I'm so grateful for my High school 3D teacher (who happens to also be my Dad) for teaching me Blender. I have a full time job as a 3D artist for a furniture company, and absolutely love every minute of it. I don't have to rely on the software. In fact I rarely give thought to the software, and instead am able to focus on getting work done! Thank you Blender for being hands down the best piece of free software out there.
Because most of the schools can not provide proper working environment and conditions for competent people, and because industry of education is over saturated with people who are conservative.
This guy put into words so many of my frustrations with software these days as well as inspire confidence. I love using Blender. The more we get it into learning environments the more likely future company owners will want to make it apart of their pipeline.
That is exactly why, when I worked in schools, I made sure blender, gimp, inkscape, audacity, and a few other FLOSS programs made it into the images for lab computers. Nothing quite like the feeling of wondering around a lab full of kids and seeing them done the assignment and open one of those instead of some flash games website.
@@softwarelivre2389 Bad how? Everyone I know says this, but not one person tells me exactly what and why? If it's layout, you can change it. If its the floating windows, it doesn't start that way anymore, it starts in one window. So what exactly is the problem?
@@crankyfox usability. The tools are weird, the layer system is weird. The UI isn't clean. I use mainly paintdot net and, although limited, it is pretty easy to use, unlike Gimp.
Thanks for the inspiring talk. I do workshops that often include Blender. One of the amazing things is that students can go home not just with their creations on their USB stick but Blender and the files so they can continue to work on them long after a workshop. .
Speaking in front of a large group of people I admire and deeply respect inspires a great deal of nervousness which leads to a lot of ums and uhs that I have trouble repressing. I'll try to improve in my subsequent talks. Thanks for all the friendly and gracious comments everyone.
I love learning blender. It helps keep me occupied the cost isn't a barrier while I'm unemployed and having health issues. I agree with the "pro" thing I am anti iProduct I've never understood why people want something that you can't make yours, and is "easy to use" you don't learn anything much that way. It's not like a droid is that difficult or even linux. Now I'm back on windows simply for the fact OBS works better on it and can use the GPU.
Thoroughly, profoundly seminal! You totally have your finger on the pulse, Brent! I find it incredibly exciting that educators like you exist! America has a chance!!!
Aw man, I had a twinge of anxiety when you started talking about how current college age kids don't have fundamental computer literacy. When I was teaching Maya at a private college I had a rude awakening to that fact when none of my students had basic understanding of file structuring and navigation on an OS. More alarming was how hesitant they were to seek out help that wasn't myself or a fellow student. Googling issues was an alien concept, and none of them had heard of forums. Forums were my life blood in college. It's frustrating how touch screen convenience has made basic PC and Mac usage a mystic art. Plus the fact that anything beyond social media and UA-cam was alien territory. If I or a fellow lecturer didn't know the answer they thought we were under qualified, and were quick to bemoan this to our superiors. Crap, I sound like a 50 year old grinch. And you sir are a saint for sticking it out. Part of me wishes I was still lecturing, but the ad industry is honestly less frustrating!
I'm only a high school freshman and I agree. Many of my friends do not understand how programs work. The os file system is confusing for them. They just expect programs it to work. I use Reddit all the time and Google things that don't work and fix things myself.
Lol real life libraries are alien territory as well. A friend of mine had to teach her students that a library holds books with information in it... To them it seemed that if data weren't available within a few mouseclicks it was old and outdated. The librarian was very happy to see some students for a change. Some universities actually threw out a lot of books, which undoubtedly contained a lot of interesting knowledge...
@@patrickg757 Sounds like you are in the small minority I encountered in my own classes. My best students were the most self reliant ones. Which you know, is university. In undergrad you basically teach yourself under supervision to be honest, with a lecturer in the wings googling frantically. It's how tertiary education is. But my students struggled to get out of the high school mindset of being borderline spoon-fed. And yeah man, the internet is a massively underutilized space in university courses, especially ones with older syllabuses. At least 80% of the problems I encounter in software have been solved on a forum or tutorial out there somewhere. Just got to know where to look.
@@peterslegers6121 Geez, tell me about it. The college I worked at had a BEAUTIFUL collection of animation art and technique books I'd kill for! Some super rare ones. I never saw a student actively using unless I bullied them into it for a paper. Given it was a diploma course didn't help, the written component of the course was thoroughly un-important to the college. Also libraries are the best place to hammer out a thesis, I wish I had easier access to my alma mater's facilities sometimes.
One of my 3D teachers in college said to us "If you have a software issue, look up the official software guide. Then search on Google/forums/UA-cam. If you still can't find an answer, then you ask me for help and I'll see what I can do. When you become a professional, I won't be there to answer your questions." He said that after teaching the essential software tools, of course. Great teacher and definitely helped me have a self-reliant mindset when it comes to problem-solving
Totally agree. Blender is the most fun and enjoyable productivity software to learn and to use I've ever seen in my life. It's simply fun to play with even when I'm not trying to make anything.
I am learning blender on my own for quite some times people suggested me try out maya they say that the "pro " softwares like maya and c4d is much much more easier Than blender and I tried both of them and I found that they are very optimized but I was very very slow wiring in those softwares the use of hundreds of shortcuts is biggest privilege it enables you to work faster and blender is one of the only software that can do everything someone want to do
I despise people who use the term "Privilege" to describe people who can afford 3D Software that has a price. I bought Maya a few years ago because I "WORKED" hard for the money so I was able to afford it. I'm was not Privileged! I was blessed to have a job that paid me along with my own God given abilities to do the job and remain employed. I use Blender by choice now and recognize a lot of people can't afford expensive software so I "Thank" everyone involved who Created and WORK(ed) on Blender for all of us. Oh and all those in the Blender Community that help with Information and Tutorials etc. You are all my Hero's.
so many things yes. I see all these jobs out there that want Maya; so I started a course in learning Maya because of a number of reasons including I figure it would be the right way to get the necessary from industry pros in order to work in the industry; thanks to Blender I was able to bypass some WTF and where in the heck? moments, not be intimidated as he says, and also break down that marketing illusion. An hour of Maya gives my wrists have a bad ache. I never realized how elegant Blender's way of manipulating really was. Who knew that such an expensive software could be so clunky and off putting. I have serious second thoughts about using Maya at least for animation, in a job. Haven't gotten into any other stuff with it. So I'm really happy with this talk, as it shows others have explored even deeper some conclusions I had drawn, and makes an enjoyable mockery of this marketing notion of "pro".
