Perfect Storm Rescues: Infant Saved at Sea

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Rescue swimmer braves mountain sized waves from Hurricane Gordon to rescue a family of four, including a 4 month old baby.


  • @KentFarbach
    @KentFarbach 14 років тому +15

    As a one-time coast guard member myself, I must say that I really admire the professionalism shown here in this video. Wonderful communication between the crew...very lucid and in control at all guys ROCK!

  • @jaxflight
    @jaxflight 8 років тому +30

    The word "Hero" gets thrown around a lot these days but for these guys, it is 100 percent deserved. Amazing.

  • @foppo100
    @foppo100 5 років тому +1

    That takes courage to be a rescue swimmer in conditions like this.The whole helicopter crew deserve a medal they wont give up .

  • @steadmanuhlich6734
    @steadmanuhlich6734 9 років тому +11

    Great example of the outstanding heroic job the men and women of the USCG do for sailors and mariners. Great job by the rescue swimmer, Mario.

  • @thomasey2
    @thomasey2 13 років тому

    This is one of the most valuable works that exist. I Thank you all around the world that are the real heroes for people that need assistance. Thank you .

  • @magzsara9892
    @magzsara9892 5 років тому

    The human race is surely designed to be wonderful. Bless the baby it will be a wonderful tale to tell when she grows.. People who rescue others are the best..

  • @bparno
    @bparno 13 років тому

    Bravo to all the men and women who serve in the coast guard in every country that has them. They are hero's personified.

  • @dipstick3031
    @dipstick3031 13 років тому

    No words can discribe what kind of heroes these guys are :-) Thumbs up!! Who cares if the sailor was stupid? This video is about the rescuers !!

  • @42j
    @42j 2 роки тому +1

    I was aboard the USS America CV66 working on the flightdeck when the coast guard helo rescued the people and they brought them aboard to refuel and to medical to check out the people. Truly God was on their side. The waves out there from that storm were so high that they were coming above the flightdeck which is 90 ft to the waterline. When we got back to Norfolk Naval base we had a million dollars worth of damage to the bow and catwalks of the ship

  • @cepaasch
    @cepaasch 2 роки тому +1

    Good job Bobby!!!

  • @tonygutierrez5578
    @tonygutierrez5578 6 років тому +2

    Amazing brave people.
    God bless all the rescuers.

  • @curiosoneee
    @curiosoneee 4 роки тому

    Knowing that there are people who have the skills and ability to do these things , are comforting when you find yourself out on a limb.

  • @wixskid
    @wixskid 3 роки тому

    I have chills. Those men can consider themselves as legends

  • @guyfitter3006
    @guyfitter3006 3 роки тому

    Bravo. Heroes. What more can you say? Great video to share this incredible rescue.

  • @adhocstube
    @adhocstube 14 років тому +14

    Extreme good job by the rescuers! But why this very dangerous abandom when the yacht is fine ???

    • @ianmiles6813
      @ianmiles6813 4 роки тому +1

      is was fine for now but a hurricane was on the way with conditions worsening by the hour

  • @CAMNZ117
    @CAMNZ117 14 років тому +4

    omg, the boat looked like it was handeling the seas perfectly. If i was that concerned, i would have just thrown out a sea anchor! that was a very nice yacht too. a shame the abandoned ship!

    • @Itsaboutthewaterlife
      @Itsaboutthewaterlife 6 років тому

      And now I know were all my tax dollars are going. Multiply this by seven million and this should give you an idea of what we are up against on the border. And Ocasia- Cortez wants to abolish ICE.

    • @Jake-rs9nq
      @Jake-rs9nq 2 роки тому

      @@Itsaboutthewaterlife ... what

  • @davehyde6207
    @davehyde6207 5 років тому

    God bless all who answer the call of those in need, outstanding job

  • @michaelsudziarski7156
    @michaelsudziarski7156 10 років тому +9


  • @USFanLovesMinHo
    @USFanLovesMinHo 11 років тому +1

    God Bless the Coast Guard!!! I give them a lot of respect!

