@@unclejeffthechad9459 I advise you to go and hear the holy Quran and know if we are the religion of peace or not .. And if you do not like the video Stop writing bad comments
Instead of all saying "who is from here, like here" we should all be saying Mashallah, for we have a new brother in our community to represent us Muslims. Today i searched Jay Kim on YT bc i remembered the video of you fasting during ramadhan and i wanted to come back and see how you've been. I couldnt find anything under Jay Kim but i found Daud Kim. Mashallah you have done sooo great and dont feel sad or compare yourself with other muslims especially at how young your deen is 💕 Much love and keep it up. Asalamualikum
@@mh2865 yes it is nice but we dont need so many of the same comments like that on every video and thats not the point of this video. I would ljke to find atleast one comment section actually discussing about the video.
@@unclejeffthechad9459 its funny to see that not even an hour has passed since the video has been uploaded but islamophobists are here first.Why can't you leave us alone.Why do you keep following Islamic channels if you hate Islam that badly
Daud Kim is one of the most beautiful soul I have seen in 2019. MashaAllah 🙂 like how can someone be soo pure like him in this generation . Very humble brother 💜 welcome to Islam, I hope you find it easy in ur life and hereafter
I am Hindu but I am really very Happy to see that u r following Islam religion very properly , A lots of love to u from India and plz come once to our India 🙏🙏 🙏😇❤️
I almost shed tears when they were hugging him and saying congrats they all looked as if he is their true brother by blood , that made me so happy, Alhumdullah. 💛
@ congrats for being the most idiotic ignorant ever to even reach the point where you comment on every vid he upload just to say hateful things like that. :) keep being like that you will only get reports spam and petty .
@• skzinity Ya I'm ex Muslim (fuck that warlord and pedophile Mo), I don't understand why this is something to cry about -_- because when someone learned it and did it for the first time, no one cried
@ learn more about islam and try to know what islam is. Dont let your hatred foolish u my brother. I will pray for u that one day u will relaised islam is the right path for u and your family and we will become brother in faith... aamiin
I'm not Muslim but I love how you respect for Islam and we can seriously see how happy and proud you are for being an Muslim finally Alot of respect man
*MAY ALLAH GUIDE ALL WHO ARE SEEKERS OF THE TRUTH* "He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24. Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110 O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67 We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119 "He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13] After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God. The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136] Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108 If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20 Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29 “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99 “And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18 "This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4. "Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1) “Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158 Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19 “There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256 Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104 “Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46 Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29 "This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3. They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32 Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
تصحيح اللهم صَلِّ والحمد لله علي نعمة الإسلام تقدر تنسخ رابط المقطع وتفتح يوتيوب من المتصفح والصق الرابط في بحث اليوتيوب الفي المتصفح بعدها ادخل المقطع ابحث عن تعليقك انسخ اللهم صَلِّ اللهم صَلِّ وسلم وبارك عليه وأشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأن محمد صَلِّ الله عليه وسلم رسول الله والحمد لله تعمة الإسلام
I cried a lots watching this video brother.. it's remind me of my revertion to Islam a few years ago..Subha Allah, alhamdulillah, la ila ha illalah...masyallah brother..
SpringTrap 87 Be very proud of your perverted prophet: Bukhari vol. 7, #65: "Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)."" From the hadith of Muslim, volume 2, #3309 Aisha reported: Allah’s Messenger married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine…. From the hadith of the Sunan of Abu Dawud, volume 2, #2116 "Aisha said, "The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old." (The narrator Sulaiman said: "Or six years."). "He had intercourse with me when I was 9 years old."
@@eelcob1818 We do not discuse hadith with nonmuslims cause they're lack of knowledge about Quran, I simply explain this situation for you. Prophet divide the moon and have lot more miracles you mentioned hadith books. Did you believe them? Your answer is no, then also you can not believe about age of Aisha hadiths.. Okey?