Maya is a pain, but it can do some neat things. My advice is, find something fun about using Maya (I like the way Maya handles particles, and blendshapes are pretty cool because you can put them in any order in the deform stack and layer them.) Maya is also a very different piece of software. It's hard to understand for us Blender users because we're used to clear conveyance and easy access to documentaion, API, source. The way scenes and data are handles is different. Something that freaks me out is, the joint system in Maya is like having bones that are always in edit mode and pose mode. No armature object (have to use a group or layer), no rest pose, no separate pose space. How anyone can stand this is beyond me.
@@josephbrandenburg4373 On the bones, I hadn't thought about it but I see that too. I have been working on a very large, long project in blender and in comparison I've been breeezing along. I had to do a little short scene in Maya and I ended up modelling in blender because it was just taking me too long in Maya. I know Maya has some great stuff in it, but I know myself in the Confucian/Socratic way and it's not really for me. We had a couple dates and have decided to part in friendship.
@@warrenography that's a really funny way of putting it. My strategy is to grit my teeth and use Maya while people are watching (at school, then at work) and use Blender behind the scenes to get more done at a higher quality than anyone else. Maya's what Disney uses, so if I want to work at Disney I have to be good at Maya. I want to be good enough with Maya to know better than the chumps that disregard Blender- if I know Maya better than them, they have to listen to me!
the iOS thing kinda struck me. what apps are prepacked with mobile operating systems..? well, youtube. something to make phonecalls and sms, something to make photos and videos, a calendar and mail thing and a web browser. did i forget something? there is no equivalent of notepad or mspaint. heck, windows even had a builtin programming language (vb script), even tho the average user was probably not aware of that. any somewhat creative application is inherited from another handheld device, but not from a pc.. simple creative apps should be a core part of personal operating systems again. including a simple audio editor and music synthesizer, btw. (and a simple programming language..)
True. Though mobile does make general computing harder, b/c the default interface - touch screen - is horribly imprecise and unergonomic, compared to keyboard & mouse. Voice input is even worse; at least if it's supposed to "just get what you mean" from natural language. Individual actions like pinching to zoom out, or asking for a nearby restaurant may seem "intuitive". But for any task much more complex than buying a train ticket, you need many options at your disposal at any moment, and complex menus or hotkeys aren't available.
Programming requires text input. You can download e.g. Termux on Android and write primitive bash or Python scripts, but it's a pain, and you won't write apps with that. Visual programming (Scratch, Lego Mindstorms, ...) might be more suitable for touch screens, but will likely remain just a toy forever, not even used much in education. Software development is also limited by the encapsulation of apps, and that you don't have root access - arguably for good security & stability reasons.
muy cierto todo lo que ha comentado, desde niños ya nos enseñan a "necesitar" cosas de marca comerciales como si esas cosas fuesen lo mejor del planeta, normalmente son cosas de precio elevado que la gran mayoría no se puede permitir, pero los padres hacen en muchas ocasiones grandes esfuerzos para regalárselo a sus hijos y verles felices, la cuestión es que solo son felices mientras disfrutan un rato de la "novedad"... ya se sienten alguien importante entre sus amigos solo por portar dichos artículos o ser poseedores de ellos, poco tiempo despues y en la gran mayoría de las ocasiones, se olvidan de esos artículos y los dejan en un rincón, pues con la tecnología pasa exactamente igual, los niños ven publicidad de algo con palabras atractivas que quieren identificar algo de una manera diferente, aunque luego sea como todo lo demás, el ponen colores llamativos, luces brillantes, mucho look modernista y... ¡precios desorbitados!... la atracción perfecta para los niños y adolescentes (aunque a algunos adultos se les sigue quedando esas cosas en su mente de por vida)... como si tener mucho fuese elevar la posición social, ser un lider, pero... eso no es educativo, pues cuando esos niños dejen de serlo y se enfrenten a la realidad, esos niños con todo lo que han tenido materialmente desde pequeños, sufrirán mucho más que los que no han disfrutado de tantas cosas materiales, sobre todo por que no van a poder adquirirlas tan fácilmente, pasaran a ser disfrutadores de mercancías a pagadores de mercancías, eso les va a suponer un vuelco a sus vidas muy radical, yo por eso siempre ofrezco dentro de lo posible la libertad de vivir sin necesidad de acudir a marcas comerciales de pago, demostrando dentro de mis conocimientos que, con software libre se puede hacer prácticamente todo lo que desees dentro del mundo multimedia, sin necesidad de licencias de alquiler, por que.... una obra de arte digital no la crea un programa, sino un artista, y no necesita de herramientas demasiado especializadas para crear arte, el arte viene simplemente del interior de cada uno, de la manera de obtener información de su entorno, de su imaginación, teniendo esas dos cosas, lo único que ha de reunir es destreza, y la destreza se obtiene no solo con la práctica, sino también con el placer de querer entender como realizar algo con lo poco que tienes delante de ti, aunque con Blender esto no sucede, ya que integra todo lo necesario en poco más de 300 Mbits, algo que aun no he podido encontrar en ningún otro software de creación de mallas, modelos, escenas y animaciones, tanto en 2D como en 3D, y ha demostrado ser totalmente "PRO"... pero de verdad..... "PROFESIONAL"... solo hay que ver la inmensidad de obras de arte que se han creado con este simple software de código abierto y libre... sin contratos de compra, sin alquiler mensual o anual, sin necesidad de conexión a la red de internet para trabajar con él, con muy pocos consumos de recursos (hasta que llega la hora de crear el render final)... no existe en todos estos casos ningún competidor, da igual que tengan motores de render "PRO".... da igual que tengan acceso a un montón de plugins externos que hacen que trabajar los objetos 3D sea mucho más cómodo y rápido (prácticamente todos ellos tienen unos precios elevados) lo importante es saber manejar todas las herramientas que se te ofrecen, aunque lleve más tiempo comprenderlas, pero al final se consigue habilidad, y con ella se crean verdaderas obras de arte... por eso amo Blender, por que me da la oportunidad de aprender directamente, sin tener que mantener diversos programas abiertos para poder trabajar en varias secciones... Blender es todo en uno... ¿hay algo más "PRO" que eso?.... disculpen mi teatro y mi dictado escrito, necesitaba explicar mi forma de pensar, gracias por su tiempo
It already has denoising AI. Ai in general tho is overrated. It doesn't work as well as people pretend, and is useless outside of it's specific design.
