharissaSchoutenvS 2 роки тому +1

    When I was pregnant I loved having a simplified wardrobe with only things I loved and that fit. So I wanted to have that after my pregnancy as well. And thanks to you and other UA-camrs it worked!

  • @sarahm4046
    @sarahm4046 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you! This is what I needed. I’m currently having to downsize my wardrobe to move overseas and it’s been so hard to narrow down what to bring since I will be in a different culture than my home culture. But the “what fits well” question will be so helpful for discerning what to leave behind. So thank you ♥️

  • @amyhind6436
    @amyhind6436 Рік тому

    I’m so thankful for this video! I’ve watched it many times, it’s better every time. 😊

  • @mustardseed123
    @mustardseed123 2 роки тому

    I really like the black top, jeans and earrings and your hair looks really nice. Looks easy to put together in the morning and must save you a lot of time too.

  • @MuellerCottage
    @MuellerCottage Рік тому

    Before I buy any new clothes or as I sort my existing ones, I remind myself ahead of time that if I pause, and have to do a few poses pondering the item, then it's a no. Fidgeting, pulling, re-arranging? Nope. No talking myself into something. :) I get the Amazon struggle. As my husband and I help each other to opt-out from there when it seems easy, we have to remind ourselves of the WHY (which you often remind us about!). We are so glad when we go to a non-digital store and it takes effort to put it into practice. I hope you try giving up Amazon! Thanks for all of your encouragement.

  • @ramonawhisenant2045
    @ramonawhisenant2045 2 роки тому +1

    I LOVE those little chubby pictures of Gage when you talk about decluttering kids toys!!

  • @ileen606
    @ileen606 2 роки тому

    Finding Carol Tuttle's Dressing Your Truth profiling system has completely changed my relationship with clothes! Shopping is much simpler and I am confident that everything I buy looks good on me.

  • @jacquelinewatson3327
    @jacquelinewatson3327 2 роки тому

    I streamlined my wardrobe some when we moved, then while we were on a long trip and our stuff was in storage someone stole our trailer and all our other clothes were gone. At first I was mad, as time has gone on, most of it was stuff I didn’t wear often anyway. Many thanks to you and Cas and a few others for helping this transition from a closet full of clothes, to all my clothes fitting and nothing taunting me to get back to a size I fit again.

  • @ruthhinnenkamp6754
    @ruthhinnenkamp6754 2 роки тому

    I had to giggle when you said you were using a can of corn to stretch your shoes! That is precious. I have followed you and Cas for the last couple of years - and I have to say I totally agree that getting rid of stuff is so freeing. My sister was a bit concerned. At one point she asked me if there was something she should know. She thought maybe I was sick because I was giving a lot of things away. Our priest last Sunday challenged us to go home and find one thing to donate or give to someone that could use it. I went home and found 27 (that was pretty easy - just in the kitchen - and I thought I had it pared down to the "minimum"!!). When I donated it to the church festival.......I told the chair "It's Fr. Tom's fault, he said to go home and find one thing" (I had already brought a car load of stuff before that). You are so motiving and REAL. Thanks for the great videos. I have trouble with paper. And clothes. But I'm going to gear up and hit the closet. I keep thinking I'm going to fit in some of them one day. But I also have to realize that I'm not a spring chicken anymore. Shift happens after 60. We have a Buckle in St Cloud, but I've never shopped there. 🙂🙂

  • @jamieleach9322
    @jamieleach9322 2 роки тому

    Your advice about only keeping what fits and feels good is priceless and truly helped me reduce my clothing inventory. It is so true that I don't struggle with what to wear...EVER!😄💜

  • @lucisue53
    @lucisue53 2 роки тому +1

    I have a couple of 'fancy' outfits - 1) some flowy black velvet pants that look great with a crisp silk shirt, and 2) a fitted red velvet tunic that works well with a black skirt or pants. I've worn one or the other outfit to holiday gatherings for maybe 10+++ years, and no one seems any wiser. If I can't recall what the other guests wear, surely none of them recall what I wear. Minimalist holiday dressing )

  • @ElleKM11
    @ElleKM11 2 роки тому +1

    Love this video! I am currently working on my wardrobe and I love seeing your outfits 🙂

  • @aimeesanchez6877
    @aimeesanchez6877 2 роки тому

    I have just recently decluttered my closet and I love getting dressed now. I actually uncovered some really great summer dresses that I had, but couldn’t see in all the clutter hung in my closet. It’s like I have a new wardrobe! I’ve also tackled paper clutter. Ahhhh…. Next step, the kids’ rooms. 😳 baby steps, but it already feels better in this home. You confirmed what o always knew, I can’t function in a messy house. It drives me crazy, not that I’m a super neat and organized person, I just work better in a neat setting. We’re getting there!

  • @marjoc.9151
    @marjoc.9151 2 роки тому

    Your videos about wardrobe have helped me so much to create one that I really like and enjoy everyday. it's really easier for me to dress every morning and it's such a relief. Thank you

  • @gemmadoherty8919
    @gemmadoherty8919 2 роки тому

    I love this. I’m a big fan of a streamlined wardrobe as I don’t want to think about my clothes much. For autumn/winter I have bootcut jeans and then the same jumper in 5 colours. They fit well, wash well and give my variety through their colour. Pop on one of my 5 scarves and then there’s even more variety. For warmer weather I have the same think in Breton tops, then T-shirts. I found anytime I try something different it ends up in the donation box as I’ll always end up reaching for my go-to ones instead

  • @lizzabbott
    @lizzabbott 2 роки тому +1

    Those new pieces look sooo lovely on you, Dawn !! HA ! I’ve never heard if The Buckle either. Crazy !! Imo, you can def wear their clothes long after turning 40 !! I basically just “throw something on” / don’t care a heck of a lot about what I wear. Then again, we all wanna look & feel good. So I do aspire to look “put together” , too. Stillllll learning ! As a teen in the 70s, I just wore jeans or cords & the usual 70s casual tops. It’s trickier now tho ! So I appreciate your & other youtubers’ clothing vids !

  • @mariavittar6290
    @mariavittar6290 11 місяців тому

    Thank you for your video. I gain and lose weight in a cycle of about 3 years… and now, I had a baby a year ago and I am the biggest I have been. I am following your advise and I am only going to leave in my closet what fits me and makes me feel good. Later, I can buy myself new clothes. It is emotionally draining to have a closet of 90% of clothes that don’t fit. Wish me success 🙂

  • @carynwood9158
    @carynwood9158 2 роки тому

    I had really cut down my closet. Then I lost 20lbs in 2 months and needed things that fit so I cut it down again and bought just shorts and shirts from thrift. Nice stuff. Then I started sizing out again and tried my other jeans stuff and again sized out. Today I dropped off a full bag at thrift and left with 2 Capri jeans and 2 shirts. Lots out, very little in and it all fits!

  • @glee_again2594
    @glee_again2594 2 роки тому +3

    You’re not too old to shop anywhere. The older we get the more permission to wear what we want to and shop where we want to. Rules are for the really young folks.
    Shop and wear with confidence, girl!

  • @ceciliefranciska899
    @ceciliefranciska899 2 роки тому +1

    I have been wearing a black T-shirt and jeans uniform for years and I love it. I always feel nice and put together. I buy six like once and they usually last me two years. You look great!

  • @christeenhenry6448
    @christeenhenry6448 2 роки тому

    Oh My Goodness...
    I love that you share these Videos....
    I have So Many clothes..
    That I NEVER WEAR..
    My sister shops at Buckle....And I get her Hand me downs...
    I so Need to Go through my Clothes..
    Thank u for the Reminder..💕💕💕