One thing to note is the marginal tax rate just to be fair - the upwards tax of 40%+ is not on your entire earnings when earning in the higher brackets of income.
for health care, most people from HK has the privilege to have the option of HK and China as well. Yes, may have to pay but much more convenient than say local Canadian where their options would be either down south or cuba/india and some eastern european countries(financially possible)
Mostly fair, except that last part. If one always knew that there's a 'backdoor'/Plan C/ or the option to hop on a plane and go back, one tends to always think about it whenever difficulties arise, large or small. If the refugee from Afghan, Iraq or rural China can survive and some even thrive in Canada, there's no reason that HKer cannot do it better. The only difference is those people never had an option to just hop on a plane and go back.
If something isn't meant for you, then it's just not meant for you. Pushing yourself to embrace something you truly don’t like, even after giving it a shot, isn't a path everyone should take.
@@Miko_Ngai so true. at the end of the day, it is a collective weighting of everything. if one puts 'I don't want to see pikachu everytime I switch on TV' #1 in the list, try canada and embrace whatever it would throw onto you and tough it out. just don't buy into the myth that it is a heaven, comparing to the miserable HK.
isn't it the same for people who cannot qualify to go to canada/uk or whatever lifeboat scheme ? if they can thrive in HK, why can't those that is raised here ?
HK isn't miserable. A lot of people in Canada whether it be the civil service or people working in customer service at a company are incompetent compared to in HK@@garyng2000
Uproot before immigration, settling after arrival, develop a career in foreign country is a major investment/commitment. Chasing North American dream has a heavy price to pay. The price is part of our lifespan. Immigration is not the same as vacationing
I moved to Canada in 1976. We were the first non-whites applying for white collar office work. There was still a lot of discrimination against hiring non-whites in an office, a lot of companies required prior Canadian work experience so they can legally not hire immigrants. Our generation worked hard with low pay to impress Canadians that we are good workers. I was able to retire 45 years later as a company controller. Stop complaining and work harder and things will improve. Trust me I went through worst situation than what you face now. Good Luck.
Wow, the medicare is as “poor” as in the states. The medical cost is very expensive here. My last bill from a dermatologist was over $600 for 30 minutes appointment!
Some companies offer employee healthcare plans covering services such as massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, osteopathy, and dental care, among others. However, dermatology services are usually not included.
港人移加講加拿大現况如何辛苦,香港又如何?如妳自己出來住的話。移加是為將來的.自由和快樂,我們有沒有檢討為何找不到工?現加拿大職場須要什麼人才?自己有沒有增值自己,其他省份的工作須求是什麽?有無去暸解吓,為何人家有份高薪原職,皆因市場須要,環境不會因妳而變,是妳改變自己,我們只所以有今天的自由選擇,皆因我們上一輩作出了一個明智的決定移民或偷渡來港。我姨生仔剛加拿大沙省u 0F R 商科畢業,畢業前二個月己有會計公司請他,人工都有约六万加纸一年。不一定住多倫多或温哥華
simple question, there are 300K canadian in HK which are mainly from the last crop(late 80s/90s) and they generally are more qualified (and have better chance) to live in Canada for better life(yet they decided to go back to HK). What has changed now which makes the relatively 'less qualified' in this crop(basically almost anyone) that is going to fair better in Canada now ?
I wouldn't really say they're sort of less qualified or anything. There are actually quite a lot of professionals making their way over to Canada. Things have really shifted since back in the day as well. Living costs used to be lower, but there were also fewer cool things compared to nowadays, like fewer Chinese restaurants and entertainment venues, as well as less developed transportation systems. Anyway, individuals who've decided to head back to Hong Kong can have all sorts of reasons, like money, lifestyle or family. It's just hard to sum it up with a simple answer.
@@Miko_Ngai note that I am not saying all are less qualified but the official requirements are definitely lower which naturally would result in such a way. the recent incidence of the restaurant refuse to hire is also saying something. and IMO, back then chinese restaurants(especially targetting HK people) were much better than now. I no longer go out for them. There are more other chinese cuisine but is still so so. In its prime days, vancouver I considered has the best cantonese food in NA but not, not worth for me to try anymore. I would spend the money in HK which is actually getting better(than say 5 years ago). I enjoy HK more and more and spend more time here now
Life in the 1980s and 1990s in Vancouver/Canada were easier with lower prices for everything. There was $0.30/L gas. What is it now? Most new immigrants can't afford a car let alone have a roof over the head these days.
