I bought one of these and the magnet bit holder in the screwdriver shattered and the bits fell out. These drivers are too annoying to use without the bit magnet so its now useless. Up until then it was great!
I've got a set that looks identical in contents but quite different externally. The biggest issue is durability when applying a lot of torque (in the case of bolts that are stuck with loctite), but they generally perform fine and are cheap enough to replace when damaged.
Just curious why you need that much torque? This is a precision screwdriver set meant for small devices such as smartphones and laptops you don't need that much torque that strips the bits.
@@roahnosh as I said, in the case of loctite and other thread locking solutions. I've had multiple of these break because some laptop screws were stuck. It's fixable usually, but it's still annoying
Those plastic levers are intended for phone repair. Open cases, pry connectors off. The magnetizer is used to magnetize a screwdriver by sliding it through a few times. Pointless though for the included one since there's a magnet inside... The bits are actually junk. They are very soft; if you want to open a bolt secured with Loctite they deform very easily. Get yourself a good set of bits e.g. from Wiha instead and you will have them for a lifetime.
I bought one of these and the magnet bit holder in the screwdriver shattered and the bits fell out. These drivers are too annoying to use without the bit magnet so its now useless. Up until then it was great!
I've got a set that looks identical in contents but quite different externally. The biggest issue is durability when applying a lot of torque (in the case of bolts that are stuck with loctite), but they generally perform fine and are cheap enough to replace when damaged.
Just curious why you need that much torque? This is a precision screwdriver set meant for small devices such as smartphones and laptops you don't need that much torque that strips the bits.
@@roahnosh as I said, in the case of loctite and other thread locking solutions. I've had multiple of these break because some laptop screws were stuck. It's fixable usually, but it's still annoying
Those plastic levers are intended for phone repair. Open cases, pry connectors off.
The magnetizer is used to magnetize a screwdriver by sliding it through a few times. Pointless though for the included one since there's a magnet inside...
The bits are actually junk. They are very soft; if you want to open a bolt secured with Loctite they deform very easily. Get yourself a good set of bits e.g. from Wiha instead and you will have them for a lifetime.
Hello and thank you for the video. Did you ever find out what was the purpose of the plastic triangles, except for playing the guitar?
Its for splitting two parts, put between them and separate. Like old nokia cases and similar.
you did amazin footage.My! 🙂
Thank you!
I invite everyone to read coran the last book of god on earth and judge it