Daud Kim , im crying 😭 My mother was a mualaf like you too . And my dad , my brother and sister, myself was a muslim too. Its been 18 years already . Allahuakhbar , lets istiqamah Daud
sihaam mohamud, My dear sister and *ALL* my dear brothers and sisters from around the world, *PLEASE* you must watch my *VERY important* intellectual dawah videos from *London* in my *Playlists* Jazak'Allahu Khairan
safaa sy هذا الفيديو يدور حول هذا الفتى الكوري jay kim الذي يقبل الإسلام وتغيير اسمه إلى dawod kim ... (لقد استخدمت المترجم للترجمة آسف إذا كان هناك خطأ)
riz sahar to this day I'm not been able to 100% comprehends Islam as the perfect and completed religion as the Quran needing a continuation of the hadiths like can you explain how come Quran is god book while it necessarily need hadith seriously?? Made it seems the hadith purpose is completing what the Quran miss...
@@jawhertaga87 Assalamualaikum audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem Bismillah hir rakhma niraheem, I hope you don't mind me attempting to answer your question, the reason for the Hadith is because this is about the prophet Salalahu alayhe wasalaam it is classed as part of the Sunnah the Quran itself is a protected book and is Devine revelation, not to be confused with the Hadith the Hadith makes an attempt to teach the way of the prophet but remember Hadith's can also be fabricated and by this I mean if they go against the Quran then they cannot be correct, I hope this in it's basic form can answer your question.
As-salamu alaykum brother...seriously I'm just crying,,, I'm not good in English sorry if i can't explain my emotions,, i saw ur video all-time but Today i search on youtube daud kim accept Islam and i found ur 2 videos,,really I'm crying,,may Allah bless you,,love you brother,,, take love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️❤️.......
Whenever I watch his videos [ Daud Kim ] it’s like a call for me that I need to become a better muslim and stronger my deen and I really like doing that [ whenever I feel down I watch his videos and it immediately picks me up ] please continue making videos because when I watch your video, they make me a better Muslim/person ❤️✨
I am a new person who saw the UA-cam vlog Brother, Either my tears fall when you hug each other to congratulate and wish you istiqomah. I'm proud of you Brother,MasyaAllah😭😭😭❤👍🏼☺😊
While watching you doing a salah together with them. I'm so proud of you. Please don't give up in learning Islam. Take it slowly. I know Allah will guide you and keep communicate with Muslim people.
Allah protect you brother ☺️ Brother doesn't show every thing like when you pray leave it between you and god🌸 I am very happy when I heard you say al shahadah A new brother entered our beautiful family ( family of islam)🥀
@Cricket World I know he is trying to send a good message about us as Muslims🌸🌸🌸 But I advised him about (pray) Because I see it as sacred it must be between the person and his god, and if someone wants to know how we pray,as you say.. they can search for it in the net or ask a Muslim person😊🍃 I am just advice him,, 🍃🥀 Aslo i am sorry if I couldn't make you understand what I mean😣
The imam. He is from Bangladesh🇧🇩nice to see you daud with him.may allah help you from all the troubl.hope you will learn islam perfectly by your heart🕋
I'm so happy for you I can see that you happy that you are Muslim now In not Muslim but I love and i respect Muslim people I have Muslim friends and I love that im friend with them. ❤.
@ Allah SWT said: مِنْ أَجْلِ ذٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلٰى بَنِىٓ إِسْرٰٓءِيلَ أَنَّهُۥ مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًۢا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِى الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَآ أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَآءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنٰتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُمْ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فِى الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors." (QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 32) * Via Qur'an English quran-en.com
Thank you so much brothers 🧡
You're very welcome
good luck bro, you in the right place now
I'm your biggest fan love from Pakistan♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Yes brothers
*To be Muslim is the best thing to your life*
You must be joking
You wanna know another joke?, Your like to dislike ratio you trump supporting pimp.
@@unclejeffthechad9459 لا هو مايمزح
اسكت بس ولا تنابح👺👺👺
@@unclejeffthechad9459 I advise you to go and hear the holy Quran and know if we are the religion of peace or not .. And if you do not like the video Stop writing bad comments
@@unclejeffthechad9459 كافر😒😒
الله يهديك😭😭💔
Use this button as "I AM MUSLIM & I AM PROUD OF THAT "
There is no place for pride in Islam so please instead of being proud of your religion, Do something humble 😊
no need to be proud, just be humble and feel granted
Don't be proud
It's time to work hard
@momina if u already hate Muslim then why did u even watch this video?