Those who moved back, 1/2 of them can’t come back as they owe government monies. In early 90’s, there was a huge recession and immigrants fresh grad unemployment rate was 50%. Those of us with jobs, worked 100 hours week to keep up. From there, no recession for 20+ years. The debtors who moved back then, ripped us off and they can’t keep up with the high cost of living here. They can’t afford to live in Canada.
well, I agree that we pay a lot of tax, but it is really not that bad comparing to Europe. You hit 40% income tax bracket as soon as you make around $100000. I don't think we hit that 40ish % bracket till over $200000ish.Yes, you could pay and have your care sooner . In Alberta and Sask have 2 tier health care. And you could also pay to have your own surgery without waiting in US.
Wow, thanks for sharing the information about the private care service! While they specialize in specific types of surgeries and aren't covered by the provincial insurance program, it's still a great backup plan if needed.
thank you Miko. One comment for Canada is very good for young family with Kids provided you have strong financial background and not struggling for cost of living. You can afford to buy a house and have 200K family income yearly. Please note that the Canada is lack of capable politician to bring a bright future for Canadian. All politicians are focus on their own benefit to be elected in the next election. All of them are very short sight and they don't have passion to make Canadian to have a better future. In 2023, we have 0ver 500K immigrants to Canada which driving a lot of problem in the Country. i.e. Medical, Education, transportation, living. I think Canada is not ready for 500K immigrants annually. Our county infrastructure is the same as 30 years ago.
我最近都諗緊要唔要過加拿大為我既退休生活搵落腳點。越睇越多片,好多年輕人過到去都有分享開支同工作經驗,有好有唔好。其實有啲方面我覺得加拿大係幾難住,除非你收入好好又帶一舊大錢過去啦。就算你收入好,但都有好多稅務野要煩,到你開公司仲煩,退休前又要諗點樣切啲錢,到你退休攞長糧實際又有幾多落袋?到依加我都唔係好清楚加拿大個醫療到底包啲乜?啲人自己都要另外買保險,其實免費醫療係有幾免費?講真在香港老左,有層樓收租其實可以話唔洗靠政府。但加拿大老左如果有樓收租,諗起啲稅點計都頭痛,每年仲要俾一千幾百人地幫你報稅,如果有啲資產既單身老人,會唔會慘過喺香港呢? 其實仲有一樣野,個個都講到加拿大咁好,感覺好似有啲氹你快啲黎入坑🤣。有好多人買左樓,開左公司,就係等你班年輕人每人帶二三十萬過去,一落地就收你屋租1+6都幾和味,大把人排隊租,然後再用最低工資請你。就算你捱得做足一年,你拎完PR又有下一批。依家香港服務業part time 都有$70~$80HKD,仲要只係扣5%MPF,實得都高過加拿大。
financially, it is usually better off in HK(or GBA or china in general). The only thing about HK that I don't like is the weather, too hot. When I was young it was great(4 seasons). Now, almost 10/12 is too hot for me. yeah, I can stay inside air-con places but that is bad. In Van, only at most a month or so that i find it to be too cold.
我本人認為 , 呢啲只不過係新移民嘅心聲 , 初嚟步到 , 尤其是頭嗰兩三年 , 一定要適應加拿大嘅生活 ..... 移民必經之路 , 如果能夠克服到 , 會有一個美好的明天 。 問題就在於 ..... 要問下自己做乜我要移民呢 ? 喺香港有份高薪厚職 , 嚟到加拿大要捱世界 , Don't forget ..... Hongkong is over ! 其實....真正要移民嘅理由就係 , 脫離專制獨裁嘅管治 ! One way to go , just Rock and Roll ! Freedom . ❤
@@funlo8627 mainly for aux cost that is not covered by universal healthcare, like dental etc.(well dental is covered now to some really low income family). well of course, depending on the plan, you may use that to pay for going down south for private care but I doubt it is enough, given how bloody expensive down south.
100% agree with everything in this video. I am in a very bad situation rn because my job at one of the big4 vancouver offices is criminally underpaid - 60k cad before tax per year as a new grad. lol it's like 50% pay cut compared to the exact same position in seattle where col is arguably lower than here in lower mainland. what I earn now is less than a fking intern at seattle office 😅I can feel my mental health is declining day by day since I moved here from seattle 😥underpay is a norm here in canada for most skilled workers unfortunately and especially in vancouver bc, let alone high income tax rate and sales tax rate as well as the ridiculous prices of alcohol, dairy products, eggs, and electronics. fuck icbc, fuck bc liquor laws, fuck save on foods and other Pattison Food Group brands, fuck safeway... the list goes on. I envy that you have pr back in hk and if you want you can fly back there tomorrow.
