Back & Forth - Why choose Forth?



  • @HansBezemer
    @HansBezemer  5 місяців тому +2

    If you're not seeing your comments here, note I'm not suppressing _any_ of them (as of the moment of writing).
    Search on YT for *"Does rewboss delete comments? | rewboss in brief."* I'm not the only one experiencing this problem..

  • @kjrl818
    @kjrl818 5 місяців тому +3

    I'm 22 I found your channel and I must say I find forths interesting. Powerful. And like you said difficult to master. But I got a paperback version of "thinking forth" and so far it's changed my perspective on programming. Also keep up the great videos.

  • @touka32able
    @touka32able 5 місяців тому +3

    It's always a joy seeing new video releases from you! I'm 23 years old, in web dev, and only started learning about forth a few weeks ago. More I learn about it, the more drawn I become to it. Your channel has been invaluable to my growth. Thanks for the book recommendation, I will look into that!

  • @kwagnert
    @kwagnert 5 місяців тому +3

    Thanks for the video, Hans. FORTH has a special place in my heart. I'm far from expert now using it now, since last time I used it heavily was from 1984 to 1986 in a communications company I used to work for and I did a lot of transmitters/receivers voting system switching (Motorola equipment) with FORTH and had a LOT of fun with it. Back them using PC/Forth from LMI systems and FPC, Fifth and ofher FORTHs of the time. Good times! Will freshen up with your 4th! :)

  • @edgeeffect
    @edgeeffect 5 місяців тому +1

    Back in the day, I had a Jupiter Ace which was sort of half-way between a ZX81 and a Spectrum (it had the same designer) but with FORTH as it's native language. I loved FORTH... mostly because the other kids at college didn't understand what I was doing ;) but also the fact that FORTH can do SO MUCH with SO LITTLE. :)

    • @HansBezemer
      @HansBezemer  5 місяців тому +1

      No need to introduce the Jupiter Ace here: it is very well known and loved in the Forth community - and I featured it in my "2 minutes with Forth" video. Professionally, the compactness of Forth poses a problem. Even when a program is turned into an executable, 4tH is small. So I often got the comment: "Hey, can't you convert that program to language X - can't be too much trouble." Yeah - but it's got an entire builtin DBMS, hash tables and a INI file interpreter. I don't think so.. 😉

  • @HennerZeller
    @HennerZeller 5 місяців тому +1

    I regularly use PostScript (also a simple stack language) as my 2D CAD program of choice to create everything from drawings to laser-cuttable artifacts. I should start playing with forth.

    • @TimHayward
      @TimHayward 2 місяці тому

      I would love to see some videos on this

  • @cisspyoussef8566
    @cisspyoussef8566 2 місяці тому

    How I can contact u

    • @HansBezemer
      @HansBezemer  2 місяці тому

      @@cisspyoussef8566 I guess you just dId! ;-) Go to the Sourceforge page (Google "4tH compiler"), tab "Files", most recent 4tH release and you'll find information in the "README". If not, return here. I'm going nowhere.

  • @miselzivanovic2181
    @miselzivanovic2181 5 місяців тому

    On this date i wrote my first Forth code {when i've discover it}:
    : myloop 21 10 do i . ." Forth is a pain in the butt! " cr loop ;
    ." And i mean it!
    ." Unless you calibrate your brain for it!
    ." Now!
    cr ." At ease Forth soldiers! /15.08.2024/ " cr cr
    : condition .
    Used: tio dot run webpage
    Interesting language which requires a lot of rethinking.
    i noticed i couldn't use anything else but an 'i' for the loop. Already that confused me...

    • @HansBezemer
      @HansBezemer  5 місяців тому +2

      As a matter of fact using "i" as a counter comes from mathematics. Look at the Wikipedia article "Summation", section "Notation". So - it is not surprising it was used as such in Forth. In the early days "i" was simply an alias for "R@" (and in 4tH it still is). Same for "J", BTW - also a math convention.
      But "I" is a *word* - not a *variable.* Read "Thinking Forth". You eradicate variables as much as possible. Maybe I ought to do a video on that one as well.

    • @HansBezemer
      @HansBezemer  5 місяців тому +1

      BTW, there are several online Forth interpreters. I usually pick the one at tutorials dot com. Note I always have gForth on speed dial when working, e.g. for quick calculations, radix conversions and determining the length of strings. In case of emergency you can even make quick procedures to lighten a repeating task. I don't know whether it was meant to be used that way, but I use it in that way. ;-)

    • @miselzivanovic2181
      @miselzivanovic2181 5 місяців тому

      Thinking Forth is exactly what's needed... a welcome distraction from regular daily life.
      I started learning assembly (C128, Edass 128) at the end of last year and since 4 months now, I have been sweating to make a game. I started with 1 level just to see how it could be done
      And now I am close to level 30.
      It's a combination of assembly language and compiled Basic.
      I just wasn't ready for assembly only. Nevertheless, the journey can't be bought with money.
      I learned a lot... Especially, how to optimize and reduce the code and still have the same job done, just faster (despite all actions, it's approximately 2000 lines of 'greek salad 🥗' 😁 code (incl assembly), but working)
      Code optimization is a strength of Forth as far as I can understand.
      Unfortunately, I found no Forth for C128 (there is something for CP/M mode, but it's not what I need or want)
      However I found Comal 80 and also that there is a C128 version.
      In Comal today magazine I learned that there is a compiler for it available (Comal is faster than Basic already without being compiled)
      Comal isn't quite Forth, but it's like in the family (more or less)..
      Structured programming is possible and it has procedures (instead of GOSUB, or ON GOSUB)
      Still with line numbers, but I got used to that in the meantime.
      Forth is available for C64 and I'll try it there. I've already downloaded several books, watched tutorials...
      It's different, it's fun and absolutely challenging ✅

    • @miselzivanovic2181
      @miselzivanovic2181 5 місяців тому

      However, I probably won't use the newer Forth versions.
      Programming is just a hobby and I enjoy coding on retro computers (preferably C128 as it was my first computer many decades ago)

    • @batlin
      @batlin 5 місяців тому

      ​@@miselzivanovic2181 wow, hadn't thought about Comal for a long time. I learned a little bit on a C64 in school in the early 1990s. I remember almost nothing other than it seemed similar to Basic.