I love blender but the zealots in the blender community hating on other software for not being free or opensource is downright disgusting most people who are like this never worked in a real professional environment or even contributed anything on github for blender in their life. I'm not shocked that apple is right next door to this. You don't need to waste time and money going to school for art or 3D software. Saying blender is the best for everything is actually stupid and shows you only know about blender. Houdini is better at VFX Maya is better at rigging/animation Zbrush is better at sculpting (blender users still begging for a good remesher while saying its the "best" software) I even see people saying you don't need Photoshop or After Effects if you have blender... what? Blender is hands down the most unintuitive software I've ever used The most used hotkeys for blender Move = G, Rotate = R, Scale = S, RMB = Select Other commonly used software Move = W, Rotate = E, Scale = R, LMB = Select (All the hotkeys are next to each other very ergonomic) Not only is blender not ergonomic its hurting the software and its users that might have to work for a studio some day that uses the industry standard hotkeys, I know and seen many users that tried to use other software and couldn't get used to not having blender hotkeys. I also know people on other side of who use "pro" software and gave up on blender due to its trash hotkey setup, switching blender settings to maya breaks so many thing while still not even being close to maya's hotkeys, its very clear not much time was put into making sure it worked correctly. How can you be serious about wanting blender to become industry standard while shiting on industry in every way possible and go as far as saying "Don't use professional software". I see blender users making fun of maya for its weak grease pencil support yet blender only got alembic support a few years ago??? In what world is grease pencil more important than alembic support... The money I make from rigging and animation in Maya alone covers my bills and all the software I use easily, Sculpting in zbrush is the greatest pleasure I've had in 3D compared to blender or any other software to date. My life has been changed thanks to these "Pro" software I shouldn''t use, the projects and money I've made is MUCH greater than anything I ever got for blender. complaining about a few hundred dollars when your making thousands is simply childish and unprofessional.
You're slapping your few experiences with some blender fanatics, and misconstruing his words to create a massively false narrative of what he's saying. He's not saying blender is the best. And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice. Do realize blender is free, which equals muuuuch higher accessibility, and more people without money, who are teens because they can't work, and these teens are inexperienced and very emotional. Learning to curve them and focus more serious and focused users will aid your experience. You were just used to having adults because of the barrier to entry. Blender's hotkeys are fine. Them not being what the industry is is perference. I prefer blender's hotkey-heavy workflow, with hotkeys that are positioned in spots to make sense at a intuitive level (S is for Scale, R for rotate, O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes, etc).W to move, E to rotate, and R to scale doesn't make sense at a intuitive level (why did they choose those letters?). And I've heard stories about the weirdness of Zbrush being the most convoluted and unintuitive UI one has experienced. I've been learning maya, but I've been fustrated with arnold and its cpu only rendering. Also, lighting too. I also.hate having to click a lot of tabs, when back in blender, i could press some hotkeys and do something for few steps. I prefer that workflow more. Hes saying not to teach industry standard software for a variety of reasons (some i don't agree with). Cost is a big one (maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc). Blender I think may help students learn how to learn better due to the community-driven aspect of it (teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community.) Instead of the developer making extensive documentation and tutorials and additional things to help and lead thousands of users to success.
@@James-pb8xu You clearly didn't read a what I said. You're literally ignoring everything and going on your shill blender rant, typical. "And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice." Funny since your a immature Maya user using your experience to make the software look bad. Weird a next blender user having issues learning Maya even though is one of the most easy to learn software I've used, If this was the real world and you just told me that you would be fired. He talks about wanting blender users to able to adapt, while telling them not use "Pro" software, your prime example how hard it for blender users to use other software. Meanwhile after I learn Maya, learning other software became a breeze 3dsmax, cinema 4d, houndini, zbrush I got so good at adapting I even learned blender no issues. "O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes" You don't even know the name of the tools your using its called proportional editing, blender version of Maya's soft selection which is the B hotkey. Maya main hotkeys WERB (Easy to reach hotkeys similar to popular video games many kids play), Blender is GSRO Why is soft selection on the otherside of the keyboard, do you even know what ergonomic means? Explaining soft selection to new users is easy for them to understand, meanwhile saying proportional editing won't click with most people. You try to justify these trash hotkeys by saying "S is for Scale, R for rotate" Why isnt move on M? oh merge and other hotkeys are using M so now your going to confuse users by calling it grab, why is proportional editing on O and not P blender doesn't even follow its own name convention nor does it follow whats standard, awful. "maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc" Other professions pay for their tools they use, the cost is miniscule compared to the income made from projects. You don't see them complaining. The money I've made from one maya project can cover the cost for itself for 10 years, that software is the reason why I live in the house i'm in, why I have a good car, the projects offered to me for blender were jokes offering amounts of money I could barely live off. Why are students that have no issues paying money for school and putting themsevles in debt for no reason, since you can learn everything online for free, suddenly having a issues about money when it comes to buying software? Why is someone teaching blender over "pro" software and going as far as to tell them to not buy or use said software, when school should be getting you ready for the REAL WORLD, not just sitting in your room messing around with blender? "teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community." Maya has a wonderful community we teach each other and have tons of add-ons made by the community, I don't guy why blender users always say this like its unique to blender... Well I have work to do, have fun with your narrow minded mindsets about software, im gonna go enjoy my Blender/Zbrush/Maya workflows.