I'd say a salary of 60k after taxes is comparable to what new graduates earn in big4 Hong Kong offices. However, their salaries tend to increase significantly year by year, especially reaching the 5-year experience mark. I'm not sure if that's the case here lol. Considering the living costs and other expenses, this entry level salary can be quite tight. Not to mention the salary difference between the US and Canada. Out of curiosity, do Vancouver big4 firms require frequent overtime?
@@Miko_Ngai 60k cad after tax is probably the salary level for new grads doing audit. here in lower mainland big 4 pay even less to those doing audit becuase firms are "sponsoring" their cpas 😅I heard it's around 50k pre tax loooool for 50k if you are not from here you are genuinely fucked. "side hustle" is mandatory. I am in advisory thankfully so not much overtime so far, but the first quarter of every calendar year it's the busiest season. my manager implied that overtime would be very likely. also afaik big 4 still pay shit here for seniors even managers... you are basically screwed until you make to partner level.
@@Miko_NgaiHK is so great then your family should be rich and send some dough here. How do you guys complain when we arrived here, cost of living was 3 times compared to HK.
Additional 13% Goods and service tax on top of everything. So after you paid income tax, you left with 60%. -13%, you only got 47% $ left.... Not to mention 歧視問題。
講得公道中肯, 各處都有好有吾好,睇下自己感受。人各有志各適其適。祝你生活愉快。best wishes !
你也是一个善良的人,我喜欢你的话,人各有志各適其適,相信 你也有一些愉快的经历吧
最後感受講得好好 唔好比移民依樣嘢綁住自己👊
試過 如果唔啱嘅無必要夾硬死頂
説得很持平 ,每個地方都有其優點 ,最重要個人適合和際遇,自己感受才是真的。無需要理會別人的看法。因為生活的道路是自己行的。自己體驗過,找自己比較理想生活地! 至少人生無憾!
絕對同意 世界咁大 總有地方適合自己😊
謝謝你好informative 嘅分享。我有一個位唔認同要同人比較 去或留每個都有自己的原因同需要 同時踏出安舒區定留在安舒區都係自己揀 無對錯。既然要尊重每一個人 每一個決定 就唔好話比起咩人更好 去貶低人哋 抬高自己。係咁要搵位同人比,不如真係踏實地欣賞自己努力嘗試。你嘅努力唔係因為比別人努力而值得欣賞,而純粹因為你有努力就已經值得鼓掌。
有勇氣做決定離開舒適圈 吾係人人都做到
當然每個選擇都係值得專重 因為係跟據你個人的生活追求去做決定 無對或錯
@@lamhenry8888哈哈 好似在香港生活一定好折磨咁,咩心理🤣🤣。
講真韓國我住過5年,都好好住 福利好,加拿大唔包牙醫,韓國睇牙超平 技術又新服務又好。韓國玩同食肯定多過加拿大好多,又近香港想買咩平既電子野返香港買都唔難,唔係得加拿大英國澳洲可以住人。
@@Mojai_Chan 請問香港人想去韓國整牙可以點樣?
@@Mochi-s7j 如果你有在韓國做野有交國民金,睇醫生整牙就會平好多好多,只係俾兩成錢左右。
重點先增值自己,改變自己逼應市場須要,向理想出發,comparative of advantage 作出選擇。祝妳好運😊
已like 兩次!
講得好!! 聰明有智慧叻女!!
認同!自已留定去要自已負責 唔同人岩唔同方式~congrat for your PR!!
Thank you ☺️
Miko 是很好的解說人,我30Y前移民温哥華,以PR 身份Land, 好在没有等入紙的不安,那時1房在Bby租Cad$650, Vcr(Marpole)$850, 平均月薪C$2000, 比在香港輕鬆,時移世易了,祝在加安好
現在$650 未必租到shared room 🥲🥲
無錯 無野係完美 只要自己心態準備好 個落差會小啲
Well said. I appreciate your research, presentation style. 👍 Keep up the good work 👏
Thanks 😊
Miko - 你真係好勇敢. 兩個人年紀輕輕就移民左去溫哥華.