@momina If u know that likes for religion is bad then why do u even react to the bad things
See the imam and and daud they are smiling thats my Islam there is always happiness 🥰🥰🥰
Alhamdulillah Love From India 🇮🇳💜
If you love islam you should practice it.
ALLAH HO AKBER from Pakistan 💓
The Iman is Bangladesh ei...😍😍☺️
I m so glad to hear that he said "kalo tupi ta". ☺️☺️🇧🇩🇧🇩
Please again listen. The kalma he is reciting is wrong. Last verse
Instead of all saying "who is from here, like here" we should all be saying Mashallah, for we have a new brother in our community to represent us Muslims. Today i searched Jay Kim on YT bc i remembered the video of you fasting during ramadhan and i wanted to come back and see how you've been. I couldnt find anything under Jay Kim but i found Daud Kim. Mashallah you have done sooo great and dont feel sad or compare yourself with other muslims especially at how young your deen is 💕 Much love and keep it up. Asalamualikum
@@mh2865 yes it is nice but we dont need so many of the same comments like that on every video and thats not the point of this video. I would ljke to find atleast one comment section actually discussing about the video.
Dislike....IsIam is a death cult
@@unclejeffthechad9459 it is death cult for you not for US UNDERSTAND.
@@unclejeffthechad9459 shut up weed addict and flat earthers
@@unclejeffthechad9459 for you not us
@@unclejeffthechad9459 its funny to see that not even an hour has passed since the video has been uploaded but islamophobists are here first.Why can't you leave us alone.Why do you keep following Islamic channels if you hate Islam that badly
Daud Kim is one of the most beautiful soul I have seen in 2019. MashaAllah 🙂 like how can someone be soo pure like him in this generation . Very humble brother 💜 welcome to Islam, I hope you find it easy in ur life and hereafter
He's great Human beings
Khabib nurmagomedov...he is humble..😊😊
I am Hindu but I am really very Happy to see that u r following Islam religion very properly ,
A lots of love to u from India and plz come once to our India 🙏🙏 🙏😇❤️
Please be Muslim, it's the best religion
Please be muslim ,its become you happy &best religion in world
@@hamido6371 no bro. Not compel, we have no permission for that. it's only their choice. 😊😊
@@nameeranazrin6299 i want them to be Muslim cuz it's the best religion so far
@@hamido6371 yeah i know. I can understand your feelings.But we have only right for sharing our information. The decision should be their own. 😊😊♥️
It's very heartwarming how they welcome him with a smile, a hug, and how they call him brother. Ma shaa Allah. 😍
Islam is the religion of peace ❤
religion of respect ❤
religion of kindness ❤
Allah tan başka ilah yoktur There is no god but God
@@celilkum3383 turk qardoshim))))
How beautiful islam is im almost crying when see all muslims congrats daud
Sombong amat
I almost shed tears when they were hugging him and saying congrats they all looked as if he is their true brother by blood , that made me so happy, Alhumdullah. 💛
Me too:')
Somaya Alharbi
كيفك من اي بلد حضرتك
@ congrats for being the most idiotic ignorant ever to even reach the point where you comment on every vid he upload just to say hateful things like that. :) keep being like that you will only get reports spam and petty .
@@Alie380 اهلا اختي انا من السعودية
I cried
I was bursting with joy to see a new Muslim :).
Yes me too
And my name is Asif too
Yas ....me to 😊
When he said “inshallah one day you’ll do adhan” i nearly cried
Me too ...
@• skzinity Ya I'm ex Muslim (fuck that warlord and pedophile Mo), I don't understand why this is something to cry about -_- because when someone learned it and did it for the first time, no one cried
@ hey stop insulting my prophet and religion
@ learn more about islam and try to know what islam is. Dont let your hatred foolish u my brother. I will pray for u that one day u will relaised islam is the right path for u and your family and we will become brother in faith... aamiin
I'm not Muslim but I love how you respect for Islam and we can seriously see how happy and proud you are for being an Muslim finally
Alot of respect man
That is very kind of you to say :)
Thank you for your kind words..