@@irisheart8540 Good God, learn to read "'And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice.' Funny since your a immature Maya user using your experience to make the software look bad." I kept saying "I." If I keep saying "I," I'm speaking from my own experience, which anybody over 12, can realize that it's an opinion piece and not speaking as arbiter on the matter. You need to stop reading so dismissively and think," maybe I'm misinterpreting this person." "Weird a next blender user having issues learning Maya even though is one of the most easy to learn software I've used, If this was the real world and you just told me that you would be fired." You would fire someone over having difficulties with some software? And you used "I" which means that's your personal experience; you don't speak for the aggregate. "He talks about wanting blender users to able to adapt, while telling them not use "Pro" software, your prime example how hard it for blender users to use other software. Meanwhile after I learn Maya, learning other software became a breeze 3dsmax, cinema 4d, houndini, zbrush I got so good at adapting I even learned blender no issues." I was expressing my frustrations, not the lack of an ability to adapt. I made a scene without looking at any tutorials. I never watched one and I already made an animation. It wasn't impossible to learn the software, just a little frustrating. "'O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes' You don't even know the name of the tools your using its called proportional editing, blender version of Maya's soft selection which is the B hotkey." I expressed the action like so to express a possible reason why they pushed the command to "O." It's silly to assume I don't know the name of the hotkey if I know how it works. "Maya main hotkeys WERB (Easy to reach hotkeys similar to popular video games many kids play), Blender is GSRO Why is soft selection on the otherside of the keyboard, do you even know what ergonomic means? Explaining soft selection to new users is easy for them to understand, meanwhile saying proportional editing won't click with most people. You try to justify these trash hotkeys by saying "S is for Scale, R for rotate" Why isnt move on M? oh merge and other hotkeys are using M so now your going to confuse users by calling it grab, why is proportional editing on O and not P blender doesn't even follow its own name convention nor does it follow whats standard, awful." video games uses WASD, with the only overlapping letter being W. so wrong. and the proportional editing hotkey sits right under my right middle finger, so ergonomics is a non-issue. Also, soft selection vs proportional editing is stupid, it's all preference. the rest of this is nitpicking and saying," this doesn't make sense to me so it's trash and garbage." "'maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc' Other professions pay for their tools they use, the cost is miniscule compared to the income made from projects. You don't see them complaining. The money I've made from one maya project can cover the cost for itself for 10 years, that software is the reason why I live in the house i'm in, why I have a good car, the projects offered to me for blender were jokes offering amounts of money I could barely live off." Yes, professions can pay for this software. I can't, I'm a college student. Blender opens the door for everyone to engage in software they could only wait until they're older to afford. It also limits the cost for educational purposes, since there's no license to buy, which helps everyone. Blender's peculiar hotkey setup is what it is, but that's a small hurdle (and one doesn't need right mouse click, I mapped mines to the left. I heard the reason for right mouse click was for ergonomic reasons, but don't quote me). "Why are students that have no issues paying money for school and putting themselves in debt for no reason, since you can learn everything online for free, suddenly having a issues about money when it comes to buying software? Why is someone teaching blender over "pro" software and going as far as to tell them to not buy or use said software, when school should be getting you ready for the REAL WORLD, not just sitting in your room messing around with blender?" That's a good question. For me, if I took out loans to learn a lesson, I really don't want to be forced to use expensive software in order to learn it. I learned materials, modelling, etc in blender for free. what else could maya teach me that blender doesn't? Also, in the real world, don't most studios heavily modify maya to fit their workflows? because if they do, then it eliminates the need to learn "industry standard" software if that software in its vanilla form won't be present in most studios. I'm really asking that question though, I'm inexperienced and have no background in the industry. "'teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community.'" Maya has a wonderful community we teach each other and have tons of add-ons made by the community, I don't guy why blender users always say this like its unique to blender... Here's the thing, how's the relationship between autodesk and their customers? Again, seriously asking. Blender is entirely community-driven. Not trying to down maya's community, it would be ignorant to do so, but blender, from the ground-up, was built around the community. They raised over $100,000 for blender to be given to the public. The Blender Foundation is the figurehead, similar to autodesk, but I'm new to the game; I have no knowledge on the history of autodesk. "Well I have work to do, have fun with your narrow minded mindsets about software, im gonna go enjoy my Blender/Zbrush/Maya workflows." Lol nice condescending, unnecessary, egotistical, nigh-pretentious ending. Really keeping me on my toes on taking you seriously.
@@James-pb8xu "video games uses WASD, with the only overlapping letter being W. so wrong." league of legends, Dota 2 the number one game on steam.......... its QWER, you have zero common sense no wonder you need teachers and have a hard time learning maya, cant do anything without your hand being held. Holyshit im not done looking at stupidity you're typing, even something that basic you deny, Thank you for being a prime example of zealots in the community.
I'm so grateful for my High school 3D teacher (who happens to also be my Dad) for teaching me Blender. I have a full time job as a 3D artist for a furniture company, and absolutely love every minute of it. I don't have to rely on the software. In fact I rarely give thought to the software, and instead am able to focus on getting work done! Thank you Blender for being hands down the best piece of free software out there.
Why is'nt there a guy like this in EVERY bloody school in the world ?
Because most of the schools can not provide proper working environment and conditions for competent people, and because industry of education is over saturated with people who are conservative.
This guy put into words so many of my frustrations with software these days as well as inspire confidence. I love using Blender. The more we get it into learning environments the more likely future company owners will want to make it apart of their pipeline.
That is exactly why, when I worked in schools, I made sure blender, gimp, inkscape, audacity, and a few other FLOSS programs made it into the images for lab computers. Nothing quite like the feeling of wondering around a lab full of kids and seeing them done the assignment and open one of those instead of some flash games website.
Making them use Gimp is child abuse. I'd rather use Blender as an image editor than Gimp.
@@danksley you haven't been using gimp lately then. The ui was overhauled significantly.
@@crankyfox It is still pretty bad though.
@@softwarelivre2389 Bad how?
Everyone I know says this, but not one person tells me exactly what and why?
If it's layout, you can change it. If its the floating windows, it doesn't start that way anymore, it starts in one window. So what exactly is the problem?
@@crankyfox usability. The tools are weird, the layer system is weird. The UI isn't clean. I use mainly paintdot net and, although limited, it is pretty easy to use, unlike Gimp.
probably the most inspiring and life affirmative talk this year. Thank you so much guys
Thanks for the inspiring talk. I do workshops that often include Blender. One of the amazing things is that students can go home not just with their creations on their USB stick but Blender and the files so they can continue to work on them long after a workshop. .