我係一個 Canadian non resident. 而家已經老了, 我記得以前一桶 4L milk 係 $2.35, 一間standard size 全新三層屋係50萬.
我讀完書後冇留溫哥華係因為搵唔到儲到錢gea工作. 不過現在我開始想回流Vancouver.
溫哥華適合退休生活 比較舒服🤣打工仔就捱得辛苦啲
講得很持平! 👍👍移民是投資在長綫發展,是你什樣看加的將來發展.
加拿大Tax Freedom Day in 2023 on June 19. 意思係呢之後做嘅錢先至係你自己嘅. 不過能交稅問題不算差, 搵工難先係最大問題。
Truly informative!!!
One thing to note is the marginal tax rate just to be fair - the upwards tax of 40%+ is not on your entire earnings when earning in the higher brackets of income.
係香港過來差不多一個月, 仲未搵工, 兩公婆以前香港月支出大概6萬港幣, 呢度租屋3200, 家用3000, 一日洗100左右, 加埋養車水電等等, 估計洗費都係差唔多,不過物價呢度真係貴香港2倍以上.
的確係貴啲 特別係加埋稅 可能係因為選擇無咁多 不過呢度既野普遍質量都係吾錯
@@Miko_Ngai 加拿大政府根本唔容許有人賺倒錢,self employed 好小小因為好多嘢可以減稅, 好多人話香港政府無能,大家可以黎加拿大會見識o羊係真正既無能(用)政府, 就算講埋教育, 真系講真大家有幾何聽過加拿大有o羊偉大發明,BC省就最威喇吸毒唔犯法,o羊毒品都隨手可得
@@TheJlee28 香港醫護人工好過加拿大好多啊,香港低稅,基本上各行各業都高人工過英國加拿大,你網上睇到既係稅前,但其實英國同加拿大扣埋稅之後,普遍人(最大群體)大概係52-67蚊港幣,英國護士稅後得15000-25000港幣,香港護士25000起步 -35000(低稅,即係差不多成份糧袋哂落袋)
但係加拿大生活千萬唔好對政府投訴,因為無人理的😂😂,每個地方生活都有取捨,個人要睇得開先得,唔係好易depression ,特別加拿大冬天又長天陰陰😝
Thanks for the sharing , I live in Toronto north york , the rent is super crazy !!! Btw u made a typo “千祈” , not 千奇
for health care, most people from HK has the privilege to have the option of HK and China as well. Yes, may have to pay but much more convenient than say local Canadian where their options would be either down south or cuba/india and some eastern european countries(financially possible)
I would prefer to pay more if necessary than endure endless waiting haha.
and dental too in HK/Shenzhen
lol then I wasted most of my tax money 😅
Mostly fair, except that last part. If one always knew that there's a 'backdoor'/Plan C/ or the option to hop on a plane and go back, one tends to always think about it whenever difficulties arise, large or small. If the refugee from Afghan, Iraq or rural China can survive and some even thrive in Canada, there's no reason that HKer cannot do it better. The only difference is those people never had an option to just hop on a plane and go back.
If something isn't meant for you, then it's just not meant for you. Pushing yourself to embrace something you truly don’t like, even after giving it a shot, isn't a path everyone should take.
@@Miko_Ngai so true. at the end of the day, it is a collective weighting of everything. if one puts 'I don't want to see pikachu everytime I switch on TV' #1 in the list, try canada and embrace whatever it would throw onto you and tough it out. just don't buy into the myth that it is a heaven, comparing to the miserable HK.
isn't it the same for people who cannot qualify to go to canada/uk or whatever lifeboat scheme ? if they can thrive in HK, why can't those that is raised here ?