  • @mertsilliker1682
    @mertsilliker1682 8 років тому +1

    amazing great job fellas

  • @CorekBleedingHollow
    @CorekBleedingHollow 3 роки тому +1

    Easy right... easy right... easy back and right... easy back and right basket is in the water

  • @MaritimeSafetySystems
    @MaritimeSafetySystems 14 років тому +2

    @JohnnyPeachPit The vessel was 400 miles at sea with a hurricane approaching from the south and a NorEaster heading down on them from the North. The master had been single handling the vessel for 40 hours. In sic hours he would have been in an unrecoverable state given the weather.

    @ILOVEMFEO 13 років тому +2

    god bless the gals and lads of the coast guards of this world :)

  • @CAMNZ117
    @CAMNZ117 13 років тому +4

    that boat was handling it fine. if he is that scared, why not just drop the sail and put a sea anchor out. that would keep the bow into the wind. or he could turn the engine and auto helm on and motor slowly to his destination. the sea isnt even that bad

    • @erwinorellano34
      @erwinorellano34 6 років тому

      Does it look like he has experience, or money to buy a boat and take his family out to sea without experience? Fucking rich people!

  • @mnrobards
    @mnrobards 5 років тому +2

    what’s wrong with the sail boat ?

  • @crazyhorsetrading8655
    @crazyhorsetrading8655 2 роки тому

    great rescue by the rescue services. true hero's. I just wonder why this boat had so much sail out in those conditions, surely that sail should have been reefed down to the max.

  • @francovolpe5306
    @francovolpe5306 3 роки тому

    grandi eroi che ammiro salvano tante vite umane in condizioni difficili bravi auguri

  • @erwinorellano34
    @erwinorellano34 6 років тому +3

    People with money to buy a boat...but not the brains to sail it.

  • @S62bhas
    @S62bhas 3 роки тому

    God Bless The U S Coast Guard and The Crew Members Amen Praise The Lord God Bless The Sail Boat Members

  • @pjay3392
    @pjay3392 11 років тому +18

    Why isn't the main reefed? Or even down with the storm jib up?

    • @randomvintagefilm273
      @randomvintagefilm273 6 років тому +1

      Lol say what?

    • @3vdad
      @3vdad 6 років тому

      it is

    • @tomhuck9640
      @tomhuck9640 5 років тому

      In that condition the boat is more stable with a sail up. And it doesnt look to heel a lot so its fine. And not everyone has a storm sail

    • @ambular127
      @ambular127 3 роки тому

      What is this?! Middle earth?!

  • @howardrich8762
    @howardrich8762 6 років тому +1

    Free boat......I mean FREE YACHT. It's always the same. OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

  • @gaddour6322
    @gaddour6322 3 роки тому

    one billion bravos guy's

  • @LaMouleQuiCoule
    @LaMouleQuiCoule 7 років тому +6

    whenever you see a rescue from what seems like a fine looking sailboat it usually is a rudder failiure

    • @johnhanson5943
      @johnhanson5943 3 роки тому

      Indeed. Makes you think on expensive boats they need either better rudders and/or an emergency rudder set up

  • @steerandstroll
    @steerandstroll 13 років тому +12

    I would tell them to take my family and I would somehow sail the boat back

  • @donnacanfora195
    @donnacanfora195 12 років тому

    HEROES....they go out when the other forces stays at home!

  • @skipperup
    @skipperup 4 роки тому +2

    Steve Dashaw is shaking his head! That's a perfectly good Sundeer 64, that boat was made to endure much worse(unless its holes and sinking) busted rudder? Put a sea anchor out! Although Coastguard is trained for this, you are risking there lives with your inexperience! Know the boat will always do better then you and if your not prepaid for self preservation(you know, step up to the liferaft)STAY HOME!