Speaking in front of a large group of people I admire and deeply respect inspires a great deal of nervousness which leads to a lot of ums and uhs that I have trouble repressing. I'll try to improve in my subsequent talks. Thanks for all the friendly and gracious comments everyone.
speak on TED
Yes! Learn by curiosity!
I love learning blender. It helps keep me occupied the cost isn't a barrier while I'm unemployed and having health issues. I agree with the "pro" thing I am anti iProduct I've never understood why people want something that you can't make yours, and is "easy to use" you don't learn anything much that way. It's not like a droid is that difficult or even linux. Now I'm back on windows simply for the fact OBS works better on it and can use the GPU.
Ha finally someone who agrees with me
Thoroughly, profoundly seminal! You totally have your finger on the pulse, Brent! I find it incredibly exciting that educators like you exist! America has a chance!!!
Aw man, I had a twinge of anxiety when you started talking about how current college age kids don't have fundamental computer literacy. When I was teaching Maya at a private college I had a rude awakening to that fact when none of my students had basic understanding of file structuring and navigation on an OS.
More alarming was how hesitant they were to seek out help that wasn't myself or a fellow student. Googling issues was an alien concept, and none of them had heard of forums. Forums were my life blood in college. It's frustrating how touch screen convenience has made basic PC and Mac usage a mystic art. Plus the fact that anything beyond social media and UA-cam was alien territory. If I or a fellow lecturer didn't know the answer they thought we were under qualified, and were quick to bemoan this to our superiors.
Crap, I sound like a 50 year old grinch. And you sir are a saint for sticking it out. Part of me wishes I was still lecturing, but the ad industry is honestly less frustrating!
I'm only a high school freshman and I agree. Many of my friends do not understand how programs work. The os file system is confusing for them. They just expect programs it to work. I use Reddit all the time and Google things that don't work and fix things myself.
Lol real life libraries are alien territory as well. A friend of mine had to teach her students that a library holds books with information in it... To them it seemed that if data weren't available within a few mouseclicks it was old and outdated. The librarian was very happy to see some students for a change. Some universities actually threw out a lot of books, which undoubtedly contained a lot of interesting knowledge...
@@patrickg757 Sounds like you are in the small minority I encountered in my own classes. My best students were the most self reliant ones. Which you know, is university. In undergrad you basically teach yourself under supervision to be honest, with a lecturer in the wings googling frantically. It's how tertiary education is. But my students struggled to get out of the high school mindset of being borderline spoon-fed.
And yeah man, the internet is a massively underutilized space in university courses, especially ones with older syllabuses. At least 80% of the problems I encounter in software have been solved on a forum or tutorial out there somewhere. Just got to know where to look.
@@peterslegers6121 Geez, tell me about it. The college I worked at had a BEAUTIFUL collection of animation art and technique books I'd kill for! Some super rare ones. I never saw a student actively using unless I bullied them into it for a paper. Given it was a diploma course didn't help, the written component of the course was thoroughly un-important to the college.
Also libraries are the best place to hammer out a thesis, I wish I had easier access to my alma mater's facilities sometimes.
One of my 3D teachers in college said to us "If you have a software issue, look up the official software guide. Then search on Google/forums/UA-cam. If you still can't find an answer, then you ask me for help and I'll see what I can do. When you become a professional, I won't be there to answer your questions." He said that after teaching the essential software tools, of course. Great teacher and definitely helped me have a self-reliant mindset when it comes to problem-solving
still such a good talk
Totally agree. Blender is the most fun and enjoyable productivity software to learn and to use I've ever seen in my life. It's simply fun to play with even when I'm not trying to make anything.
I am learning blender on my own for quite some times people suggested me try out maya they say that the "pro " softwares like maya and c4d is much much more easier
Than blender and I tried both of them and I found that they are very optimized but I was very very slow wiring in those softwares the use of hundreds of shortcuts is biggest privilege it enables you to work faster and blender is one of the only software that can do everything someone want to do
sorry for complaining, but please structure your sentences.
This was a really awesome talk!! Loved it!! Thank you!
Can we get 10 more Brent Patterson s? we need them.
Shift D , Shift R *n .
Wow! What are you going to make today? Top notch slogan!
One of the best talks of the whole conference!! Well done Brent!!!
This was excellent, man seems like a great teacher.
Wonderful talk! Wonderful! Well said Brent Patterson! Can't find better word -> wonderful!!!
PRO can also refer to PROblems and PROfit :)))
I despise people who use the term "Privilege" to describe people who can afford 3D Software that has a price. I bought Maya a few years ago because I "WORKED" hard for the money so I was able to afford it. I'm was not Privileged! I was blessed to have a job that paid me along with my own God given abilities to do the job and remain employed. I use Blender by choice now and recognize a lot of people can't afford expensive software so I "Thank" everyone involved who Created and WORK(ed) on Blender for all of us. Oh and all those in the Blender Community that help with Information and Tutorials etc. You are all my Hero's.
Best presentation so far too me.
Tears in my eyes - PROPS!
Wonderful speech - another (loctite) NAIL in the coffin of my desire to buy into Maya Indie or Max Indie!
Spot on!
so many things yes. I see all these jobs out there that want Maya; so I started a course in learning Maya because of a number of reasons including I figure it would be the right way to get the necessary from industry pros in order to work in the industry; thanks to Blender I was able to bypass some WTF and where in the heck? moments, not be intimidated as he says, and also break down that marketing illusion. An hour of Maya gives my wrists have a bad ache. I never realized how elegant Blender's way of manipulating really was. Who knew that such an expensive software could be so clunky and off putting. I have serious second thoughts about using Maya at least for animation, in a job. Haven't gotten into any other stuff with it. So I'm really happy with this talk, as it shows others have explored even deeper some conclusions I had drawn, and makes an enjoyable mockery of this marketing notion of "pro".
you wont be using maya for the long run anyway so learning it for now is not bad thing ...
@@Userdoesnotexit True, it never hurts to learn more.
