Thanks for your appeggio hint. C# is 3d note in A major scale. Combing A minor and A major scales is standard blues frasing, Clapton does it all the time.
I feel personally attacked about only playing minor pentatonic over blues 😆 only kidding working on these arpeggios and incorporating Mixolydian over the 4 and 5 chords which is pretty much the same thing as hitting the dominant 7th arpeggios
Thanks for your appeggio hint. C# is 3d note in A major scale. Combing A minor and A major scales is standard blues frasing, Clapton does it all the time.
Thanks Antony, Great lesson as usual!
Cool. Thanks. Like your accent 😊
Is the beat ' 👍👍☝
Clear and Simple
Wouldn’t playing Amajor pentatonic over the A7 chord accomplish the same then go back to Aminor pentatonic over C7 and D7?
I feel personally attacked about only playing minor pentatonic over blues 😆 only kidding working on these arpeggios and incorporating Mixolydian over the 4 and 5 chords which is pretty much the same thing as hitting the dominant 7th arpeggios