    • @MaritimeSafetySystems
      @MaritimeSafetySystems 2 роки тому

      The boat could handle it, but the 4 month old baby was not built for heavy weather with a hurricane approaching their position. It was a good risk call. PS - "You don't step off until you have to step up?" is some of the worst advice ever given in boating safety.

  • @garyboxx1
    @garyboxx1 5 років тому +4

    Wow...lots of landlubber experts commenting without knowing any facts.

  • @aanon5716
    @aanon5716 11 років тому +11

    and by the way that family should be lifelong donors to the coast guard.

  • @DELILAH721
    @DELILAH721 13 років тому +2

    This was amazing :)

  • @inastormydaze2044
    @inastormydaze2044 5 років тому

    How do they stop the Basket from swinging violently when they're lowering and highering it?

  • @MonkeySpecs301
    @MonkeySpecs301 11 років тому +1

    when i get my sailboat i am going to practice so if i am ever surprised by a storm i will be as ready as possible.

  • @gonagain
    @gonagain 7 років тому +4

    They needed to lower a sailor down to the boat...

    • @NPCSN
      @NPCSN 4 роки тому

      The mast whipping from side to side would kill or tangle the rescue swimmer.

  • @ramper50
    @ramper50 8 років тому +5

    Seriously bad judgement on everyone involved here... Coastie crew should have taken better control of the situation and kept everyone onboard... "Captain" should be held financially responsible for the operation...

    • @TVCJohn
      @TVCJohn 7 років тому

      Keeping everyone on board likely was not the best option or even an option if, (1) the weather is forecast to worsen (2) and/or night is approaching (3) and/or the sailing vessel's continued seaworthiness is in jeopardy. If any of those combination of factors are in play and you have a window of opportunity to remove the vessels crew, you do it. To not remove the vessel's crew would have been bad judgement. The bottom line....they got to live another day.

    • @ambular127
      @ambular127 3 роки тому

      And considering this was the early 90’s, so…….

  • @markushalfmad
    @markushalfmad 14 років тому +3

    4-month-old baby on board???!! wtf is within the baby's parents skulls???? shiiitt?

  • @norml.hugh-mann
    @norml.hugh-mann 7 років тому +1

    Why couldnt the sailboat heave to?

  • @DownhillAllTheWay
    @DownhillAllTheWay 14 років тому

    What happened to the boat after the rescue?
    Did it go down, or stay afloat? Was it found again?

  • @JohnnyPeachPit
    @JohnnyPeachPit 14 років тому +1

    @Marcus - Statistically speaking, a 4 month old baby on board a sailboat is safer than one on land, but a rescue at sea is more dramatic than just another car wreck.
    Why did they abandon ship in the first place? Mental and physical exhaustion probably. The boat seemed fine. The actual rescue seemed more dangerous than staying put. Like the old saying goes, you should only abandon ship when you have to step UP into your liferaft.

  • @Cellulardoor
    @Cellulardoor 8 років тому +6

    Wait why didn't they take down the sails

    • @Epck
      @Epck 5 років тому +1

      Prolly to dangerous to go out on deck

    • @NPCSN
      @NPCSN 4 роки тому

      I was wondering the same thing. But that sounds like a logical reason.

  • @randomvintagefilm273
    @randomvintagefilm273 6 років тому +4

    What woman would take an infant out to sea?

  • @TheMonkini
    @TheMonkini 8 років тому +1

    God bless the USCG and the UKCG

  • @MikeTarifaArtist
    @MikeTarifaArtist 8 років тому +8

    for me as a sailor,Its hard to guess by this video what went really wrong but on a first view looks like poor seamanship and obviously undermanned! I mean: a Man with his wife and 13 yr old daughter and a baby does not seem the right crew for a vessel this big
    Plus ...being 360 miles out they could have easily ridden out the squall and sail downwind like every reasonable sailor would do till conditions got better...
    Or was the rudder broken? or??
    Never mind..glad they made it out Alive
    Great job US coastguard! How much was the rescue ticket?
    What happened to this beautiful ship?

