If you want to buy games with INSANELY CHEAP price, Instant Gaming is the PERFECT PLACE!! Use my link below, and get AMAZING DISCOUNT!! www.instant-gaming.com/?igr=gamer-2b5f82a How to use Instant Gaming to buy games: 1. Click my link above (create an account if you’re new) 2. Search the game that you want on your preferred platforms 3. Complete your payment and receive an activation key 4. Use the key on your chosen platform 5. That’s it! With this, you just saved A LOT of money!!
Hahahahah The first place, Silk Song Will come this year. My Friend EXCELENT vídeo. Soo many Games that i dn know. Beautifull, to the wishlist! Congratulaciones too🎉
Great content, as always! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Silksong, at this point, is just a myth and a mythological game lol 😂 Thankfully we have many good looking metroidvania's to look forward to that are actually coming out like Ender Magnolia..however hopefully Crowsworn comes out before my patience for it runs out lol 😂
All these excessively difficult metroidvania are starting to put me off the genre. Why do most of them have to have either souls-like combat or platforming that gives a Carpal Tunnel?
The gameplay is way better today. Way smoother. Better control as well. I prefer modern games. Old school graphics with modern gameplay is the best! That’s why I love indie games the most. ✌🏻
If you want to buy games with INSANELY CHEAP price, Instant Gaming is the PERFECT PLACE!!
Use my link below, and get AMAZING DISCOUNT!!
How to use Instant Gaming to buy games:
1. Click my link above (create an account if you’re new)
2. Search the game that you want on your preferred platforms
3. Complete your payment and receive an activation key
4. Use the key on your chosen platform
5. That’s it!
With this, you just saved A LOT of money!!
Ur voice is adorable. 😂 great video too! Everything you do is great! Thank so much!! ✌🏻👍🏻
Thank you ^^
That's the first time someone said nice things about my voice, appreciate it!
Cookie Cutter has some amazing 90s mtv animation mixed with Ralph Steadman, Hunter Thompson’s artist. Visual treat.
We'd be so happy if even half of these games releases next year
These games are gonna be awesome!! Great Video
Thank you ^^
Hahahahah The first place, Silk Song Will come this year. My Friend EXCELENT vídeo. Soo many Games that i dn know. Beautifull, to the wishlist! Congratulaciones too🎉
Thank you ^^
Silksong will definitely come out this year COPIUM
This might be the biggest year for Metroidvanias that I've ever seen. (Even if Silksong gets pushed back a year)
👍good video
Thank you ^^
Thanks for Steam links ❤
Now my wishlist is bigger than the list of "this year silksong will release" 😶🌫
Is this your other channel??? ❤
Hello, what is my other channel?
Great content, as always! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Silksong, at this point, is just a myth and a mythological game lol 😂 Thankfully we have many good looking metroidvania's to look forward to that are actually coming out like Ender Magnolia..however hopefully Crowsworn comes out before my patience for it runs out lol 😂
Yes, Ender Magnolia, Mandragora, and Blade Chimera are some of the most hyped confirmed releases-hopefully Crowsworn too, lol
Being an MV fan is both great and awfull, great because there's so many games and awfull because there's not enough time to play em' all
Indeed haha
SILK SONG? oh come one xDDD
which one is from the thumbnail? thwe one with the dragon
Writing unnecessary texts instead of game name in timestamp 🤬
All these excessively difficult metroidvania are starting to put me off the genre. Why do most of them have to have either souls-like combat or platforming that gives a Carpal Tunnel?
COMIX ZERO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST!!!
Shoutout to you for never giving up on promoting it haha
@@Exvarghra ))))))))))))
Bang ngomong bahasa aja
Haha ini channel khusus buat bahasa inggris bro, meskipun agak belepotan ngomongnya wkwk
All metroidvania 2d games looks the same. For me Nes games were way better.
These games do not look the same.
I love the NES, but that’s absurd to say NES games are better than today’s games.
The gameplay is way better today. Way smoother. Better control as well. I prefer modern games. Old school graphics with modern gameplay is the best! That’s why I love indie games the most. ✌🏻
Nes games are loved mainly for the nostalgia instead of the quality
But yeah they all look similar gameplay wise.
Then don't play these and let us enjoy