HK isn't miserable. A lot of people in Canada whether it be the civil service or people working in customer service at a company are incompetent compared to in HK@@garyng2000
所謂生活質素下降只是看從什麼角度,人工減少了,物質生活少了,生活從0展開,不容易,換來的是整個生活方式的不同。物質生活少了,生活地方空間大了,大自然環境多了,給你自己思想發表的空間多了。對我而已言,這返而是提高了生活質素。從前只是”生存“ 。現在是真正”生活”。
@@陽光-l2y 係公園長凳食麵包一定開心過係餐廳叫餸食飯啦、搭公交一定舒服過坐私家車、住basement一定開心過住apartment/house既,好"生活"呀~
Uproot before immigration, settling after arrival, develop a career in foreign country is a major investment/commitment. Chasing North American dream has a heavy price to pay. The price is part of our lifespan. Immigration is not the same as vacationing
我2016年喺downtown租個service apartment 嘅studio都係cad1360。到2020年我離開溫哥華個陣我喺richmond嘅房租(單間)都係700仲包水電網。而家啲租真係嚇死人,雖然我有資格拎pr,但都唔敢要了
Thanks ☺️
靚女😍! 你講得好中肯持平 唔似有啲人移咗民只係講好嘅一面 唔好嘅就唔講,但是你條片的音樂好大聲 。
下次會留意下😂我剪片既時候反而吾係聽到個背景音樂 可能個setting 有吾同
因為身邊都聽好多經歷都幾辛苦 有時運氣都好重要😂
@@Mojai_Chan thanks 😂下次講慢啲 好能會好啲
And then here in sunny AZ a condo only costs $2300 a month USD and jobs pays way more than Canada does.
I moved to Canada in 1976. We were the first non-whites applying for white collar office work. There was still a lot of discrimination against hiring non-whites in an office, a lot of companies required prior Canadian work experience so they can legally not hire immigrants. Our generation worked hard with low pay to impress Canadians that we are good workers. I was able to retire 45 years later as a company controller. Stop complaining and work harder and things will improve. Trust me I went through worst situation than what you face now. Good Luck.
Wow, the medicare is as “poor” as in the states. The medical cost is very expensive here.
My last bill from a dermatologist was over $600 for 30 minutes appointment!
Some companies offer employee healthcare plans covering services such as massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, osteopathy, and dental care, among others. However, dermatology services are usually not included.
Cos they’re not money immigrants but glorified refugees.
Canada is over-rated
老實說, 加拿大的市場基本上已經被大公司壟斷, 要個別打入加拿大市場基本上冇可能, 可能要合全國之力打造一些為華人中小型商業的入門創業的機構, 打破一些行業的既有保護主義所定的規則, 這樣才可以有生機, 否則每個個體都只能受現時制度的約束, 無從發展
@@Miko_Ngai Covid 後差好多,除非係高科技
有 T&T 但是现在已被Loblaw收购
對 世界這麼大 總有一個地方係適合自己 願意去接受佢既一切 沒有完全對或錯
我班窮人朋友講到移民加拿大就可以拎到好多福利仔女又有牛奶金又環境靚地方大小朋友多活動空間點點點好,結果一去到加拿大就窮到香港mpf 都要嘔出黎做生活費,地方幾靚又點,都係留係屋企返工搵工,冇能力冇錢帶到仔女出去玩,一樣日日困係屋企,生活水準比起香港更加差
最緊要權衡之後 自己吾會後悔就可以😂香港既便利同好處都難取代 各有各既優缺點
no time no see miko haha
Hi Iris 😎
港人移加講加拿大現况如何辛苦,香港又如何?如妳自己出來住的話。移加是為將來的.自由和快樂,我們有沒有檢討為何找不到工?現加拿大職場須要什麼人才?自己有沒有增值自己,其他省份的工作須求是什麽?有無去暸解吓,為何人家有份高薪原職,皆因市場須要,環境不會因妳而變,是妳改變自己,我們只所以有今天的自由選擇,皆因我們上一輩作出了一個明智的決定移民或偷渡來港。我姨生仔剛加拿大沙省u 0F R 商科畢業,畢業前二個月己有會計公司請他,人工都有约六万加纸一年。不一定住多倫多或温哥華
我7月租一房Richmond 已經2600 五百幾呎
Wa Richmond 都升左好多Bo…
@vinsonlam ??? not van east ?
It is impossible to earn the first bucket of Gold in Canada !
最后一段讲的非常好, 给很多还在茫然到底是否应该留下还是离开的人一个很好的建议
最重要係自己想法 日子始終是自己過 不用太介意別人的說話
@@Miko_Ngai that's ture.
無錯 靠自己先最信得過😂
唔知點解 人聲得左邊出, BGM 就右邊出。 請問有冇得搞搞佢😇
應該係我出片嘅時候唔小心整咗只出左聲道😂my bad
朋友媽媽十幾年前鼻咽癌,係加拿大由一開始發現第一期等到第四期都未睇到最後走咗…. 佢近兩年都發現自己有鼻咽癌第一期,即刻飛返香港,已經做手術處理好沒有復發
小病都唔拖得 何況大病
香港公立醫院對急病係唔會拖 只係嗰啲慢性冇生命危險嘅覆診等得耐啫 to be honest可以等咁耐先睇即係冇生命危險 其實係好事
租貴, 買樓貴, 醫療排長龍, 洭率冇以前好, 工種又唔算多, 人工打個六折, 仲要好多新移民爭資源,治安又愈來愈差;
大家會唔會只係睇到眼前政治問題, 而忽略左生活既本質?