    • @jackthecat6225
      @jackthecat6225 8 років тому +3

      Probably the adults and 13 yr old would have been fine if the boat was setup right, but when you have a baby on board....

    • @norml.hugh-mann
      @norml.hugh-mann 6 років тому +1

      @@jackthecat6225 i dont think the gung-ho rescuers that literally live for this mind, that job is more of a passion, and they actually love these kinda rescues: happy endings

    • @NPCSN
      @NPCSN 4 роки тому

      I’m guessing it was rudder damage, cause it didn’t look bad otherwise. 🤷🏻‍♂️ not an expert, but if anybody has the full scoop on what happened that would be an interesting read.

  • @edenhunter9904
    @edenhunter9904 4 роки тому +1

    tell them they're in a big late model yacht that can handle these conditions... and then go and rescue someone in trouble ..

    • @MaritimeSafetySystems
      @MaritimeSafetySystems 2 роки тому

      The yacht could handle the conditions, the four month old baby, not so much.

  • @jensvoogt
    @jensvoogt 13 років тому

    what should he have done?

  • @nightowl9068
    @nightowl9068 8 років тому +3

    Why did that guy bring his baby there
    Of all the places there

    • @DanB95
      @DanB95 7 років тому +4

      I don't have kids, but I believe firmly in the old saying "Don't bring anything you aren't prepared to lose onto a boat."
      Pretty sure kids fit neatly into the list of things not to bring into the open ocean, especially if bad weather is coming.

  • @sergioassumpcao6448
    @sergioassumpcao6448 11 років тому

    Hi there !!
    Which is safer in heavy seas, a monohull or catamaran !!??

    • @salminho33
      @salminho33 10 років тому

      There are many controversies about it, but both are safe

  • @TheCaptbob1
    @TheCaptbob1 8 років тому

    Hey, send in the CGC Tamaroa!

  • @lunaticcatamaran7666
    @lunaticcatamaran7666 10 років тому +10

    Do they have the internet in America? How about HF radio weather forecasting! These people should be banned from sailing on an ocean for life.

    • @AtLeastThreeCharacters.
      @AtLeastThreeCharacters. 8 років тому +1

      Ever heard of an apostrophe?

    • @norml.hugh-mann
      @norml.hugh-mann 6 років тому +3

      Its called "Freedom"
      Anybody can and everybody that sails long enough does get into some kinda trouble eventually, without knowing the details you look like an ignoramus by assuming your "expert" opinion....keep in mind this is several decades ago when they didn't have internet offshore.
      Banned for life??? Jesus fucking christ what an ignorant authoritarian coward

    • @danielboggan2479
      @danielboggan2479 5 років тому

      This was in the 90’s

    • @NPCSN
      @NPCSN 4 роки тому

      JCBs At the helm
      😂😂 “if accidents occur we just kill everyone after we rescue them.”
      🤔 seems reasonable.

  • @jasperasis5209
    @jasperasis5209 7 років тому +6

    Clearly inexperienced sailors...
    The problem when money can buy anything...

    • @erwinorellano34
      @erwinorellano34 6 років тому +1

      Well said.

    • @NPCSN
      @NPCSN 4 роки тому

      I was kind of thinking the same thing... a 60+ft boat with essentially two crew members sounds like they’re asking for trouble honestly. 🤷🏻‍♂️ never had to crew a boat that big.

  • @อาคมมากบุญ-ภ7ฐ


  • @mosapedoterrorist7529
    @mosapedoterrorist7529 6 років тому +2

    Obviously if u have family on board dont go away from shore ,shouldn't have a baby on board-make sure the weather is 100% pick yurr seasons WELL-
    64ft vessel and u have one capable man is he nuts in a situation u cant possibly look out for them nevermind the boat god damn fool!
    And i would have stayed with my yacht conditions are not that bad.
    Well maybe if u had hired a crew u wouldn't have such problems.