Sweet Jimin I'm saying the truth your comment was so sweet of all ❤❤❤..loves from India
Oh thanks now i understand that you are so sweet🌟because jimin is sooooo sweeet tooooo😀
"Sweet jimin"
You are very kind. Hope we can be friends
You doesn't need to quit youtube... Instead use your youtube for spread a beauty of islam...May allah bless you... In sha allah
Always write ALLAH in capital
@Yes I m An Otaku thats true u should type allah is capital coz his god
I'm crying😭it's so touching, but at the same time I'm genuinely happy for you. welcome!
Who is the girl in your profile picture ?
@@mosinkhan666 who tf would ask that lmao
Daud, you're getting a lot of reward for showing people how peaceful Islam really is 💜🥰
Wallah yes
I’m not Muslim but these people are so welcoming, it’s heartwarming. Every faith can learn from these men.
Thank you bro ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks to you also
"He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God, the King, the Holy, the Author of peace, the Granter of security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (as false gods) ! He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker,[5] the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory; and He is the Mighty, the Wise” Quran 59:22-24.
Say (O Muhammad), "I am no more than a human like you, and it has been inspired to me that your god is but One God. So whoever longs to meet his Lord shall do good deeds and never associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." Quran18:110
O you messenger, deliver what is brought down to you from your Lord. If you do not, then you have not delivered His message. Quran 5:67
We have sent you (O Messenger) with the truth as a bearer of news and a warner. Quran 2:119
"He has ordained for you the same religion (Islam) which He enjoined on Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely that you should remain steadfast in religion and be not divided therein.” [Quran 42:13]
After the corruption of the older Scriptures, the Quran came with a twofold purpose -- to confirm the true and original message of Islam, and to stand as a witness to it, by confirming the truth and rejecting the falsehood, which over time came into the older Scriptures. Muslims are required to believe in the revealed Scriptures and to make no distinction between any of them, or the Messengers who brought them, may Allah exalt their mention, because they all come from the One True God.
The Quran says (what means): "Say (O Muhammad to the Jews and Christians): 'We believe in Allah and that which has been sent to us and that which has been sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and to Al-Asbat, (the offspring of the twelve sons of Jacob) and that which has been given to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).” [Quran 2:136]
Say, "O people, the truth has come to you from your Lord. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I am not a trustee over you."Quran 10:108
If they turn away, your sole mission is the delivery (of the message). God is Seer of the people. Quran 3:20
Say, 'It is the truth from your Lord', then whoever wills shall believe and whoever wills shall disbelieve. Quran18:29
“And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad) then compel mankind, until they become believers?” Quran 10:99
“And the duty of the Messenger is only to convey (the Message) plainly.” Quran 29:18
"This Book (The Quran) there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend (charitably) out of what We have given them, and who believe in that which has been revealed to thee (O Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and of the Hereafter they are sure” Quran 2:2-4.
"Blessed is God Who sent down theFurqan (the Quran) upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations” (25:1)
“Say : O mankind, surely I (Muhammad)the Messenger of God to you all” Quran7:158
Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in taghoot (false gods) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.” Quran 2:256
Verily, proofs have come to you from your Lord, so whosoever sees, will do so for (the good of) his ownself, and whosoever blinds himself, will do so to his own harm, and I (Muhammad) am not a watcher over you.”Quran 6:104
“Whosoever does righteous good deeds, it is for (the benefit of) his ownself; and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself. And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves.” Quran 41:46
Verily, this (Verses of the Quran) is an admonition, so whosoever wills, let him take a Path to his Lord (Allah).” Quran76:29
"This day have I (God) perfected for you your religion and completed My favour to you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” Quran 5:3.
They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth. Quran 9:32
Shall I seek other than God as a law maker, when He has revealed to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114 The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. 6:115
thanks a lot of
There are women's tooo
"And He found you lost and guided [you]" - [Surah Ad-Duhaa | Ayah 7]
Assalamu Alaikum,brother the interpretation is not correct
." And He found you drown in His Love, therefore gave way unto Him."