當然有佢既好 雖然租金同樓貴左好多 但對比香港仍有距離 呢邊住屋環境天氣周邊的風景都係好好的 等我收集多少少遲啲再分享 不過來吾來都係好睇你本身想離開的原因係咩
可以日日唱榮光啵,咩苦難呀、搵唔到工呀、高稅呀、治安差呀、天氣凍到仆街呀、shitty醫療呀等等都no big deal啦😀
Excellent Cantonese. No accent nor "lazy pronunciation"
Thank you for your support ☺️
simple question, there are 300K canadian in HK which are mainly from the last crop(late 80s/90s) and they generally are more qualified (and have better chance) to live in Canada for better life(yet they decided to go back to HK). What has changed now which makes the relatively 'less qualified' in this crop(basically almost anyone) that is going to fair better in Canada now ?
I wouldn't really say they're sort of less qualified or anything. There are actually quite a lot of professionals making their way over to Canada.
Things have really shifted since back in the day as well. Living costs used to be lower, but there were also fewer cool things compared to nowadays, like fewer Chinese restaurants and entertainment venues, as well as less developed transportation systems.
Anyway, individuals who've decided to head back to Hong Kong can have all sorts of reasons, like money, lifestyle or family. It's just hard to sum it up with a simple answer.
@@Miko_Ngai note that I am not saying all are less qualified but the official requirements are definitely lower which naturally would result in such a way. the recent incidence of the restaurant refuse to hire is also saying something. and IMO, back then chinese restaurants(especially targetting HK people) were much better than now. I no longer go out for them. There are more other chinese cuisine but is still so so. In its prime days, vancouver I considered has the best cantonese food in NA but not, not worth for me to try anymore. I would spend the money in HK which is actually getting better(than say 5 years ago). I enjoy HK more and more and spend more time here now
Life in the 1980s and 1990s in Vancouver/Canada were easier with lower prices for everything. There was $0.30/L gas. What is it now? Most new immigrants can't afford a car let alone have a roof over the head these days.
@@Miko_Ngai cost of living was 3 times in the 80’s and 90’s. What are you talking about?
Those who moved back, 1/2 of them can’t come back as they owe government monies. In early 90’s, there was a huge recession and immigrants fresh grad unemployment rate was 50%. Those of us with jobs, worked 100 hours week to keep up. From there, no recession for 20+ years. The debtors who moved back then, ripped us off and they can’t keep up with the high cost of living here. They can’t afford to live in Canada.
From 15'40", very well said❤
本人在多倫多完全找不到工作,租金成>$2500,依家仲有大量香港人擁入。黎緊又加稅勒! 真係非常後悔過黎!
都過左來就比一段時間自己繼續盡力搵下 同時抽時間享受下周圍環境 心情會好啲☺️可能好快有好消息,加油🫡
橕住 請不要回流
@@tommylam460 吓,香港人大學生為了移民甘願去做收垃圾工人,咁唔好浪費父母賺錢俾佢交學費啦,都祝你慢慢收垃圾,可能外國嘅垃圾冇甘臭
我都見到好多 支持吾住
@@Miko_Ngai 我在brentwood周围的邻居已经换了一批了😄他们搬走以前我特意和他们聊了一下,主要是利率高的已经还不起贷款了,还贷还的生活都成问题,索性卖了房子搬去内陆了
well, I agree that we pay a lot of tax, but it is really not that bad comparing to Europe. You hit 40% income tax bracket as soon as you make around $100000. I don't think we hit that 40ish % bracket till over $200000ish.Yes, you could pay and have your care sooner . In Alberta and Sask have 2 tier health care. And you could also pay to have your own surgery without waiting in US.
Wow, thanks for sharing the information about the private care service! While they specialize in specific types of surgeries and aren't covered by the provincial insurance program, it's still a great backup plan if needed.