Maya is a pain, but it can do some neat things. My advice is, find something fun about using Maya (I like the way Maya handles particles, and blendshapes are pretty cool because you can put them in any order in the deform stack and layer them.)
Maya is also a very different piece of software. It's hard to understand for us Blender users because we're used to clear conveyance and easy access to documentaion, API, source. The way scenes and data are handles is different. Something that freaks me out is, the joint system in Maya is like having bones that are always in edit mode and pose mode. No armature object (have to use a group or layer), no rest pose, no separate pose space. How anyone can stand this is beyond me.
@@josephbrandenburg4373 On the bones, I hadn't thought about it but I see that too. I have been working on a very large, long project in blender and in comparison I've been breeezing along. I had to do a little short scene in Maya and I ended up modelling in blender because it was just taking me too long in Maya. I know Maya has some great stuff in it, but I know myself in the Confucian/Socratic way and it's not really for me. We had a couple dates and have decided to part in friendship.
@@warrenography that's a really funny way of putting it. My strategy is to grit my teeth and use Maya while people are watching (at school, then at work) and use Blender behind the scenes to get more done at a higher quality than anyone else. Maya's what Disney uses, so if I want to work at Disney I have to be good at Maya. I want to be good enough with Maya to know better than the chumps that disregard Blender- if I know Maya better than them, they have to listen to me!
What a lovely talk!
And btw. is he a jedi? Because he changed the cameras focus only using his bare hands at 11:57 :D
gr8 talk!
And yes I watched the whole thing, if you were wondering.
wasn't wondering
The volume in all these videos are too low.
turn your volume up
Wow very insightful
I love how he ended it.
the iOS thing kinda struck me. what apps are prepacked with mobile operating systems..? well, youtube. something to make phonecalls and sms, something to make photos and videos, a calendar and mail thing and a web browser. did i forget something? there is no equivalent of notepad or mspaint. heck, windows even had a builtin programming language (vb script), even tho the average user was probably not aware of that.
any somewhat creative application is inherited from another handheld device, but not from a pc..
simple creative apps should be a core part of personal operating systems again. including a simple audio editor and music synthesizer, btw. (and a simple programming language..)
True. Though mobile does make general computing harder, b/c the default interface - touch screen - is horribly imprecise and unergonomic, compared to keyboard & mouse. Voice input is even worse; at least if it's supposed to "just get what you mean" from natural language.
Individual actions like pinching to zoom out, or asking for a nearby restaurant may seem "intuitive". But for any task much more complex than buying a train ticket, you need many options at your disposal at any moment, and complex menus or hotkeys aren't available.
Programming requires text input. You can download e.g. Termux on Android and write primitive bash or Python scripts, but it's a pain, and you won't write apps with that. Visual programming (Scratch, Lego Mindstorms, ...) might be more suitable for touch screens, but will likely remain just a toy forever, not even used much in education.
Software development is also limited by the encapsulation of apps, and that you don't have root access - arguably for good security & stability reasons.
brilliant speech!
The amount of times this guy says ugh or umm😭💀🤡
Great video. I love it
Who the hell is this Mr Uhmm dude he keeps calling ???
My outlook on life is frothing.
Blender best girl 😎👌
You mean to tell me I stayed and watch all that black screen at the end of the video and it didn't even show me a glimpse of the next episode?
Everyone should see this... on educational level, even be "forced" to see this ;0 Please everybody; share this in your LinkedIn, FB etc. network.
3 viewers paid thousands of dollars for adobe software.
(old meme, i know :P )
muy cierto todo lo que ha comentado, desde niños ya nos enseñan a "necesitar" cosas de marca comerciales como si esas cosas fuesen lo mejor del planeta, normalmente son cosas de precio elevado que la gran mayoría no se puede permitir, pero los padres hacen en muchas ocasiones grandes esfuerzos para regalárselo a sus hijos y verles felices, la cuestión es que solo son felices mientras disfrutan un rato de la "novedad"... ya se sienten alguien importante entre sus amigos solo por portar dichos artículos o ser poseedores de ellos, poco tiempo despues y en la gran mayoría de las ocasiones, se olvidan de esos artículos y los dejan en un rincón, pues con la tecnología pasa exactamente igual, los niños ven publicidad de algo con palabras atractivas que quieren identificar algo de una manera diferente, aunque luego sea como todo lo demás, el ponen colores llamativos, luces brillantes, mucho look modernista y... ¡precios desorbitados!... la atracción perfecta para los niños y adolescentes (aunque a algunos adultos se les sigue quedando esas cosas en su mente de por vida)... como si tener mucho fuese elevar la posición social, ser un lider, pero... eso no es educativo, pues cuando esos niños dejen de serlo y se enfrenten a la realidad, esos niños con todo lo que han tenido materialmente desde pequeños, sufrirán mucho más que los que no han disfrutado de tantas cosas materiales, sobre todo por que no van a poder adquirirlas tan fácilmente, pasaran a ser disfrutadores de mercancías a pagadores de mercancías, eso les va a suponer un vuelco a sus vidas muy radical, yo por eso siempre ofrezco dentro de lo posible la libertad de vivir sin necesidad de acudir a marcas comerciales de pago, demostrando dentro de mis conocimientos que, con software libre se puede hacer prácticamente todo lo que desees dentro del mundo multimedia, sin necesidad de licencias de alquiler, por que.... una obra de arte digital no la crea un programa, sino un artista, y no necesita de herramientas demasiado especializadas para crear arte, el arte viene simplemente del interior de cada uno, de la manera de obtener información de su entorno, de su imaginación, teniendo esas dos cosas, lo único que ha de reunir es destreza, y la destreza se obtiene no solo con la práctica, sino también con el placer de querer entender como realizar algo con lo poco que tienes delante de ti, aunque con Blender esto no sucede, ya que integra todo lo necesario en poco más de 300 Mbits, algo que aun no he podido encontrar en ningún otro software de creación de mallas, modelos, escenas y animaciones, tanto en 2D como en 3D, y ha demostrado ser totalmente "PRO"... pero de verdad..... "PROFESIONAL"... solo hay que ver la inmensidad de obras de arte que se han creado con este simple software de código abierto y libre... sin contratos de compra, sin alquiler mensual o anual, sin necesidad de conexión a la red de internet para trabajar con él, con muy pocos consumos de recursos (hasta que llega la hora de crear el render final)... no existe en todos estos casos ningún competidor, da igual que tengan motores de render "PRO".... da igual que tengan acceso a un montón de plugins externos que hacen que trabajar los objetos 3D sea mucho más cómodo y rápido (prácticamente todos ellos tienen unos precios elevados) lo importante es saber manejar todas las herramientas que se te ofrecen, aunque lleve más tiempo comprenderlas, pero al final se consigue habilidad, y con ella se crean verdaderas obras de arte... por eso amo Blender, por que me da la oportunidad de aprender directamente, sin tener que mantener diversos programas abiertos para poder trabajar en varias secciones... Blender es todo en uno... ¿hay algo más "PRO" que eso?.... disculpen mi teatro y mi dictado escrito, necesitaba explicar mi forma de pensar, gracias por su tiempo
what is that .. write in english
+Dream High Animation Why? This is the internet not America. No seas mamon DHA.