@@aftabqadri3358 yaar aap ne kahin aur parha hoga mene kahin aur ab ikhtelaaf bhi koi cheez hai
@@gandabacha7423 ikhtilaf zarur hai lekin aisa ikhtilaf kabile kabu nhi maaz allah jo nabi ko gumrah bataye..
@@aftabqadri3358 ajeeb baat kar rhy ho tum
May Allah bless you..
Welcome to Muslim.
Love you from India. Bro
Many Skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism in Islam.💚
Welcome to the biggest family on earth brother ❤️
Love from 🇮🇳
yup, Allah make diversity among us not to hate but to know each other.
@@Alzenryo 💯
@@rubabali2876 ♥️♥️
Asif Khan from India too
The most part that made me happy is when he started the vidéo with assalamu alaykum ... So beautiful
Who is proud to be muslim
Edited: Thanks for likes 😍😍
Proud to follow the religion of the pedophile ?? that's a No No
Arsiminatti Fenix me
Arsiminatti Fenix Me
@@unclejeffthechad9459 factz
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام🇸🇾☝️☝️☝️🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🥰🥰🥰🥰🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
تصحيح اللهم صَلِّ
والحمد لله علي نعمة الإسلام
تقدر تنسخ رابط المقطع وتفتح يوتيوب من المتصفح والصق الرابط في بحث اليوتيوب الفي المتصفح بعدها ادخل المقطع ابحث عن تعليقك انسخ اللهم صَلِّ
اللهم صَلِّ وسلم وبارك عليه
وأشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأن محمد صَلِّ الله عليه وسلم رسول الله
والحمد لله تعمة الإسلام
الحمد لله علا نعمت الاسلام
Respect from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
I'm like a Muslim mom seeing her little bby praying for the 1st time 😭
@@Mariaa_sunflower she is sister...... You might've misunderstood her sentence
I cried while he was saying those words. Maşallah. May Allah help you all your life
Im so proud of you that you become a muslim!👍❤
Allah o akbàr who support daud like it
Irfan Alddin let them do what they want he is new to remember
Use this button to say "Alhamdulilah iam a muslim and Alhamdulah Daud Kim be a muslim congrats to Daud Kim" Allah bless you Daud.i am from Malaysia
Proud to be a Muslim.
بسم آلله الر حمن الر حيم
Say alhamdulillah when say I'm Muslim not proud, saying proud is haram
@@ps4game-player673 i am sorry i forgot to edit it
Welcome to islam brother sending you big hug and love ❤😍 from
I will pray for u. Allah will bless u ❤
You r a luckiest boy, Allah accept you. Alhamdullah❣️. So happy see you daud Kim.
I started crying after seeing this video Indeed ALLAH is greatest😭😭😭
Greatest* 😊
Seeing a young man cares so much for his religion is amazing that makes me want to do the same thing ❤️
I cried a lots watching this video brother.. it's remind me of my revertion to Islam a few years ago..Subha Allah, alhamdulillah, la ila ha illalah...masyallah brother..
Congratulation brother
Inshallah every Muslim goes to jannah ❤️❤️❤️ تقبل الله طاعتكم
I am a Muslim girl and I am from Palestine 🇵🇸
How is going in Palestine? May allah safe u and all people of Palestine from all dangers ameen
InshaAllha and me too InshaAllah :-)
May allah protect all muslims countries.....palestin ,iraq..kashmir.burma....ameen
May allah protect the all muslims sisters,mothers ...
I'M SO GLAD TO U BE MUSLIM! ı'm muslim too!
From Turkey 🇹🇷🇹🇷
Neden türkçe alt yazı eklemiyor
SpringTrap 87
Be very proud of your perverted prophet: Bukhari vol. 7, #65:
"Narrated Aisha that the prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: "I have been informed that Aisha remained with the prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).""
From the hadith of Muslim, volume 2, #3309
Aisha reported: Allah’s Messenger married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house at the age of nine….