We have two tiers in Ontario.
thank you Miko. One comment for Canada is very good for young family with Kids provided you have strong financial background and not struggling for cost of living. You can afford to buy a house and have 200K family income yearly. Please note that the Canada is lack of capable politician to bring a bright future for Canadian. All politicians are focus on their own benefit to be elected in the next election. All of them are very short sight and they don't have passion to make Canadian to have a better future. In 2023, we have 0ver 500K immigrants to Canada which driving a lot of problem in the Country. i.e. Medical, Education, transportation, living. I think Canada is not ready for 500K immigrants annually. Our county infrastructure is the same as 30 years ago.
There you can find temporary container class rooms standing in decaded
U should fire your family doctor! I know is tough but keep trying to find another
Haha I’ll try to find a better one to replace her..
無話不能去沙省 醫療不用等 又好好。還有亞省 也很快。留在卑省 是選擇之一。
如果重病香港政府醫院唔會拖 等得耐嗰啲係唔急嘅病
may be ask the same question to those who move to this two cities, say those from PEI etc. ?
所以真係參考架ja, 每個人嘅生活習慣同接受程度都唔同。不過只係想講Miko嘅生活簡介, 對我嚟講已經比想像中好, 因為移民就一定係重頭嚟過, 就算你移去邊度都係唔一定加拿大, 就算喺香港生活, 以為會冇以上嘅缺點同困難? 敝除政治因素, 香港生活壓力, 職場文化, 生活氣氛, 人嘅質素, 唔係樣樣用錢去衡量。 只要唔影響到生活同健康, 邊一度都係宜居, 直接講就係人要生活得開心同健康就足夠。
Btw 多謝Momo嘅分享👍🏻
@@garyng2000 they need jobs to qualify for PR. From there they can move. Some will find their ways .
我自己當年site visit都揀冬天嚟視察,連呢度咩衰都吾知,落差會導致移民失敗
最慘係醫療no choice,想比$睇private dr都唔得!
yeah no choice in BC. They want to keep everyone down
有私家walk in clinics 既 不過只負責睇病 其他全分開 有一間私家機構專做特定手術,不過全自費
咁你而家傾向回流定留係度啊 留係度又因為咩原因 (除左等citizenship)🤔
暫時未決定到 😂 我地叫好彩 早啲來 有工做有地方住 暫時都頂到
No free lunch in Canada.
@@Miko_Ngai lockdown 時冇 cleaning lady 我簡直死亡。
其實仲有一樣野,個個都講到加拿大咁好,感覺好似有啲氹你快啲黎入坑🤣。有好多人買左樓,開左公司,就係等你班年輕人每人帶二三十萬過去,一落地就收你屋租1+6都幾和味,大把人排隊租,然後再用最低工資請你。就算你捱得做足一年,你拎完PR又有下一批。依家香港服務業part time 都有$70~$80HKD,仲要只係扣5%MPF,實得都高過加拿大。
每個人情況吾同 你話如果退休
係香港係小康 應該留係香港會比較舒服
如果退休後有比較多資產可以調配 係呢邊可以買間到屋而又唔洗點樣供款既話 呢邊生活係舒服 天氣大自然環境都好 但係醫療就不要抱有太大期望 有保險既醫療都只係用來補番醫療費用差額 但並唔代表你可以有醫家醫院既服務
@@Miko_Ngai我終於睇埋個後段,好啱呀!妳講野好有條理 表達得好好,都諗到唔同人需要,思考同分析力好強,加油呀👍🏼。
香港 暫時都係唔錯既,但就真係需要一個你隨時可以自由出入境既地方,因為移民都係出於你對前景既擔憂啫。你係香港搵到既錢要安全,身邊既人要安全,特別係這兩代人既決擇,所以最近咁多人諗移民,但太多野要考慮啦 長期短期,不過點都好,起碼拎到張PR個人會安心好多既,辛苦一年都值得。
加油喔 保護好自己,祝福你哋!!
financially, it is usually better off in HK(or GBA or china in general). The only thing about HK that I don't like is the weather, too hot. When I was young it was great(4 seasons). Now, almost 10/12 is too hot for me. yeah, I can stay inside air-con places but that is bad. In Van, only at most a month or so that i find it to be too cold.
@@Mojai_Chan if you are really worrying about that 'war', put some of your asset in US stock. Though I would say it is a way overhyped worry.
Alberta sales tax is 5%. Ontario sales tax is 13%.