Animo compa!!!
PRO Blender
over 40? I know ppl doing creative things in their 60s...lol
you never stop learning.
@@belajb So true guy, I started learning blender at 32. I gave up on 3dsMax back in the early 2000's. Blender is just so much better.
blender HAS to start incorporating AI and machine learning, otherwise it will become obsolete in future, and i don't want that to happen.
It already has denoising AI.
Ai in general tho is overrated. It doesn't work as well as people pretend, and is useless outside of it's specific design.
All these delicious "pro" tears...
I'm sure naughty dog is crying and everyone else making great art...
Jesus you really are cancerous, grow up.
@@amyrose2940 lol
go TED
I love blender but the zealots in the blender community hating on other software for not being free or opensource is downright disgusting most people who are like this never worked in a real professional environment or even contributed anything on github for blender in their life. I'm not shocked that apple is right next door to this.
You don't need to waste time and money going to school for art or 3D software.
Saying blender is the best for everything is actually stupid and shows you only know about blender.
Houdini is better at VFX
Maya is better at rigging/animation
Zbrush is better at sculpting (blender users still begging for a good remesher while saying its the "best" software)
I even see people saying you don't need Photoshop or After Effects if you have blender... what?
Blender is hands down the most unintuitive software I've ever used
The most used hotkeys for blender
Move = G, Rotate = R, Scale = S, RMB = Select
Other commonly used software
Move = W, Rotate = E, Scale = R, LMB = Select
(All the hotkeys are next to each other very ergonomic)
Not only is blender not ergonomic its hurting the software and its users that might have to work for a studio some day
that uses the industry standard hotkeys, I know and seen many users that tried to use other software and couldn't get used to not having blender hotkeys. I also know people on other side of who use "pro" software and gave up on blender due to its trash hotkey setup, switching blender settings to maya breaks so many thing while still not even being close to maya's hotkeys, its very clear not much time was put into making sure it worked correctly.
How can you be serious about wanting blender to become industry standard while shiting on industry in every way possible and go as far as saying "Don't use professional software". I see blender users making fun of maya for its weak grease pencil support yet blender only got alembic support a few years ago??? In what world is grease pencil more important than alembic support...
The money I make from rigging and animation in Maya alone covers my bills and all the software I use easily, Sculpting in zbrush is the greatest pleasure I've had in 3D compared to blender or any other software to date. My life has been changed thanks to these "Pro" software I shouldn''t use, the projects and money I've made is MUCH greater than anything I ever got for blender. complaining about a few hundred dollars when your making thousands is simply childish and unprofessional.
You're slapping your few experiences with some blender fanatics, and misconstruing his words to create a massively false narrative of what he's saying. He's not saying blender is the best. And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice.
Do realize blender is free, which equals muuuuch higher accessibility, and more people without money, who are teens because they can't work, and these teens are inexperienced and very emotional. Learning to curve them and focus more serious and focused users will aid your experience. You were just used to having adults because of the barrier to entry.
Blender's hotkeys are fine. Them not being what the industry is is perference. I prefer blender's hotkey-heavy workflow, with hotkeys that are positioned in spots to make sense at a intuitive level (S is for Scale, R for rotate, O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes, etc).W to move, E to rotate, and R to scale doesn't make sense at a intuitive level (why did they choose those letters?). And I've heard stories about the weirdness of Zbrush being the most convoluted and unintuitive UI one has experienced. I've been learning maya, but I've been fustrated with arnold and its cpu only rendering. Also, lighting too. I also.hate having to click a lot of tabs, when back in blender, i could press some hotkeys and do something for few steps. I prefer that workflow more.
Hes saying not to teach industry standard software for a variety of reasons (some i don't agree with). Cost is a big one (maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc). Blender I think may help students learn how to learn better due to the community-driven aspect of it (teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community.) Instead of the developer making extensive documentation and tutorials and additional things to help and lead thousands of users to success.
@@James-pb8xu You clearly didn't read a what I said. You're literally ignoring everything and going on your shill blender rant, typical.
"And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice."
Funny since your a immature Maya user using your experience to make the software look bad.
Weird a next blender user having issues learning Maya even though is one of the most easy to learn software I've used, If this was the real world and you just told me that you would be fired.
He talks about wanting blender users to able to adapt, while telling them not use "Pro" software, your prime example how hard it for blender users to use other software. Meanwhile after I learn Maya, learning other software became a breeze 3dsmax, cinema 4d, houndini, zbrush I got so good at adapting I even learned blender no issues.
"O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes"
You don't even know the name of the tools your using its called proportional editing, blender version of Maya's soft selection which is the B hotkey.
Maya main hotkeys WERB (Easy to reach hotkeys similar to popular video games many kids play),
Blender is GSRO Why is soft selection on the otherside of the keyboard, do you even know what ergonomic means? Explaining soft selection to new users is easy for them to understand, meanwhile saying proportional editing won't click with most people. You try to justify these trash hotkeys by saying "S is for Scale, R for rotate" Why isnt move on M? oh merge and other hotkeys are using M so now your going to confuse users by calling it grab, why is proportional editing on O and not P blender doesn't even follow its own name convention nor does it follow whats standard, awful.
"maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc"
Other professions pay for their tools they use, the cost is miniscule compared to the income made from projects. You don't see them complaining. The money I've made from one maya project can cover the cost for itself for 10 years, that software is the reason why I live in the house i'm in, why I have a good car, the projects offered to me for blender were jokes offering amounts of money I could barely live off.
Why are students that have no issues paying money for school and putting themsevles in debt for no reason, since you can learn everything online for free, suddenly having a issues about money when it comes to buying software? Why is someone teaching blender over "pro" software and going as far as to tell them to not buy or use said software, when school should be getting you ready for the REAL WORLD, not just sitting in your room messing around with blender?
"teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community."
Maya has a wonderful community we teach each other and have tons of add-ons made by the community, I don't guy why blender users always say this like its unique to blender...
Well I have work to do, have fun with your narrow minded mindsets about software, im gonna go enjoy my Blender/Zbrush/Maya workflows.
@@irisheart8540 Good God, learn to read
"'And bringing up immature users is doing yourself a disservice.' Funny since your a immature Maya user using your experience to make the software look bad."
I kept saying "I." If I keep saying "I," I'm speaking from my own experience, which anybody over 12, can realize that it's an opinion piece and not speaking as arbiter on the matter. You need to stop reading so dismissively and think," maybe I'm misinterpreting this person."
"Weird a next blender user having issues learning Maya even though is one of the most easy to learn software I've used, If this was the real world and you just told me that you would be fired."
You would fire someone over having difficulties with some software? And you used "I" which means that's your personal experience; you don't speak for the aggregate.
"He talks about wanting blender users to able to adapt, while telling them not use "Pro" software, your prime example how hard it for blender users to use other software. Meanwhile after I learn Maya, learning other software became a breeze 3dsmax, cinema 4d, houndini, zbrush I got so good at adapting I even learned blender no issues."
I was expressing my frustrations, not the lack of an ability to adapt. I made a scene without looking at any tutorials. I never watched one and I already made an animation. It wasn't impossible to learn the software, just a little frustrating.
"'O in edit mode creates a large circle that shows how much influence your manipulation of a certain area makes' You don't even know the name of the tools your using its called proportional editing, blender version of Maya's soft selection which is the B hotkey."
I expressed the action like so to express a possible reason why they pushed the command to "O." It's silly to assume I don't know the name of the hotkey if I know how it works.
"Maya main hotkeys WERB (Easy to reach hotkeys similar to popular video games many kids play), Blender is GSRO Why is soft selection on the otherside of the keyboard, do you even know what ergonomic means? Explaining soft selection to new users is easy for them to understand, meanwhile saying proportional editing won't click with most people. You try to justify these trash hotkeys by saying "S is for Scale, R for rotate" Why isnt move on M? oh merge and other hotkeys are using M so now your going to confuse users by calling it grab, why is proportional editing on O and not P blender doesn't even follow its own name convention nor does it follow whats standard, awful."
video games uses WASD, with the only overlapping letter being W. so wrong. and the proportional editing hotkey sits right under my right middle finger, so ergonomics is a non-issue. Also, soft selection vs proportional editing is stupid, it's all preference. the rest of this is nitpicking and saying," this doesn't make sense to me so it's trash and garbage."
"'maya is 190 a month, the real cinema 4d costs hundreds for a few months license, houdini has fractions of itself available for students and small folks, etc' Other professions pay for their tools they use, the cost is miniscule compared to the income made from projects. You don't see them complaining. The money I've made from one maya project can cover the cost for itself for 10 years, that software is the reason why I live in the house i'm in, why I have a good car, the projects offered to me for blender were jokes offering amounts of money I could barely live off."
Yes, professions can pay for this software. I can't, I'm a college student. Blender opens the door for everyone to engage in software they could only wait until they're older to afford. It also limits the cost for educational purposes, since there's no license to buy, which helps everyone. Blender's peculiar hotkey setup is what it is, but that's a small hurdle (and one doesn't need right mouse click, I mapped mines to the left. I heard the reason for right mouse click was for ergonomic reasons, but don't quote me).
"Why are students that have no issues paying money for school and putting themselves in debt for no reason, since you can learn everything online for free, suddenly having a issues about money when it comes to buying software? Why is someone teaching blender over "pro" software and going as far as to tell them to not buy or use said software, when school should be getting you ready for the REAL WORLD, not just sitting in your room messing around with blender?"
That's a good question. For me, if I took out loans to learn a lesson, I really don't want to be forced to use expensive software in order to learn it. I learned materials, modelling, etc in blender for free. what else could maya teach me that blender doesn't? Also, in the real world, don't most studios heavily modify maya to fit their workflows? because if they do, then it eliminates the need to learn "industry standard" software if that software in its vanilla form won't be present in most studios. I'm really asking that question though, I'm inexperienced and have no background in the industry.
"'teaching each other. A lot. Relying on add-ons made by the community.'" Maya has a wonderful community we teach each other and have tons of add-ons made by the community, I don't guy why blender users always say this like its unique to blender...
Here's the thing, how's the relationship between autodesk and their customers? Again, seriously asking. Blender is entirely community-driven. Not trying to down maya's community, it would be ignorant to do so, but blender, from the ground-up, was built around the community. They raised over $100,000 for blender to be given to the public. The Blender Foundation is the figurehead, similar to autodesk, but I'm new to the game; I have no knowledge on the history of autodesk.
"Well I have work to do, have fun with your narrow minded mindsets about software, im gonna go enjoy my Blender/Zbrush/Maya workflows."
Lol nice condescending, unnecessary, egotistical, nigh-pretentious ending. Really keeping me on my toes on taking you seriously.
@@James-pb8xu "video games uses WASD, with the only overlapping letter being W. so wrong."
league of legends, Dota 2 the number one game on steam.......... its QWER, you have zero common sense no wonder you need teachers and have a hard time learning maya, cant do anything without your hand being held.
Holyshit im not done looking at stupidity you're typing, even something that basic you deny, Thank you for being a prime example of zealots in the community.
@@irisheart8540 looool im amazed at your trolling game. I'm confused on why blender of all places, but nice trolling, that was really good.
my curiosity died in college curriculum and i went to art school, lol