From the hadith of the Sunan of Abu Dawud, volume 2, #2116
"Aisha said, "The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old." (The narrator Sulaiman said: "Or six years."). "He had intercourse with me when I was 9 years old."
@Selmin S hayır diğer videolarında türkçe alt yazı var ayrıca malezyacada bilmiyor ama alt yazı eklettiriyor
@@eelcob1818 We do not discuse hadith with nonmuslims cause they're lack of knowledge about Quran, I simply explain this situation for you. Prophet divide the moon and have lot more miracles you mentioned hadith books. Did you believe them? Your answer is no, then also you can not believe about age of Aisha hadiths.. Okey?
@@NoName-kq2ly biraz zaman geçince ekleniyor
Diğer videolarda da o şekilde en fazla 2 güne eklenir😊
Daud Kim , im crying 😭 My mother was a mualaf like you too . And my dad , my brother and sister, myself was a muslim too. Its been 18 years already . Allahuakhbar , lets istiqamah Daud
where u come from nur laila?
Masyaallah, 😭
Salam, me too sister, I'm muallaf, alhamdulillah Allah swt gave us hidayah to embrace Islam. Now reverted 8 years already, I live in Malaysia.
@@johnsala5330 Alhamdulillah...salam from same country my brother...jazakallah
This puts so much hope in my heart Allahu Akbar. Allah guides whoever He wants
Who loves daud kim?❤
Now we have real media shows the real Islam thank you Daud
Alhamdolillah الحمدلله
I love when everybody surround him is pleased with attendance of daud kim
Life is Question islam is answer❤
Alxamdullah am proud to be Muslim girl ❤✌
Masha allah😊
sihaam mohamud,
My dear sister and *ALL* my dear brothers and sisters from around the world,
*PLEASE* you must watch my *VERY important* intellectual dawah videos from *London* in my *Playlists*
Jazak'Allahu Khairan
Not even a single muslim brother left without hugging you that's called brotherhood ❤❤
Proud muslim like here
I am a muslim and i really appreciate him!
Respect From Pakistan>>>♥️♥️♥️🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰
from pakistan ✋
@@farhatjabeen9746 city??
@@deadloxgaming3952 karachi
@@farhatjabeen9746 good
Can't express my feelings how much I'm happy for him hopefully Islam spread one day all over the world.
Biggest gift we’ve all ever gotten is being muslim of course. Good bless you 🙏🏻🇹🇷🇰🇷
You give me confidence as someone who’s interested in becoming a Muslim. It’s overwhelming but slowly learning. 👍🏻
Don’t be embarrass daud Kim it’s okay you’ll learn everything in sha allah ❤️ and thanks uploading videos and sharing you journey with us 💕💕💕
ممكن ترجميلي شو عم يحكي بالفيديو
safaa sy هذا الفيديو يدور حول هذا الفتى الكوري jay kim الذي يقبل الإسلام وتغيير اسمه إلى dawod kim ... (لقد استخدمت المترجم للترجمة آسف إذا كان هناك خطأ)
riz sahar to this day I'm not been able to 100% comprehends Islam as the perfect and completed religion as the Quran needing a continuation of the hadiths like can you explain how come Quran is god book while it necessarily need hadith seriously?? Made it seems the hadith purpose is completing what the Quran miss...
@@jawhertaga87 Assalamualaikum
audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem Bismillah hir rakhma niraheem, I hope you don't mind me attempting to answer your question, the reason for the Hadith is because this is about the prophet Salalahu alayhe wasalaam it is classed as part of the Sunnah the Quran itself is a protected book and is Devine revelation, not to be confused with the Hadith the Hadith makes an attempt to teach the way of the prophet but remember Hadith's can also be fabricated and by this I mean if they go against the Quran then they cannot be correct, I hope this in it's basic form can answer your question.
Respect From Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩💙💙
me to
Who is from India Muslim plz like here Alhamdulillah, many many thanks🙏 my brother accepting Islam we are proud of him,
there are so many indian and Pakistan muslim's
can you update us about our kashmir brothers please
@@kamalafiqmn9224 what
am the only one who Cry's while watching this video
Me too
@Najwa Aleyda no you are not the one
I also ❤
i cried bcause they cant make adzan louder....while in my contry you can
Iam also
FeeLinG prouD .😍😍😍
I was born Muslim😊, And Now Many Are Converting To Islam And Now Many Are Converting To Islam, Subhanallah 😇, I am so glad 😊
I From Indonesia~
Your name looks Indian
no! I really come from Indonesia from birth
Why u repeat the same line?