唔去加拿大,去英國,澳洲,其他地方都好呀. Titanic 不宜久留
我住Burnaby, 當時係用呢個網交申請排家庭醫生
有人話呢個網都可以排 你可以試試
所以搵得多 都無咩錢剩 不過當收入增加 有好多人都以公司或其他形式去減少要比既稅
唉 又一個香港新人
記住 有得有失 永遠是正常的
當然正常 但好多人只知好而忽視左不足既地方
@@Miko_Ngai 送你哋四個字
破斧沈丹 就必贏啦
係呀 所以權衡自己可以接受既程度好重要 做好心理建設 落差會比較少
是的 有得有失
@@ML-cc7zy 😂完成到想做既野吾會怕比人笑既 起碼有勇氣行出去都贏咗啦
我本人認為 , 呢啲只不過係新移民嘅心聲 , 初嚟步到 , 尤其是頭嗰兩三年 , 一定要適應加拿大嘅生活 .....
移民必經之路 , 如果能夠克服到 , 會有一個美好的明天 。
問題就在於 ..... 要問下自己做乜我要移民呢 ?
喺香港有份高薪厚職 , 嚟到加拿大要捱世界 , Don't forget ..... Hongkong is over !
其實....真正要移民嘅理由就係 , 脫離專制獨裁嘅管治 !
One way to go , just Rock and Roll !
Freedom . ❤
I don’t think Canada is as free as it claims
12:29 加拿大係咪好少人再買保險睇私人醫生?照計都可以咁做?定會好貴?
診所既醫生只能做基本野 開張紙比你藥房攞下藥咁
@@funlo8627 mainly for aux cost that is not covered by universal healthcare, like dental etc.(well dental is covered now to some really low income family). well of course, depending on the plan, you may use that to pay for going down south for private care but I doubt it is enough, given how bloody expensive down south.
@@Miko_Ngai referral is the most important thing :-)
@@funlo8627 其實大致上都係攞下啲benefits, 好似睇牙,驗眼,物理治療,針灸啊,比下啲msp cover 吾到既差價甘
100% agree with everything in this video. I am in a very bad situation rn because my job at one of the big4 vancouver offices is criminally underpaid - 60k cad before tax per year as a new grad. lol it's like 50% pay cut compared to the exact same position in seattle where col is arguably lower than here in lower mainland. what I earn now is less than a fking intern at seattle office 😅I can feel my mental health is declining day by day since I moved here from seattle 😥underpay is a norm here in canada for most skilled workers unfortunately and especially in vancouver bc, let alone high income tax rate and sales tax rate as well as the ridiculous prices of alcohol, dairy products, eggs, and electronics. fuck icbc, fuck bc liquor laws, fuck save on foods and other Pattison Food Group brands, fuck safeway... the list goes on. I envy that you have pr back in hk and if you want you can fly back there tomorrow.
I'd say a salary of 60k after taxes is comparable to what new graduates earn in big4 Hong Kong offices. However, their salaries tend to increase significantly year by year, especially reaching the 5-year experience mark. I'm not sure if that's the case here lol. Considering the living costs and other expenses, this entry level salary can be quite tight. Not to mention the salary difference between the US and Canada. Out of curiosity, do Vancouver big4 firms require frequent overtime?
@@Miko_Ngai 60k cad after tax is probably the salary level for new grads doing audit. here in lower mainland big 4 pay even less to those doing audit becuase firms are "sponsoring" their cpas 😅I heard it's around 50k pre tax loooool for 50k if you are not from here you are genuinely fucked. "side hustle" is mandatory.
I am in advisory thankfully so not much overtime so far, but the first quarter of every calendar year it's the busiest season. my manager implied that overtime would be very likely.
also afaik big 4 still pay shit here for seniors even managers... you are basically screwed until you make to partner level.
Why move to Vancouver then?
@@Miko_NgaiHK is so great then your family should be rich and send some dough here. How do you guys complain when we arrived here, cost of living was 3 times compared to HK.
The audio is not good.
Additional 13% Goods and service tax on top of everything. So after you paid income tax, you left with 60%. -13%, you only got 47% $ left....
Not to mention 歧視問題。
歧視吾多 但税就🤪
@@Miko_Ngai 我在西人公司做,高層都是白人。個人經歷是他們口頭上都非常尊重大家。但行動上卻很明顯不喜歡華人。(身體行為很誠實)
@@RumCoconut你上英語channel 佢地不喜歡你們,因爲確實是 glorified 難民,同人種冇關。
謝謝提醒 下次出片會留意一下🤔