    • @karidior5937
      @karidior5937 4 роки тому

      Exactly the parents are dumb asf and shouldn't even have a child stupid ass bitches watching this really pissed me off

  • @HMSHOOD1920
    @HMSHOOD1920 5 років тому

    Easy right easy right.

  • @beatemback5598
    @beatemback5598 5 років тому

    Perfect Storm

  • @Viral_Squad
    @Viral_Squad 8 років тому +5

    Money dont buy SKILLS ...

  • @inastormydaze2044
    @inastormydaze2044 5 років тому

    Are they talking to others on other Air-craft 'cos it sounds like there's more voices than people on the Rescue Hel? When there is so many people all talking together and more people coming on the radio, I don't know how they manage to get anything done! It must be so hard to stay focused and concentrate on what they're doing when there's a million different voices around them! I would be as confused as heck!!

  • @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705
    @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705 7 років тому

    yes cory

  • @Kyleinasailing
    @Kyleinasailing 10 років тому

    When a yacht is abandoned who legally then owns it? I presume the yacht didn't sink so is the yacht then sunk by the navy for target practise? Or, when it's washed up on some shore can the first to board claim it as theirs? Does anyone know the legalities without bad manners and language?

    • @ravenhawk8230
      @ravenhawk8230 10 років тому +1

      As far as I'm aware, salvage law dictates that once a vessel is abandoned it can be salvaged by anyone able. Often times the owner will pay a crew to find and retrieve it, but if someone else finds it first there is nothing saying they can't take it.

    • @Kyleinasailing
      @Kyleinasailing 10 років тому +1

      ravenhawk82 Thank you. I had better not abandon my yacht then.

    • @trioultimo
      @trioultimo 10 років тому +2

      Stephen Lediard On International waters it is out of law and can be taken by anyone. But on national waters and shore... it is a registrated property.

  • @gurrupijimenezperez2559
    @gurrupijimenezperez2559 4 місяці тому

    Pues aparentemente navega bien

  • @gabrielbalderas8867
    @gabrielbalderas8867 2 роки тому

    I am here hungry about to eat

  • @modelchefs
    @modelchefs 13 років тому +3

    HE JUST DOESNT KNOW HOW TO SAIL!!!!!! THE SAILoR DID EVERYTHING WRONG, this was avoidable!!! If Ur not sure of what Ure doing in the Ocean, dont. Its not a game!

  • @nlikos180
    @nlikos180 7 років тому +1

    what was thinking doing sailboat in middle of ocean???

  • @อาคมมากบุญ-ภ7ฐ


  • @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705
    @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705 7 років тому

    i what to cry wright know

  • @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705
    @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705 7 років тому

    sup cory

  • @vincent7520
    @vincent7520 14 років тому

    @adhocstube Because one shouldn't overestimate one's strength !… How can a single person sail a 60 ft sailboat singlehanded, care for the ship's survival, care for the crew in such a weather ???…
    He should have had at least 2 experienced crew members to weather such a storm…
    But to day big boats are cheaper giving more competent in normal conditions sailors the feeling they can weather all kind of storms plus the fact your are with your family … and we enter a different picture…

  • @อาคมมากบุญ-ภ7ฐ


  • @อาคมมากบุญ-ภ7ฐ


  • @GaskellleoCinema
    @GaskellleoCinema 13 років тому

    @jensvoogt Taken in the main and sailed (or hove to) under storm jib & mizzen.

  • @eccosabanovic1589
    @eccosabanovic1589 6 років тому

    ...this looks to me rather bad seamanship instead of anything else...of course, i do not have full info, but from what i see on video, boat seems to be fine and more than capable to deal with given situation..

  • @tata011670
    @tata011670 5 років тому +1

    If you dog were on board, I would not leave her. Dumb huh? But true

  • @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705
    @reginaldwright-mcglotten9705 7 років тому

    cory you could not save them

  • @MegaSlayerr
    @MegaSlayerr 13 років тому

    For the people on about the yaucth ya its a bad loss but fuck it would you take a risk of losing your family for some shitty boat ? fuck that they made the right decsion