Did u just repeated the same thing u just said?
Who is here for Islam ☪️
Me 🙋♂️
You're lucky man masha allh❤💉 i became emotional after watching this video welcome islam daud🤗
Love from somalia😍😘
Wxad somali😁✌️
Please Chang your profile picture sister
I think you should name yourself super girl not sugar girl
I think you should name yourself super girl not sugar girl
I can feel so much love, fulfillment & peace, watching this. 🥰
Why other religion can't understand how peaceful this religion is?
oh wait, because there's a lot of lies in the media
Yep so sad to hear that..
Exactly ☹
Lol not a one dam thing contributed by this bombers stone petlers all over the world
so true 🙁
@@romiljain6199 Such a baseless and pathetic accusation makes me laugh
I feel proud when that person told daud have many Malaysians friend...cause I'm from Malaysia.. gomawoyo chinggu..
Who wants Daud make Azan ?
This is a very good suggestion. Mashaallah
Hard request
As-salamu alaykum brother...seriously I'm just crying,,, I'm not good in English sorry if i can't explain my emotions,, i saw ur video all-time but Today i search on youtube daud kim accept Islam and i found ur 2 videos,,really I'm crying,,may Allah bless you,,love you brother,,, take love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️❤️.......
Whenever I watch his videos [ Daud Kim ] it’s like a call for me that I need to become a better muslim and stronger my deen and I really like doing that [ whenever I feel down I watch his videos and it immediately picks me up ] please continue making videos because when I watch your video, they make me a better Muslim/person ❤️✨
Oh humera 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I’m so hyped that he is Muslim now and he knows how to pray and make wudu mashallah I’ll love to meet you one day
Who is muslim here
and ım Türk bro :D
I'm.. My friend from turkey also
@@suhedaakyuz6370 :)👍
Sir lots of love and respect from Kashmir ❤️
Tears in my eyes to come across your journey towards Islam 👍❤️
Respect frome bangladesh
One day you will learn many things of islam "insaallah "
In Sha Allah
Who believes in one Allah and his servant & messenger Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wasallum)?
هذا الإسلام الحقيقي شوف كيف فرحانين فيه اللهم عز الإسلام
Who is MUSLIM here ?
Salma Tabassum,
My dear sister *PLEASE* you mist watch my *VERY important* videos from *London* in my *Playlists*
Jazak'Allahu Khairan
Insha'allah I can convert to Islam.
I believe that no other God but Allah.
I am happy for you Mr. Daud Kim.
I wish me too 😥
Insyaallah you can... Btw where are you from?
May Allah guide you sister. Lots of love 💕
Insyaallah my sis ❤.
Insha Allah, You will. May Allah make it easy for you.
keep learning sister.
INSHALLAH one day u did it
Respect from Malaysia
Ma Sha Allah... Ma Sha Allah... Ma Sha Allah.... May Allah bless you in both in both worlds In Sha Allah
Welcome to our community Daud
We wish u the best of happiness
I am muslim, bless you Daud Kim. 💖
- An Afghan.
Always nice to see fellow Afghans, it's so rare.
افغانستان زنده باد🇦🇫🇦🇫🇦🇫
Wahh I'm half afghan and a muslim💜
Namak haram xD
Aha der kha rora
@@faznaz7455 So true lol
respect from Bangladesh /!!! 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
انعم واكرم
I am a new person who saw the UA-cam vlog Brother, Either my tears fall when you hug each other to congratulate and wish you istiqomah. I'm proud of you Brother,MasyaAllah😭😭😭❤👍🏼☺😊
MaashaaAllah, Respect from Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
Heh tayo
@• skzinity tapi klo udh basi kok aku masih makan tayo
@Trafalgar Law he looks so handsome with kopiah. 😍
May Allah Give all of Us Knowldge Of Islam and Bless all of us With peace and Prosperity
Love from India 🇮🇳
i hope muslim in india saved from كافر حرب
From Malaysian's muslim
While watching you doing a salah together with them. I'm so proud of you. Please don't give up in learning Islam. Take it slowly. I know Allah will guide you and keep communicate with Muslim people.
R u a muslim?
Alhamdulillah 💕
May Allah bless you brother.
Love from Bangladesh 💕
Allah protect you brother ☺️
Brother doesn't show every thing like when you pray leave it between you and god🌸
I am very happy when I heard you say al shahadah
A new brother entered our beautiful family ( family of islam)🥀
@Cricket World
I know he is trying to send a good message about us as Muslims🌸🌸🌸
But I advised him about (pray)
Because I see it as sacred it must be between the person and his god, and if someone wants to know how we pray,as you say.. they can search for it in the net or ask a Muslim person😊🍃
I am just advice him,, 🍃🥀
Aslo i am sorry if I couldn't make you understand what I mean😣
Insyaallah Istiqomah Daud kim
Who is here from Indonesia
Petition to daud being imam in mosque at 1 mil subs.
he surely need to learn alot more to be an imam. but of course inshaAllah one day he will be a good imaam. inshaAllah.
Step by step my friend
he need to lean more .. be imam not easy ...
This imam is from Bangladesh
He is saying oije kalo ta❤❤
thats why bangla subtitles, ami prothome bangla subtitle dekhe obak hoisilam, tarpor bujhte parlam
@@sidratulmuntaha3292 haha yes I was confused too, I felt so proud being Bengali but I see this is why those subtitles exist
Yeah he said Bangla two times and also one of theme was saying line dhoro. Proud to be a Bangladeshi muslim ❤
من العرب هنا؟
Who is here from Arab?
من مصر
انا مصرية
The imam. He is from Bangladesh🇧🇩nice to see you daud with him.may allah help you from all the troubl.hope you will learn islam perfectly by your heart🕋
I was curious about where is Imam from, finally got my answer.
Vai apni ki janen aita kon moshjid??please ans ta deyen
What is the name of imam
@@NurulIslam-wg7dc Abadilah I think.
Bro your blowing up on UA-cam I think this is a reward from Allah for becoming hin muslim, don’t worry there are even better prizes in jannah!
That's true but please spell Allah with a capital 'A' 💜
Scarlett Paige Sorry bro
Suka merinding dan meneteskan air mata jika menyaksikan yg masuk islam alhamdulillah
This man (Imam)is from Bangladesh🇧🇩
Ferdous Ahmed Tushar really
shotti vhai?
I think from Pakistan
When I watched the video I was between happiness and crying of joy
Welcome to Islam 💚
He is better muslim than all of us my eyes full of tears
Yes right 😭😭
yes better than me born muslim :(
I am touched to see this reminds me of the past as you are Daud
I am from Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
I love Allah
I love Mohammed
I love Quran
MashaAllah ❤🇵🇰🇧🇩
@@sinthiaakter2356your welcome ❤
Allah (SWT)**
Muhammad (S)***
Muhammed peace be upon him..pls ☺☺
I'm so happy for you I can see that you happy that you are Muslim now
In not Muslim but I love and i respect Muslim people I have Muslim friends and I love that im friend with them. ❤.
@@amal._.2634 hi
thank you !! we muslim love you too
@@ilyas_gzz3147 ❤❤🔐
@No3 29_girl where you from?
masha Allah🇸🇴
how many born in Islam
Not me
Alhamdulillah waan ku dhashay islaamka
@ May god guide you and heal you from the anger and hatred inside your heart.
@ Allah SWT said:
مِنْ أَجْلِ ذٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلٰى بَنِىٓ إِسْرٰٓءِيلَ أَنَّهُۥ مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًۢا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِى الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَآ أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَآءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنٰتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُمْ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ فِى الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ
"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."
(QS. Al-Maaida 5: Verse 32)
* Via Qur'an English quran-en.com
Imam from Bangladesh 😍😍😍🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩.... MasAllah......